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Scourge slaughtering CM, solo

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I had been thinking that Scourge was toned down enough. **Sadly, I just watched a brand new Scourge ( level 80 boosted) essentially solo CM path 1.**


The idea of large and highly mobile AOE should never have been introduced. It is abundantly clear that the build is OP, when a brand new scourge can essentially solo a dungeon.. **He didn't even bother with the traditional sneak and skip. He merely killed everything in his path.**

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I had been thinking that Scourge was toned down enough. **Sadly, I just watched a brand new Scourge ( level 80 boosted) essentially solo CM path 1.**


> The idea of large and highly mobile AOE should never have been introduced. It is abundantly clear that the build is OP, when a brand new scourge can essentially solo a dungeon.. **He didn't even bother with the traditional sneak and skip. He merely killed everything in his path.**


I don't get why this is a problem ... people have been soloing dungeons for a LONG time. A scourge soloing a dungeon is not an indication of the power of a spec ... metapushers were soloing dungeons on the worst builds they could think of, thinking it was a show of how bad a build was.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I had been thinking that Scourge was toned down enough. **Sadly, I just watched a brand new Scourge ( level 80 boosted) essentially solo CM path 1.**


> The idea of large and highly mobile AOE should never have been introduced. It is abundantly clear that the build is OP, when a brand new scourge can essentially solo a dungeon.. **He didn't even bother with the traditional sneak and skip. He merely killed everything in his path.**


OMG. Get the Nerf hammer here quickly. /Shrug

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I had been thinking that Scourge was toned down enough. **Sadly, I just watched a brand new Scourge ( level 80 boosted) essentially solo CM path 1.**


> The idea of large and highly mobile AOE should never have been introduced. It is abundantly clear that the build is OP, when a brand new scourge can essentially solo a dungeon.. **He didn't even bother with the traditional sneak and skip. He merely killed everything in his path.**


I did an Arah path recently that I hadn't done before. The other 4 members of my group died halfway through that giant wolf-man boss and I just finished him solo. I'm sure this was a big deal years ago, but power creep happened. I don't even know this guy's mechanics at all and was able to solo it. I wasn't playing scourge either!


This doesn't strike me as an issue with scourge so much as an issue with power creep from the expansions poorly interacting with old content.



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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I had been thinking that Scourge was toned down enough. **Sadly, I just watched a brand new Scourge ( level 80 boosted) essentially solo CM path 1.**


> The idea of large and highly mobile AOE should never have been introduced. It is abundantly clear that the build is OP, when a brand new scourge can essentially solo a dungeon.. **He didn't even bother with the traditional sneak and skip. He merely killed everything in his path.**


Interesting. Did you do it yet solo? If not, its probably not OP. Just more as a skilled person playing.

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So, since CM was the daily yesterday I went ahead and tried path 3 solo. I had no trouble with it. The first two bosses went down on the first try, then I got disconnected. But I decided that the lack of any serious resistance up until that point made for a decent test.


Power creep vs. Old content. Power creep wins!

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