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EDIT: ANET staff publicly representing company should be held to their own standards

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> @"saerni.2584" said:


> I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist. This is fairly simple. To reiterate, men assume themselves to be subject matter experts over women even where the woman has qualifications and the man does not. These men do not behave similarly with other men. Rather, they defer to those men’s subject-matter expertise. This male behavior to explain things, poorly, to women and not to men is sexist.


"I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist." You keep saying that a particular behavior is associated with men, but provide no reason to believe the association is not sexist. [Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0173942 "Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women"), without corroborating scientific proof. Therefore the belief that women are relatively "emotional" is sexist until there is corroborating scientific evidence. Do you have scientific proof that men are more frequently condescending to women than the converse?

> Do you have data or studies suggesting women do this to men? I’m basing this off the reported experience of multiple women in news publications going back over a decade and in conversations with women. Women in this thread have mentioned their own lived experience with this.


> Women are condescending. Everyone is at some point. But that isn’t the behavior I’m describing above. What I’m describing is the disparate treatment of women by men. Merely being condescending to everyone would not qualify as mansplaining so much as just general rudeness.

I do not have data or studies suggesting women do this to men. You and I are both lacking in scientific proof that men are disproportionately condescending towards women, or the converse, which is my point. Individual anecdotes are not scientific, and that's all you or I are presenting. If I am wrong that you are lacking scientific proof, please cite your sources.

> > 3. In general, this is true. If I said "women are, on average, shorter than men" then I am not being sexist, as that is a verifiable fact that is founded on hard data. However, when a person starts giving special treatment to a person based on their gender/sex (e.g. using "mansplain" instead of "explain), that is the definition of sexism.


> No. See above.

This is neither an explanation nor an argument. You failed to prove your point above using scientific evidence. Please cite your sources.

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I genuinely wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't know her, she could be having a bad day, maybe a lot of stress recently, maybe the guy didn't word things very well, it was just a misunderstanding, etc... But after seeing the original comment and the response and then looking at the rest of her feed I can't give her that. It seems that's just how she is. She reacted in a completely inappropriate way to a good faith question. The employee who defended her had to have the Twitter equivalent of being pulled aside and cooled off before he actually addressed the question.


It's baffling. What is even going on? None of this seems sane.

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Uhhh, seems ANet is having a harsh time at the moment. The launch of the last LS episode and now this throws an big shadow over a good game. As a long time player this makes me kinda sad. After the Bless fiasco and a new wave of newish players i thought GW2 will take a step ahead. But all of this looks a little bit shady and ugly from the outside. Maybe ANet should teach their employes a little bit about public relation and corporate identity in terms of their own code of conduct wich they use for their product...

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > You know if she get's fired by Anet, .....bet you she gonna call it sexism & she got fired cuz she a woman & sue them for it.


> Anyone that gets fired for voicing their opinion whether or not it's on "company time" is almost assuredly undeserving of it. Twitter is a total cesspit of humanity and we would all be better off not using it, or paying attention to anything on it. ANet have somehow made their MMO work where so many have failed, so I imagine they have their heads screwed on right. All this dev deserves is a chat with HR followed by everyone in the room laughing the whole thing off for being rightly ridiculous.


Well I'll say, that not every opinion should be voiced. Specifically not those that are extremely intolerant towards any kind of group or person.

I'll also say, that voicing your opinion, whever or not it is on "company time" always entails the reactions of people to it and the consequences from it.

You as an employee always in some form represent the company you work for and as such will you always be associated with that company. And that is not something you can actively control. You subconciously connect the company with its employees since a company doesn't have a face you can associate it with, so you associated it with the faces of the people that work for said company and with them also their behavior.


So that being said, if an employee shares an intolerable opinion it would very well be justified by the company to let go of that person as a means to distance themselves from the opinions that employee voiced.


Now I don't want anybody to be fired because of their tweets or posts, but in this case I want something to happen. She should at least apologize for her behavior and ANet should probably distance themselves from the way she handles criticism in general.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > You know if she get's fired by Anet, .....bet you she gonna call it sexism & she got fired cuz she a woman & sue them for it.


> Anyone that gets fired for voicing their opinion whether or not it's on "company time" is almost assuredly undeserving of it. Twitter is a total cesspit of humanity and we would all be better off not using it, or paying attention to anything on it. ANet have somehow made their MMO work where so many have failed, so I imagine they have their heads screwed on right. All this dev deserves is a chat with HR followed by everyone in the room laughing the whole thing off for being rightly ridiculous.


