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EDIT: ANET staff publicly representing company should be held to their own standards

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I am unsure if the dev said what she said on personal on a account or anet company account. If the dev was interacting on behalf of anet, then anet should take action to respond, primarily by apologizing and indicating that this is not anet position as a company. And the dev will most definitely be in violation of anet polices, and may be tereminatad.


However, if the dev was acting personally, anet is not liable. And while I think the dev will be repremainded, anet does not need to make a public statement. Generally speaking, you should not be making negative public statements regarding customers of your employer.

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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> Still lacking any official response, I see. Looks like they are trying to just swipe this under the rug and hope for it to die down.


I haven't given up hope. Yesterday was a holiday. Also these kinds of matters require a lot of internal review and consultation with lawyers and upper management. They have to balance haste of response with making sure they don't face some sort of legal repercussion or do further damage in a hastily worded response. My guess is that there is a lot going on internally that we aren't seeing. I would give it at least another day.

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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> Still lacking any official response, I see. Looks like they are trying to just swipe this under the rug and hope for it to die down.


Didn't they just start working hours? I'd say give it some time. I hope we get some form of statement within the next few days.

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Oh good lord. Is there ever going to be a chance that fans on the internet can ever not be offended? I think Peter Fries pointed out how he doesn't receive nearly the same amount of "constructive" help as his female co-workers. Just look at the recent Star Wars complaints where while Ryan Johnson gets a lot of criticism so did Daisy Ridley and the young lady who played Rose (chased off social media in fact) while Adam Driver seems to have escaped unscathed (like he would have cared). And I think he is 100% worse in those films than either one of his female co-stars. And this complaint thread is more of the same that people are now chasing this woman all over the internet wanting an apology. If she owes someone an apology its to the one person her reply responded to. Not all the crybabies whom got their feelings hurt reading a devs exchange with another player.


If you think that any complaints you have about the game will just be filed under Sexism by this developer then go ahead and believe it. Quit in protest. Shake your fist to the heavens at the injustice of it. But if someone wants to think of you as a sexism pig then that is their right. But enough with latching on to some slight made against another person as if you personally have been injured to such a degree you must tell every one everywhere about it. This is just so stupid. I could understand if the one she was responding to was doing all this since that is the only one who may have been injured from the response but everyone else... no one said anything to you and you don't deserve an apology. The player base doesn't deserve an apology. Hard as it is to believe, Fries was right. She didn't ask for the guys opinion. I know its hard to believe but sometimes people aren't interested in player's opinions ever single day in every facet of their lives. And even if they are, if they feel someone is coming across in a sexist way then those are their feelings. Newsflash, people's feelings aren't up for debate.


What this ensures isn't apology but GW2 discussion with developers will happen even less. But keep it up because its so helpful to everyone. I rarely engage with developers or writers on many of the things I enjoy in this way. If asked, I might say what I like or don't like. I've never offered an opinion on how to improve something. That's for my wallet to discuss. You want money, then figure it out. I'm not telling you how to do your job to entertain me. And we see here that sometimes its not welcomed. I can't imagine telling Stephen King how to make his work just a tab bit scarier. Or Ryan Johnson how a little more understanding of film would improve his film. If I like it, I'll pay money. I'll tell my friends what I like. Maybe talk about it in a forum post. But this trolling of creatives needs to stop. Being a fan doesn't make you an expert at what would or wouldn't work. Just be fans. Besides, I think its far more interesting to understand the hows and whys not how to redo something over and done.


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A lot of people seem to happily ignore that apparently this is not the first time she does that, randomly exploding into berserk rants focused on screaming that everyone is being sexists against her seems to be something she constantly does.


Also, people saying that this is mainly a thing because she's female, do take a look at other companies like Riot Games and HiRez especially where multiple male developers landed in very hot water because of how they decided to address the playerbase.

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> @"thruine.8510" said:

> Oh good lord. Is there ever going to be a chance that fans on the internet can ever not be offended? I think Peter Fries pointed out how he doesn't receive nearly the same amount of "constructive" help as his female co-workers. Just look at the recent Star Wars complaints where while Ryan Johnson gets a lot of criticism so did Daisy Ridley and the young lady who played Rose (chased off social media in fact) while Adam Driver seems to have escaped unscathed (like he would have cared). And I think he is 100% worse in those films than either one of his female co-stars. And this complaint thread is more of the same that people are now chasing this woman all over the internet wanting an apology. If she owes someone an apology its to the one person her reply responded to. Not all the crybabies whom got their feelings hurt reading a devs exchange with another player.


