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Please do something about permanent stealth


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Personally, I would propose a simple change.


> **If someone in stealth is hit by an attack, they become revealed for 10s**.


> Doesnt matter if you stepped in 50 necro circles or take a single slice of a sword, taking any power damage reveals you, end of story. Use stealth with caution and learn to be sneaky instead of just spamming it.


> Not like Anet are going to do anything now though. No, they are gonna fix the critical 6 year long issue of people getting trapped in walls instead.


If we go that route, then remove the massive amounts of spammable AoE skills on every class that has them and only have AoEs on large meaningful CDs all with channels, you know for parities sake.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Reroll a warrior, double endure pain, on my mark has reveal, greatsword 5 to run away.

> >

> > Because stealth is broken in this game, it will forever be broken in this game, I'm sure there's an anet dev laughing with glee playing their deadeye ghost sniper recon wars 2.


That said, spellbreaker is a lot more broken than permastealth. We won't even start another scourge discussion.


How exactly is spellbreaker broken anymore? Maybe in the past but next to every single aspect of them has been nerfed fairly hard. Damage is way down, Sustain just got hit pretty hard, they have borderline no team utility outside of bubble, I mean what's so out of control right now?


You want to look at a specs that is an abject madhouse right now look no further than the unnerfable mirage and chrono



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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Reroll a warrior, double endure pain, on my mark has reveal, greatsword 5 to run away.


> Because stealth is broken in this game, it will forever be broken in this game, I'm sure there's an anet dev laughing with glee playing their deadeye ghost sniper recon wars 2.


gs is not enough to run away, also what is this bs logic to reroll to a class that you assume can run from a thief instead of nerfing that lame class


> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Last night a deadeye kept marking and attacking me in stealth and never got revealed.

> >



> Go spellbreaker, sword/board and rifle. Laugh at their corpse.


a good thief wont ever shoot into your reflect, or cancel his attack and wait your block out, and he wont get hit by your stuff because of dodges, insane mobility and stealth


> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

> stealth is not strong.

> high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.


stealth is the worst, so many problems with it and many points alread said in this thread, dont even try to deny it


> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Learn to line of sight. Really is a l2 play issue.


yea line of sight all the time in wvw...while the one targeting me is stealthed...better stay in keep and never move out of it, sounds like fun


> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

> stealth is not strong.

> high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.


ye sure, he bursts, triggers some random auto lifesaver trait, pulls back in stealth, bursts again, you trigger your own defensive shit but are too low to fight back in a meaningful way, he chases and kills you, fun times


> @"Seteruss.4058" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > This game has the most broken stealth mechanics ever. Will be very hard for another game studio to beat this.


> Then you haven't yet see how broken stealth is in swtor with stealth on/stealth off ability, like forever if you not engage.....

> Still i agree how broken it is in gw2....


are you kidding? the whole problem of gw2 stealth is that they can do it forever while engaged in a fight, i wouldnt give a shit if they were stealthed all the time until they engaged and then didnt have a single stealth



> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Velran.1052" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > the moment you get attacked your opponent is longer stealthed, if he then is stealthed for a long time you can easily heal back up and get your cds back.

> > > stealth is not strong.

> > > high bursts without tells are an issue, instant bursts and bursting from out of stealth without tells. the new backstab is pretty nasty i was able to deal now some over 30k hits without might - but to be able to do that without being visible till the hit you need to stalk your marked target for a long time - takes a while to build 7 malice with mark + heal.

> >

> > He attacks, Sees he cant one shot, Uses 2 dodges + shadowstep and back to stealth. Rinse and repeat. And how exactly do you want me to "easily" get my cd's back up? Or heal? Most cooldowns are 30-40 seconds long. He can spend how ever long he'd like in stealth, Whether its 5 seconds or a full 5 min of following me around just waiting for me to get into a fight. Or he could just leave his mark on me and walk away, And i'd stand there for about 20-30 (cant remember exact cooldown of mark) with no idea if theres a thief even near me. There is literally no counterplay, No way to force him to not stalk me forever.

