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What about battling over ships?

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Instead of camps, towers, keeps and castles that don't mean much how about us making our own ships like Worlds Adrift and battling over resources and ships? The battles would actually mean something and could spice up WvW bigtime. Take a look at the video and even though the combat isn't even close to GW2 the devs could learn something from games like this and implement these things into WvW.



The ships in WVW could be a lot bigger.


Blobs would have big slow ships and roamers would have small quick ones i guess. Would be interesting.

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Lore and theme wise it makes absolutely no sense.


The implementation of something like this would require so many new subsystems put in place (grappling hooks, etc) and would break so many existing systems that its just not viable and honestly not worth it.


You'd be better off creating a new game.

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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> Lore and theme wise it makes absolutely no sense.


> The implementation of something like this would require so many new subsystems put in place (grappling hooks, etc) and would break so many existing systems that its just not viable and honestly not worth it.


> You'd be better off creating a new game.


1. No one in WvW cares about Lore. There are actually flying ships in this game so you're wrong about it anyways.

2. The ships can be in water or air and it doesn't need grappling. We already have gliding and such.

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That would be nice if there was a map with flying islands with keeps that are important rather than Ktrain farm.

But this game is not about inovative mechanics, it all about lure players to buy shinny, SHINNY!


Maybe Anet could start sell paintjobs for the ships that guild built.... and monetize them how they did with the mounts, issue is... what kind of content and map would those flying ships work?



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I don't think swapping over to big ships would really work or be viable. That said, it would be a lot of fun to have the ability to craft airships that could be built via supply to give your side some sort of advantage (i.e. mobile spawn point, mobile air strike a la airship defense at smc) I suppose for balance sake these things would need to be super slow so that you couldn't cross a wvw map in seconds. Either way I don't see them making any sort of huge change like this in WvW.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Strages.2950" said:

> > Lore and theme wise it makes absolutely no sense.

> >

> > The implementation of something like this would require so many new subsystems put in place (grappling hooks, etc) and would break so many existing systems that its just not viable and honestly not worth it.

> >

> > You'd be better off creating a new game.


> 1. No one in WvW cares about Lore. There are actually flying ships in this game so you're wrong about it anyways.

> 2. The ships can be in water or air and it doesn't need grappling. We already have gliding and such.


1. I do. I primarily play wvw but I do play out the expansions and living story and enjoy a few well written ones.

2. It could, would be boring, but it could.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> Fundamental change like "building big ships" requires a new map.


> Regardless of how you feel about their ability to make quality maps it'd take them at least a year nowadays.


> D:


In this game they also let the players make their own islands and the devs look at them and approve them. Guild wars 2 should just have the players make the maps in wvw since they don't have the staff to do so. All the devs would have to do is approve. ez pz. Would be cool imo.

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Every game that has rvr wvw type settings, should always be looked at for improvements to your own system.

Large scale conversions however... just go play that other game then.


Also not really that different from the orb play, one side trying to carry it the other side trying to get it in the open field, but since fly hacking ruined that and I doubt was ever fully fixed from happening again, adding ships would be a bad idea. You would have to look at fixed ground spawns to attract fights over resources. Like a volcano suddenly appears randomly on the map which alerts the entire map, after 10 mins(to give everyone time to run there) it cools and now shiny metal is around to harvest, stand in the ring to collect 1supply/2sec for all your structures! But, let's not forget the desert bl and fighting over resources in the middle to power up the cannon every 3 hours, was it all lag that people hated? or did they hate the entire event and see everything as pointless gimmicks?


I'm sure anet has thought of other things to add to wvw to bring some more life to gameplay other than fight each other in open field or in structures. The problem is the players reject any type of additional gameplay added, like say the stuff they had for season 1, which players complained about enough for them to never implement any of that stuff again, or the ruins. Probably why they will never move off of a points scoring system, because everything else will be rejected, but points while boring still keeps the game mode running for most players.