> If you think that any complaints you have about the game will just be filed under Sexism by this developer then go ahead and believe it. Quit in protest. Shake your fist to the heavens at the injustice of it. But if someone wants to think of you as a sexism pig then that is their right. But enough with latching on to some slight made against another person as if you personally have been injured to such a degree you must tell every one everywhere about it. This is just so stupid. I could understand if the one she was responding to was doing all this since that is the only one who may have been injured from the response but everyone else... no one said anything to you and you don't deserve an apology. The player base doesn't deserve an apology. Hard as it is to believe, Fries was right. She didn't ask for the guys opinion. I know its hard to believe but sometimes people aren't interested in player's opinions ever single day in every facet of their lives. And even if they are, if they feel someone is coming across in a sexist way then those are their feelings. Newsflash, people's feelings aren't up for debate.


> What this ensures isn't apology but GW2 discussion with developers will happen even less. But keep it up because its so helpful to everyone. I rarely engage with developers or writers on many of the things I enjoy in this way. If asked, I might say what I like or don't like. I've never offered an opinion on how to improve something. That's for my wallet to discuss. You want money, then figure it out. I'm not telling you how to do your job to entertain me. And we see here that sometimes its not welcomed. I can't imagine telling Stephen King how to make his work just a tab bit scarier. Or Ryan Johnson how a little more understanding of film would improve his film. If I like it, I'll pay money. I'll tell my friends what I like. Maybe talk about it in a forum post. But this trolling of creatives needs to stop. Being a fan doesn't make you an expert at what would or wouldn't work. Just be fans. Besides, I think its far more interesting to understand the hows and whys not how to redo something over and done.



Again, it's not about the offense that is taken or not. The behaviour enabling it on the other hand,...

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It is disappointing, but not surprising, to watch the antagonism and anger directed toward Jessica Price, and ArenaNet in general, at the moment. Given that, I wanted to take the time to say this:


I stand with Jessica Price. Her behaviour was reasonable, and appropriate, and is entirely within the bounds of appropriate professional and personal behaviour.


The "constructive criticism" is valuable if, and only if, you accept the underlying assumption that she, and the ANet writers in general, have not considered one of the most basic possible options for handling the players subjective view of character of the lead of the story.


I have worked in several of the worlds most recognized companies, places where literally everyone you meet has some sort of opinion about what they do, how they do it, and how it could be better. In many cases, this comes with the same underlying assumption: if only the people there had considered this extremely obvious idea, which is either currently, or has previously, been discussed to death, and which has obvious shortfalls -- or which has literally been done, and failed to achieve those results.


This is even less interesting, or productive, when this has played out in public. Where a decade or more of publicly available information about the debate is available, and where these ideas have been extensively addressed. Where the shortfalls of the proposed magic bullet are well known, and well understood.


The idea that responding to ideas and "criticism" that would barely make the cut in a first year "introduction to X" university course, because they are so obvious, and so well documented, with a significant investment in education -- when a trivial amount of time with Google would answer them in more detail than we are ever likely to -- is entitlement at work. Thinking that you are owed time, and your ideas are owed serious consideration, despite being the most shallow and obvious ... well, despite what you were told all your life, you are not really a brilliant and unique thinker, creating amazingly radical ideas in every sphere you touch, and that suggestion is concrete proof of that.


This is no more, and no less, true regardless of the breadth of the discussion. The venue, or the form, or the accessibility of the medium, do not change the obligation to treat you seriously in any way. If you want to have a meaningful discussion, try addressing your commentary at a level that assumes the person you are talking at has the skills, and the abilities, and the knowledge to do their job *well*. Don't try and explain the basics to them. You won't get a good response, and it doesn't matter if this is Twitter, or a question at a convention, or a professional conference on the subject.


None of those oblige an expert to spend their time responding to your tedious rendition of the basic 101 question that they have been asked by a hundred other people, some of whom are just well intentioned amateurs who can't distinguish between "I don't know" and "nobody knows", and some of whom are other industry professionals that assume, for whatever reason, you may never have considered the most basic and obvious possibilities.



