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Allow mounts in WvW for pvp top 250

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This suggestion doesn't make sense, WvW and Spvp are two separate game mode entities. Mounts in WvW only to the top 250 in Spvp is like allowing people in T1 WvW server to use wrenches, food, PVE - gear, runes/sigils in Spvp. If they're going to drop mounts in WvW it'll be through WvW mastery system, with its own map most likely.

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Champion (or some prestigious word) mount skin for players who reach legendary tier during a season. The only way to unlock it.


I wouldn't be surprised if mounts became a standard feature to a map in the future.


Sad thing is NA's legendary group is shrinking each season. Here we only have an endling for the North American species of legendary tier players.


I'm afraid that this mount skin idea may become exclusive to the EU variants lol





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I would say mounts in WvW would be fine if they actually didn't have any special features or speed enhancements enabled (so basically just aesthetic), but there is already enough lag in WvW and mounts would only make it worse, especially with all the obnoxiously eyesorish skins that exist. I have been playing a lot of ESO lately and mounts don't feel out of place there, but the Cyrodiil maps are a fair amount bigger in comparison.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630"

The speed boost is the reason for the idea.


The idea is, you see somebody with a legendary title; it’s a forced engage unless you yourself have the title and are mounted up.


Legendary titles (well top 250) will functionally be “map bosses”. You either win however you may make happen or you lost to the “boss” and go back to the grave.


It’s an incentive to take ranked seriously since titles are no longer there. And due to the way the rank system works it will be awarded to the best individuals (well duos now too since that’s allowed all throughout rank).


I feel there is nobody in WvW that is that good that strictly plays WvW, but if there is this make it more likely the will take part in high ranked PvP amongst players their own skill level. Win for everybody.


The rewards crossing from PvP to WvW makes sense since WvW is basically a light weight PvP with more non combat objectives and tools.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630"

> The speed boost is the reason for the idea.


> The idea is, you see somebody with a legendary title; it’s a forced engage unless you yourself have the title and are mounted up.


> Legendary titles (well top 250) will functionally be “map bosses”. You either win however you may make happen or you lost to the “boss” and go back to the grave.


> It’s an incentive to take ranked seriously since titles are no longer there. And due to the way the rank system works it will be awarded to the best individuals (well duos now too since that’s allowed all throughout rank).


> I feel there is nobody in WvW that is that good that strictly plays WvW, but if there is this make it more likely the will take part in high ranked PvP amongst players their own skill level. Win for everybody.


> The rewards crossing from PvP to WvW makes sense since WvW is basically a light weight PvP with more non combat objectives and tools.


Your performance in one gamemode should not carry over to another gamemode. You say that PvP and WvW are similar however the differances are huge.


If top 250 PvP players get mounts in WvW then maybe I think anyone who kill them should be automatically placed in the same PvP tier as them no matter what tier they were before. Now you are thinking "wow that's a horrible idea" just like all WvW players do about your idea.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> 1. Most top 250 players do not play WvW much because there is not really any competition unless you are fighting 1v2+. Will make top 250 players seem that much more “legendary” allowing them to swiftly move across maps, almost giving them a map boss type effect in WvW.



Giving good players a huge advantage is the exact opposite of increasing the competition. It won't feel legendary, it'll feel like cheating.


> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> 4. For the players most interested in the combat system this will allow them to actually play WvW for what they enjoy. No more running around endlessly to find fights worth engaging.


This is already possible. It's not hard to find good fights when you learn to read the map and estimate player movements. Or simply check duel spaces.

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It's cute how some of you think your preferred game mode is a clique and any feedback from the opposite one becomes us VS them.


It's a no-brainer that WvW is going to get mounts eventually just as it got gliding with time. It'll probably come sooner rather than later as a result of the first. Mounts will simply work different.


Springer won't jump as high for obvious reasons. Likewise griffon will have a lower flight ceiling. All mounts will obey the territory markers that govern gliding. Engage skills probably won't hit as hard as they do in PvE.


Maybe even get their more potent talents locked behind WvW mastery points before you can pull people with tail whip and knockdown people with your springer and raptor friends.


You best get ready.

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Not sure why anyone who claims to enjoy PvP would advocate for an advantage in PvP...


This is what is wrong with video games (or I should say, video gamer players). People SAY they want balance, but they really just want to ROFLSTOMP n00bs. The average gamer would much prefer farming pips while winning 500 - 100 every game than be truly challenged and rewarded with nothing but a good game.

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Please no! The combination of fast resetting (auto-heals & condi cleanse) together with the engage skills of the mounts have already ruined a lot of the PvE experience for me. Keep mounts out of WvW, unless they are specifically designed for a strategic use (e.g. to move siege around slowly). No tactical use of mounts.

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Noo this idea is has no fair play behind it what so ever....why should only less then 1% of the population get a trumendouns speed boost. Just because they know what to dodge and counter scrubs, they should get like 1000% speed booth and the ability to run from any enagement they see there losing? I cant belive this thread still has this much attention drop it. It will never happen. This thread is the dream of 13 yr olds that just want it all and dont care about fair play.

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