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Diatribe on Joko and his purpose in the LWS4 story. Ep 3 Spoilers.

Okami Amaterasu.9237

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> @"Ziooo.8932" said:

>we got StarWars8'd there: devs just killed every question and speculations we had from PoF-S4E2 and haven't left ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us to question/speculate (maaaybe about Aurene, but that could be anything).



Star Wars'd...?

I would ay Joko more got Deep Blue Sea'd:


[https://youtube.com/watch?v=yMwmqp3GLMc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMwmqp3GLMc "https://youtube.com/watch?v=yMwmqp3GLMc")


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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > This game's story used to be one of its strong points, now it's one of its weakest by far.


> Erm, when? After the personal story lines and the order stories, the GW2 story has always oscillated between hilariously bad and just bearable.


Honestly it's pretty subjective, I think the story has actually been steadily getting better with only the occasional step back and that apart from some stand out moments it was at its weakest in the core, personal story stuff, notably nosediving for me when Trahearne shows up.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > @"MHaastrup.6978" said:

> > I just wanna say this. I saw the ending coming from a mile away. Literally.


> It was pretty obvious after his reaction to Aurene showing up the first time.


I thought Aurene would just absorb his magic though.

Note that this includes his soul.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> I do not get the whole "the scarabs can only infest humans" thing. This makes no sense at all, for lengthy reasons that I just can't bother to get into. There's no logical reason that one species and one species only could be vulnerable to their behavior of incubating eggs and larvae within living hosts; humans are not THAT different from all the other species, native to Tyria or not, and even if it were just a case of built up resilience over millennia of dealing with parasitic scarabs, norn, asura, and possibly charr would not have this exposure (sylvari too but they're plants so they're different topic entirely; they're also magical dragon minions). Add in that if it weren't for humans, they'd only incubate their eggs and larvae among wheat, this makes two completely opposing environs for the scarabs to house their young in, which is drastically uncommon. Add in the experiments of Episode 2 showing us with moas, choya, charr, and karka both living ones incubating scarabs and dead ones, this makes even less sense. The only actual possibly explanation. Ultimately, the only reason I can think of for why this is the case, would be magical manipulation to create a sub-breed of scarabs that can target humans specifically in addition to their standard biological functions.


The way I understand it, is that the scarab plague wasn't the same as the one that ravaged elona centuries ago, the plague joko got his hands on was the "first generation" plague, the weakest one apparantly and the one that infest only humans. After some time experimenting with it, joko created the plague's second generation, here the scarabs were able to infest crops and farmlands, thus infesting viable food sources. Now the third generation... that one was the proper and famous scarab plague that destroyed ancient elona, it kills and infest EVERYTHING, not only humans, thats why gorrik was truly worried about it, as it could cause a world wide pandemic. Thats what we saw in the cinematic when we opened the gates of gandara, and why gorrik and taimi hurried to seal it soon after it. Truly, I think we managed to win the day because of the primeval ghost warriors, (an army that even joko didn't expect). The ghosts managed to get into the city and kill every infected being and scarab inside, ending the real scarab plague before it was unleashed on the world.


I think joko plan was for us to open the gates of gandara with an army of regular soldiers instead of ghosts, that way the nasty surprise of the plague would have been unleashed on us and joko would have definitely win the war, infecting the army and then send it back to Tyria and the rest of elona.

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> @"Pax.3548" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> > I do not get the whole "the scarabs can only infest humans" thing. This makes no sense at all, for lengthy reasons that I just can't bother to get into. There's no logical reason that one species and one species only could be vulnerable to their behavior of incubating eggs and larvae within living hosts; humans are not THAT different from all the other species, native to Tyria or not, and even if it were just a case of built up resilience over millennia of dealing with parasitic scarabs, norn, asura, and possibly charr would not have this exposure (sylvari too but they're plants so they're different topic entirely; they're also magical dragon minions). Add in that if it weren't for humans, they'd only incubate their eggs and larvae among wheat, this makes two completely opposing environs for the scarabs to house their young in, which is drastically uncommon. Add in the experiments of Episode 2 showing us with moas, choya, charr, and karka both living ones incubating scarabs and dead ones, this makes even less sense. The only actual possibly explanation. Ultimately, the only reason I can think of for why this is the case, would be magical manipulation to create a sub-breed of scarabs that can target humans specifically in addition to their standard biological functions.


