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What area seem great to look into and why?

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Hey everyone, this poll isn't another poll about future extension and what place you would like for her. Instead, here is a very diverse area selection, to find out what area seem to have a great lore and eventually very attractive for explorers and tourists. Which of these areas should rest unexplored? I just wanted to make a real debate about all these places. Of course these areas could be part of a future extension, but I feel like we should in first time clear up the terrain and list the pros and cons of an area. So I Invite all of you to select the area you like and defend her, why Tyrian would travel there? I haven't put a map, but if you feel like it's needed, tell me I will add one. Note that all suggested areas can be seen on your world map. Due to the limt of answers number, some areas are melted into one poll option signified by "/" so you can choose between the sub-options, apart for "others" it's the same thing.

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This is really hard to decide because I would love to see all of them... I chose Woodland Cascades, because that area on the map always felt very mysterious to me, and still so close to one of the capital cities. I also love beautifully designed forests, and this area has a huge potential for that. I wonder if these tribal Tengu are still there, what's the local status of centaurs (like how much of the land they actually occupy), and so on. I always imagined interesting plots going on there, for example some humans with their innate desire to conquer and explore new lands might actually try to settle there, creating either a colony of Kryta or trying to escape from it, creating a whole new kingdom, and they'll get into a conflict with all the dangers awaiting them there, or even into a conflict with Kryta itself... And by the way I always wanted to see that huge delta...

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Thanks for the feedback, if you can't really decide, use the others option,and precise "all", that good to know, in future poll I will add an "all of them" option ^^

Will vote for woodlands, these places are very mysterious and surely full of ruins or temples, and that's an occasion to make a totally new type of forest.

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Anywhere and (eventually) everywhere would be my first choice.


But I voted for the area east and north of Ascalon because it seems like there's a huge chunk of land out that way which we know almost nothing about. We know the charr inhabit the area to the north of Ascalon and we saw a bit of it in GW1, but I imagine things have changed quite a bit in the last 250 years. Everything west of that we know literally nothing about and that intrigues me.

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Darn, there's no option for "EVERYTHING!" :tongue:


If I had to choose, though, I'd have a hard time picking between the Blood Legion homelands (focusing on the charr), the Far Shiverpeaks (focusing on the norn and possibly kodan), and what Cragga the Eighty Third said: I want to find out what happened to Malyck and potentially other sylvari (or even asura!) civilizations.

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I never thought about icy mountains... It could be very cool, indeed forbid mount and adding a new climbing mechanic where you character climb realistically a giant rocky wall like in Zelda BOT Wild would create a real feeling of freedom. Also dynamic climate and avalanches seem very interesting :DD

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I want to run around in Kaineng city.


First time I went to Raider's Cove on Rishi in SWTOR, the first thought through my head was "Hey! Did I just switch to GW1?" because it looks a *lot* like Kaineng.


(Most of the planet Voss looks like the Charr Homelands - all rounded hills with autumnal trees(1) - except for the Nightmare Lands, which is full of twisted tapering trees like post-Nightfall Kourna.)


(1) But not full of giant insects that don't die when you kill them.

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