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Suggestion: Fishing in the Game [merged]

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Looking out over one of the many beautiful waterfronts, i wonder why i can't equip a fishing rod and do some fishing in this game. It can be such a wonderful addition to the leveling experience as well as a source for many inspiring collections and achievements, even for crafting fishing gear or fine dishes!


I know it's not for everyone but then again, what is? Surely, we should be able to go fishing in this great game?


Who wants to go on a nice fishing trip? Level our Fishing skills through all the zones, from sweet water fishing in the starter zones to catching rare deepsea monsters with self crafted heavy duty rods in Orr, or other such places.


We can even have a picknick!


Can we? Please.... pretty please????



(_no, i don't mean underwater spearfishing :P_ )

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I would love to see this as well. Like sitarskee I enjoyed it in another mmo as well (indeed dropping loots heavily rng dependent and with achievements and all Abakk mentioned.


P.s. I do know there is fishing (event) added in the last lw4 map, with a line... but that is completely different as well.

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Ordinarily, I think fishing is a bore, both in real life and in games. However, it could be made interesting in GW2 with some of the suggestions above, like being able to go from 400 to 500 in cooking with fish recipes, having various collection achievements, perhaps a rare random chance of hooking a fish that swallowed some amazing treasure, and so on.


Make it so, ANet.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> Looking out over one of the many beautiful waterfronts, i wonder why i can't equip a fishing rod and do some fishing in this game. It can be such a wonderful addition to the leveling experience as well as a source for many inspiring collections and achievements, even for crafting fishing gear or fine dishes!


> I know it's not for everyone but then again, what is? Surely, we should be able to go fishing in this great game?


> Who wants to go on a nice fishing trip? Level our Fishing skills through all the zones, from sweet water fishing in the starter zones to catching rare deepsea monsters with self crafted heavy duty rods in Orr, or other such places.


> We can even have a picknick!


> Can we? Please.... pretty please????



> (_no, i don't mean underwater spearfishing :P_ )


Here's a better question for you:

If this fishing system you want so bad cost 1000 gems would you buy it?

Would you pay 1000 gems for each fishing pole you set out (with a maximum of 3 at a time).


If it were packaged just like the gardening system was would you still be down?

Because that is what you are asking for here.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > Looking out over one of the many beautiful waterfronts, i wonder why i can't equip a fishing rod and do some fishing in this game. It can be such a wonderful addition to the leveling experience as well as a source for many inspiring collections and achievements, even for crafting fishing gear or fine dishes!

> >

> > I know it's not for everyone but then again, what is? Surely, we should be able to go fishing in this great game?

> >

> > Who wants to go on a nice fishing trip? Level our Fishing skills through all the zones, from sweet water fishing in the starter zones to catching rare deepsea monsters with self crafted heavy duty rods in Orr, or other such places.

> >

> > We can even have a picknick!

> >

> > Can we? Please.... pretty please????

> >

> >

> > (_no, i don't mean underwater spearfishing :P_ )


> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Here's a better question for you:

> If this fishing system you want so bad cost 1000 gems would you buy it?

If it is a good system... yes i would.

> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Would you pay 1000 gems for each fishing pole you set out (with a maximum of 3 at a time).

No, i'm not that desperate. If that would be a thing they might as well not add it at all... unless there are a lot of fishing loving millionairs in this game :)

> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> If it were packaged just like the gardening system was would you still be down?

I've no idea how the gardening system is packaged. Why does it matter?

> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Because that is what you are asking for here.

No, im asking for a fishing skill.



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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Just a suggestion that the OP might find informative . Search function at the top right. Type in fishing or some variation to be more specific . Lots fishing discussions to review or add to..

Not remotely. And I'm sure that if i did you'd have kindly suggested me not to necro. ;)


It really annoys me that i have to re-install WoW just to be able to do some MMORPG-fishing ... i think it's worth a(nother?) thread.


After all... that is what fora are for right?


And if this thread is too much it will be added to another or deleted i would say.



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With all the other harvesting/gathering we have here I never knew why they didn't bother with fishing like in most other big MMOs, it's a thing that would get more people playing and being online for longer periods of time...it would give a lot of people a reason to keep on instead of wandering off to other games.


With all the beautiful watery areas both peaceful and dangerous there's a lot of wasted potential, it's a shame to let that all go to waste, not to mention the fishing communities that would spring up bringing more players together.


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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > Just a suggestion that the OP might find informative . Search function at the top right. Type in fishing or some variation to be more specific . Lots fishing discussions to review or add to..

> Not remotely. And I'm sure that if i did you'd have kindly suggested me not to necro. ;)


> It really annoys me that i have to re-install WoW just to be able to do some MMORPG-fishing ... i think it's worth a(nother?) thread.


> After all... that is what fora are for right?


> And if this thread is too much it will be added to another or deleted i would say.




Black dester online got a nice fishing system mate.

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Why do ppl always yell item shop when it comes to nice features....


With fishing the loot can be items / recipes used for crafting, fishing equipment and fishing rods (starting in low level areas, going up) and occasional other loots like what mobs usually drop.


Like the system used in Aura Kingdom. Its a sidecraft next to what is available already there. You don't have to do it but you can if you want.