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I think Anet really missed an opportunity when they didnt make the EWP into an EAS (Emergency AirShip). With the gliders, we got the tools we needed to use floating waypoints and it would fix a **major** gripe with the EWP at the same time, ie camping the point.


Imagine an airship swooping in over a keep... you can spawn on it and then glide down anywhere while it has cannons firing randomly below (like a lite version of the bombardment).


*Much* more impressive than a shitty ground waypoint that instantly get you killed because there are 50 enemies standing on top of it with a million AoE circles.


But nooooooooooo... Anet had to "fix" the waypoints by adding those shitty EWPs.


Actual airships replacing objectives is a waste of time as a concept. Never gonna happen. It's not WvW.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I think Anet really missed an opportunity when they didnt make the EWP into an EAS (Emergency AirShip). With the gliders, we got the tools we needed to use floating waypoints and it would fix a **major** gripe with the EWP at the same time, ie camping the point.


> Imagine an airship swooping in over a keep... you can spawn on it and then glide down anywhere while it has cannons firing randomly below (like a lite version of the bombardment).


> *Much* more impressive than a kitten ground waypoint that instantly get you killed because there are 50 enemies standing on top of it with a million AoE circles.


> But nooooooooooo... Anet had to "fix" the waypoints by adding those kitten EWPs.


> Actual airships replacing objectives is a waste of time as a concept. Never gonna happen. It's not WvW.


People forget they can reuse the EWP for easy 5 second invuln too.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Skynet.7201" said:

> > I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.

> >

> > And, no offense, that looks boring.


> How does it change the game fundamentally? you fight over ships instead of towers and keeps.


You're still fighting over your items/territory etc. I don't see a big difference except what you're fighting for. Still fighting enemy, still protecting/taking stuff... not right?

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Instead of camps, towers, keeps and castles that don't mean much how about us making our own ships like Worlds Adrift and battling over resources and ships? The battles would actually mean something and could spice up WvW bigtime. Take a look at the video and even though the combat isn't even close to GW2 the devs could learn something from games like this and implement these things into WvW.

> The ships in WVW could be a lot bigger.


> Blobs would have big slow ships and roamers would have small quick ones i guess. Would be interesting.


So basically, you want whole new map's all together? Now considering the absence of the pre-existing camps, towers and so forth... alright.

Well, I honestly hope not as many people cry about it like Desert BL; if this ever came to be.


My enjoyment around Towers and Keeps only goes so far. It really comes down to the fights themselves for me. In other words... I don't spend the much greater portion of my time going for towers and keeps for that of themselves. I go after them, if I know, or have hope of getting some decent fight out of them. Besides that, I will take a tower simply as safe space/rally point.


So given that. I can't really speak on how I feel about the airship idea in that way. Biggest reason is because it would be such a whole new experience I have yet be apart of for me to say yes or no. Also, I'm not sure all of what "making our own ship" would/could entail. Though, to give you some kind of credit. There has been an airship battle [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria") such as that in the final battle of Arah story mode dungeon. Also taking from that link "**The ship is a marvel of engineering, incorporating elements of asura, charr, human, sylvari, and even norn design.**" So, I mean, airships could work. Lastly, you are apart if a moving airship during your character(s) first time to [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon") during the story.


Here is a list of some of the more prestigious airships: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship")

So point being... Airships in this game are certainly nothing new.

The models of airships also already exist in some way in WvW as well. Having said all that. I don't believe it to be so wrong to want to do more with airships.


If there was a map to take the most advantage of this idea, initally. I vote for [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists"). I'm just gonna end it there.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Skynet.7201" said:

> > > I think fundamentally changing WvW like that is a horrible idea, and not what many of us bought the game for.

> > >

> > > And, no offense, that looks boring.

> >

> > How does it change the game fundamentally? you fight over ships instead of towers and keeps.


> You're still fighting over your items/territory etc. I don't see a big difference except what you're fighting for. Still fighting enemy, still protecting/taking stuff... not right?


They would be your airships that you can fly and move around. You would also be able to make, design and hold materials in it so it would put a lot on the line opposite to the pre made yawn structures we have now. Also, night capping wouldn't be an issue since once you and your crew log ship will be gone.


> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Instead of camps, towers, keeps and castles that don't mean much how about us making our own ships like Worlds Adrift and battling over resources and ships? The battles would actually mean something and could spice up WvW bigtime. Take a look at the video and even though the combat isn't even close to GW2 the devs could learn something from games like this and implement these things into WvW.

> > The ships in WVW could be a lot bigger.

> >

> > Blobs would have big slow ships and roamers would have small quick ones i guess. Would be interesting.


> So basically, you want whole new map's all together? Now considering the absence of the pre-existing camps, towers and so forth... alright.

> Well, I honestly hope not as many people cry about it like Desert BL; if this ever came to be.


> My enjoyment around Towers and Keeps only goes so far. It really comes down to the fights themselves for me. In other words... I don't spend the much greater portion of my time going for towers and keeps for that of themselves. I go after them, if I know, or have hope of getting some decent fight out of them. Besides that, I will take a tower simply as safe space/rally point.


> So given that. I can't really speak on how I feel about the airship idea in that way. Biggest reason is because it would be such a whole new experience I have yet be apart of for me to say yes or no. Also, I'm not sure all of what "making our own ship" would/could entail. Though, to give you some kind of credit. There has been an airship battle [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Glory_of_Tyria") such as that in the final battle of Arah story mode dungeon. Also taking from that link "**The ship is a marvel of engineering, incorporating elements of asura, charr, human, sylvari, and even norn design.**" So, I mean, airships could work. Lastly, you are apart if a moving airship during your character(s) first time to [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Free_City_of_Amnoon") during the story.


> Here is a list of some of the more prestigious airships: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Airship")

> So point being... Airships in this game are certainly nothing new.

> The models of airships also already exist in some way in WvW as well. Having said all that. I don't believe it to be so wrong to want to do more with airships.


> If there was a map to take the most advantage of this idea, initally. I vote for [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Edge_of_the_Mists"). I'm just gonna end it there.


YES! It even fits in with the lore. Makes too much sense to have airships in WVW.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Strages.2950" said:

> > Lore and theme wise it makes absolutely no sense.

> >

> > The implementation of something like this would require so many new subsystems put in place (grappling hooks, etc) and would break so many existing systems that its just not viable and honestly not worth it.

> >

> > You'd be better off creating a new game.


> 1. No one in WvW cares about Lore. There are actually flying ships in this game so you're wrong about it anyways.

> 2. The ships can be in water or air and it doesn't need grappling. We already have gliding and such.


Its not just the flying ships, its the shooter mechanic, the grappling, the ship to ship battling interfereing with the lore. You dont care about it maybe (I dont either tbh), but I'm pretty sure the devs do, and a many in the community would mind too.


The only thing that makes that gameplay remotely fun is the actual grappling, the physics involved with it and how you use it for positioning. Otherwise you're asking for WvW to turn into a jumping puzzle with huge LoS, targetting, ground targetting, blinking issues.


Maybe you should try Sea Of Thieves, its actually quite similar to this (with no grappling, although you can fire yourself from a canon from one ship to another), it looks beautiful and its open PvP.

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I have to imagine that with gw2 engine this would involve instancing of some kind. Like a portal you enter and it puts you on the ship and you can cap the ship and then unlock some kind of gimmicky thing like SMC's airship for the whole map. Personally I hated the orbs and i hated red bls gimmicky laser event so I'm just not into the whole "control the ship to win the entire map" sort of thing.

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# Grappling

[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Reach_(skill)")

- "**Launch a grappling vine to pull yourself to the targeted point.**"

If only grappling existed in GW2... I can only imagine it would look similar to whatever game this is #Joking :+1:


On a more serious note... I rather not have people be able to use it in combat because the mobility would be OP. Other than that... Perhaps give it limited uses in some manner that's similar and/or give a decent CD.


-P.S. Grappling can involve a whole new Item/Skill. That functions in a similar way. I'm not saying it has to be the same as what I linked here.

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