> >

> if he camps stealth he will be long in stealth wich means your cooldowns will be up again. if he uses shadowstep every time that is on 50s cd base or reduced 40s so enough time to recover. if he goes in and out of stealth quickly, then you should be able to counter preassure as thieves also do have cooldowns on escape skills.


> there is no way to **force** him not to stalk you forver, same as there is no way to force a zerg comming towards you to line up and 1 on 1, one after the other. if the person is doing that all the time you are online and transfers to keep following you tho, then report.


> sure it might be annoying, but it is not strong. stealth wont kill you , a oneshot might but those are two seperate things.


> the recent patch to DE pushes them not to remain in stealth and stalk but to attack and gives them more safety doing it, while stealthed malice gain was nerfed alot. but it doesnt take stealth away from them, just makes them less of a thread when stealthed. wich is good. now i can play a build that can still infiltrate keeps without worry about anti stealth trap spamm and without the need to go for a oneshot gimmick. i personally havent seen a deadeye even trying to stealth camp since patch, apart from my self. and i run into alot of them , probably people testing stuff. try playing it yourself and see how stupid it is with the new patch to stalk a target you will have a hard time not feeling useless thats far from strong.



yes stealth kills me because they can engage and disengage whenever it fits them, so i get kited to death easily, with almost no counterplay to.it, except luckily oneshotting them, which is no real counterplay at all

and to your keep infiltrating stuff, that shit is bs aswell, no one should be able to be unseen in a keep for that long, they know you are there, they cant fight you 1v1 rly, so there have to be multiple ppl in that keep, looking for some single cancerous thief so he cant flip the objectiv, drawing multiple ppl from the zerg or get them so bored that they commit suicide and you can flip the objective on purpose. there is no argument that would legitimate that kind of gameplay, thats just dumb


stealth is one of the main reasons ive almost completely stopped roaming and thus almost completely stopped playing this game, because wvw is the only mode i play and only playing in a zerg gets boring quick

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > if he camps stealth he will be long in stealth wich means your cooldowns will be up again. if he uses shadowstep every time that is on 50s cd base or reduced 40s so enough time to recover. if he goes in and out of stealth quickly, then you should be able to counter preassure as thieves also do have cooldowns on escape skills.

> >

> > there is no way to **force** him not to stalk you forver, same as there is no way to force a zerg comming towards you to line up and 1 on 1, one after the other. if the person is doing that all the time you are online and transfers to keep following you tho, then report.

> >

> > sure it might be annoying, but it is not strong. stealth wont kill you , a oneshot might but those are two seperate things.

> >

> > the recent patch to DE pushes them not to remain in stealth and stalk but to attack and gives them more safety doing it, while stealthed malice gain was nerfed alot. but it doesnt take stealth away from them, just makes them less of a thread when stealthed. wich is good. now i can play a build that can still infiltrate keeps without worry about anti stealth trap spamm and without the need to go for a oneshot gimmick. i personally havent seen a deadeye even trying to stealth camp since patch, apart from my self. and i run into alot of them , probably people testing stuff. try playing it yourself and see how stupid it is with the new patch to stalk a target you will have a hard time not feeling useless thats far from strong.

> >


> yes stealth kills me because they can engage and disengage whenever it fits them, so i get kited to death easily, with almost no counterplay to.it, except luckily oneshotting them, which is no real counterplay at all

it is not stealth that kills you, because while they stealth you regain resources, cooldowns, endurance, hp etc.

if i just engage, dont disengage with stealth but kill you on first engage, then you got a better chance i guess? i would probably need to spamm some evades or invuln or what ever in that time so you feel like you got a chance , because you are fighting back!

i killed way more people while they were stealthed then while they were invuln / evading.