> The way I understand it, is that the scarab plague wasn't the same as the one that ravaged elona centuries ago, the plague joko got his hands on was the "first generation" plague, the weakest one apparantly and the one that infest only humans. After some time experimenting with it, joko created the plague's second generation, here the scarabs were able to infest crops and farmlands, thus infesting viable food sources. Now the third generation... that one was the proper and famous scarab plague that destroyed ancient elona, it kills and infest EVERYTHING, not only humans, thats why gorrik was truly worried about it, as it could cause a world wide pandemic. Thats what we saw in the cinematic when we opened the gates of gandara, and why gorrik and taimi hurried to seal it soon after it. Truly, I think we managed to win the day because of the primeval ghost warriors, (an army that even joko didn't expect). The ghosts managed to get into the city and kill every infected being and scarab inside, ending the real scarab plague before it was unleashed on the world.


> I think joko plan was for us to open the gates of gandara with an army of regular soldiers instead of ghosts, that way the nasty surprise of the plague would have been unleashed on us and joko would have definitely win the war, infecting the army and then send it back to Tyria and the rest of elona.


You'd think for a lich with eyes everywhere that can apparently just project hologram images of himself and awaken people half a world away he would have been able to see us mounting our forces. Or even that some awakened in Desert Highlands would have been like, "Yo, Joko, you seein' this? Why's ya boi talkin' to the ghosts?"


The ship looked like it might have had a projector or something glowing in it, so perhaps that's how Joko did the projection there. And then the rest were in his little dungeon full of traps so there could have been more there. Still find it odd that he was able to awaken people from that far away though. Has he always been able to do that? Seems like he would have to be in close viscinity. Or was it really his lieutenant on the ship that did the awakening?


I think the thing that bothers me more is that Norn seem to be immune to this generation or whatever. I mean, they're basically just bigger humans in physiology?


Also noticed some of the Olmakhan were awakened near the fortress which was kind of interesting. I know we've known seen a ton of Asura be awakened but I don't think I had seen any charr before this? Maybe I just overlooked them.


I wonder if there's species Joko's magic couldn't awaken? Or if it's just anything dead outside of maybe elder dragons? If dragon minions can't be awakened that would be an interesting twist. And I don't think we've seen any sylvari awakened? (Don't you dare kill off Canach while Braham is walking around killing liches with us after being absent for nearly 3 episodes.)




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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I think the thing that bothers me more is that Norn seem to be immune to this generation or whatever. I mean, they're basically just bigger humans in physiology?


Humans aren't from Tyria. They come from another part of the mists, most likely another planet that they emigrated from. Norn on the other hand are native to Tyria, and unlike humans, all norn have an inherent ability to shapeshift into their wereforms (I know they're not wereforms or lycanthropic in any way, just the easiest description).


So there are bound to be massive physiological differences between humans and norn, primarily because they come from different planets. Convergent evolution is a possible explanation for their similarities. Convergent evolution is when two distinct species generate similar beneficial traits, like how bats, birds and insects have wings, how hyenas look and act like canines despite technically being under the cat family and how dolphins and whales can live underwater like fish while being mammals.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Pax.3548" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> >

> > > I do not get the whole "the scarabs can only infest humans" thing. This makes no sense at all, for lengthy reasons that I just can't bother to get into. There's no logical reason that one species and one species only could be vulnerable to their behavior of incubating eggs and larvae within living hosts; humans are not THAT different from all the other species, native to Tyria or not, and even if it were just a case of built up resilience over millennia of dealing with parasitic scarabs, norn, asura, and possibly charr would not have this exposure (sylvari too but they're plants so they're different topic entirely; they're also magical dragon minions). Add in that if it weren't for humans, they'd only incubate their eggs and larvae among wheat, this makes two completely opposing environs for the scarabs to house their young in, which is drastically uncommon. Add in the experiments of Episode 2 showing us with moas, choya, charr, and karka both living ones incubating scarabs and dead ones, this makes even less sense. The only actual possibly explanation. Ultimately, the only reason I can think of for why this is the case, would be magical manipulation to create a sub-breed of scarabs that can target humans specifically in addition to their standard biological functions.

