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Do you think ANet should make Elite spec weapons available earlier?

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I think you should be able to unlock an elite spec before completing all of core. I have one of every class at 80, and changing the way you play after spending the time leveling just made the leveling seem pointless. Shouldn't leveling be used to learn/refine your build? I guess it makes the instant 80 more worthwhile.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Well, Elite Specializations are expansion-content, and expansions are L80-content, so it pretty much makes sense. Kind of difficult to level a character in L80 zones only.


That is why I just want the weapons to unlock earlier. I have no problem owning the expansion but having to change up your playstyle so much after spending time learning the profession a certain way seems odd

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I think elite spec weapons should be available right away so long as the expansion has been purchased. There really isn't a good reason to lock them behind a level locked trait. More weapon options for leveling can only be a good thing because it _can_ feel pretty mundane and grindy at times. Especially the earlier levels where all someone can really do is change weapons and swap around a few skills.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> If you have the expac, you should just have all the spec weapons available to the classes even when not using the spec. Until they let us try it, there's no arguing against it if you aren't a dev.


There is no arguing for it if you aren't a dev.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > If you have the expac, you should just have all the spec weapons available to the classes even when not using the spec. Until they let us try it, there's no arguing against it if you aren't a dev.


> There is no arguing for it if you aren't a dev.


Wanting the spec weapon without having the spec equipped is a sound argument because it requests more information. Denying it because it breaks the game balance is not a sound argument because there is no information about why or how.


Requests make a lot more sense, while denying players "just because" doesn't. So unless you're a dev with insight as to why we aren't allowed spec weapons without the spec, you can't argue against the request. Unless you're admitting to hacking.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > If you have the expac, you should just have all the spec weapons available to the classes even when not using the spec. Until they let us try it, there's no arguing against it if you aren't a dev.

> >

> > There is no arguing for it if you aren't a dev.


> Wanting the spec weapon without having the spec equipped is a sound argument because it requests more information. Denying it because it breaks the game balance is not a sound argument because there is no information about why or how.


> Requests make a lot more sense, while denying players "just because" doesn't. So unless you're a dev with insight as to why we aren't allowed spec weapons without the spec, you can't argue against the request. Unless you're admitting to hacking.


You are not a dev.


You also did not make a request. You stated how the game should be. There is a huge difference between, "I would like X," and, "X should exist."


Let us know when you are a dev so that your commentary can be considered valid.

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I wish it could be unlocked for core somehow for PvE.


PvE gets really boring when I either play a class that hasn't changed in years or play the new class that I hate. For example I hate deadeye, so I get to play daredevil which will never change. I really do not like that design. I also think nobody understands why.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:


> Requests make a lot more sense, while denying players "just because" doesn't. So unless you're a dev with insight as to why we aren't allowed spec weapons without the spec, you can't argue against the request. Unless you're admitting to hacking.


There is nothing wrong with making a request. There is also nothing wrong with offering an opinion as to why one would rather not see the request go through. Others have as much information as you do, or maybe more. Others opinions are no more, and no less valid than yours. You are suggesting that other posters cannot disagree with you. unless they are devs. That is contrary to the spirit and purpose of the forums. It's also not a way to win a discussion.


Finally, it does not take hacking the game to understand the mechanics involved in tying the new weapons to Elite Specs at level 80. All it takes is experience with playing games, looking at class designs and perhaps into some of the underlying concepts behind class design. Elite Specs are not new. Many other games, including the original Guild Wars, offered new ways to play existing classes which only became available at a given point in the leveling process.

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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> Once you reach 80 both open up if you have the expansions, it's good this way.


The real question is "does it have to be this way?" though. Are daggers intrinsically tied to level 80 and PoF's Warrior elite specialization or could they operate independently?


Sure, the new weapons "work" as a level 71/80 reward, but questioning whether or not something could be made better is why we have a GW2 and not another struggling WoW knock-off that still manages to turn a small profit.


