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What are your top 3 Elite Specializations?

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What are the top 3 Elite Specializations you like the most? And I mean in general, both thematically and mechanically. Take into consideration both PoF and HoT specs. Don't take into consideration only those that are meta/the strongest, but also how they are visually appealing to you, how fun they are to use, how they change the core profession, and so on. Take into consideration all of this. I didn't make a poll, since there is not enough space for all 18 elite specs.


My top 3 are:

1, Weaver - I wanted sword for ele so much, I was so happy when we got it. The weaving mechanic is really fun to use, at least for me.

2, Chronomancer - I love Continuum Split and the shield is pretty fun to use. Thematically it would be number 1.

3, Deadeye - Very close win against the Reaper for the 3rd place. No matter what everyone thinks about Deadeye, I have my super cool sniper and I love it.


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Ill have to say:

1: Reaper. While it certainly could use more damage, its very fun to play.

2: Holosmith. The amount of destruction this spec can dish out is glorious.

3. Soulbeast. I always liked how the power ranger played, power soulbeast is better. Could definitely use more damage as well tho.

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1. Dragonhunter with Greatsword

My Main since 3,5 years now ( started with core warrior at release ).

jumping around ( i love that winged leap ). good def and nice burst. overall easy 2 play


4. Mirage

pure fun. currently OP and i love that dodge animation and voice over from my Asura.


3. Holosmith

Looks cool, high burst damage but squishy imo. fun 2 play overall

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1.Firebrand, very versatile, switching between damage and support and the mantras are handy. Couldn't care less about the axe and think it's ad you're kinda forced to use it because it's a condi spec.

2. Deadeye, finally I get to be a sniper and the high numbers on single hits are just fun.

3. Weaver, loving the offensive melee approach and the way you can cycle through attunements now.


But I play everything now and then, so this list would prob look different had I posted yesterday or tomorrow.

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* Greatsword/Longbow (for ranged pulls) Dragonhunter

* Greatsword Reaper (Gravedigger FTW!)

* Staff/dual Pistol Daredevil (especially for JPs)

* I know it makes four, but Sword+Dagger Weaver.


I also have fond memories of early HoT when there were those mini-events to kill Vet Stoneheads around the entrance from SW to VB. I had a Hammer Rev and I would just go in there and solo-stomp the stoneheads(1) one after another until I got bored or the supply of events dried up. But that was just base Rev, without even the basic unlock of Herald.


(1) Dodge the charge and then hammer them from a distance as they thrash around before they fire up the next charge. Repeat until it's dead.

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Holosmith - This spec brought me into PvP and I'm really enjoying it. It's strong and it's so very Asura. I also enjoy the resource management trying to maintain optimal heat.

Daredevil - Three dodges, enough said. Melee staff is great.

Herald - I really enjoy the design of a signet like passive to active effect, with the Revenant resource system, and Glint is really pretty cool.

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1. Reaper (my favorite class, and a natural progress of the Power Necro build I played before elite specs were added. Usually D/WH + GS or St depending on where I use it.)

2. Scourge (didn't like it at first, but I have grown to like it so much I made a 2nd necro just to have one dedicated to Reaper and one for Scourge. A/T + St)

3. Dragonhunter (fun to play, just wish the longbow was more effective for it. I usually end up going GS + Sc/T)

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1. Berserker, it adds so much to the mobility and raw power to its core build, i consider the berserker the new baseline for the warrior.

2. Firebrand, for the guardian, mostly because the guardian was lackluster for me, and the dragon hunter worked better in pvp than pve

3. And the.. hmm.. I'm tossing between both elemental elites, and the necro's Reaper.



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Dragonhunter- my main, awesome theme, really fun gameplay, and i love the longbow (like many mentioned above, I too wish it packed more of a punch)

Reaper- greatsword was an excellent pick for necro that along with reaper shroud shakes up the gameplay and let's you feel really menacing and intimidating

Soulbeast- so many fun new merged pet skills, can build for condi or power and either way you go you'll find fun ways to play

(honorable mention)* Daredevil- staff is real cool and a ton of fun

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> This is difficult, since there are far too many I've criminally underplayed (not for lack of interest). So this list is subject to change.


Same here, there's probably at least half that I haven't gotten around to playing yet, never mind fully unlocking.

1. Soulbeast, definitely. Love everything about it.

2. Reaper, it's such a perfect progression of my original main's theme and strengths.

3. Chronomancer probably? Mainly because it's one of the few others I've actually unlocked though.


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In no real order at all my favorite three are:

Weaver - I love being able to switch between elements in a rapid fire manner. I can easily switch between DPS and Healing in an instant.

Mirage - Axes of Symmetry is broken with the amount of confusion you can inflict with it among other things xD

Dragonhunter - Mainly due to the fact that it gives the Guardian access to another ranged weapon (which the class SERIOUSLY lacks) and being able to leap around to heal allies is nice as well.

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1. Firebrand - I tried to get into Guardian for 5 years and failed. Then Firebrand happened. It was a gamechanger for me. I rerolled and main FB now. I'm in love with my tomes and mantras. Powerful AoE burns and amazing survivability. :)

2. Berserker - Apparently, I like setting things on fire. :P It has less skills than my FB but they have low cooldowns so playing with the Berserker always feels fast-paced and impactful.

3. Renegade - Crazy AoE condi stuff, just the way I like it! Insane survivability with my own Ventari hybrid build. Yummy!

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