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Lets make a Representative Survey:Classes to Nerf, Classes i main


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Lets make a Representative Survey: About what classes you think they should nerf asap(in priority order), and what is/are your main class(es),(order is which i play the most)!

**Please keep in mind this is the PvP subforum so dont ask for nerfs that are only a problem in Pve and WvW, my list would be different too if that would be the case.**


Example Form:

Nerf order:

1. Mirage

2. Holo

3. Scourge

4. Firebrand


Class(es) i Main:

1. Thief



For me mirage is extremely ruining the PvP experience, its mobility, evasiveness, and dmg output is beyond game breaking at higher tiers, it is very fustrtaing that it can catch up with my thief easily meanwhile easily can defend the point, and can fight back meanwhile, me as a thief probably at zero initiative, and cant really do much.


Holo is probably the biggest thief counter out there atm imo, this is a pvp subforum but in wvw i dont even dare to attack them because of their reveal, cc and damage output, i would be happy with some damage nerf, cos atm as an experienced thief i die to them quite easily.


Scourge i would say no comment here, their condi damage and their soft cc and fear is too much, extremely poor class design, makes the conquest points the floor is lava game, also ruins wvw for me with their no telegraph fear skill.


Firebrand, too much support, also meanwhile it is outhealing 3 attackers, it also makes me pop my healing, which is quite sad but this is rather the problem of thief atm, in wvw with carefully choosen stats they can be unbeatable duelists, can easily defeat 2 experienced players also.


Also if someone wants a condi thief nerf i would suggest nerfing the Potent Poison GM trait.



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I main Rev and Guard (I don't play support FB however). I'd nerf the shit out of condi Mirage, condi Thief (specifically it's ridiculous to me that 1 successful steal from them and you're fucking dead on the spot), maybe tone FB down a little bit but I think until we get some proper nerfs to other stuff it's difficult to see how overpowered FB actually is because it's insane support is just in line with the crazy PoF powercreep. Maybe I'd look at buffs to support Tempest\Scrapper to make them viable and have some diversity in support roles.


Holo is pretty balanced imo. Their burst and CC chain outside of Overcharged Shot is so massively telegraphed that I can't take complaints seriously. It's literally a "just dodge it" issue.


I don't like the design of Scourge but with the recent nerf it doesn't feel OP, just obnoxious. This will never change because it's just the way the class is designed. It will be the same exact feeling with Mirage, no matter how they balance it, it will forever be obnoxious to play against if only because of all the visual noise.

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Nerf order:

1. Mirage


Classes i Main:

1. Ranger

2. Revenant




Mirage is overall a bit too much, especially for newer players I guess as I myself have noticed they become easier to predict and to track after a while. Still too many tools of survival paired with high mobility, damage and visual clutter.

While I'm tired of seeing 4 scourges in a game, they should buff another class that can match scourge's ability instead. As mentioned here above I also think they have design issues .

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**Condi** Mirage

**Condi** Thief

Fire Brand








I don’t get the cries for holo and scourage to be nerfed in terms of conquest they are fine.

Mirage and Thief(including DD,DE) **condi variants** are the only imba specs they have, I wish people would make this distinction more.

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1) Mirage; confusion/fire application (reduce number of stacks/dmg) and REMOVE Elusive Mind

2) Holosmith; reduce sustain, reduce the amount and range of AOE CC

3) Spellbreaker; reduce sustain

4) Scourge; reduce range increase on shade skills when using Sand Savant (40-50% reduction)

**5) Remove sigil of intelligence ; this is the #1 reason both Spellbreaker and Holosmith over perform when used by skilled players**


I main ranger and thief.



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- Elusive Mind, Mirage Thrust, Ineptitude (let's be specific - these are the main three offending features, start with these then evaluate the rest, including torch burn.)



- Mirage



I can't speak for Holo, Spellbreaker, condi Thief or anything else because I don't know the specifics of what needs nerfing. Though certainly there is more than just Mirage that needs nerfing.

Regarding Mirage - Elusive Mind doesn't need explaining, it needs proper adjustment instead of the tacked on Exhaustion.

Mirage Thrust is too good in addition to all the usual mesmer mobility skills. Either it should have a range reduction or I'd even be as harsh as saying make it require a target, or at least only spawn a clone if you hit a target.

Ineptitude is in my opinion the primary offender of condi mesmer in general, especially since it got moved to Duelling GM tier.. Rather than simply reducing the Confusion stacks, I believe it should be moved to a different trait line, maybe even made to compete with something in Illusions line again.


Regarding torch - IF torch burn stacks get nerfed then torch 5 should be on a lower cooldown, ie 25s or even 20s. Possibly even torch 4 could be on a lower cooldown, ie 25s if the burn stacks get reduced to 1 stack. The Pledge trait should have the additional burn stack removed and given another feature instead - maybe the condi cleanse like it used to.

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2.condi thief

3.SB elite skill


Main: currently scourge , used to play guard and druid


p.s Dont you dare to nerf scourge true it has high condi dps but its also a slow char that is almost always easy target easy to +1

if you take away the damage you will have a class thats doesnt really do anything (maybe just rezz but then you could play firebrand instead ...)

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Nerf in order:



Support FB




I play:





Scourge is the biggest problem in sPvP. The boon corruption is the single most distablizing and diversity killer issue in sPvP.


Holo, FB, SB and mirage are all out performing, but it is not by much. I find mirage hate is a bit overrated (but not without merit).



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1.Condi Mirage

2.Condi thief

3.Spell breaker(damage or sustain, not both of them, just one side)

4.Holosmith(tweak the sustain and support to Scrapper,and leave the damage to Holo,the damage is fine)

5.maybe tweak some sustain from sword ele(evade) and core guard(heal)


Main: Power core S/D thief

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