> >

> > The way I understand it, is that the scarab plague wasn't the same as the one that ravaged elona centuries ago, the plague joko got his hands on was the "first generation" plague, the weakest one apparantly and the one that infest only humans. After some time experimenting with it, joko created the plague's second generation, here the scarabs were able to infest crops and farmlands, thus infesting viable food sources. Now the third generation... that one was the proper and famous scarab plague that destroyed ancient elona, it kills and infest EVERYTHING, not only humans, thats why gorrik was truly worried about it, as it could cause a world wide pandemic. Thats what we saw in the cinematic when we opened the gates of gandara, and why gorrik and taimi hurried to seal it soon after it. Truly, I think we managed to win the day because of the primeval ghost warriors, (an army that even joko didn't expect). The ghosts managed to get into the city and kill every infected being and scarab inside, ending the real scarab plague before it was unleashed on the world.

> >

> > I think joko plan was for us to open the gates of gandara with an army of regular soldiers instead of ghosts, that way the nasty surprise of the plague would have been unleashed on us and joko would have definitely win the war, infecting the army and then send it back to Tyria and the rest of elona.


> You'd think for a lich with eyes everywhere that can apparently just project hologram images of himself and awaken people half a world away he would have been able to see us mounting our forces. Or even that some awakened in Desert Highlands would have been like, "Yo, Joko, you seein' this? Why's ya boi talkin' to the ghosts?"


> The ship looked like it might have had a projector or something glowing in it, so perhaps that's how Joko did the projection there. And then the rest were in his little dungeon full of traps so there could have been more there. Still find it odd that he was able to awaken people from that far away though. Has he always been able to do that? Seems like he would have to be in close viscinity. Or was it really his lieutenant on the ship that did the awakening?


> I think the thing that bothers me more is that Norn seem to be immune to this generation or whatever. I mean, they're basically just bigger humans in physiology?


> Also noticed some of the Olmakhan were awakened near the fortress which was kind of interesting. I know we've known seen a ton of Asura be awakened but I don't think I had seen any charr before this? Maybe I just overlooked them.


> I wonder if there's species Joko's magic couldn't awaken? Or if it's just anything dead outside of maybe elder dragons? If dragon minions can't be awakened that would be an interesting twist. And I don't think we've seen any sylvari awakened? (Don't you dare kill off Canach while Braham is walking around killing liches with us after being absent for nearly 3 episodes.)




The boat has one of his statue projectors in it, go to the mission and have a boo.


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The writing in this game has been weak from the beginning, but with this new episode it really took a nosedive. The writers killed off the only halfway interesting villain since launch in the most ridiculous and ham-handed manner possible. Yeah, some of Joko's jokes were lame, but at least he had a personality. Nobody else in the game even comes close to being as memorable as Joko. Also, as if the main PoF storyline didn't make it clear enough, Aurene is going to be a convenient deus ex machina/all-purpose problem solver whenever the writers back themselves into a corner. Really lazy, sloppy work here that deprives the player of any agency. Why did we even bother to summon up a ghost army and rally an attack on Joko's fortress when Aurene can just swoop in and seal the deal? Lame.


What a massive waste. The writers had an opportunity with Joko, to not only dish up a full season (or more) of solid fanservice but also break away from the god-awful Elder Dragon "force of nature" plot arc that has taken this game nowhere. Instead they blow their entire wad three episodes into the season and confirmed that it was all just filler. Joko didn't even get to kill off one of the obnoxious NPC companions for shock value (Braham or Marjory would have been at the top of my list to axe). Even soap operas do drama better than this.