I'm no less guilty than others of this: it is an easy trap to fall into. I far too often get seduced into commenting on technical implementation issues around GW2, when I should be avoiding them because I literally don't know. The speculation isn't valuable, because I can't know, and most of my suggestions ... well, if they are obvious enough to make from the outside, they are obvious enough that people thinking about this every day are well aware of them.


None of that, and none of my expert knowledge in other areas, even closely related ones, gives me any more right to expect to be taken seriously, or gently educated, rather than told "buddy, we considered that, shut up". It is easy to make these assumptions, and hard to avoid them. I can't even claim a right to politeness in those responses, should they show up. It'd be nice, sure, but ... I have days when I'm snappy, and conversations where someone rolls out the same tired and foolish trope, and I just can't even.



Since it is fairly simple to identify my current and previous employers, the standard and what should be obvious disclaimer applies: I am speaking for myself, as Jessica was, and my comments do not reflect the company. (even if they are highly likely to reflect the individual beliefs of many other employees of the same companies.)

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> @"thruine.8510" said:

> Oh good lord. Is there ever going to be a chance that fans on the internet can ever not be offended? I think Peter Fries pointed out how he doesn't receive nearly the same amount of "constructive" help as his female co-workers. Just look at the recent Star Wars complaints where while Ryan Johnson gets a lot of criticism so did Daisy Ridley and the young lady who played Rose (chased off social media in fact) while Adam Driver seems to have escaped unscathed (like he would have cared). And I think he is 100% worse in those films than either one of his female co-stars. And this complaint thread is more of the same that people are now chasing this woman all over the internet wanting an apology. If she owes someone an apology its to the one person her reply responded to. Not all the crybabies whom got their feelings hurt reading a devs exchange with another player.


> If you think that any complaints you have about the game will just be filed under Sexism by this developer then go ahead and believe it. Quit in protest. Shake your fist to the heavens at the injustice of it. But if someone wants to think of you as a sexism pig then that is their right. But enough with latching on to some slight made against another person as if you personally have been injured to such a degree you must tell every one everywhere about it. This is just so stupid. I could understand if the one she was responding to was doing all this since that is the only one who may have been injured from the response but everyone else... no one said anything to you and you don't deserve an apology. The player base doesn't deserve an apology. Hard as it is to believe, Fries was right. She didn't ask for the guys opinion. I know its hard to believe but sometimes people aren't interested in player's opinions ever single day in every facet of their lives. And even if they are, if they feel someone is coming across in a sexist way then those are their feelings. Newsflash, people's feelings aren't up for debate.


> What this ensures isn't apology but GW2 discussion with developers will happen even less. But keep it up because its so helpful to everyone. I rarely engage with developers or writers on many of the things I enjoy in this way. If asked, I might say what I like or don't like. I've never offered an opinion on how to improve something. That's for my wallet to discuss. You want money, then figure it out. I'm not telling you how to do your job to entertain me. And we see here that sometimes its not welcomed. I can't imagine telling Stephen King how to make his work just a tab bit scarier. Or Ryan Johnson how a little more understanding of film would improve his film. If I like it, I'll pay money. I'll tell my friends what I like. Maybe talk about it in a forum post. But this trolling of creatives needs to stop. Being a fan doesn't make you an expert at what would or wouldn't work. Just be fans. Besides, I think its far more interesting to understand the hows and whys not how to redo something over and done.



She used sexism as a motivator for the streamers response. What can't you understand?

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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Belorn.2659" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I’m on team Jessica.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > That “rando” person is trying to assume the limitations with personalized story telling through the mmo format, is not about the limited mmo format, but the problem lies with how Anet approaches personalized story telling through the “constraints of the Living Story’s narrative design”

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ...

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Are you criticizing the argument of the "rando" person because he is male or female, and are thus just doing a thin wailed sexist comment? Can you prove it?

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > That is what this discussing is about. Not the pro and con of the different forms of personalized story telling, but rather if the comment itself was sexist. If the rando were employed by Anet and just now accused you of being sexist on social media and you may end up receiving death threats, would you think thats acceptable behavior?

