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What do you do for fun?

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PvP and Fractals are some of the most fun, repeatable content in the game. I'd honestly urge you to take a different approach to them. Maybe you dislike them for the wrong reasons and should give them another shot. By far, they offer some of the best rewards in the game for your time invested. I can't imagine being someone who refuses to purchase the expansions, yet complains there's nothing they like to do in the game.

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I've stopped using waypoints, unless I'm short on time of course. Crossing as many maps as I need to before I reach my destination. Makes Dailys a hell of a lot more challenging. Since I run solo and don't have any guild requirements (I haven't quite gotten the knack of making "friends" in this game) I'm free to run amuk.

Tried going from Fields of Ruin to Cursed Shore. Ran out of time, but had blast. In the end, I used the wayppoint to Cursed Shore, did the daily in about 20 minutes. Logged out happy.

Bonus angst - stop at every single event that you come across. Rift events are a gamble, especially when you get sent back several maps.


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > I despise fractals and PvP, and the dungeons are dead. What is to be done for fun in this game? Is PoF required?


> Play some singleplayer game which actually have decent challenge, engaging gameplay and story - what GW2 is lacking, unfortunately.


A single player game that is still exciting and varied and challenging after several hundred/thousand hours of fresh content is not a thing, comparing apples and pears.


This really is another 'don't understand point of mmorpg'/ player has moved on and wants to blame the game thread. Happens with every mmorpg out there. Advice for op would be, gw2 allows you to pick up again whener you want without falling behind a power curve, so take a break and play other games (including single player games) . It doesn't have to be the end of the world.


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  • 11 months later...

> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Without PvP, WvW, or fractals, your endgame will probably be the forums.


I’m actually always on the forums when I’m away from the game, I love reading about things related to the game I play. I can learn little tricks and tips always by reading or searching on google, it usually brings me to the forums, I love hearing people’s opinions on things and ideas and suggestions. I like to share my ideas about how the developers can improve the game and I like seeing how other people share their ideas on this topic. I’m not an endgame gamer im more of a beginner( I am sort of mid game beginner not fully a beginner anymore as I have recently brought a copper fed salvage o matic and there was on offer for 7 days a rechargeable teleport to friends that I could not resist as I could really make a good use of this during the map exploration alone on all my characters) but I sure do enjoy the forums a lot, I think it’s mainly due to my interest in this game!!

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> I do achiements. My main goal in the game is just trying to collect all available achievment points. Due to that i can say i preety much enjoy doing all the content, especialy fractals, raids and exploring new maps when they come. I do dislike pvp though, its also the achievment category which i have the least completed. I still do pvp, i cant say i hate it, but i need to take long breaks sometimes.


Yeah, I just came back to the game after around 8 months away and I can say I’m still not planning on getting back to pvp any time soon, pvp is gonna be so much fun when I get my legendary full set or at least just ascended.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Crafting a Legendary weapon or several can be a long-term project if you enjoy collections and crating. The first one I made, I hated, and now I realize it was because I bought the precursor and I've since learned that the precursor collection requirements are the most fun for me.


> Do you have a Mesmer? If you enjoy helping others you could port at jumping puzzles, especially dailies. And since you asked about PoF, I think you might like it since you sound big on PvE (as am I) -- lots of new maps to explore, and having mounts adds a ton to all other aspects of the game. Good luck!


The first post in this topic is almost 3 years old. I assume the OP has found something they find fun by now.

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For me i only like pvp. This game at its core gameplay is fun. It's a tab targeting, 1-9 skills, with some very unfair extras for many classes, 2x dodge system with some very unfair extras for some, is mostly fun. 5v5 conquest is old and boring as all hll. I liked the 3v3 the most.

But they completely stoped updating pvp for a year now. No map obstuction fixes that im aware of, no new maps/content, no word avout what they want to do with pvp for a year, and there hasnt been a balance since Febuary of 2020. Its a disgrace to this game and the many fans of pvp.


Edit: forgot to add fasion wars is like 50-60% of fun for me in the game......go gem store. Lolz

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I like PvP and WvW ... sometimes. If there are balanced matches in PvP and some good defensive action in WvW. Though atm mainly I do 3 matches daily for PvP (working towardes the league reward chests) and dailies WvW only.


Then working myself through the daily PvE routine (which is not fun but I do it for the rewards). Fractals only the daily+rec until tier 2 atm. Can be fun sometimes. It depends on the group. (I like the Sunqua boss.)


Major time (after doing all the stuff above and not exhausted yet, lol): Doing older releases stuff in order of release. Atm in season 4, chapter 3 (finishing achievements there). I try to do most achievements and I find completionism a bit fun. I mean it gives the story (+ achievements), the map (map completion, achievements in the new maps and some collections ... won't do the too grindy ones like the weapon sets from Istan though).


When I finally have caught up to the latest stuff (hopefully until next expansion gets release) I will do older achievements I didn't do in the first run + moving chars number 2-9 (only playing my main atm) through the story and maps. (+ learning their elite specs ... i only played them to 80 on core story/maps and the core profession / i have 1 char each profession).

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I play my condi D/D drd, its just so much fun, jumping all around the place spamming condis, its the most fun, unique combat I've seen in this game.


wish I could play it seriously all the time, and not just to have some mindless fun from time to time because its hilariously underpowered.


But ANet devs, in their infinite wisdom, decided that condi D/D thief had to be ubernerfed for the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of PvE players, due to the 50 or less people in the entire world that still play sPvP

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> I despise fractals and PvP, and the dungeons are dead. What is to be done for fun in this game? Is PoF required?


You could always do world bosses. I find them to be my "sweet spot", difficulty-wise. Not too easy (in general), not too hard. Plus, you'll be around lots more people than just being jammed in with 4 other people, which makes for more of a party atmosphere than being in an actual party lol.

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I dont play raids and fractals or pvp. Im doing dailies and landscape group events + story. I have some events that I really like so I often do them. For example Claw of Jormag. Sometimes im spending time in HoT, while sometimes on Central Tyria events, and sometimes mixing both. I like PoF as expansion but didnt find any extra event there that I would often aim to do.


I must say those events like Dragons Stand, Claw of Jormag, Tequatl, that big one in Auric Basin... are right up my alley.


What gives me more fun is doing achievements for something good. Like some gear or like atm Im doing skyscale achievement.


I dont feel like Im playing solo because I often interact with people through say/map chat or I join commander groups. Even when my character is downed and when some person from far away comes to help me is form of interaction that I find nice.


I like how you can in this game play with lot of people but you are not forced to do raids. I think this game have some of innovative design ideas when comes approach to group game. I know other MMOs have public events too but I think GW2 made best job with them.

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Sometimes I feel like everything is rinse and repeat. Always the same special event all year long, to make matters worse the last 2 episodes were totally lacking in new maps.

That means that now we don't even have anything new to explore and my feeling is there won't be any new content until I buy the expansion. The last episode I played for 2 hours then the story if we can call these messes called episodes a story was over. So yeah now I play an hour or 2 every 3 months and log off, they are milking the cow but they won't milk my wallet. And don't get me wrong this to me has always been a great game and I have all expansions and will get the next one. ;)

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