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Whats with all the mirage hate?


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I can beat them on every class thats not rev or ele just fine. Scourge has way more condi pressure and is aoe and nobody ever qqs about them. Warrior has just as much sustain too and nobody say a word. Someone please explain what is it about mirage and mesmer in general (since its been the most hated class since i can remember) that makes it so op and faceroll easy

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> I can beat them on every class thats not rev or ele just fine. Scourge has way more condi pressure and is aoe and nobody ever qqs about them. Warrior has just as much sustain too and nobody say a word. Someone please explain what is it about mirage and mesmer in general (since its been the most hated class since i can remember) that makes it so op and faceroll easy


Have you tried fighting a mirage in upper plat?

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> @"Coolguy.8702" said:

> I can beat them on every class thats not rev or ele just fine. Scourge has way more condi pressure and is aoe and nobody ever qqs about them. Warrior has just as much sustain too and nobody say a word. Someone please explain what is it about mirage and mesmer in general (since its been the most hated class since i can remember) that makes it so op and faceroll easy


No one qqs about scourge? What kinda rock have you been living under?

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?



So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?

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It was Spellbreakers and Scourges who got together for a treaty, looking to divert everyones attention elsewhere from their cheesy unbalanced builds and saw Mirage as their opportunity. Appears they succeeded as the SB and scourge hate train slowed down.


Also potentially could mean that anet will look at mirage again before others that are in a more unbalanced state.


GG SpellScourges....GG

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> @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> > Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?

> >


> So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?


The only problem with Mirage is Elusive Mind. It's the lies that people say about "all these evades, blocks, invulns, 100-0" nonsense that doesn't leave much for conversation. They put Chrono and Mirage into one bucket and let frustration type rather than sensibility.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> > > Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?

> > >

> >

> > So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?


> The only problem with Mirage is Elusive Mind. It's the lies that people say about "all these evades, blocks, invulns, 100-0" nonsense that doesn't leave much for conversation. They put Chrono and Mirage into one bucket and let frustration type rather than sensibility.



It's best to ignore most complaints in this subforum because people actually have no idea what they even want to complain about.

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Some class have no stun, hence elusive mind is useless against them, but mirage still wrecks those class. Ofc, some of those class could use some kind of buff because they are rather weak overall, mainly Thief.


One of the issue I see with mirage is that it is easy to play for maximum reward. This should be address.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> > > Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?

> > >

> >

> > So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?


> The only problem with Mirage is Elusive Mind. It's the lies that people say about "all these evades, blocks, invulns, 100-0" nonsense that doesn't leave much for conversation. They put Chrono and Mirage into one bucket and let frustration type rather than sensibility.


Elusive mind isn't the only problem. Even without elusive mind Mirages can still dodge whilst stunned and performing other actions/ resses, which is fundamentally broken.


That doesn't remove from the fact that numerous core mesmer skills are also unbalanced, but that's for another day.

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Part of it might be because they run a strong sort of hybrid build, and condi builds in general get on peoples' nerves. That's on top of what everyone else said. It's just a theory though. I don't really mind mirages as much as spellbreakers, but that's because I run a scrapper build that's strong against condis but struggles against power builds. (I can handle glassy power builds, but spellbreakers are tanky on top of having high damage and boon removal, so they pretty much hard counter me lol)

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> > > Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?

> > >

> >

> > So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?


> The only problem with Mirage is Elusive Mind. It's the lies that people say about "all these evades, blocks, invulns, 100-0" nonsense that doesn't leave much for conversation. They put Chrono and Mirage into one bucket and let frustration type rather than sensibility.


Yup, it's because Elusive Mind MIXED with the evades/distortions/invulns is just too damn much. If Elusive Mind were properly fixed and players could actually get a margin of time to actually burst the Mirage, I don't think anyone would be complaining. At least it would be a significantly less amount of complaints.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > Have you read the forum posts about them? If not, I suggest you do.

> > > Read the completely misguided and drivel from people who lie about an elite?

> > >

> >

> > So mirage is fine for you? Ppl are absolutely not carried by mirage builds?


> The only problem with Mirage is Elusive Mind. [..].


No it's not. I play often using Infinite Horizon instead of Elusive Mind and I still constantly get class hate despite whatever meme build I'm playing. The problem is that the majority of people never spent 2 and a half seconds trying to learn how mesmer works and how to counter it, and they get confused (no pun intended) by clone generation and detargeting skills, which is what makes fighting mirage a pain in the ass.


