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add gaeting to portable vendor and mounts in w1-4

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edit: I am editting this post to try to make it more clear. I am not saying allow magnetite to exchange for gaeting or anything like this. I just want to sell w5 minis to this thing:


The same way we already sell w1-4 minis to it, for the respective wing currency.


Two things I would like to see:


-Make the portable magnetite shard exchange a general raid vendor that can also handle w5 rewards, and all future raid wing stuff. For example, let us sell our w5 minis to it for gaeting crystals, and buy w5 rewards from it, the same way we use the vendor currently for magnetite purchases and exchanges. Please don't make a seperate portable gating crystal exchange for challenge motes in raid wing 8. Giving the same reward again and again, every 4 raids, would be really lame. At the very least, let w5 cm's add w5 functionality to the existing magnetite shard exchange.


-let us use mounts in wings 1-4. Yeah I get it, your afraid it will break something. I guess your dps could go to a cannon before the fight starts for sabetha if they want to throw away 30 seconds of dps. Maybe it could break spirit woods and escort. Except we all already know how to break those, and they are so easy it's irrelevant anyways. Pre-stacking barrier and some boons? Who cares its 10 seconds of benefit in a 3 to 10 minute fight.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Why do you need mounts?


Need? We don't, 'need' anything; its a game. I would like mounts because doing things like running from trio to matt is slow and boring, same reason we have mounts in core tyria.


> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> No thanks concerning mounts in W1-4. They are a) pointless and will b) certainly break something.


Counter point. a.) It's a game, everything is pointless. b.) Who cares? w1-4 are a joke that we already break all the time, and honestly can you think of anything besides escort that it could break? Mounts are not breaking w5.


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I really do not care about mounts in the original wings. I doubt they break anything that important but also they would not really serve anything either.


But i do support expanding the exchange to the next wings. I would still have it as a reward for CMs but i would expand it per wing instead of waiting for all wings using geating crystals to come up. Plus less inventory clutter if you expand the same item instead of getting new ones.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> I'm not talking about making encounters easier by jumping over walls or whatever else. I'm talking about technical bu..., erm, features that are a likely result of allowing mounts in those wings.


I mean, its not like I'm suggesting we are allowed to mount up during combat. Same as w5 and all of tyria, once your in combat you can not mount up. The only way mounts could affect a boss more than 10 seconds into the fight would be if someone stayed mounted up for the whole fight up to that point. And if someone is going to do that, it is certainly better to just run a specialized build that can do w/e the mount is doing (rezzing, cc, or providing some boons).

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If the OP is bored traveling, then why not state that and let ANet figure out a solution (which could involve reducing the travel time via portals or something less complicated than adding mounts that work for 10 seconds).


There are reasons that there are multiple currencies; ANet's not going to make them interchangeable or even exchangeable without a compelling reason that trumps the original rationale.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Unless the mounts would give a serious advantage, there is no reason to have them. equally so. if they give a serious advantage, that is a good reason to not put them in.


The advantage is showing off the beautiful mount skins you bought, and keeping the cash cow that is mount skins rolling.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> If the OP is bored traveling, then why not state that and let ANet figure out a solution (which could involve reducing the travel time via portals or something less complicated than adding mounts that work for 10 seconds).


> There are reasons that there are multiple currencies; ANet's not going to make them interchangeable or even exchangeable without a compelling reason that trumps the original rationale.


Anet already invented a solution for slow traveling, they are called mounts. They are available in like, 90% of all pve maps, and work great. I don't know what your talking about in the second part. In no way am I saying anything about exchanging one currency for another. I am referring to this item:




Which raiders unlock for completing all challenge motes in w4.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D


> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png


If i recall right, you cant put portal there.

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D

> >

> > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png


> If i recall right, you cant put portal there.


Dude your missing the point. I got there without bunny, so how is allowing us to use mounts in raids in any way related to the thing you said? Do you not know about the gliding mastery? Or do you not know about the airship? Or do you not know that you can't mount up while in combat?


No matter what the case, your implication is completely absurd. The thing your claiming we will do, is already possible and no one does it.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D

> > >

> > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png

> >

> > If i recall right, you cant put portal there.


> Dude your missing the point. I got there without bunny, so how is allowing us to use mounts in raids in any way related to the thing you said? Do you not know about the gliding mastery? Or do you not know about the airship? Or do you not know that you can't mount up while in combat?


> No matter what the case, your implication is completely absurd. The thing your claiming we will do, is already possible and no one does it.


For example, you mount up on escort and you can jump to tower insted doing cave


Edit: chrono mount up before you trigger the event

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D

> > >

> > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png

> >

> > If i recall right, you cant put portal there.


> Dude your missing the point. I got there without bunny, so how is allowing us to use mounts in raids in any way related to the thing you said? Do you not know about the gliding mastery? Or do you not know about the airship? Or do you not know that you can't mount up while in combat?


> No matter what the case, your implication is completely absurd. The thing your claiming we will do, is already possible and no one does it.


I know how you get there, it was just an example. Ppl will find that kind of places from many other bosses.

Also it would be lot less painful to get ur whole party top of pylon with mounts.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D

> > > >

> > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png

> > >

> > > If i recall right, you cant put portal there.

