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After 300 MF what to do with luck??

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I just kept on consuming it, kinda banking on them raising the cap or getting something of the new stuff should they add any. But I'm not getting my hopes up that it will happen any time soon if at all.

Over time, more and more players will be in a situation where Luck is capped but at this moment, we're still a minority. I might have farmed a few levels back in the days, but never excessively and I doubt that I grinded luck a whole lot because it's boring and I knew when they introduced the system and the cap, that I would get there some day and that ANet did not provide a solution for this problem, so why rush it. However I capped Luck about a year ago, after close to 4 years of active playing, salvaging everything down, consuming the essences while still giving lots of them away for achievements/crafting/GH. I kinda think we're still the exception.

And since the item itself is kinda worthless(yes I know there's crafting and there are ppl buying it for their GH, but none of that is actually necessary given the amounts of luck you gather each and every day from everything in one form or another) and the worth of the stat increase is debateable, I doubt the issue is very high on ANet "List of things to fix and solutions to find."


Since the account bonuses are very minor, I would have liked it, if they introduced similar items for Exp, Karma and Gold(It's already in the game as login reward but not as a salvaged or loot item) and some kind of trader to exchange the items. To keep it simple we could keep the luck as it is and just let us exchange them for Essences of Karma/Experience/Gold of various rarities. Gate the option to exchange behind having luck capped if you must have a gate(players would appreciate if you didn't). Cap the other stats as well, it should push the point where a broad audience has everything capped back way back a few years.

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The fact that so many players are hoarding up huge stashes of unused luck is precisely why ArenaNet will never let you do anything with them. The day that the patch goes live those players will cash in and cause a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of luck balls suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

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Interesting that more and more people are coming to realize that this is an issue. I brought this up here 3 years ago and most just blamed me for having this problem. Anet has learned some lessons on having multiple currencies. Hopefully they will address their problem. I salvage a lot, up to 545,800 times and continuing. Each salvage there is a possibility of another essence plus assorted game rewards.


I've had max MF for close to 4 years. Sure would be nice to have another way to spend that stuff. Although I'm not sure I'd know what to do with all the extra storage space.

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Same thing you do with xp when you max out your levelling. I don't now why people are always complaining that they have TOO MUCH of something that provides a benefit. Once the benefit is maxed, instead of complaining there's no new tier to spend the luck on, why not be happy you've maxed it out?

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Same thing you do with xp when you max out your levelling. I don't now why people are always complaining that they have TOO MUCH of something that provides a benefit. Once the benefit is maxed, instead of complaining there's no new tier to spend the luck on, why not be happy you've maxed it out?


When you max out your XP, you don't get an item that appears in your inventory every time you do something specific. Luck, on the otherhand, will continue to pile up in your inventory anytime you salvage blues and greens for their materials.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > Same thing you do with xp when you max out your levelling. I don't now why people are always complaining that they have TOO MUCH of something that provides a benefit. Once the benefit is maxed, instead of complaining there's no new tier to spend the luck on, why not be happy you've maxed it out?


> When you max out your XP, you don't get an item that appears in your inventory every time you do something specific. Luck, on the otherhand, will continue to pile up in your inventory anytime you salvage blues and greens for their materials.


Worse, it's sometimes a substantive reward item: from Wintersday Gifts, certain achievements, etc.

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> @"Archranis.2375" said:

> I propose introducing a collection that rewards a "Sentient <-something->" that eats Luck and returns a gift (like Sentient Anomaly, Sentient Aberration, etc). Having to complete a collection that rewards the Sentient <-something-> could also be fun to do.


No more "eaters," please.

Just make it a vendor that exchanges *Exotic Luck* for *Yet Another RNG Loot Box With Consume All Option*.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> A great idea would be to have like stacks of 77 Legendary (500) Essences of luck be used with some other stuff to create some item that would replace Mystic coins in Mystic Clover recipes. I mean the clovers are supposed to be the embodiment of luck for the Legendary craft.


I'd be down for that.

Consequently, ecto prices would rise a little (salvage for dust/Essence spam), Mystic Coins would drop a little (less need), and blue/greens would rise, which I'm sure would make some folks happy.


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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > Same thing you do with xp when you max out your levelling. I don't now why people are always complaining that they have TOO MUCH of something that provides a benefit. Once the benefit is maxed, instead of complaining there's no new tier to spend the luck on, why not be happy you've maxed it out?


> When you max out your XP, you don't get an item that appears in your inventory every time you do something specific. Luck, on the otherhand, will continue to pile up in your inventory anytime you salvage blues and greens for their materials.


Also you can't complain when they already gave us a way to deal with the surplus of Exp items (Tomes of Knowledge), which you can turn to Spirit Shards (which for a lot of people - me included - aren't that much of an improvement, but at least it don't clutter the inventory).

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> @"Archranis.2375" said:

> I propose introducing a collection that rewards a "Sentient <-something->" that eats Luck and returns a gift (like Sentient Anomaly, Sentient Aberration, etc). Having to complete a collection that rewards the Sentient <-something-> could also be fun to do.


Sentient Developer


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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> The fact that so many players are hoarding up huge stashes of unused luck is precisely why ArenaNet will never let you do anything with them. The day that the patch goes live those players will cash in and cause a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of luck balls suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Not if there is an Luck Eater with limited capacity per day like the other eaters.

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> @"Zet.9130" said:

> Interesting that more and more people are coming to realize that this is an issue. I brought this up here 3 years ago and most just blamed me for having this problem. Anet has learned some lessons on having multiple currencies. Hopefully they will address their problem. I salvage a lot, up to 545,800 times and continuing. Each salvage there is a possibility of another essence plus assorted game rewards.


> I've had max MF for close to 4 years. Sure would be nice to have another way to spend that stuff. Although I'm not sure I'd know what to do with all the extra storage space.


Several different people have sold stacks and stacks (some guy sold over 50 stacks) of their luck for 1g a stack and if they were buying lanterns they charged for the lanterns too on the subreddit (is that what they're called?) /gw2exchange. So its possible to get rid of the luck.

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