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The artistic merits of using different techniques for personalized story telling is relevant for a discussion about personalized story telling. I wish that was what we were discussing, but its rather irrelevant for the person being accused on social media for sexism.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I don’t care about any PC mumbo jumbo here, or anywhere else... I commented on the catalyst of the argument, so stick to that and don’t assume anything else.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So, you basically chose to overlook the actual topic of the thread in order to weigh in your opinion on a different matter.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > In other words, you're off topic.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > This thread is “let’s attack a dev”, so sorry if I’m not joining in on the bashing... I can post what I want, and it’s all related. This topic is getting closed anyway, off topic or not, and to assume otherwise is silly.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > And I don’t care about any PC police here, but if you want I can start pulling up player twitter comments and reposts so we can play the morality judge game? Everyone on social media is fair game now right?

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > We are not attacking her, we are merely discussing what happened. And hoping that maybe something good comes from this.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > Acting this antagonistic and belligerent towards other members of the community over mere constructive criticism is unacceptable behavior, and if any of us did this, we most definitely would be infracted or banned.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > No, people are attacking her here and reddit for comments made on her personal Twitter. Nothing good will come of it. Ppl need to take their pc antics and self righteousness somewhere else, or we should start to scrutinize all their public social media accounts and attack with mob mentality justice. Equal justice right?

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > She is the only one showing "pc antics", she is the one who made the entire issue about gender, we are merely responding to it.

> > > > > > > > > > > Just as she is allowed to rant and make baseless accusations on the internet, we are free to give our opinion on it.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >Ya ppl post it here I’m going to comment.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > That is your right.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Did Jessica break any twitter rules? Nope, but the morality police needs to act off some moral high ground and attack her on the official forums and reddit because they don’t agree with her.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If anybody has an issue with what happened then keep it on Twitter where it belongs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This logic.. impossible to argue against. You're the master of discourse.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Honestly astounded that you could turn the entire topic on its head and accuse the community pointing out misbehaviour as misbehaving the same way.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Closing your eyes and ignoring it is your right as much as any other, but "keep it where it belongs"? Are you the sole arbiter of what goes where? And it's obviously related to GW2 & story, so talking about the people behind it makes logical sense too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Keep this crap on Twitter where it belongs... Unless, of course, we should post all of our social media accounts so the community can talk morality on the official gw2 forums...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Had this crap been started here we can handle it here, but it didn’t. Get it?

> > > > >

> > > > > It was a discussion about Guild Wars 2, made by an employee working on Guild Wars 2 responding to a content creator for Guild Wars 2.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yea, I can see how that has no place here on the Guild Wars 2 forum. Absolutely agree it's totally off topic for here!

> > > >

> > > > Personally attacking a dev on the official forums is a no no. Or do you not understand that?

> > >

> > > Denouncing toxic and harmful behavior is not now, nor has it ever been, a personal attack. It is exceptionally reasonable that an ArenaNet employee attacking a Guild Wars 2 content creator during a Guild Wars 2 discussion should warrant some level of conversation on the Guild Wars 2 official forums, especially considering another ArenaNet employee supported the attack.

> > >

> > > There is no better place for this conversation.

> >

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" will disagree with you and shut down this thread asap.

> >

> > Wanna bet 10k gold thread gets shut down?


> Wow. You literally, to use your words, want to "shut down" a conversation because the majority of people in the thread disagree with your point of view. No wonder you're on Team Jessica, neither of you can handle anybody having a dissenting point of view and desire to silence people who think differently.


Wow, you didn’t see the other 2 topics closed by the mods? What makes you think this thread is so special, or exempt for the “don’t attack a dev” rules?

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I understand holding someone to standards on social media, however I also see her frustration in having unsolicited advice, constructive or not, expressed at her on her personal account instead of posting it straight to the game or using official channels. I'm sure most of you would get frustrated and wear thing if the customers you dealt with constantly bombarded you with questions about your work on your personal twitter and facebook after working the hours that they work.

This is one of the reasons that most devs in games are starting to make their personal accounts private, have two accounts or just delete them is because of things like this. Honestly this constant posting over and over again akins to a witch hunt. LOOOK, LOOK AT WHAT THIS ANET PERSON DID, EVEN THOUGH THE ADVICE WAS UNSOLICITED, IT WAS ~CONSTRUCTIVE~! SHAME SHAME! Let's ignore that anet is probably already reviewing and considering options since there was a holiday, let's just publicly execute this developer here and now, force their hand and make them fire someone they may not be able to replace at this time.

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> @"Laivine.9308" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > She used sexism as a motivator for the streamers response. What can't you understand?


> Mansplaining is sexism. What can't you understand?


Apparently accusing someone of sexism is sexist. Same as accusing someone of racism. This kind of shallow logic is unfortunately common these days.