In a world where a CEO of a company was forced to resign for privately donating money to a political cause a few years ago, I don't see how this is ridiculous. When people who happen to favor social justice viewpoints complain, people get fired. It would be a double standard to laugh this off as ridiculous, just because it isn't a "victim" group who was being discriminated against here. The craziest thing about this is, I don't know anything about the streamer who gave feedback to the dev but according to everyone who has watched them they are pretty focused on doing game content and not at all controversial, political, or by any means sexist. Hell, even the dev didn't know who they were so she had no basis from which to claim they were sexist, since their comment certainly didn't offer any.


This has to be a two way street here. The fact is, this dev's twitter in the recent past has called for people, including some men in the gaming community, to be fired, called for non-peaceful protest, and approved of and shared doxxing posts. This person clearly supported people getting fired, kicked out of restaurants, made a social pariah etc, on her twitter merely because of their views, and not even because of how they expressed them. If ANET did decide to fire her, it would actually be pretty just.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> >

> > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> >

> > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> >


> If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.




Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.

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> @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > >

> > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > >

> > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > >

> >

> > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> >

> >


> Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


Please be satire, please be satire....

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > You know if she get's fired by Anet, .....bet you she gonna call it sexism & she got fired cuz she a woman & sue them for it.

> >

> > Anyone that gets fired for voicing their opinion whether or not it's on "company time" is almost assuredly undeserving of it. Twitter is a total cesspit of humanity and we would all be better off not using it, or paying attention to anything on it. ANet have somehow made their MMO work where so many have failed, so I imagine they have their heads screwed on right. All this dev deserves is a chat with HR followed by everyone in the room laughing the whole thing off for being rightly ridiculous.


> In a world where a CEO of a company was forced to resign for privately donating money to a political cause a few years ago, I don't see how this is ridiculous. When people who happen to favor social justice viewpoints complain, people get fired. It would be a double standard to laugh this off as ridiculous, just because it isn't a "victim" group who was being discriminated against here. The craziest thing about this is, I don't know anything about the streamer who gave feedback to the dev but according to everyone who has watched them they are pretty focused on doing game content and not at all controversial, political, or by any means sexist. Hell, even the dev didn't know who they were so she had no basis from which to claim they were sexist, since their comment certainly didn't offer any.


> This has to be a two way street here. The fact is, this dev's twitter in the recent past has called for people, including some men in the gaming community, to be fired, called for non-peaceful protest, and approved of and shared doxxing posts. This person clearly supported people getting fired, kicked out of restaurants, made a social pariah etc, on her twitter merely because of their views, and not even because of how they expressed them. If ANET did decide to fire her, it would actually be pretty just.


Thank you for your rational reponses and the thread. Restores hope in humanity

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > > >

> > > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > > >

> > > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


> Please be satire, please be satire....


It's a troll. It has to be. Hopefully the mods will delete soon

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> @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > >

> > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > >

> > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > >

> >

> > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> >

> >


> Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


I really hope it's a sarcasm here. So much wrong in just one message can't be serious.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > You know if she get's fired by Anet, .....bet you she gonna call it sexism & she got fired cuz she a woman & sue them for it.

> >

> > Anyone that gets fired for voicing their opinion whether or not it's on "company time" is almost assuredly undeserving of it. Twitter is a total cesspit of humanity and we would all be better off not using it, or paying attention to anything on it. ANet have somehow made their MMO work where so many have failed, so I imagine they have their heads screwed on right. All this dev deserves is a chat with HR followed by everyone in the room laughing the whole thing off for being rightly ridiculous.


> In a world where a CEO of a company was forced to resign for privately donating money to a political cause a few years ago, I don't see how this is ridiculous. When people who happen to favor social justice viewpoints complain, people get fired. It would be a double standard to laugh this off as ridiculous, just because it isn't a "victim" group who was being discriminated against here. The craziest thing about this is, I don't know anything about the streamer who gave feedback to the dev but according to everyone who has watched them they are pretty focused on doing game content and not at all controversial, political, or by any means sexist. Hell, even the dev didn't know who they were so she had no basis from which to claim they were sexist, since their comment certainly didn't offer any.


> This has to be a two way street here. The fact is, this dev's twitter in the recent past has called for people, including some men in the gaming community, to be fired, called for non-peaceful protest, and approved of and shared doxxing posts. This person clearly supported people getting fired, kicked out of restaurants, made a social pariah etc, on her twitter merely because of their views, and not even because of how they expressed them. If ANET did decide to fire her, it would actually be pretty just.


