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Taimi should probably die.

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No! Taimi is awesome. There is one person that I thought should have died when I saw them in the opening instance of this Living Story release.

>! Lord Faren. God I hate this character.


I also think as part of a redemption arc, Braham should also die. Make us love and trust him again, then, Ka-Braham, dragon tail-whip into the unending ocean.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> No! Taimi is awesome. There is one person that I thought should have died when I saw them in the opening instance of this Living Story release.

> >! Lord Faren. God I hate this character.


> I also think as part of a redemption arc, Braham should also die. Make us love and trust him again, then, Ka-Braham, dragon tail-whip into the unending ocean.


the Ka-braham was majestic ! it made me laugh for a second

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt.


Excuse me? I know I am not the only one who hated Taimi for the most part throughout LWS3 and even PoF, due to bad writing (bad humor, teen speak that doesn't fir the setting, and her representing an annoyance with her constant tech babbling and "saving the day", which should be our job). Only now, in LWS4, is she becoming a character that I can tolerate and even like. So why have her killed? She provides so much potential for story-telling ever since she showed an unsettling interest in Blish's way of existence (in combination with her physical impairment, it makes for a great Robocop 2.0 story ;) ).


Lord Faren and Braham I would hate to see go as well, now that we are all starting to work as a unit. Why do some players have such a scary tendency to want to see characters die?

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Well, there are other ways to make an audience care for a story than gruesome violence but I guess that's just where we are now...


The only character I could do without now is Gorrik and I still think that we will have to put him down at some point. I know he's supposed to be "on the spectrum"(it was said in one of the Guild Chat streams), so he can't relate to other beings when something terrible happens, but playing it for the lulz doesn't do the matter justice and makes him come of as an emotionless weirdo who couldn't care less about human suffering as long as his beetles are ok.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I hope anet doesnt try to invent a way for her to survive and her lethal disease finally gets her once and for all.


> They already invented one, as evidenced by Blish.


I know but until they connect this yet another deus ex taimina I'm going to naivly believe this character is finally getting eaten by worms.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > God I really do hope she will die in a painful way, hate her so much!

> > As Taimi dies, Zojja will make her ultimate comeback! ❤❤❤

> >

> > Oooor, we'll just keep Gorrik and Blish ?


> Trend of multiplying annoying asura characters is indeed troubling.


Yeah... I just wish all of them disbanded or dies so we could get more and new characters and perhaps returning ones, Caithe for an example.


Although Gorrik and Blish is far more interesting than our annoying little "smart"brain Taimi.

At our 2nd episide of LS3, I literally waited and hoped for her to run out of air during her golem error program. :lol:

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A character death should not have to do with how much we like him/her. A death should be caused only if it make sense for the story and the character. Killing someone for the impact cause people like him/her is as boring as killing a character just because none cares about him/her.

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Nah, Braham's going to get branded and we'll never be rid of him.


Regardless, we can't kill of Braham or Taimi until we have somebody lined up to fill their spot in our merry band of friends. If Braham bites it, we won't have any Norn in our group, and as much as Anet likes to forget about them, I doubt they'd let us go without a representative.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> Why does every character always have to die? And why does everyone or everything always got to be 'hated'. Is is me or is this forum becoming more and more immature?


It's like with Braham. I feel he was pretty well written what with his strained relationship with his mother, then beginning to have a healthy relationship with her again only for her to be snatched away by the Mordrem. And the pressure to live up to his mother's legend. As if anyone, within this setting in their 20s, would act reasonable after this happened. But yet people skritt all over him for acting unreasonable.

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Gorrik is basically 'Phlunt Lite', being 'on the spectrum' and still has more potential than Taimi. Honestly like, they could save Kasmeer and Rytlock, kill off the rest and the Dragon's Watch story wouldn't lose anything and would probably become better. They've character-assassinated Braham, Rox is basically invisible, along with Marjory, Taimi's never been developed and acts as a stereotype, and Canach's devolving every single episode.


There's a misguided argument at the moment that there's too much death in Guild Wars 2.


There isn't enough consequence in the narrative. The Commander walks into one of the most dangerous places in the world, with almost the full roster of Dragon's Watch, and no one dies or gets injured. The only character that gets injured off-screen is Faren, and everyone on the forums claps and cries: 'Amazing story, best thing ever.' It's beyond predictable and terribly written. I can't understand how people play through the same formula over and over, and feel that it's amazing.


The Living Story Formula: Instance, Instance, Hearts, Final Instance.


It never deviates, and it never works. The Hearts aspect is just lazy, at least they changed it slightly for Episode 3 so we're not just doing the Hearts, but it just sets up the Hearts for a later date, as everything that we do contributes to the yellow bar. The first Instance always has a dramatic event, and it's poorly handled. The second Instance involves travelling to the new zone. The final Instance is the big conclusion that always has a strange ending. It never changes. We wait 3 months, and we get the same formula. Why can't we deviate from this? How about we travel to the zone in the first Instance, and then the whole story takes place in that zone? How about we do a mini-quest that isn't tied to the Hearts and takes place in a ruin, or something? You can't change the final Instance, I understand that... but at least handle the dramatics with good writing. ANet has only hit the mark once with an ending, and that was: Living World Season 3 Episode 1, which still remains the best Living World Episode IMO, and probably the best story that they've ever told. Everything else has either been filler or a huge let-down with missed opportunities, and most of these missed opportunities comes from character-assassinations, or just bad writing. It's actually quite frustrating to see so much potential wasted by a family-friendly, predictable narrative team, and forced representation.


A final note: Forced Representation + Bad Writing = Horrendous, Insulting Characters. Gorrik is actually an insult to people who are 'on the spectrum'. Anet's portrayal of Gorrik isn't accurate, and it's just glorifying something that's quite intricate to write. There are positives and negatives to all situations, but if you only focus on the positives, the character loses all sense of reality and becomes forced.

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