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> @"Thuggernaut.1250" said:

> The writing in this game has been weak from the beginning, but with this new episode it really took a nosedive. The writers killed off the only halfway interesting villain since launch in the most ridiculous and ham-handed manner possible. Yeah, some of Joko's jokes were lame, but at least he had a personality. Nobody else in the game even comes close to being as memorable as Joko. Also, as if the main PoF storyline didn't make it clear enough, Aurene is going to be a convenient deus ex machina/all-purpose problem solver whenever the writers back themselves into a corner. Really lazy, sloppy work here that deprives the player of any agency. Why did we even bother to summon up a ghost army and rally an attack on Joko's fortress when Aurene can just swoop in and seal the deal? Lame.


> What a massive waste. The writers had an opportunity with Joko, to not only dish up a full season (or more) of solid fanservice but also break away from the god-awful Elder Dragon "force of nature" plot arc that has taken this game nowhere. Instead they blow their entire wad three episodes into the season and confirmed that it was all just filler. Joko didn't even get to kill off one of the obnoxious NPC companions for shock value (Braham or Marjory would have been at the top of my list to axe). Even soap operas do drama better than this.


I think what we might be running into is scoping issues. They clearly only have so many episodes before an expansion and need to pick and choose what they have time for.


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I guess writers were going for the phantom pain feeling, with similar situation to the MGS:V story.


However, it's quite sad that they've decided to do it with the first villain this game has seen in years that had some personality.


The final fate wasn't bad, it's just dissapointing to see story possibly coming back from the more interesting angle back on the same old Elder Dragons track we've been trying to get rid of for some time now.


The in-engine cinematics were well-done though.

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Sajuuk Khar.1509

1. So they throw away good characters just because of an arbitrary rule that they are not supposed to use them? It's not a hard concept to create interesting characters to weave into the Elder Dragon story, especially as the effects of killing them are felt and the world has to deal with excess power. I think that refusing to bring in more interesting characters to focus on the non characters that are supposed to be the villains is a bad choice. They work well as a primal force that must be dealt with, but unless they make the characters of the Elder Dragons more complex than near mindless beasts, then they aren't really characters to carry a game that should last for maybe a decade or so more.

2. Right Kralkatorick, who has done... what exactly? He was not the main focus of PoF. He was just there. Sure he's grown more powerful but what's he doing with that? He left to go sit on a rock and do nothing while we focused on Joko.

3. Sit around and let their minions bring them magic? Yes that happens, but is that efficient? Is that an imminent threat? Is that the catastrophe implied by the records from the previous rising? They sat there doing nothing with armies that surrounded them in confined territories that occasionally expanded? And if so why bother with Kralkatorick moving south? Why not just leave him where he was? He moved initially to deal with Glint, but after that he went south. Why not just chill out and do absolutely nothing like some of the other dragons? Proximity is shown to play a role, given how Aurene got a fair bit of power from Mordremoth. So it makes sense for the Elder Dragons to move throughout the world grabbing what magic they can.

4. The key word was imminent. He's not doing anything. He attacked Amnoon for... reasons... and then moved on. A being of his power could level a continent. And all he did was assault one town?

5. I'm sorry but a country of idiots who did nothing to stop him? So he just rocked up and said "bow to me?" And they all just went "oh well I guess this is it for Elona. gg guys." No. He cut off their water supply in a desert nation and if they did not surrender, everyone in every bit of mainland Elona would have died of thirst. And completely warping the entire way of life in Elona, so the people he conquered and should hate him love and worship him? That's one hell of an achievement. Portraying him as someone who never accomplished much is simply inaccurate.

6. You are too narrow minded. The devs can just bring in more story that will make his interactions more dynamic than retreating to another fortress where we attack him again. Perhaps Kralkatorick moves against Joko. Perhaps Joko wants to go to Cantha. That's just off the top of my head so those aren't necessarily good. But the point is there are infinite possibilities with every being and character in every story. They could have done more with Joko. Or they find a way to subside his story a bit for now as something else comes up. There are so many possibilities.