There are other classes that have a comparable amount of evade frames along with offense potential, but because they don't involve as many stealths or target breaks they don't suscitate as much hate as mirage does.


The issue lies in the fact that condiMirage is a very forgiving build to play (especially with axe) at lower skill levels because people in those brackets tend to not pay attention to what the enemy is doing, but rather spam all their skills as quickly as possible hoping that some of them will land, which is rather difficult and punishing to do when you can't identify the right target and have 10 stacks of Confusion on you. Hence all the complaints about 1000 seconds of invulnerability, evades and stealth.


Better players watch the opponent and save their burst when their enemy is most vulnerable, as well as their defensive skills when the enemy is pressuring.


It's a class with a low skill floor but high skill ceiling, and not busted as some people try to sell it. It just works exceptionally well against clueless people but hey, so does P/P thief.

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Too many people to quote...


Mirage class mechanic is performing functions while dodging. EM in its current state makes shutting down a Mesmer nearly impossible. There’s some counterplay you Mirage but you have to be on point and play damn near perfect.


Mesmer has been getting hate since day one due to clones. That hate is exasperated at low tier play because people don’t want to spend time learning how to counter or a class mechanic. So it doesn’t matter which build you play as a Mesmer, you’ll always get heat for playing it.


And someone mentioned numerous core Mesmer skills are unbalanced... name them please because no one is a mind reader.


Honestly EM should just go and replaced with something else. Not sure what but not what it does today.

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Yeah where's my kittening pitchfork. Mesmers are only played by evil sadists and they all deserve to be gutted, literally, kitten all of them. Words can't describe how vile and disgusting mesmers are, they should be deleted entirely from the game because I subjectively hate them. The moment I see that flash of pink or a butterfly, my jaw tightens and I get the urge to smash my keyboard on the screen which is covered in so many clones I can't even see my UI. I want the class deleted from gw2 because it ruins my game.


(/s just need to adjust or change stunbreak portion of Elusive Mind and Mirage Thrust first, then reevaluate)

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For me the biggest gripe with mesmer is confusion and all the de-targeting skills they have wheather its traits or just going invis they have to much detargeting utilities at there disposal and having clones that are targetable is a big disadvantage for any class specially my main fa weaver that requires a target for any thing worthwile doing. For a class to be so bursty then having the inability to target them fast enough and do your burst befor they get detargeted again is a very very strong mechanic.

Now confusion needs to have an icd so that it doesnt tick 3 times in 1/2 a second with 15+ stacks its doing 3.5k ticks when i use a skill. I only have 12k hp. So lets say i 10 stacks on me i switch to air, b.c of static discharge it will tick, when i use cleansing fire it will tick again because cleansing fire does damage befor it clears, but then the mes going invis again and puts 15+ stacks of confusion on me i switch to air again to get off a burst but wait i cant attack actually cuz im dead from confusion ticking me for absurd amounts when im just trying to clear or keep my distance with superspeed.


Mesmer needs to do 1/2 the damage they can do right now. They have access to every kind of utility in the game from stealth to teleports from evade skills to portals from stunbrakes to vigor and dodge from HI burst power damage to HI burst condi damage they can do it ALL!

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It's really only Condi Mirages that are the problem. The insane amount of condi application they have and the ability to far out-apply than opponents can cleanse is what is broken. At least in PvP they can't use Trailblazer stats...in WvW it's just pathetic how much the Condi Mirage is carried by build and gear stats.

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The problem is that the developers still can't decide about what rol the mesmer class fill, so meanwhile they just created this abomination of class that can do everything meanwhile: one shooting people from stealth, check, tanking while crushing enemys, check, buffing themselfs like no other, check , huge movility, check, the most noisy and anoying mechanic in the game, check check.

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Stun break on dodge and being able to use skills while evading....

Pretty much sums up why Mirage is OP.

(it's a balance thing, You can't disrupt important skills from the Mes if they are under Mirage Cloak and can still effectively burst you from the safety of Mirage Cloak and every other class in the game has to bring a stun break for breaking stuns, Mirage gets a free stun break slot or an 11th skill for free)


Everything else is pretty much "L2P" issues...

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> @"Marxx.5021" said:

> There is no real class balancing in PvP so there is rage whenever PvE changes harm PvP. Unfortunatelly PvP has such a low priority that balancing issues are addressed with minimum effort and often not before new PvE changes get introduced.


You know what's funny? WvW, PvP, and PvE players ALL think this same thing. The reality is that the balance devs are just applying life support to all 3 at the same time.

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