> and to your keep infiltrating stuff, that kitten is bs aswell, no one should be able to be unseen in a keep for that long, they know you are there, they cant fight you 1v1 rly, so there have to be multiple ppl in that keep, looking for some single cancerous thief so he cant flip the objectiv, drawing multiple ppl from the zerg or get them so bored that they commit suicide and you can flip the objective on purpose. there is no argument that would legitimate that kind of gameplay, thats just dumb


yes i know i should not be able to bother more then 1 person at a time, thats why those roaming guilds allways keep ganking solo roamers, wich pushed me to play with more and more escape potential, till i now can escape even zergs in their keeps. thats very cancerous of those roaming guilds.

> stealth is one of the main reasons ive almost completely stopped roaming and thus almost completely stopped playing this game, because wvw is the only mode i play and only playing in a zerg gets boring quick

people grouping up to outnumber other roamers is the reason i took a few breaks, then i started to stealth.



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> @"Velran.1052" said:

> Stealth enables one shot builds heavily. Especially even more now since rifle is a thing and they don't have to go melee. And no, I'm not going to completely change class simply because one horribly broken mechanic that Anet is refusing to address. Besides' at this point if you don't also instantly kill the thief hes just going to stealth, Run out of combat and come back, And I doubt gunflame is enough. And again, Even with on my mark, They just shadowstep away and spam shortbow 5 and no warrior is going to catch up to them at that point.


One shot builds enable one shots, stealth enables choices, some builds across different classes are favorable. Rifle isn't favorable especially now that you have to hit the marked target with initiative skills. In WvW, that marked target will be gone once they know they're marked and with only one piercing skill they don't even have to go far in group fights. I get the point you're trying to make but you're over selling it and it just sounds like lying.

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> @"Seteruss.4058" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > This game has the most broken stealth mechanics ever. Will be very hard for another game studio to beat this.


> Then you haven't yet see how broken stealth is in swtor with stealth on/stealth off ability, like forever if you not engage.....

> Still i agree how broken it is in gw2....


You mean like literally every other MMO ever, where stealth classes can’t infinitely reset unlike gw2....

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > @"Seteruss.4058" said:

> > > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > > This game has the most broken stealth mechanics ever. Will be very hard for another game studio to beat this.

> >

> > Then you haven't yet see how broken stealth is in swtor with stealth on/stealth off ability, like forever if you not engage.....

> > Still i agree how broken it is in gw2....


> You mean like literally every other MMO ever, where stealth classes can’t infinitely reset unlike gw2....


the thing is most mmo's give slower speed to stealthed people or u can see them when looking at em within certain range or like u said u simply cant stealth for ever.

i play thief no matter how annoying its to die to a thief popping out of stealth, its most boring build to play and only people i can imagine to play it are either very salty cus they cant kill a jackshit otherwise or they have a hour of trololol fun and then log out of boredom.

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So many threads. This is op. That is op. If you get consistently owned by a profession or spec and you don’t see any way to defend yourself.


Tip: Play that class and spec!! You will see the vulnerabilities and limitations very quickly. You will also learn what specs are hard counters to the spec you normally play.

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Gotta git gud you only get like a billion ways to reveal a stealthed player for every one stealth skill they have. You can nerf thieves and stealth all day long but the good thief players always overcome and adapt but the stealth is there mostly as an option because of classes like warrior that can down you in one hit. High risk High reward where as you roll a warrior high reward and hardly any risk.

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While I don't really care I figured I could add my cheap easy suggestion,

While in stealth, any additional stealth you gain is capped at +1 second.


Then they can go back and increase base health for those 3 low hp classes to 14,645 so they are not pigeonholed into large chunks of Vita.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:



> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > @"Seteruss.4058" said:

> > > > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > > > This game has the most broken stealth mechanics ever. Will be very hard for another game studio to beat this.

> > >

> > > Then you haven't yet see how broken stealth is in swtor with stealth on/stealth off ability, like forever if you not engage.....

> > > Still i agree how broken it is in gw2....

> >

> > You mean like literally every other MMO ever, where stealth classes can’t infinitely reset unlike gw2....


