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How to report Ranger Pet Names?

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Lately i have seen some very "wrong" names on Ranger pets.


Im normaly not the guy that gets offended by something like "funny" names , but what i see sometimes now , is getting to the point where even i say thats not ok anymore.


So i would like to report that but how?


I only can report character Names .





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Yeah I'm pretty sure Gaile has said before that when someone is reported for an inappropriate name they check pet and guild names as well.


But if you want to provide more detail or you're concerned it might not be immediately obvious what's wrong with it you can submit a support ticket with a screenshot.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not sure the CS Team will check Pet Names, in addition to Character Names with that report option. In the past, it was suggested to use a ticket to report inappropriate Guild Names, so I'm guessing this would be the same thing.


That's right! It is quite sufficient to report the actual character.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not sure the CS Team will check Pet Names, in addition to Character Names with that report option. In the past, it was suggested to use a ticket to report inappropriate Guild Names, so I'm guessing this would be the same thing.


A support lead said that the team is supposed to automatically check pet names whenever they do a character name check. (That's a change from how things were at launch.) Things might have changed again and... well, unless you file a support ticket, it's hard to know if ANet will know what you find objectionable. Some naming violations can be subtle or at least not obvious.


tl;dr regardless of what happens when you use the in-game `/report` tool, filing a support ticket with screenshots & an explanation is the only way to be sure.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Yeah I'm pretty sure Gaile has said before that when someone is reported for an inappropriate name they check pet and guild names as well.


> But if you want to provide more detail or you're concerned it might not be immediately obvious what's wrong with it you can submit a support ticket with a screenshot.


I wish I could find the link, but I've heard the exact opposite before. That they *can't* check guild or pet names via normal ticketing.

I really hope that's inaccurate or has been updated since then.

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Arenanet has stated in the past that the method of dealing with this is to use the report function and list it as "Inappropriate Character Name". They supposedly check the pet names, guild names, etc. through this, but no idea if they actually do that.

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My Iboga's name is "You Look Tasty" and my polar bear's name is "Icecream", because I'm so creative. Back on subject: I'm just glad you can actually report that kind of thing on this game, on another game I played, all there were was racist names and very, very, _inappropriate_ names even I took offense to. I'm not easy to offend, either.

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> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> My Iboga's name is "You Look Tasty" and my polar bear's name is "Icecream", because I'm so creative. Back on subject: I'm just glad you can actually report that kind of thing on this game, on another game I played, all there were was racist names and very, very, _inappropriate_ names even I took offense to. I'm not easy to offend, either.


I think it depends on how obvious the name is at being offensive/distasteful. If I see an obscure but distasteful name, I won’t usually report it, because it’s obscure enough to not attract general attention or just be passed off as another wacky name. It all depends on how it can be viewed imo. I’m sure there’s lots of names that are distasteful/offensive that I have missed.

If it’s a case of circumventing a filter then I send a report ingame.

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> @"Carnius Magius.8091" said:

> I was beginning to wonder if pet names were visible or not to other players. Nobody ever commented on my pet names. Apparently, most everyone in this game doesn't pay attention to pet names. My tiger's name is Aurenes Lunch.


They are definitely visible, but I don't think it's something people comment on often.


If I see an amusing pet name I'll sometimes tell my husband about it, but I think the only one I commented to the owner on was when I found someone else who called their raven Quoth.


Which then kicked off someone else in chat "helpfully" explaining to both of us that the raven in the Edgar Allen Poe poem wasn't called Quoth and what the word means and how much they know about the English language...never mind the fact that we'd both already said we named them after the one in Discworld who _is_ called Quoth.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> Now I am curious - which kind of names would you consider offensive?


I dont know if i can translate them into english from german or if i even allowed to do so.

But let me say it this way.

If you name your Tiger p___y then im ok with it.

But if your ranger pet name explicit talks about the "private area" of VERY young girls or in that realm then i think the fun stops.


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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> Now I am curious - which kind of names would you consider offensive?


As you can type just about anything in there, it may not be a name. Saw the phrase 'Die KITTEN' - you can imagine what slang words for a specific ethnicity may have been where KITTEN is and we can all agree that it is quite offensive.



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