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Your Deadliest Enemy?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I just want to follow this up because I wanted to record a small video showing how easy it is. Turns out something is wrong, because those kitten hit me 50% of the time still.

> >

> > It seems to be super inconsistent. Sometimes just walking in another direction works, sometimes you have to first walk left then immediately start walking right and other times they just always hit me lol You can kind of dance from left to right to avoid some of the projectiles because they are always fired ahead of you


> The ability to juke is affected by the distance from the enemy. In melee range you'll dodge nothing, but at 1200 range almost nothing will hit you.




I've tested max and middle ranges. I'd argue that dodging in close range is even easier because the enemy can't spin in place it has to readjust constantly making it easier to trick it by either going through or fast enough to either side to at least dodge most of it

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > At one point, the official title of "deadliest monster", the record for most player deaths, was held by good ol' Risen Brute.

> > I know, I was shocked too.

> >

> > I suspect it's still up there in kills... I'd love to see the updated metric.


> For everyone thinking about the risen brutes in Orr right now: The only reason the risen brute got 1st place is because it also appears in the starter zones. Combine new players who have no idea what they're doing and a few afk players with a frequently occurring mob that has knock-down and the player kills start piling up. Using the same logic the first Goomba in Super Mario is the deadliest creature in the game.


Yes, Risen have high kill counts mostly because they are numerous and pervasive. There are Risen in at least half the game's core maps, including three starter zones (wherein they are one of the strongest enemies the player will encounter). But also a large portion of Story instances have swarms of them, tuned much stronger than your current scaled-level (especially in the Choosing an Order, Orders, and Claw Island arcs). Risen may not be the most _dangerous_ enemy, but they are definitely the most _deadly_.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I just want to follow this up because I wanted to record a small video showing how easy it is. Turns out something is wrong, because those kitten hit me 50% of the time still.

> >

> > It seems to be super inconsistent. Sometimes just walking in another direction works, sometimes you have to first walk left then immediately start walking right and other times they just always hit me lol You can kind of dance from left to right to avoid some of the projectiles because they are always fired ahead of you


> The ability to juke is affected by the distance from the enemy. In melee range you'll dodge nothing, but at 1200 range almost nothing will hit you.


> > @"PzTnT.7198" said:

> > I'm surprised nobody has mention that bloody champion frog in verdant brink. The one you need to kill for the hero point.



> It's complicated but there's a trick to it. The frog alternates between melee and ranged stances. His melee attack is a stun combo that does ridiculously insane damage. But, he's also not that fast. You can sort of just kite away from it while he's in melee mode, and once you've dodged the first attack he spins in place for a bit. Then, the frog will stop in place, whip out a smoke bomb, then slam it and go into stealth. This enters into range mode, where it is much safer to do damage. After a few arrow shots, the frog will whip out the daggers and chase you again.


> So you alternate between kiting and DPS while fighting the frog. Stealth detection really helps out. Now, this isn't an exact science, since sometimes the frog will get cheeky and break the chain, so you'll always have to be on watch.


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Awakened Abominations and White Mantle mesmers. Abominations, mostly because when you're waiting for their shield to go down, everything else in the neighborhood respawns. I still can't figure out how to deal with the mesmers. Their aggro radius is insane, they attack far outside normal range, and their gimmick mechanic makes no sense.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Just something I thought about while playing on Siren's Landing..

> >

> > What is the deadliest enemy (to you) ?


> The wife.


Damn, that is just so *sad*. I can't imagine having a partner that was so hostile to me or my interests. Good luck! I hope things get better for both of you!

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> It's embarassing to admit, but mine is the Spider Queen in Kessex hills. She's impossible to solo, and always seems to spawn ontop of me whenever I exit the human level 20 story. To this day, she's still on the top of my "kill on sight" list.


I avoid that fight on everything, even the Scourge I can solo pretty much any other champion with, even those champ krait who kill everything else. Just ... that fight is agony, and adding people usually doesn't help, as they mess up the minimal mechanics, get downed fast while everyone is webbed, and boom, wipe.


