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WvW should have the same build system as sPvP.

eley crey.2905

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WvW is supposed to be in the "mists" so it should have the same build system as sPvP.


EDIT: Would adding two more pvp modes, one controlled large scale mode i.e. 10v10 or 15v15 (this one using all the gear) and one single person 1v1v1v1v1*x (this one using spvp gear) type of situation be a nice solution or would it just dilute the population too much?

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Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.


For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> WvW and sPvP are two different and separate game modes, so no. Using the "it's in the mists logic", we should just go ahead and add pips and war score to anything that's "misty". Nope.


> Why would you want this?


you do realize that pips exist in pvp? i think they did even before wvw


why he would want this? because of easier balancing


> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.


> For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.


not rly helpfull, first that change would make ascended gear pretty much useless, no real reson to get it, except to swap between chars (exo for each character would still be cheaper)

also there would be no longtime motivation rly if you couldnt get a slight edge with atleast a bit better gear, i want to have better wvw suited gear than the random pve player that comes into wvw 1th a month


the reason ppl want pvp system in wvw is because there are stat combinations that are way too strong (trailblazer for example, stuff like that was removed in pvp)

it would make balancing alot easier with set stat combinations and not thousands of options flying around

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No, but WvW (ie PvE) should have the same *stats* that sPvP use.


ie ~1000 less points. Because that's what the difference is today. Full berserker in sPvP == Same damage in WvW but with 2000 toughness, or 10,000 extra hp, or 5x the condi dmg, etc etc.


This is why WvW and PvE become totally bonkers in terms of bunkers or damage. That's **alot** of extra points and for what? PvE doesnt need it - you balance the mobs by the damage players do, not the other way around. If a mob has 100k hp and a player does 20k dps, that's the same as a mob having 50k hp and a player doing 10k dps. The only thing it does is mess up balance in WvW since things are balanced for sPvP.


Why Anet decided not to use the same baseline of stats I will never know.

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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> It's a sound proposition but as you can see WvW players don't want to lose the power creep despite the many, many problems the current gear and consumable system has. I guess WvW players are really into PvE.




> ?


Painting in broad strokes are we?


It's too late to change it now, that's enough said.


Make stats irrelevant with such a change and people will stop playing. That legendary armor I farmed 30 weeks for? Yeah, that's worthless now.

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I've favored the idea of normalizing gearing for WvW in the past since it allows quicker build changes without having to grind PvE, but you have to consider also that WvW exists as a sort of open world PvP experience that is supposed to be different from the structure PvP rules. The only drawback is that guild halls don't use WvW skill rules.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> > It's a sound proposition but as you can see WvW players don't want to lose the power creep despite the many, many problems the current gear and consumable system has. I guess WvW players are really into PvE.

> >

> >

> >

> > ?


> Painting in broad strokes are we?


> It's too late to change it now, that's enough said.


> Make stats irrelevant with such a change and people will stop playing. That legendary armor I farmed 30 weeks for? Yeah, that's worthless now.


So what? I'm missing 1 armour piece to complete my sixth ascended set. I have 30+ ascended and 3 legendary weapons. I had most of that before PvE rewards in WvW were even a thing. I'd happily give up all of my gear for a more level playing field.


Gear grind and bragging rights don't keep a game fun. A decently balanced combat system does. And if uninspired elite specialisation design is without a doubt the major culprit here, the ascended power creep is right up there too.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.


> For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.


No. People who have put in the time, gold and mats in to making ascended or legendary gear should have better stats than exotic.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> It's too late to change it now, that's enough said.


Its never too late to change things.


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Make stats irrelevant with such a change and people will stop playing. That legendary armor I farmed 30 weeks for? Yeah, that's worthless now.


You do know that legendary does not have better stats than the much cheaper ascended? A legendary is only about the Bling-Bling-effects and the convenience of easy stat swap.


And you do now, that ascended and legendary already have only "exotics" (as an example, depending on map level) stats when you visit maps that are below level 80?



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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.

> >

> > For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.


> No. People who have put in the time, gold and mats in to making ascended or legendary gear should have better stats than exotic.


They will have better stats in all pve content. This is only for WvW to make stats matter less and personal skill/positioning more.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.

> > >

> > > For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.

> >

> > No. People who have put in the time, gold and mats in to making ascended or legendary gear should have better stats than exotic.


> They will have better stats in all pve content. This is only for WvW to make stats matter less and personal skill/positioning more.


i dont play pve tho, not the slightest bit

i want my ascended to be more valuable valuable in wvw than exotics

just lower statpoints overall to fight powercreep

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No thanks. Boring vanilla spvp builds is probably what killed it off as an e-sport (that and the awful screaming children commentators).


More build variety is a good thing. Fix the issues with power creep by toning down skills in wvw and getting rid of most of the Point of Failure changes, which are the real issue.


Dumbing down wvw to spvp levels isn't the answer.

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No. Pls no.


The moment they add stat amulets for wvw and remove the stats from armor i will quit this game.


Why? Because thinking.about viable PvP builds is the most fun.

And if you are restricted by preset stat combinations, that's not possible anymore.

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ANET could add a boon (or I guess, more accurately, a condition) to anyone present inside a WvW map that either lowers damage by 'x' or increases vitality or toughness by 'y'. Most players would probably not even notice a change.


You're still going to insta-melt under scourge-spam, but at least the napkin math will make you feel better...


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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.

> > >

> > > For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.

> >

> > No. People who have put in the time, gold and mats in to making ascended or legendary gear should have better stats than exotic.


> They will have better stats in all pve content. This is only for WvW to make stats matter less and personal skill/positioning more.


I don't do pve I only do wvw so these "pve" stats are worthless to me. My ascended gear didn't even come from pve I made grandmaster marks for everything.

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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > Instead of taking the sPvP amulet system, **_just adjust everyone's gear (who are in ascended) to exotic level while in WvW_** just like in sPvP and stats from infusions shouldn't count in WvW IMO.

> > > >

> > > > For example, if player A is wearing full exotic zerker gear while player B is wearing full ascended zerker gear (with or without infusions) they'd have same stats. This way you can mix other stat individual pieces as well keep the power creep level to minimum. Also helps in normalizing stats since exotic is dirt cheap to acquire.

> > >

> > > No. People who have put in the time, gold and mats in to making ascended or legendary gear should have better stats than exotic.

> >

> > They will have better stats in all pve content. This is only for WvW to make stats matter less and personal skill/positioning more.


> I don't do pve I only do wvw so these "pve" stats are worthless to me. My ascended gear didn't even come from pve I made grandmaster marks for everything.


Then how will it affect you because everyone will get downgraded to exotic anyway?


There is nothing more unhealthy than an uneven field stat-wise in PvP environment in any MMO (look at BDO for example where battles are decided by who has the better gear rather than skills). I chose exotic since it's easy to acquire for all players and is highest tier after ascended.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> ANET could add a boon (or I guess, more accurately, a condition) to anyone present inside a WvW map that either lowers damage by 'x' or increases vitality or toughness by 'y'. Most players would probably not even notice a change.


> You're still going to insta-melt under scourge-spam, but at least the napkin math will make you feel better...



We used to have those boons, they were called Guard Stacks, granted by having max mastery in guard killer and guard defense lines. People noticed, it was deemed unfair and it was removed.

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