To be fair, this IS a social justice viewpoint. The way she treated him and Ink, based purely on their genders, is unacceptable in a modern company or setting and should have some sort of response from the company. Social Justice isn't just justice for one group of people; it's for everyone, and should be treated as such.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Women are condescending. Everyone is at some point. But that isn’t the behavior I’m describing above. What I’m describing is the disparate treatment of women by men. Merely being condescending to everyone would not qualify as mansplaining so much as just general rudeness.


I've had a boss who was female and was talking down to me. So what? Should I immediately assume she did it cause I was male? No! She did it cause she thought she knew better (and maybe she was right?). People need to stop assuming things. The real feminism is to get everyone together, not this load of non sense that is to always differentiate people and expectations based on gender, race or whatever.

Here lies the sexism. It's somehow ok to assume the worst when it comes to men. Guilty until proven innocent. This needs to stop. Now.


EVEN if on average more men are condescending to women (this is certainly true to an extend) than the opposite, it still doesn't mean that this particular person is, indeed, treating you differently because of your gender. It's absolutely counter-productive for the feminist movement to assume these things.


We all want equality, we all want everyone to feel welcome and safe at work. And I wish all the best for this dev who most probably worked hard these past few weeks, but please, maybe take a step back and realize someone saying "I disagree" is simply concerned about the game he likes, rather than some radical politics non sense that has been poisoning us for the past 2 years.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Imagine if one of the game balance developers posted anything on twitter about game balance. They'd be flooded by arm-chair developers telling them how to balance the game "better".


And if they post it in social media it's normal. That's how SM works.

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> @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > >

> > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > >

> > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > >

> >

> > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> >

> >


> Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


Assuming this isn't satire, [here's the definition of "racism" from the Merriam-Webster dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism "here's the definition of "racism" from the Merriam-Webster dictionary"), which is used in the United States. Here's the copy/pasted definitions:


1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2. a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

3. a political or social system founded on racism

4. racial prejudice or discrimination


Interestingly enough, this doesn't mention that you can't be racist against white people, or more importantly, "the oppressors" as defined by certain far-left social theories. @"Feithlinn.9284" I'd like to see what dictionary you've been reading.

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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > > >

> > > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > > >

> > > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


> Assuming this isn't satire, [here's the definition of "racism" from the Merriam-Webster dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism "here's the definition of "racism" from the Merriam-Webster dictionary"), which is used in the United States. Here's the copy/pasted definitions:


> 1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

> 2. a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

> 3. a political or social system founded on racism

> 4. racial prejudice or discrimination


> Interestingly enough, this doesn't mention that you can't be racist against white people, or more importantly, "the oppressors" as defined by certain far-left social theories. @"Feithlinn.9284" I'd like to see what dictionary you've been reading.


Noah Webster was a white male so doesn't count. /s

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> @"Feithlinn.9284" said:

> > @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > Feigned outrage is so much better on twitter, where it's limited to 250 characters.

> > >

> > > It's her personal twitter feed. Not only do forum-goers not need to know this, but we _definitely_ don't need to have a discussion with ANet about it.

> > >

> > > My favorite is the part where you pretend such a discussion would somehow be constructive when this is obviously just a weak attempt to ensure professional consequences for someone who said something that offended your sensibilities.

> > >

> >

> > If it isn't constructive, that won't be my doing. Sexism against ANYONE is offensive, male or female. To discount the opinions of someone offering constructive criticism based on their gender is offensive. So yes, in that sense, I am offended. My outrage is certainly not feigned, or I would not have gone through all the trouble of looking into all of the Twitter posts I did and doing fact-checking to ensure I was accurately representing the situation, let alone writing that long of a post.

> >

> >


> Sexism against anyone does NOT exist. Sexism is only against females as racism is ONLY against black people. Please bare in mind that still races are clearly a social construct. (that is so easy to understand even if you are a male or even white male). What you understand and keep repeating as "constructive criticism" it may not be if you are a person trying to explain to you how you need to do your job or how to be a "better professional" by his standards. Being a customer does not make you always right. It's so easy to understand the difference between constructive criticism and patronising. If you are unable to understand it just read any dictionary. It's all written there.


ah yes..... pc victimhood hieararchy at its finest. This is just social engineering designed to squelch speech. If you don't have the appropriate victim status, your opinion doesn't matter...…..

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Imagine if one of the game balance developers posted anything on twitter about game balance. They'd be flooded by arm-chair developers telling them how to balance the game "better".

Simple solution, don't use (anti-)social media. It's a known phenomenon. Would have been a good idea for that dev, too. Not twittering means not being able to twitter stupid things.


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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @thruines

> > I've never offered an opinion on how to improve something.

