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Silver ore needs another Mawdrey

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I would always prefer an actual use for the item rather than another eater. They are way more trouble than they are worth for a lot of people.


Eaters ...

* Take up inventory slots.

* Can only consume a tiny fraction of the mats

* It takes a lot of clicking to generate anything of value (move item to inventory, double click the eater multiple times, salvage most of the loot, inspect the rest)

* It's ultimate a few silver extra per day


Or in brief: they put a bigger inventory management burden on us rather than decrease it.



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What we need is a wildcard farming system.

Something that can take any material and gives a reward but not enough to make it a farm-able system for expensive items.


Brainstorming an idea:

Tarvin Gnashblade.

An Npc that Hangs out in lion arch trader that will pick one item on the trader that is under the vendor price.

For that day he will sell Black Lion Trade Caches for the item.

Caches have a chance of black lion keys(very low chance) as well as some of the usual stuff (weapons, armor, materials ,junk, etc.)

What He picks is semi random where it takes the lowest 50 crafting materials and picks one at random.

essentially a gobbler that doesn't take up inventory space and is dynamic so It doesn't drain any item pool too much.


Could even throw in a story that he's evon's half brother who thinks the BLTC should be his and he's doing this to destroy the company. How this will destroy the company he hasn't really figured out yet.

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> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> What we need is a wildcard farming system.

> Something that can take any material and gives a reward but not enough to make it a farm-able system for expensive items.


> Brainstorming an idea:

> Tarvin Gnashblade.

> An Npc that Hangs out in lion arch trader that will pick one item on the trader that is under the vendor price.

> For that day he will sell Black Lion Trade Caches for the item.

> Caches have a chance of black lion keys(very low chance) as well as some of the usual stuff (weapons, armor, materials ,junk, etc.)

> What He picks is semi random where it takes the lowest 50 crafting materials and picks one at random.

> essentially a gobbler that doesn't take up inventory space and is dynamic so It doesn't drain any item pool too much.


> Could even throw in a story that he's evon's half brother who thinks the BLTC should be his and he's doing this to destroy the company. How this will destroy the company he hasn't really figured out yet.


I like the idea!

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> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> Could even throw in a story that he's evon's half brother who thinks the BLTC should be his and he's doing this to destroy the company. How this will destroy the company he hasn't really figured out yet.


That sounds a lot like the gibberings of [Wild-Eye Miller](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wild-Eye_Miller "Wild-Eye Miller"). If that's what it is, he should be called "Tarvan", not "Tarvin".

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> > Could even throw in a story that he's evon's half brother who thinks the BLTC should be his and he's doing this to destroy the company. How this will destroy the company he hasn't really figured out yet.


> That sounds a lot like the gibberings of [Wild-Eye Miller](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wild-Eye_Miller "Wild-Eye Miller"). If that's what it is, he should be called "Tarvan", not "Tarvin".


Yeah I was drawing on that..

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> I always wondered that they make great efforts to take out mithril (i meand look at the recipes for season 2 legendaries like Shining Blade, tens of thousands of mithril needed) but not a single effort to take out silver or gold.


Actually, there have been several. They just haven't been nearly enough.

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If only there was some way to turn your tons of mostly-useless Silver and Gold into highly-sought-after Mythril...


But yes, I agree the so-called precious metals need more uses and especially crafting recipes. Anything that expands crafting, really...

Or better yet, let us use the silver and gold in a special crafting mini-game... we could even make it competitive and call it "gild wars".

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If you are ranking up a key farmer or other new character, you can use Jeweler to get rid of lots of extra copper and silver at little extra cost, plus your character gets an easy few levels. Of course, then you are stuck with an inventory full of useless silver ingots instead of ore, but whatever.


(Then, if you want to keep the character, teach them something better later.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > I always wondered that they make great efforts to take out mithril (i meand look at the recipes for season 2 legendaries like Shining Blade, tens of thousands of mithril needed) but not a single effort to take out silver or gold.


> Actually, there have been several. They just haven't been nearly enough.


Yeah, efforts but not _great_ efforts like the new legendaries. I still hoard several thousand silver in hope it will x-fold sometime in the future...

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The boat has sort of sailed on craftable ascended jewelry - that would have been an obvious place, as the ascended armor & weapons use up the lower materials in those areas. If they had done something, so that making ascended jewelry needed bunch of copper, silver, gold to make the materials, that would consume them.

However, given the other ways to acquire ascended jewelry, hard to say full impact - I could imagine people using up the supplies they have, and may buy of trading post if still cheap, but once the lower materials get costly, people probably find it cheaper/easier to back to the LWS maps. Where as for armor & weapons, for the most part, there are not a lot of easy ways to get them.


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I find that with the tools that give either leather or cloth (of certain tier) that one can get for karma, hitting these nodes can still be useful to get the leather or cloth that is needed for ascended equipment. So in this case, the silver/gold is not the goal, rather that decent chance of leather/cloth.


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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> I always wondered that they make great efforts to take out mithril (i meand look at the recipes for season 2 legendaries like Shining Blade, tens of thousands of mithril needed) but not a single effort to take out silver or gold.


Because mithril is far more abundant then either silver or gold due to salvaging. Lvl 80 items salvage into T5 mats by default. On top of this, lvl 80 zones only have T5 and T6 nodes. Theres also the fact that Iron and Plat maintain a value due to their use in Ascended crafting, but would otherwise be worthless beyond the occasional Gift of Metal or leveling of Metal based crafting.


When Aurora was introduced, it used Jeweler's (non-alloy) ingots in its recipe for Xunlai ingots...... however, that recipe also uses Mithrilium..... an already over taxed time gated material. If they would make a new metal based on mithril or oric, it would get around this issue. However, this effort would be only marginally successful in the long term, since players have so many better sources of trinkets with the LS chapters. And despite what some might think, the influx of accessible trinkets are the only reason buildcraft with Expansion stats can actually work in this game. Consider there were no Viper's Asc trinkets in HOT, and grieving in POF has a complicated collection gating it, with an extremely high cost (laurals) for duplicates. Making it part of crafting at this point would be more expensive then buying them from NPC vendors, because the logic for the recipe would call for overlaps with some the legendary crafting items, and likely wouldn't allow traded materials (as is the new trend).


Not to mention currency farming is the only reason LS3 maps are still populated; and its reasonable to assume LS4 maps will suffer the same fate once should their general farming value get smashed to try and fix the market. I'm kind of surprised Windswept was allowed to keep going, as the ecto nerf to elonan weapons seemed to target the wrong thing for their stated goal. I'm wondering if they are using this as an experiment to see if players will turn to the MF if cheap rares were available, but had no value as Ecto salvage.

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New crafting profession - Alchemist: they can take things like Silver and craft it into Platinum. Then take Plat and turn it into Mitril - etc etc. Obviously, not 1 for 1, but maybe 10 to 1 or something? Maybe they can craft other mats - need some Vicious Fangs? Use your alchemist to make 250 of them with x of thing A and y of thing B and some other stuff :)

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> New crafting profession - Alchemist: they can take things like Silver and craft it into Platinum. Then take Plat and turn it into Mitril - etc etc. Obviously, not 1 for 1, but maybe 10 to 1 or something? Maybe they can craft other mats - need some Vicious Fangs? Use your alchemist to make 250 of them with x of thing A and y of thing B and some other stuff :)


Kind of already doable in the MF.

Silver > Gold

Gold > Platinum

Platinum > Mithril

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