> >

> > Dude your missing the point. I got there without bunny, so how is allowing us to use mounts in raids in any way related to the thing you said? Do you not know about the gliding mastery? Or do you not know about the airship? Or do you not know that you can't mount up while in combat?

> >

> > No matter what the case, your implication is completely absurd. The thing your claiming we will do, is already possible and no one does it.


> For example, you mount up on escort and you can jump to tower insted doing cave


> Edit: chrono mount up before you trigger the event


Lol guys i gotta say, using examples of things we can all already do, as an argument that mounts will break things, is kinda hurting your argument in my mind. If you said something like, 'manta ray would let you start sloth from on top of the boss' or something we could talk. But so far, everything that has been brought up as an example, is something I can already do in 10 seconds.




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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > > > There are so many things that needs rework If this happens. First that comes to my mind is vale Guardian. Ranged squad can just stack on top of the pylon using bunny and ignore all the mechanics :D

> > > > >

> > > > > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448287744184025089/unknown.png

> > > >

> > > > If i recall right, you cant put portal there.

> > >

> > > Dude your missing the point. I got there without bunny, so how is allowing us to use mounts in raids in any way related to the thing you said? Do you not know about the gliding mastery? Or do you not know about the airship? Or do you not know that you can't mount up while in combat?

> > >

> > > No matter what the case, your implication is completely absurd. The thing your claiming we will do, is already possible and no one does it.

> >

> > For example, you mount up on escort and you can jump to tower insted doing cave

> >

> > Edit: chrono mount up before you trigger the event


> Lol guys i gotta say, using examples of things we can all already do, as an argument that mounts will break things, is kinda hurting your argument in my mind. If you said something like, 'manta ray would let you start sloth from on top of the boss' or something we could talk. But so far, everything that has been brought up as an example, is something I can already do in 10 seconds.


> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448663828943863818/unknown.png

> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302790230576988160/448664234897965076/unknown.png


Oh wow, i didnt even plan this, if you look at chat logs when i paid for the open, and the screen shotted time, you can tell it actually took me 2 mins total. Maybe if anet added mounts they would actually add the invisible walls to stop me from doing this.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Actually... I hv everything in the new raid unlocked except the bench xD.. these crystals are useless to me until new raid comes xD

> But yeah no objection to op suggestions ☺️


I appreciate your support, but unfortunately I believe I am being misinterpreted, I will re-phrase my first post to make it more clear. I am not saying exchange one currency for another or anything like that. I'm saying add a new tab to the portable magnetite exchange, which allows you to do everything the vendor currently allows you to do. i.e. make the portable magnetite vendor upgradeable to be a portable gaeting vendor too.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > Actually... I hv everything in the new raid unlocked except the bench xD.. these crystals are useless to me until new raid comes xD

> > But yeah no objection to op suggestions ☺️


> I appreciate your support, but unfortunately I believe I am being misinterpreted, I will re-phrase my first post to make it more clear. I am not saying exchange one currency for another or anything like that. I'm saying add a new tab to the portable magnetite exchange, which allows you to do everything the vendor currently allows you to do. i.e. make the portable magnetite vendor upgradeable to be a portable gaeting vendor too.


I read it like that from the start and agree its usless to have 2 later 3 or 4 items in inventory that do the same thing just for diffrent raids.


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yes im all for having mounts in w1-4 - i'd love to kite cairn or handkite at deimos on my skimmer (very easy evade with very little cd that you dont even need for hands i guess ) or on Bunny. I wouldn't do dps at those anyways or anything useful besides staying alive dodging stuff. if i think a little more about ii i'm sure i can come up with more use for mounts in raids, but they are exactly the reason why we won't get it

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> @"Minna.7895" said:

> yes im all for having mounts in w1-4 - i'd love to kite cairn or handkite at deimos on my skimmer (very easy evade with very little cd that you dont even need for hands i guess ) or on Bunny. I wouldn't do dps at those anyways or anything useful besides staying alive dodging stuff. if i think a little more about ii i'm sure i can come up with more use for mounts in raids, but they are exactly the reason why we won't get it


Now these are some good substantive criticisms of the idea. It sounds like your not really trying to criticize it, but you are pointing out situations where mounts could be broken. But really, they both have flaws that make the traditional methods easier, which I will address:


Skimmer at deimos could be broken, if hovering makes the hands not hit you, you would literally just stand still. Otherwise, without access to blocks or your heal skill, there is no way you would be able to even double stack, let alone 3,4, or 5 stack that some kiters do. I would however point out, that it is going to be pretty darn tough to survive deimos's bubble attack without access to any of your profession's skills such as block. I suppose you could fly your skimmer into the center, and put a bunch of hands inside the bubble, but that hardly seems easier than the traditional kiting methods.


As for Cairn, if your desire is to dodge every single attack while kiting, I'm pretty sure a mirage running domi plus some signets could easily have a dodge or distortion available for each attack. Additionally, unlike with a skimmer, you don't lose access to the special action ability or your heal skill, and you can actually have some dps. This still has the problem of how you intend to heal yourself, as a mirage isn't exactly amazing for self heals like a heal ele or druid are, but that problem exists for the skimmer build too.

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