7. And how's the main cast holding up in light of all those events you talked about? Well Braham seems to have forgotten all his "psychological mess", particularly the part where he was angry with us, for basically no reason as of last episode. How's Marjory doing after being injured by Balthazar? Just fine. How's Taimi doing after being captured by Joko? Just fine. It goes on. If smaller problems don't have consequences, then no matter how big the consequences are for Tyria, they are not going to bring an audience to fear for characters' safety.

8. That was a group of people who became ascended and got those enchantments. Our characters in GW2 have no such advantages. The Seers are extinct and Ascension is no longer possible. Three Mursaat fought off an entire invading Charr army on their own. 3. Against thousands. Perhaps tens of thousands. That's how powerful the Mursaat were. And with no such advantages we killed one in 5 minutes with ease.

9. I never said Lazarus would willingly share it. We might resolve to force him to divulge it, or have to bargain with him. Perhaps characters who are also our enemies would seek to know. Joko for example? He'd be a target for a hungry Elder Dragon. What about the Inquest? And then Lazarus also has his own goals and motivations, and perhaps if he thinks humanity might survive rather than being wiped out without him having to lift a finger, he might not run to the Mists right away. Again, don't assume there are no possibilities for a character. They wasted his potential. Even if they did nothing I just said and did something different, he had more he could do.

10. And I just showed you how what I said was relevant, as was the fact I came up with it in a few seconds. Professional writers could do far better than me if they decided to stop throwing away potentially interesting stories.

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Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.

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> @"Digitix.9241" said:

> Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.


Well the Wurm Marshall has not been accounted for. She could be the new leader of the awakened and rule in the bone palace.


The thing is without Joko, the awakened are just a neutral faction and are not inherently evil. Could make for allies against the dragon.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.


> Well the Wurm Marshall has not been accounted for. She could be the new leader of the awakened and rule in the bone palace.


> The thing is without Joko, the awakened are just a neutral faction and are not inherently evil. Could make for allies against the dragon.


True, but I don't think that's going to happen. The wurmmarshall doesn't really seem like an interesting villain to me (yet :P) (I hope she gets a role in a new raid/bounty/whatever.) Kito does, he is very mysterious and the notes in the core PoF maps about the order of shadows are pretty dark (and it's confirmed the original order of whispers is still in Elona). I do agree about the awakened allies though! I think it would be great to fight Kralkatorrik with all new allies we got this season. (Sunspears, Sayida & corsairs, Olmakhan, Gorrik & Blish, Heket, Awakened(?), other allies from episode 4 and beyond, Logan and the pact, Dragon's Watch, Zojja and Caithe.

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> @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > > Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.

> >

> > Well the Wurm Marshall has not been accounted for. She could be the new leader of the awakened and rule in the bone palace.

> >

> > The thing is without Joko, the awakened are just a neutral faction and are not inherently evil. Could make for allies against the dragon.


> True, but I don't think that's going to happen. The wurmmarshall doesn't really seem like an interesting villain to me (yet :P) (I hope she gets a role in a new raid/bounty/whatever.) Kito does, he is very mysterious and the notes in the core PoF maps about the order of shadows are pretty dark (and it's confirmed the original order of whispers is still in Elona). I do agree about the awakened allies though! I think it would be great to fight Kralkatorrik with all new allies we got this season. (Sunspears, Sayida & corsairs, Olmakhan, Gorrik & Blish, Heket, Awakened(?), other allies from episode 4 and beyond, Logan and the pact, Dragon's Watch, Zojja and Caithe.


There is also the possibility that Kralkatorrik will hijack what’s left of the awakened army, much like he did in the awakened soldiers in Amnoon .

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> There is also the possibility that Kralkatorrik will hijack what’s left of the awakened army, much like he did in the awakened soldiers in Amnoon.


That would actually be really cool! I hope Arenanet has a really cool and creative idea to continue with this season because I wasn't that happy with Joko's death (it was too early!!)

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > > > Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.

> > >

> > > Well the Wurm Marshall has not been accounted for. She could be the new leader of the awakened and rule in the bone palace.