I'm just not seeing where One needs an elite specialization to use the weapons associated with it other than as a gimmick to grind for that specialization, if even just for the first node. The concept of new weapon options for every class already works as a selling point for the expansion. Do they really need to be under a metaphorical lock and key after the purchase? Would anyone _really_ care if the level 20 thief were wielding a rifle?

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> @"Baine.6834" said:

> It feels weird to spend so much time leveling a profession just to play as something that plays differently later on. I know some mechanics stay the same but so much changes also


For most people, the time spent under lvl80 (comparatively) is significantly less than the time spent at 80. I'd say the majority of players don't even explore all of the core maps before reaching level cap and the "learning" process is not significantly affected with the introduction of an elite spec.

While leveling, you tend to get accustomed to the _basics_ of a class and your elite spec expands on that in a new direction. Only 1 new weapon (per spec) is added and you still use 2 core traitlines anyway.

In some classes this is a bigger change than others - lets take Necro as an example.

Reaper spec slightly changes Death Shroud into Reapers Shroud - it still has some similar mechanics with the main difference being more mele orientated.

Scourge on the other hand is a much bigger change - no longer can life force be used as a second health bar, shade skills are all available regardless of being in or out of shroud.

Although I can see that this takes time to get used to, it also provides a goal to aim for (unlocking elite spec) which in itself is a form of progression.


If we were to have "everything available from the start" it may be too much for new players to decipher. The progression system is in a good place. When you hit 80 you have 100% of core unlocked and have to work a little for those elite specs. When you look back, the time spent leveling to cap will seem less significant compared to your experience after 80.

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No. Why does everyone want everything NOW all the time. If everyone got their wishes about being just handed stuff that it takes time to earn in game, there would be NO REASON TO PLAY. You need goals to pursue. You already see people bewildered about what to do at lvl 80. You want to make it level 1.

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> @"Timbersword.9014" said:


> The real question is "does it have to be this way?" though. Are daggers intrinsically tied to level 80 and PoF's Warrior elite specialization or could they operate independently?


> Sure, the new weapons "work" as a level 71/80 reward, but questioning whether or not something could be made better is why we have a GW2 and not another struggling WoW knock-off that still manages to turn a small profit.


> I'm just not seeing where One needs an elite specialization to use the weapons associated with it other than as a gimmick to grind for that specialization, if even just for the first node. The concept of new weapon options for every class already works as a selling point for the expansion. Do they really need to be under a metaphorical lock and key after the purchase? Would anyone _really_ care if the level 20 thief were wielding a rifle?


It's not just the weapon, the profession's aesthetics are meant to be tied to expansion. It would be odd from a game storyline for a Warrior to be a Spellbreaker when they haven't even been to Elona. It's in this respect that Elites are fine as they are.

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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> > @"Timbersword.9014" said:

> >

> > The real question is "does it have to be this way?" though. Are daggers intrinsically tied to level 80 and PoF's Warrior elite specialization or could they operate independently?

> >

> > Sure, the new weapons "work" as a level 71/80 reward, but questioning whether or not something could be made better is why we have a GW2 and not another struggling WoW knock-off that still manages to turn a small profit.

> >

> > I'm just not seeing where One needs an elite specialization to use the weapons associated with it other than as a gimmick to grind for that specialization, if even just for the first node. The concept of new weapon options for every class already works as a selling point for the expansion. Do they really need to be under a metaphorical lock and key after the purchase? Would anyone _really_ care if the level 20 thief were wielding a rifle?


> It's not just the weapon, the profession's aesthetics are meant to be tied to expansion. It would be odd from a game storyline for a Warrior to be a Spellbreaker when they haven't even been to Elona. It's in this respect that Elites are fine as they are.


Is every living being in Elona an experienced soldier, adventurer or scholar, or is there a chance someone could come back home and choose to become a soldier or learn it early from a master?


So no, it's not fine. Logic dictates the knowledge would get passed along.

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