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What do PvE players think is reasonable for Gift of Battle

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Why endure the torture when I can simply make an ascended? I've made 2 legendaries and will never make another. However, I wouldn't be opposed to having an NPC vendor that exchanges GoE for GoB and vice versa. Something comparable in time, maybe 4 GoB to 1 GoE? I'm not sure since it's been 5 years that I've done WvW and only did it for map completion back then.

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Personally, I'd like a way to acquire WvW/PvP reward track potions from PvE. Whether that be dailies or a mastery option when all masteries are maxed out (similar to the way we earn Spirit shards now but requiring more exp than a spirit shard).


That said I don't mind WvW and I think the Gift of Battle is fine as it is. If you do the easy non-pvp WvW dailies each day you can easily save up enough potions for your reward track needs (of course, if you need the GoB fast that's not exactly a great option). This can be problematic if you get the jerks that decide to camp monuments and Veteran spawn locations when it's a daily (I know it's pvp but this is not behavior I find acceptable!), but with 3-4 maps for dailies you can usually find one that will work.

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I dont mind it as it is now, however i liked that i didnt have to take up a slot in WvW the way it was before to get one. Sure i could *DO* the super long way to do it of just doing dailies. Or i could run around and spend 4-7 hours capturing sentry posts and killing dolyaks which is what i do now. Plus, ive honestly found WvW is a great way to make money in a decent hurry if needed, and you can get other stuff from it too.

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I am purely a PvE player and the Gift of Battle is the only reason I ever do WvW. I've farmed enough of them (14 so far) to know I will never get into WvW because to me it's boring. But I don't mind doing easy dailies to advance my GoB reward track. I think the current method is very reasonable, even though I personally prefer not to do WvW. I think purely WvW players who want to make a legendary but don't like PvE have a much harder time, because legendaries require a lot more PvE time than they do WvW.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> I've seen this flare every time a new Legendary comes out, and I'm curious to see what PvE (particularly open world) players think is a reasonably gated system for obtaining Gift Of Battle from non-raid PvE content.


I guess I'm an open-world PvE player, even though I avoid group events due to the headache-inducing particle spam. I would not be in favor of any system for making the GoB available via either raid, fractal or persistent zone PvE content. I'm not in favor of the game catering further to PvEntitlement.


> And to open the collections back in the opposite direction, what do PvE players think WvW is lacking in the rewards department to not be worth the time? (At what point would you actually be willing to farm there)


_If_ the GoB were made available via something like world bosses, I'd think that -- to be fair -- a prefers-WvW player should be able to farm everything they need for their legendary in WvW. Specifically, expand the Hero Challenge equivalents to include all GoE objectives, allow for the collection of materials needed for making Ascended or Legendary to similar amounts, and make acquiring gold equivalent, or nearly so.


Even then, I'm not sure that would get the average prefers-PvE player to farm WvW. It seems that many posters on the issue dislike the idea of fighting other players. To me, this would mean that the return on farming WvW would have to be significantly better than farming PvE to entice these people to farm WvW. Look at what happened with the Skirmish Ticket system. People cap a few camps, then avoid other players while "participation" ticks down.

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What could be a reasonable challenge for the Gift of Battle?


A repeatable collection which requires you to kill every world boss. You receive an "essence" of that boss, which you have to empower in certain situations (e.g. Steam Minotaur at the Thaumanova Reactor, wreckage of Vexxa's Lab final golem, heart of Mount Maelstrom, ... etc.). When all essences are empowered, you have to meet Laranthir at the Vigils Keep. He will challenge you into a 1v1 which you will lose. He will spare your life what gives you two options: /bow to him, which grants you one Gift of Battle. Or you challenge him again which equals a solo fight against Skorvald (without a break-bar) on Fractal level 25 in difficulty. If you die, you are kicked out of the story instance and have to wait 24 hours to replay, dishonored-debuff with a timer. If you win, you get two Gifts of Battle. If you fail five times in a row, Laranthir will make the empowered essences vanish with a warcry.


Note: The challenge at the end is for people who want a Legendary Armor or want to test their skill and proof that they are hardcore. For the casuals, the regular path is already fast and efficient. The tedious double collection-part at the beginning makes sure, that the task is not done in a single day.

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I'm okay with GoB being a login reward. :)


But seriously, I got mine doing WvW like PvE, just doing WvW dailies, hitting guards & camps, etc, all while avoiding other players as best I could. Some days that meant not doing WvW since there were too many enemy players about mucking things up.

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> @"Theros.1390" said:

> Personally, I enjoyed so much the time when this item was purchasable for 500 [badges of Honor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Badge_of_Honor "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Badge_of_Honor")


> Even if I dont like the fact that each time I wanna make a legendary weapon, as a PvE player, I'm kinda forced to go to WvW and move my as* to get the gift, I do agree with the principle "A legendary Item or weapon, should also be the result of the successful exploration of a lot of game modes, and not only PvE"


> And so, I endure it. The system is pretty fine as it is I believe.


This is number 3 on the list of dumbest things and wastes of time done by Anet.


1. New player experience.

2. Scarlett

3. Removing the ability to buy GoB with badges.


Otherwise, the GoB is one of the easier things to get to craft a legendary and it might just bring in some fresh blood who might realize that their missing out on the best game mode in GW2.