> > >

> > > The thing is without Joko, the awakened are just a neutral faction and are not inherently evil. Could make for allies against the dragon.

> >

> > True, but I don't think that's going to happen. The wurmmarshall doesn't really seem like an interesting villain to me (yet :P) (I hope she gets a role in a new raid/bounty/whatever.) Kito does, he is very mysterious and the notes in the core PoF maps about the order of shadows are pretty dark (and it's confirmed the original order of whispers is still in Elona). I do agree about the awakened allies though! I think it would be great to fight Kralkatorrik with all new allies we got this season. (Sunspears, Sayida & corsairs, Olmakhan, Gorrik & Blish, Heket, Awakened(?), other allies from episode 4 and beyond, Logan and the pact, Dragon's Watch, Zojja and Caithe.


> There is also the possibility that Kralkatorrik will hijack what’s left of the awakened army, much like he did in the awakened soldiers in Amnoon .


A branded Joko and army could have been an interesting twist in the tale.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > > @"Digitix.9241" said:

> > > > > Didn't Anet say we were going to find out about Joko's backstory this season? And they killed him already.. I hope we get to know more about him, but in a season 2/Caithe way, or the order of shadows might me really mad at us for killing him because they mentioned we shouldn't get rid of him until we find a good replacement. In my opinion Anet shouldn't just wrap the Elona story up forever yet, and flesh it out in the rest of season 4 (while also dealing with Kralkatorrik) as we'll probably never go back there after season 4.

> > > >

> > > > Well the Wurm Marshall has not been accounted for. She could be the new leader of the awakened and rule in the bone palace.

> > > >

> > > > The thing is without Joko, the awakened are just a neutral faction and are not inherently evil. Could make for allies against the dragon.

> > >

> > > True, but I don't think that's going to happen. The wurmmarshall doesn't really seem like an interesting villain to me (yet :P) (I hope she gets a role in a new raid/bounty/whatever.) Kito does, he is very mysterious and the notes in the core PoF maps about the order of shadows are pretty dark (and it's confirmed the original order of whispers is still in Elona). I do agree about the awakened allies though! I think it would be great to fight Kralkatorrik with all new allies we got this season. (Sunspears, Sayida & corsairs, Olmakhan, Gorrik & Blish, Heket, Awakened(?), other allies from episode 4 and beyond, Logan and the pact, Dragon's Watch, Zojja and Caithe.

> >

> > There is also the possibility that Kralkatorrik will hijack what’s left of the awakened army, much like he did in the awakened soldiers in Amnoon .


> A branded Joko and army could have been an interesting twist in the tale.


That’s where I thought the plot would move to, alas it didn’t and I can’t really think of a way that it could.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I don't think Joko deserved to die the way he did, but I believe it's the right way to have ended him. All his pompous arrogance, his empty threats after we have smashed his plans one by one and actually faced him directly, regardless of what he tried. He played his role and **died a way that he certainly wouldn't have liked**. The great Joko reduced to a meal for a dragon. On that note: The fact he was so surprised about Aurene in the first instance meant to me that he didn't expect her to be this large already. Yes, he should have known that there is a dragon about (it was never mentioned anywhere, was it?) but assuming he has his connections he would know. But he didn't factor in her growth spurt(s) after absorbing the magic. The flaw that would cost him his life.



I just want to pat myself on the back for being correct on at least part of this one :sunglasses:

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > I don't think Joko deserved to die the way he did, but I believe it's the right way to have ended him. All his pompous arrogance, his empty threats after we have smashed his plans one by one and actually faced him directly, regardless of what he tried. He played his role and **died a way that he certainly wouldn't have liked**. The great Joko reduced to a meal for a dragon. On that note: The fact he was so surprised about Aurene in the first instance meant to me that he didn't expect her to be this large already. Yes, he should have known that there is a dragon about (it was never mentioned anywhere, was it?) but assuming he has his connections he would know. But he didn't factor in her growth spurt(s) after absorbing the magic. The flaw that would cost him his life.

> >


> I just want to pat myself on the back for being correct on at least part of this one :sunglasses:


Well done Blocki!

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