P.s If naming other games is against forum rules or so, devs can delete the name of the example game in the post.

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> @"Bilgato.8034" said:

> With all the other harvesting/gathering we have here I never knew why they didn't bother with fishing like in most other big MMOs, it's a thing that would get more people playing and being online for longer periods of time...it would give a lot of people a reason to keep on instead of wandering off to other games.


And when you want to log on but don't feel like bashing mobs it's nice to have the ability to just go fishing :)

> With all the beautiful watery areas both peaceful and dangerous there's a lot of wasted potential, it's a shame to let that all go to waste, not to mention the fishing communities that would spring up bringing more players together.


A Fishing Guild would be great... just like a fishing club IRL.


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I'll always add my vote for fishing to be added, Breath of Fire 3 had a nice fishing mini game & cooking in it, something similar I feel would be nice here too.


Sadly though unless Anet determine it would actually be viable for them to do (as in find an way to effectively monetize it), then I doubt we'll ever see any resources put into it. And that's understandably so, it wouldn't make sense for them to spend lots of time on if it won't even make back the costs.


I think the only real hope of seeing it, will be if it happens to feature as part of an expansion that's based around water related content.

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I find fishing in online games to be more boring than watching snails cross sidewalks. I also do not fish in real life. Though I would not use the feature, I wouldn't oppose ANet adding fishing to GW2, _as long as the following conditions are met_.


+ The addition of fishing does not significantly impact the production/development of other features or content.

+ There is nothing locked behind the feature's reward system that I consider really desirable. As an example, I disliked adventures being tied to Ascended Weapon Collections in HoT. This is to prevent a situation where people really hate fishing but feel they have to have its products. For me, that does not include skins -- as I believe that skins are totally optional, _and there are a plethora of alternatives_ -- whereas stuff like better weapons, better food, etc. offer far less options.


I believe that many players will not repetitively use any feature they asked for unless the rewards warrant the repetition. I also believe that ANet would put fishing all over the place. Hence, it's likely that at least one of my preferences would be swept under the rug. While I know that my support is unlikely to matter one way or the other, it's all I've got.

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I would love fishing if implemented like it is in FFXIV


That game managed to make fishing a minigame in which you have to get a whole new set of equipment with its own gathering stats that affect what you can catch. FFXIV treats Fishing (Or any other Crafting/gathering type) like its own class you can switch to. This may be too much for Gw2 to handle so i suggest having just the fishing pole with stats for simplicity (Carried in hero panel like underwater weapons so not to take inventory space)


Different baits work in different waters and at different times of day and weather, so optimising is a matter of knowing the location. There are hundreds of fish, each with its own small loreflavour text in a fish journal. I hope if Gw2 gets fishing, one such journal will be added. Really adds to immersion and feel of the zone if you get an idea of what kinds of animals that live there.


The fishing itself is simple to do. You have Cast, Powerful Hookset, Precision Hookset, and Mooch.


Casting puts the line in the water. Now you wait for the sound/animation of the fish. Depending on the size you want to use Powerful or Precision hookset to land it. Thus you actively have to play the "game" to get the fish you desire.


Mooching allows you to use the fish you just caught as bait for one turn, opening the chances of even bigger fish. Mooching a mooched fish could give even bigger fish.


A similar system would work great in Gw2.

While i dont expect nor hope Anet copies the system directly, i do hope they look to that game in how to make fishing an active, yet relaxing side game.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I don't care that much about fishing and I doubt ANet will make something big out of it, i.e. no great incomes, prob a collection for all the fish for some karma, recipes and maybe a fun title, that's it.


Sounds good enough to me :)

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Fishing is one of the easiest activities to make bots for , as the activity takes place in the one location , ie the player simply stands still and chucks a line into the water.

Its also difficult to pick a bot from a genuine player fishing as the actions of both are close to identical.

So unless its implemented in some way that requires the player to keep moving from place to place like other resource gathering does it will do more harm than good.


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Im biased towards "only if i don't need it for raids/ascended+" (that includes meta food) but only because i do not yet know even one game (multiplayer or not) where i enjoy the fishing system. Minigames are tedious and rarely done by most of the playerbase, HoT adventures showed us this. I also wouldn't want to encourage botting, so moving around non-set places would be required to make botting less viable.


That said, if it was implented without tedious and annoying minigames then sure! I wouldn't have a single complaint if it was like pre existing resource nodes.

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It recently cone to our attention that Prince Bokka the almighty of Vabbi left your ancestor a nice sum. I the current day currency is exceed 50 million gold. This gold is rightfully yours. Please contact me as soon as possibly also we can biscuss details.


(Ow wait....you ment a different kind of phishing. On another side note. If not ironic, This would be a scam. No gold is left to you and please do not contact me)

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> It recently cone to our attention that Prince Bokka the almighty of Vabbi left your ancestor a nice sum. I the current day currency is exceed 50 million gold. This gold is rightfully yours. Please contact me as soon as possibly also we can biscuss details.


> (Ow wait....you ment a different kind of phishing. On another side note. If not ironic, This would be a scam. No gold is left to you and please do not contact me)



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