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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> This can be problematic if you get the jerks that decide to camp monuments and Veteran spawn locations when it's a daily


The good news is that the players who do this are, without exception, very bad at the game and easily dealt with.

Tweak your build and make them pay, it's easy and doesn't take long.


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Let me turn in Gift of Exploration for Gifts of Battle.

Let me *buy* someone else's Gift of Battle.

Or set up a Gift Exchange that operates similar to the gem/gold conversion.


*Don't* make me deal with a boring, meandering game mode where the saltiest players aren't even your opposition, but rage-teleporting commanders who do little more than zerg around to easy marks. Trying to build up to and maintain Rank 6 around these people is obnoxious.


Also, balance the population difference via in-game mechanics.

Make defense important with wandering NPC armies that underdog player armies can glom onto or defending scouts can waylay.


But mostly let me buy Gift of Battle without stepping into WvW.

Tried it.

Hated it.

No more need to force it, ANet.

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Since it was originally required to do WvW to get the Gift of Battle, I don’t think that it’s acquisition should be changed to require anything less than that.


Obtaining the gift only takes around eight hours without boosters and potions. There are plenty of WvW dailies that are essentially PvE tasks and would have minimal odds of you running into an enemy player. The latter Is what I do as they’re quick and I don’t have to invest as much time as I would if I were actually playing.

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I'm mainly PvE, but I dabble in WvW from time to time for fun and daily rewards.


If you've made the choice to begin crafting a Legendary, I have to imagine you are aware of the fact that it will take time, and likely require you to grind things that some would find unpleasant. At least GOB is attainable - it isn't as if you have to 'win' or anything, you can earn it just by showing up for 'x' amount of time.


That seems reasonable to me.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> I'm mainly PvE, but I dabble in WvW from time to time for fun and daily rewards.


> If you've made the choice to begin crafting a Legendary, I have to imagine you are aware of the fact that it will take time, and likely require you to grind things that some would find unpleasant. At least GOB is attainable - it isn't as if you have to 'win' or anything, you can earn it just by showing up for 'x' amount of time.


> That seems reasonable to me.



I mean youd think so, but most of the people ive seen genuinely complaining about this are upset they have to invest time to obtain one because they want it *NOW*

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WvW has zero interest for me. I've done it twice (i think) for the original gift of exploration but i find it quite confusing when i go in there- lots of jargon, lots of running around etc (God help you if you get parted from the zerg) and it just didn't seem that friendly. I do think though, that as a pve'r having to do wvw for the gift of battle is much less of a hardship than for a wvw'er to get the gift of exploration, especially if there's that 1 poi which u can't seem to find no matter which interactive map you look at ^^ I have four legendaries (2 first-gen and 2 second-gen) and i still have a GoB in my bank. For me, the fact that (even though i view wvw as pvp) i can avoid enemy players and just flip camps, kill dolly's, cap points etc is a really good option; there's no alternative to map completion- you have to do every heart, hero point, vista and point of interest.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Funky.4861" said:

> >there's no alternative to map completion- you have to do every heart, hero point, vista and point of interest.

> But nobody ganks you while you're doing it, at least.



Champs do.... quite a lot actually. Even some of the Vet fights are dicey.

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I find it reasonable to head over to WvW and earn it the current way. At first it was a drag but it got easier just like PvE did with time invested. At least in WvW I can listen to player chatter over TS which is hilarious. Grinding something like that in PvE would be a boring and lonesome task. If they implement dueling in PvE I might consider that a reasonable avenue but for now it's a no from me.

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Made... Mmm 5-6 leggies across 2 accounts. On one account I was able to buy it with 500 badges of honor each (I bought like 10 at that time, those were the days!). The other account I've had to grind for them (I have three left there). The current grindy way makes it feel like an accomplishment, but it's not fun. Press F in stonemist on a wall once every 2 mins, and you have it in like... 6.5 hours with boosters; same amount of time as zerging-ish? It's just as pointless, but I feel the current way makes WvW a worse game mode for everyone involved as me afk farming participation is actively hurting my world (even if it's garbo in wvw), whereas I could get the badges passively in open world and only pop in long enough to buy the GoB before.


However. What would I do to change it? Make it tied to actually **playing** the mode. Cap a number of objectives in WvW, a mix of PvE content and PvP to ensure you're contributing to your world while not requiring a too strenuous of an investment for those who abhor the game mode. Maybe require it to be part of a repeatable collection where you get marks from the veteran beasts, capping a monument to get bloodlust, capping stonemist and 2-3 keeps towers, and camps each, so that if you buckle down and play the game mode, you'll get it quick enough while allowing you to get it at your own pace.


Super rough idea, and it would need something to prevent devaluing the GoB (though for hardcore wvw'ers it's already garbo)... But I just need a reason for it to feel like it's not a mandatory gate I'm going through the motionsbto get, quite literally.


Another alternative: normalize WvW equipment and stats. I *love* playing certain classes, but I can't always be bothered to make a set of gear/level an alt toon specifically for WvW'ing. Making gear/level less of a requirement would make it so much more accessible, imo.


Just a few thoughts, but I really think making the game mode feel like you are actually achieveing something would go a long way to helping renew my interest in it. As it is now, I glass rev and press 1 on dudes in a blob, or press F on a wall to repair until the bouncy chest vomits a GoB at me, neither of which are particularly engaging or fun.

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