> I don't think you understand the situation if you're calling the initial post creative trolling. On twitter people can read and comment tweets and they will certainly do so. You don't have to engage with developers but that doesn't automatically mean nobody should, as long as it's done respectfully, which was the case here.


No, that is my particular case. I didn't say nobody should do so if they wish only I don't. The reasons I don't I gave before. I'm not here to pay you plus tell you want to do is my philosophy. Its one reason when I get bored with a game I move on. I don't take to the forums and cry my little heart out about how painful it is to stop playing? I just don't attach myself to games in that way. I have thoughts about things I may post. I've been thinking of one such post myself. However, and this is the biggest difference, I don't expect to be heard or listen to. I just state my thoughts and if they want to take them then fine. If not, I'm okay that way too. I'm not going to make a post about some issue I'm having with the threat to leave the game over it. If its bad enough, I'll leave well before that point. If I keep playing, I think I've pretty much said its not bad enough to make me quit so no reason for me to make a fuss over it.


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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > You know if she get's fired by Anet, .....bet you she gonna call it sexism & she got fired cuz she a woman & sue them for it.

> >

> > Anyone that gets fired for voicing their opinion whether or not it's on "company time" is almost assuredly undeserving of it. Twitter is a total cesspit of humanity and we would all be better off not using it, or paying attention to anything on it. ANet have somehow made their MMO work where so many have failed, so I imagine they have their heads screwed on right. All this dev deserves is a chat with HR followed by everyone in the room laughing the whole thing off for being rightly ridiculous.


> In a world where a CEO of a company was forced to resign for privately donating money to a political cause a few years ago, I don't see how this is ridiculous. When people who happen to favor social justice viewpoints complain, people get fired. It would be a double standard to laugh this off as ridiculous, just because it isn't a "victim" group who was being discriminated against here. The craziest thing about this is, I don't know anything about the streamer who gave feedback to the dev but according to everyone who has watched them they are pretty focused on doing game content and not at all controversial, political, or by any means sexist. Hell, even the dev didn't know who they were so she had no basis from which to claim they were sexist, since their comment certainly didn't offer any.


> This has to be a two way street here. The fact is, this dev's twitter in the recent past has called for people, including some men in the gaming community, to be fired, called for non-peaceful protest, and approved of and shared doxxing posts. This person clearly supported people getting fired, kicked out of restaurants, made a social pariah etc, on her twitter merely because of their views, and not even because of how they expressed them. If ANET did decide to fire her, it would actually be pretty just.


Yeah well the world is frankly, bonkers. I don't care if the dev is an sjw or not, nor do I particularly care about what was said. For the record, what happened with Firefox was also bs, and recently, with Roseanne too. If someone has a mental break on social media, who cares? People getting offended over words is a nasty firstworldproblem that needs to fuck right off.

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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> >

> > I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist. This is fairly simple. To reiterate, men assume themselves to be subject matter experts over women even where the woman has qualifications and the man does not. These men do not behave similarly with other men. Rather, they defer to those men’s subject-matter expertise. This male behavior to explain things, poorly, to women and not to men is sexist.

> >

> "I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist." You keep saying that a particular behavior is associated with men, but provide no reason to believe the association is not sexist. [Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0173942 "Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women"), without corroborating scientific proof. Therefore the belief that women are relatively "emotional" is sexist until there is corroborating scientific evidence. Do you have scientific proof that men are more frequently condescending to women than the converse?

> > Do you have data or studies suggesting women do this to men? I’m basing this off the reported experience of multiple women in news publications going back over a decade and in conversations with women. Women in this thread have mentioned their own lived experience with this.

> >

> > Women are condescending. Everyone is at some point. But that isn’t the behavior I’m describing above. What I’m describing is the disparate treatment of women by men. Merely being condescending to everyone would not qualify as mansplaining so much as just general rudeness.

> I do not have data or studies suggesting women do this to men. You and I are both lacking in scientific proof that men are disproportionately condescending towards women, or the converse, which is my point. Individual anecdotes are not scientific, and that's all you or I are presenting. If I am wrong that you are lacking scientific proof, please cite your sources.

> > > 3. In general, this is true. If I said "women are, on average, shorter than men" then I am not being sexist, as that is a verifiable fact that is founded on hard data. However, when a person starts giving special treatment to a person based on their gender/sex (e.g. using "mansplain" instead of "explain), that is the definition of sexism.

> >

> > No. See above.

> This is neither an explanation nor an argument. You failed to prove your point above using scientific evidence. Please cite your sources.


We don’t need studies because we don’t need to establish that women are statistically more likely to experience this than men. It makes no sense to require statistical data unless we need to figure out how often something happens.


