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Let us leave when we are done

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The current reward system traps us in WvW. In order to not waste any of our participation, we have to sit in WvW not doing anything for 20-25 min after was are done playing. This wastes our time and also blocks valuable server spots. Sometime Eternal Battleground can be locked out not because people are doing anything, but simply because they cannot leave until there timer runs down. Let the participation keep ticking over when you are not in WvW. For pips, use the world rank (no outnumbered). The only requirement should be that you stay in the game, not waste time literally doing nothing while alt+tabbed in WvW.

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> @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> The rewards are so kitten I dont even bother waiting for the participation to zero out. I just leave.


> But yes this is an issue with the reward track system.


22 silver every 55 minutes base line, worst case. (minimum of pips and getting a repeatable diamond chest)


everything before that is worth more/faster. But it's true, you'd rather do it for the reward track since every single chest has a chance for an ascended + chest rewards themselves.


On topic though: They've decided against being able to "cash out" the pips/participation to make sure there's not as much AFK gameplay.

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Both sides of the coin are valid as I experience both.


I could care less about pips and yet I don't want to "throw them away" by just closing the client. I feel compelled to minimize the game and surf the web or even just go afk for 15 min. And I'm talking on weeks that I have cleared diamond chest multiple times.


My quick idea is,

When clicking button to leave the mists it zips out the last of your participation and blocks you from entering wvw for 5min.

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So what exactly is the difference between pipping down for 15m in PvE, or simply playing WvW 15m more and log directly?


I find this whole argument stupid. Anet should respond to it by cutting pip generation in half while your participation is in the red tick down mode.

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> I do synth runs and refresh siege while I pip out. I'd be happier if they'd put crafting stations in OBS so I could do daily crafting while pipping there, but I don't see an issue with the current situation.


tbh I don't want the convenient crafter crowd™ to go on these maps. Smart people already use WvW as a premium area for near instant access to bank and tp for free without having to walk back to wherever you were xD

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> This wastes our time and also blocks valuable server spots. Sometime Eternal Battleground can be locked out not because people are doing anything, but simply because they cannot leave until there timer runs down.


ANet should implement a massive bright yellow notification that blocks the entire screen stating the following every time someone wants to pip out and doesn't want to take up a queue spot etc:


_"You can pip out in OS, bro."_

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OP is basically asking for a "cash out" system, and no way in hell should that ever be implemented because it would be abused like crazy. People would simply get participation up to the minimum, log out and be able to get future rewards ahead of time.


Either pip down in OS, or leave the map. Losing out on a few extra pips wont kill you.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> The current reward system traps us in WvW. In order to not waste any of our participation, we have to sit in WvW not doing anything for 20-25 min after was are done playing. This wastes our time and also blocks valuable server spots. Sometime Eternal Battleground can be locked out not because people are doing anything, but simply because they cannot leave until there timer runs down. Let the participation keep ticking over when you are not in WvW. For pips, use the world rank (no outnumbered). The only requirement should be that you stay in the game, not waste time literally doing nothing while alt+tabbed in WvW.


You can afk pipfarm in OS. Hence, you wont Block valuable spots. One problem, solved.

As for the other issue "wasting our time" etc, I would also like pve rewards while leaving mid-meta in tarir to help defend my server.

But thats not what this is about, is it?

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > The current reward system traps us in WvW. In order to not waste any of our participation, we have to sit in WvW not doing anything for 20-25 min after was are done playing. This wastes our time and also blocks valuable server spots. Sometime Eternal Battleground can be locked out not because people are doing anything, but simply because they cannot leave until there timer runs down. Let the participation keep ticking over when you are not in WvW. For pips, use the world rank (no outnumbered). The only requirement should be that you stay in the game, not waste time literally doing nothing while alt+tabbed in WvW.


> You can afk pipfarm in OS. Hence, you wont Block valuable spots. One problem, solved.

> As for the other issue "wasting our time" etc, I would also like pve rewards while leaving mid-meta in tarir to help defend my server.

> But thats not what this is about, is it?


Good point. Kinda like getting the Kill credit and reward (LI) for a raid boss if you leave/get kicked 3/4 of the way through his death 'contributing' to The kill.


Wait... can't get that either.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> So what exactly is the difference between pipping down for 15m in PvE, or simply playing WvW 15m more and log directly?


> I find this whole argument stupid. Anet should respond to it by cutting pip generation in half while your participation is in the red tick down mode.


If you are piping down in PvE you can be PLAYING PvE. Also you aren't occupying server space.

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The problem I often have is that I want to / have to leave "now" and therefore there is no ticking out in OS or at a BL base camp.

I can see the wish for a cash out system. What this system should be, to avoid abuse is IMO limited what the game engine can do. This is how I would implement it, if possible:

1. Add a NPC at a base camp of each map

2. Allow us to cash in the "next two ticks" (which is less than leaving ticking out with a 10 min timer)

3. You could cash in the current track progression (twice) and the current pip-tick (without the outnumbered bonus)

4. You would get a De-buff like PvP's Dishonoured and can't enter WvW for 15min (account wide) and all participation would be set to zero


No abuse possible and you can get out of WvW quickly without losing too much.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Or how about fixing the system so we can PLAY THE GAME instead of losing a half hour waiting for the rewards we have earned while doing nothing?


Agreed we should take away the rewards and fix the players.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > Or how about fixing the system so we can PLAY THE GAME instead of losing a half hour waiting for the rewards we have earned while doing nothing?


> Agreed we should take away the rewards and fix the players.


Fixed that for you: Agreed we should take away the rewards and fix the players.


Seriously, though, you don't *have* to stick around while the counter ticks down. The point of the participation meter is to enforce that people don't just idle in your base and get rewards. It isn't intended to be "delayed gratification", it's intended to be a punishment for not doing stuff. The expectation is that you should just leave WvW when you are done, with a full meter, probably after the current tick finishes.

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> just let it tick when offline and out of map

> what is the problem with that, they are already earned


Well, that is the thing: they are not "already earned": the reward comes from being in the WvW map at the end of each tick of the game.


The participation score determines how big the reward is at that point, but it isn't actually the "reward you have earned" at all.

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