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How to join a Guild and when its the best time to join (lvl,etc) ?

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I would say a guild thats starting out or only recently has started out is the best to join.


While maybe not everyone might agree, I think that the process of capturing and levelling up your or a guild hall is definitely something to be experienced together with your guild.


Ofcourse its long and hard road or maybe just expensive. But as guild experiences go, joining in on a fully leveled and or large guild which know all the ins and outs might start to feel boring rather quickly. So medium sized guild with at least a handful (min 5-10) of people active each evening sounds ideal.


But yeah its a very personal opinion either way, i would say.

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As other people have said when you join a guild is a personal decision, there's no right or wrong answer. Although I think in my first 2 MMOs (Ultima Online and Guild Wars 1, played years apart, I left it too long - I felt like I had to learn the game as much as I could first so I could contribute something to the guild and actually the type of guilds I like aren't worried about that, they just want friendly people to chat to while playing and are happy to help new players.


IMO the important thing is to know what kind of guild you want to join and what you want from them so you can find one that's right for you instead of joining the first one to offer. For example do you want to meet other new players so you can figure things out together, or do you want someone more experienced to help you out? Do you want to do all 3 game modes or just 1 or 2 out of the 3? People who will know the best builds to use and how to play them (but may expect you to use those builds whenever you play together) or people who are more easy-going and happy to let everyone do what they want (but may not be able to help if you want to improve your build)? Do you prefer to type in-game or use voice chat? These are just example questions of course, everyone has their own interests and priorities.


Once you have some idea of what you want from a guild you can find one which fits. The [Looking For Guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild "Looking For Guild") section of the forum is a good place to look, or you could ask in-game. If you want a guild that does specific things it's a good idea to ask in that area - for example if you want a PvP guild then it's better to ask in the Heart of the Mists than in Divinity's Reach because you'll find more PvP players there.


Edit: Also remember you can be in 5 guilds at the same time, so don't worry if you can't find one that's absolutely perfect. You could join a few and do different things with each.

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> @"ThorWoofyn.6854" said:

> Hello,


> I'm new to GW2 and MMO genre, so like the title said (hope this isn't the wrong place to post it) how do i join a guild? And a guil(s) for beginners with little knowledge and focused on pve?


Considering you are new to MMO's I would say play the game at your own pace alone for a while, figure out how some of the basics work and possibly just wait until such a time that you play with some people you like and they offer you a guild (pretty common), let it just happen naturally, but hey that's just me, just do things your way, that's the bottom line.

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you have to see your priorities and a guild focusing on those priorities, so you will not find guild useless.:

- if Raids or "hard content", theres guilds that focus more on these activities.

- if wvw, theres wvw focused guilds.

- theres guilds that focus more on open world events, farms,

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As other people have said when you join a guild is a personal decision, there's no right or wrong answer. Although I think in my first 2 MMOs (Ultima Online and Guild Wars 1, played years apart, I left it too long - I felt like I had to learn the game as much as I could first so I could contribute something to the guild and actually the type of guilds I like aren't worried about that, they just want friendly people to chat to while playing and are happy to help new players.


> IMO the important thing is to know what kind of guild you want to join and what you want from them so you can find one that's right for you instead of joining the first one to offer. For example do you want to meet other new players so you can figure things out together, or do you want someone more experienced to help you out? Do you want to do all 3 game modes or just 1 or 2 out of the 3? People who will know the best builds to use and how to play them (but may expect you to use those builds whenever you play together) or people who are more easy-going and happy to let everyone do what they want (but may not be able to help if you want to improve your build)? Do you prefer to type in-game or use voice chat? These are just example questions of course, everyone has their own interests and priorities.


> Once you have some idea of what you want from a guild you can find one which fits. The [Looking For Guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild "Looking For Guild") section of the forum is a good place to look, or you could ask in-game. If you want a guild that does specific things it's a good idea to ask in that area - for example if you want a PvP guild then it's better to ask in the Heart of the Mists than in Divinity's Reach because you'll find more PvP players there.


> Edit: Also remember you can be in 5 guilds at the same time, so don't worry if you can't find one that's absolutely perfect. You could join a few and do different things with each.


All of this.

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How to join a guild:

G (opens guild window) -> look at the list of guilds you're in (top left of window) -> at the bottom of that list, below the 5 slots (which will be empty for those in no guilds) shows guilds that have invinted you in slightly greyed out text-> click on that/those invited guilds and there'll be another button to accpet or rejected the invite.


Guilds have to invite you first, so that brings me to: When is the best time to join:


i joined a guild here on my third day of playing the game - it was a good guild and i thoroughly enjoyed it. a lot of guilds exist for lots of different purposes- generally playing the content you like will have you see guild advertisements in chat, but tbh, guild ads are veeeery hit and miss- i've been very lucky with replying to ads on map chat, but many have not been as lucky as I;


it really depends on what you want to derive from the game- im a VERY person oriented person and since i started playing mmos i got very involved in their communities instantly, guilds are an absolute neccessity for me. buuuut for others- they're fine alone or even prefer solitude and playing alone/with a very small group of friends, and may shy away from any guild with strangers in it. it's all personal preference.


depending on the type of person you are, i'd say feel free to dip your toes in anywhere- i know what my experiences of being a gw2 guild would be like from my previous experiences in mmos, you don't have that experience so i think it could be fun for you!


(at the same time, i'd be sad to see your view of mmos/gw2 jaded by a bad guild.

my general rule of thumb for any game experience is that if im not having fun or i feel restricted then it time to drop it, as such ive dropped from several guilds that made me feel like that. don't worry about it- if your first guild experience does end up bad- hopefully it wont though!- know there's always better guilds out there.

using the looking for guild part of this forum / asking on reddit / asking for a newbie friendly guild in divnity's reach or lion's arch map chat may bring about a more compatible guild if you feel you want to seek one out.)



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Welcome to GW2. My suggestion. Explore the game. Play the way that feels natural to you. You will run across guilds recruiting from map chat in starting zones and cities mainly. You can have up to 5 guilds. Look around for a community that feels right. In the MMO genre you will join and leave many guilds, it’s normal. Be honest about your experience and see what’s out there. Have fun.

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You're never too low of a level to join a guild. What's important is to find a guild that suits you. Some tips to help that:

- Find a guild where there are a sufficient number of players active during your play time. (A guild could have hundreds of members, but if they are all in a very different timezone from your own, you may never see any of them active when you're playing.)

- Typically, older, established guilds that have existed for many years are going to be more stable and may avoid a lot of drama and other problems that can plague newer guilds.

- Make sure the guild's rules fit your style. Some guilds may have strict rules on use of guild chat (e.g. no swearing, no political or religious discussion, etc) Players that can't avoid typing one F-bomb after another or diving into certain topics may find themselves quickly booted from a guild.

- I don't see it much anymore, but it used to be common for certain guilds to have rules about representing (repping) their guild a certain amount of time. Since they changed how guild currency was earned (old style influence system required member to rep to earn points for the guild, new favor system does not), that generally isn't even a concern any more. But you might still find guilds that have repping requirements, so be aware. This could become an issue if you belong to 2 or more guilds where more than one expects you to represent them.


Once you find a guild that seems to offer what you're looking for, it should just be a matter of contacting them, undergoing any initiation (if they even have one) and joining.

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