What we have are a large number of women reporting sexist behavior by men. Anecdotal or not we can’t just dismiss that these events occur until we get mass statistical data. We can coin a term like mansplain because it describes a known phenomena regardless of how common it is.


Let’s break this down logically.

* Men can be sexist.

* Sexist means treating people differently based on their sex, usually by mistreating one gender but not the other.

* When a man engages in explanatory behavior that is condescending towards women but does not treat men the same he is being sexist.

* When people coined the term mansplain to describe this behavior they did so to describe this particular kind of sexist behavior by men.

* The term does not imply only men are sexist.

* The term does not imply that women don’t also engage in similar behavior.


I don’t feel we should derail a woman’s complaint about perceived sexism against her into calling her sexist because her term, accurately, indicates that some men engage in sexist behavior against women.



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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > [...] it really drives home just how little the opinions of those who play this game matter to the actual employees at the company. I can only imagine how player Feedback > is viewed internally: just a bunch of amateurs telling professionals how to do their jobs, and any negative reaction towards a decision made in the game[...]


> This was pretty obvious in the "Censorship" thread already. The lack of Gaile's comments on the outrage was clear and simple and very obvious.

> The same with the unnecessary Deadeye rework. Today the plea of any further information has been ignored. It's all there, compact in a thread that a player, that does not get paid (but pay) for all that matter, can read trough in 20 minutes. I've been told it's not this way at aNet. Well then...?


> This is a different subject, but this stuff - as much as I do not really care about anymore, what company **really** cares about the customers out there right now? - shines some light in a shady topic that has a wider range if you think about it as a whole.


> Excelsior.




Digital Extremes. A company that constantly listens to the community and happily interacts with them.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > >

> > > I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist. This is fairly simple. To reiterate, men assume themselves to be subject matter experts over women even where the woman has qualifications and the man does not. These men do not behave similarly with other men. Rather, they defer to those men’s subject-matter expertise. This male behavior to explain things, poorly, to women and not to men is sexist.

> > >

> > "I’ve already addressed why simply including a descriptive word to describe a behavior associated with men is not sexist." You keep saying that a particular behavior is associated with men, but provide no reason to believe the association is not sexist. [Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0173942 "Many men associate being "emotionally expressive" with women"), without corroborating scientific proof. Therefore the belief that women are relatively "emotional" is sexist until there is corroborating scientific evidence. Do you have scientific proof that men are more frequently condescending to women than the converse?

> > > Do you have data or studies suggesting women do this to men? I’m basing this off the reported experience of multiple women in news publications going back over a decade and in conversations with women. Women in this thread have mentioned their own lived experience with this.

> > >

> > > Women are condescending. Everyone is at some point. But that isn’t the behavior I’m describing above. What I’m describing is the disparate treatment of women by men. Merely being condescending to everyone would not qualify as mansplaining so much as just general rudeness.

> > I do not have data or studies suggesting women do this to men. You and I are both lacking in scientific proof that men are disproportionately condescending towards women, or the converse, which is my point. Individual anecdotes are not scientific, and that's all you or I are presenting. If I am wrong that you are lacking scientific proof, please cite your sources.

> > > > 3. In general, this is true. If I said "women are, on average, shorter than men" then I am not being sexist, as that is a verifiable fact that is founded on hard data. However, when a person starts giving special treatment to a person based on their gender/sex (e.g. using "mansplain" instead of "explain), that is the definition of sexism.

> > >

> > > No. See above.

> > This is neither an explanation nor an argument. You failed to prove your point above using scientific evidence. Please cite your sources.


> We don’t need studies because we don’t need to establish that women are statistically more likely to experience this than men. It makes no sense to require statistical data unless we need to figure out how often something happens.


> What we have are a large number of women reporting sexist behavior by men. Anecdotal or not we can’t just dismiss that these events occur until we get mass statistical data. We can coin a term like mansplain because it describes a known phenomena regardless of how common it is.


> Let’s break this down logically.

> * Men can be sexist.

> * Sexist means treating people differently based on their sex, usually by mistreating one gender but not the other.

> * When a man engages in explanatory behavior that is condescending towards women but does not treat men the same he is being sexist.

> * When people coined the term mansplain to describe this behavior they did so to describe this particular kind of sexist behavior by men.

> * The term does not imply only men are sexist.

> * The term does not imply that women don’t also engage in similar behavior.


> I don’t feel we should derail a woman’s complaint about perceived sexism against her into calling her sexist because her term, accurately, indicates that some men engage in sexist behavior against women.




Was she commenting that, in general, some men engage in the behavior? Or was she commenting specifically that because it was a man disagreeing with her it had to be due to sexism?

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