At least when it spawns right next to a waypoint you might get enough people running back to eventually see it die.

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This really depends on your class, build and elite spec. As a Viper Reaper main, I've never had problems with canids or pocket raptors. For open world, I can say Champion Risen Abomination since it one shots everyone around if you can't dodge its attack quick enough. Champion Shadowleapers from HoT are a problem when you leave them unattended as well. For fractals, T4 Amala boss gets mad at the balthazar phase, leaving you very few spots to dodge. If your party members get downed it's really hard to save them since they get finished by fractal avengers.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Just something I thought about while playing on Siren's Landing..

> > >

> > > What is the deadliest enemy (to you) ?

> >

> > The wife.


> kitten, that is just so *sad*. I can't imagine having a partner that was so hostile to me or my interests. Good luck! I hope things get better for both of you!


I tease, honestly. There were so many answers an yet not one joke in there. I felt obligated to do so. We have very similar gaming interests. The most thing at risk really is the loot I get. I mean if I ever pull a perm hair or style kit, it is soooo not mine.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > Just something I thought about while playing on Siren's Landing..

> > > >

> > > > What is the deadliest enemy (to you) ?

> > >

> > > The wife.

> >

> > kitten, that is just so *sad*. I can't imagine having a partner that was so hostile to me or my interests. Good luck! I hope things get better for both of you!


> I tease, honestly. There were so many answers an yet not one joke in there. I felt obligated to do so. We have very similar gaming interests. The most thing at risk really is the loot I get. I mean if I ever pull a perm hair or style kit, it is soooo not mine.


^^^ This.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> It's embarassing to admit, but mine is the Spider Queen in Kessex hills. She's impossible to solo, and always seems to spawn ontop of me whenever I exit the human level 20 story. To this day, she's still on the top of my "kill on sight" list.


I wouldn't say she's impossible to solo. It's just that her projectile is an automatic death and I'm not sure it can be dodged/blocked (although invuln works). However, if you stay close to her and break her bar, she doesn't take long to kill so you can actually prevent her from ever using it!


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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > It's embarassing to admit, but mine is the Spider Queen in Kessex hills. She's impossible to solo, and always seems to spawn ontop of me whenever I exit the human level 20 story. To this day, she's still on the top of my "kill on sight" list.


> I avoid that fight on everything, even the Scourge I can solo pretty much any other champion with, even those champ krait who kill everything else. Just ... that fight is agony, and adding people usually doesn't help, as they mess up the minimal mechanics, get downed fast while everyone is webbed, and boom, wipe.


> At least when it spawns right next to a waypoint you might get enough people running back to eventually see it die.


The bad part about having more people is that every time she successfully downs a player after webbing them, she heals. So having other players present is only a benefit if they break others out of webs!


> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> terragrif ... charging and leaving a trail behind them that hurts so much ... or from far away leading unblockable attacks from the ground ... bleh i hate those things.


Terragrifs are quite dangerous. However, their attacks have a huge weakness built into them that you can very easily exploit! That charge attack you hate has an animation lasting several seconds, during which they are vulnerable to interrupts. Not only does this stop the attack, it prevents other special attacks from being used for a moment. That's when you drop the burst on them!

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > Just something I thought about while playing on Siren's Landing..

> > > >

> > > > What is the deadliest enemy (to you) ?

> > >

> > > The wife.

> >

> > kitten, that is just so *sad*. I can't imagine having a partner that was so hostile to me or my interests. Good luck! I hope things get better for both of you!


> I tease, honestly. There were so many answers an yet not one joke in there. I felt obligated to do so. We have very similar gaming interests. The most thing at risk really is the loot I get. I mean if I ever pull a perm hair or style kit, it is soooo not mine.


I'm genuinely glad to hear it was a joke. So many people seem to talk about their partners as if they are the worst thing ever, and it often seems to be completely serious, so I'm actually happy that you are totally not in the position of it sucking. Sorry to have ducked as the joke flew over. ;)

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