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Wintersday in July

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So you want a winter/Christmas themed festival to take place in July? I mean, I appreciate that you like the game modes that come with Wintersday, but this just seems a bit silly. If you're gonna do that, why not start demanding people to celebrate Christmas in July?

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> So you want a winter/Christmas themed festival to take place in July? I mean, I appreciate that you like the game modes that come with Wintersday, but this just seems a bit silly. If you're gonna do that, why not start demanding people to celebrate Christmas in July?


It's Wintersday, not Christmas which doesn't exist in Tyria. Also, they did it in Guild Wars, why not Guild Wars 2?

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> It's Wintersday, not Christmas which doesn't exist in Tyria. Also, they did it in Guild Wars, why not Guild Wars 2?


I said Wintersday was Christmas themed, I didn't literally mean that it was Christmas. As far as bringing it back during July like in GW1, I'm not sure, it just seems a bit odd to me.

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> It's Wintersday, not Christmas which doesn't exist in Tyria. Also, they did it in Guild Wars, why not Guild Wars 2?


I said Wintersday was Christmas themed, I didn't literally mean that it was Christmas. As far as bringing it back during July like in GW1, I'm not sure, it just seems a bit odd to me.

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Personally I’d rather see additional holidays than the 2.5 we have. I really wish they’d bring the jubilee back as a full on holiday, and maybe even bring back the zephyr sanctum (yes I know stuff got blown up, but it’s not like they can’t rebuild). Or even new festivals.


Just kinda feels weird that Tyria only really has 2 holidays and then April fools. Maybe give us like a holiday celebrated by the different races, like we could get Meatober fest or something for the Charr lol.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> So you want a winter/Christmas themed festival to take place in July? I mean, I appreciate that you like the game modes that come with Wintersday, but this just seems a bit silly. If you're gonna do that, why not start demanding people to celebrate Christmas in July?


Lotro does it as well. Well it does it in March as an encore festival for those who missed it at Christmas. Was a bit weird to be honest, but I didn't complain about the loot!

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> So you want a winter/Christmas themed festival to take place in July? I mean, I appreciate that you like the game modes that come with Wintersday, but this just seems a bit silly. If you're gonna do that, why not start demanding people to celebrate Christmas in July?


Lotro does it as well. Well it does it in March as an encore festival for those who missed it at Christmas. Was a bit weird to be honest, but I didn't complain about the loot!

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I don't know, I think a fertility based festival would be fun. No, I don't mean like junk everywhere, I mean subtle nods like a Maypole to dance around, a hunting type PvP tournament, and group events where you have to build structures and defend them from undead rabbits... or something. sorry, I'm running on no sleep.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I can't be the only one who hates wintersday... If they were to add something on July, let it be something different, please. The Bazaar of Four Winds, Dragon Bash, Queen's Gauntlet, I don't know... anything different!


Would make sense to have the Bazaar of the four winds themed around this time of year, up in the clouds enjoying the weather.. Wintersday is kinda themed around that joyful time we call Christmas, so to me it always felt out of place in July when playing GW1.. Christmas day jumping into that big ole present at the end of the puzzle.. btw did I metntion that's my birthday so it's a nice double whammy (triple if you learn from an early age to kick up a fuss for that birthday and Christmas present :) )


Personally though seasonal events are just that.. seasonal. to have them out of theme or run too many times in the same yea,r for me at least, takes the sparkle away a lot quicker.

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> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> I don't know, I think a fertility based festival would be fun. No, I don't mean like junk everywhere, I mean subtle nods like a Maypole to dance around, a hunting type PvP tournament, and group events where you have to build structures and defend them from undead rabbits... or something. sorry, I'm running on no sleep.


Some events where you bath in goat blood and then have wild orgies with everyone... Oh, right, that was ancient greece style. Don't mind me.

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If ANet is going to do any work at all on a new festival, I'd rather that they do more work and introduce a new festival (or reintroduce one or more of the one-time festivals, e.g. Queen's Jubilee). I like Wintersday a lot, but partly because it's special to December and it's short-lived. If it were available 6 weeks/year instead of 3, it would be 2/3 the fun, not twice as good.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> If ANet is going to do any work at all on a new festival, I'd rather that they do more work and introduce a new festival (or reintroduce one or more of the one-time festivals, e.g. Queen's Jubilee). I like Wintersday a lot, but partly because it's special to December and it's short-lived. If it were available 6 weeks/year instead of 3, it would be 2/3 the fun, not twice as good.


You're starting to sound like a Baggins. :)


I hadn't considered the other festivals like the Queen's Jubilee and the Bazaar of Four Winds. I like those ideas for a summer festival even better.

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Part of me says why no. The other part would absolutely and completely hate Divinity Reach getting yet another festival while the other racial cities have nothing. Give a summer festival of sorts to the sylvari instead... or the norn.

But please please please no more recurring festivals in Divinity Reach.

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Well they did it in the original Guild Wars and it's still going on in July. "Wintersday in July is a special event that occurs annually from July 24, to July 31, " taken from the Wiki page, this will be the 10th year since it was introduced into GW. Gaile Gray how do you feel about this being introduced into GW2? :)

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