> the thing is most mmo's give slower speed to stealthed people or u can see them when looking at em within certain range or like u said u simply cant stealth for ever.

> i play thief no matter how annoying its to die to a thief popping out of stealth, its most boring build to play and only people i can imagine to play it are either very salty cus they cant kill a jackshit otherwise or they have a hour of trololol fun and then log out of boredom.


I don’t think stealth is OP just pointing out other games have made stealth mechanics work.


Stealth in GW2 is super annoying, most of the time I run into a thief I just ignore them. They usually can’t kill me and I usually can’t kill them as they will just reset. I don’t see how it’s fun for anyone involved.


Mesmers are OP though, totally different story with them as opposed to thief...

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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > a good thief wont ever shoot into your reflect, or cancel his attack and wait your block out

> The new Death's Judgment is unblockable. Blocks/reflects/projectile destruction have no effect on it.




You're joking :astonished:

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > a good thief wont ever shoot into your reflect, or cancel his attack and wait your block out

> > The new Death's Judgment is unblockable. Blocks/reflects/projectile destruction have no effect on it.

> >

> >


> You're joking :astonished:


From the patch notes: "Death's Judgment: This attack's initiative cost has been removed, and it has moved to become the stealth attack for rifles. It is now unblockable and consumes all malice when the thief strikes their marked target. Reduced the casting time by about 0.25 seconds."

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Because malice stacks only come with doing damage, malice gain is no longer passive.

From the patch notes;


Malice: Malice no longer generates over time. Instead, 1 malice is gained whenever the player hits their marked target with a skill that has an initiative cost, and they can gain an additional 1 malice if that skill critically hits. These gains can only occur once per skill use. Malice no longer increases damage to the player's marked target.


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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Alright, remove stealth. Then give thieves endure pain, signet of stone, a guardian amount of blocks, or anything else that is apparently not "annoying to fight". I will gladly take that trade.


Sounds good. Those are all less annoying than all the resets. :)


I fee I should also clarify, I don’t think thief is in a good place - they need a lot of love.

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Alright, remove stealth. Then give thieves endure pain, signet of stone, a guardian amount of blocks, or anything else that is apparently not "annoying to fight". I will gladly take that trade.


Hey man pick one not three replacements, ok?

I'm sure most players would gladly let you do one to one trade of any of those for stealth too.

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And the thief hate continues. Honestly I’m very mediocre when playing thief pvp so I respect when people play thieves well. It’s not face roll easy against anyone who knows how to counter them. I hate the amount of nerf herding happening lately across the board.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> And the thief hate continues. Honestly I’m very mediocre when playing thief pvp so I respect when people play thieves well. It’s not face roll easy against anyone who knows how to counter them. I hate the amount of nerf herding happening lately across the board.


Topic is about stealth not power level.


Also spvp stealth =/= WvW stealth. (Unless they changed it and I totally missed it)

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > Alright, remove stealth. Then give thieves endure pain, signet of stone, a guardian amount of blocks, or anything else that is apparently not "annoying to fight". I will gladly take that trade.


> Hey man pick one not three replacements, ok?

> I'm sure most players would gladly let you do one to one trade of any of those for stealth too.


Yeah I think all the Dragonhunters would definitely trade away all them blocks for even a few evade frames

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > Alright, remove stealth. Then give thieves endure pain, signet of stone, a guardian amount of blocks, or anything else that is apparently not "annoying to fight". I will gladly take that trade.


> Hey man pick one not three replacements, ok?

> I'm sure most players would gladly let you do one to one trade of any of those for stealth too.



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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > > Alright, remove stealth. Then give thieves endure pain, signet of stone, a guardian amount of blocks, or anything else that is apparently not "annoying to fight". I will gladly take that trade.

> >

> > Hey man pick one not three replacements, ok?

> > I'm sure most players would gladly let you do one to one trade of any of those for stealth too.


> "or"


"Hey man"

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