Also I love all the men trying to explain to a woman what sexism is. If you can’t understand why something is sexist you shouldn’t just assume it isn’t and then accuse her of being “crazy.” That automatic dismissal is sexist, actually.


It’s like, take a step back and ask yourself “do I really know enough to comment intelligently on this?” If the answer is “not sure” then maybe you should be listening and not speaking.

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> @thruines

> I've never offered an opinion on how to improve something.

I don't think you understand the situation if you're calling the initial post creative trolling. On twitter people can read and comment tweets and they will certainly do so. You don't have to engage with developers but that doesn't automatically mean nobody should, as long as it's done respectfully, which was the case here.

Then if they want, they can either dismiss the comment, or answer it in a neutral way, or make their feed private, but that's how twitter works...

I don't even agree with Deroir, I think the narrative in this game is great, but as Voltaire said:

"I disapprove of what you say, But I will defend to the death your right to say It". Something that seems to have died somewhere in 2016/17.


I will agree thought that the "community" doesn't deserve an apology, but that doesn't mean an employee is in their right to do whatever they want while publicly affiliated with the company they represent. I have a specific clause for it on my work contract and I would assume most big companies in the world have it.


Now I love the game, and I certainly won't stop supporting the game for something like that. But especially in this day and age we must all be careful to keep politic dramas out of work. We're all humans, all entitled to our opinions, and quite honestly, this is twitter, we've all seen far, far worse... but the fact that if you're going to do it, don't associate your work with it. End of the story.

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_Her behaviour was reasonable, and appropriate_


Already you're wrong. Launching into a rant about sexism because the guy THAT MOSTLY AGREED with what she said simply because he found a hole in what she said is nowhere near reasonable and appropriate. If you did something like that in other companies, you would unfortunately end up sacked on the spot more often than not. It's even worse when people realized that SHE CONSTANTLY DOES THIS whenever someone disagrees with her.


As an Anet writer, all she had to do was mentioned that she disagreed with him and that was it, no problem and he would likely have left it there too, but no. She felt to the need to do what apparently she always does: scream sexism and share it to everyone looking for people to agree with her [which other Anet employers seem to have done, also screaming sexism].

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Being offended is a choice YOU make. So to suggest that there be consequences for something someone did that lead to you making the choice to be offended is pretty silly, no?


I agree, being offended is a choice. I wasn't offended by the devs response, however I was dismayed and perhaps that is what others are feeling. Dismay is not a choice, it's an emotional response.


> I realize that we live in a world where being perpetually outraged about something is 'chic, but in reality, being an adult (usually) signifies being in control of your thoughts and emotions.


Being in control of your emotions does not mean to suppress them. To be in control of your emotions is to be in control your behavior in light of how you feel. I believe the devs response shows that very lack of control you mention.


Feel free to disagree with me, I won't get offended. :)


Sorry if this post is not germane to the topic. (<< did you see that, I used a fancy word )

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Agree with the original post.

Plus, I personally do NOT like " Don't expect me to pretend to like you here." .

Basically telling me that you don't like the players , that ultimately fund your paycheck.

If you don't like the "customer base" that you work for then maybe you need to change jobs and take your SJW MIXING with your professional life ideology elsewhere?

So professional.

Hope your listening ArenaNet, granted I am not a whale , but I will decline to buy gems for awhile, and won't be continuing to encourage my friends and family to switch to this game.

There ARE other MMO's out there.... and by the way I am a female adult gamer and had no prior bias to any particular content creator.

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Whatever you think about the original comment, anyone representing a company who publicly refers to a customer as a "rando asshat" has clearly committed gross misconduct. It doesn't matter what job you're in, what gender you are or whether or not you feel like you've been provoked, it's gross misconduct.


The comment in question was extremely polite, and even if you imagine it was said in a patronising way it doesn't warrant the emasculating reply. And even if you want to argue that it does... surely you can't argue that it's acceptable to do that to a customer when you're representing a company.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:


> Again, it's not about the offense that is taken or not. The behaviour enabling it on the other hand,...


No, I'm pretty sure I understand. She thought the guy was coming across as sexist due to his unoffered "help" to fix her work. Was he? Not to me. Just more of the same, "I'm a fan so I know how to fix the game correctly" crap we see everyday. But I'm not her. You aren't nor is anyone else. We don't know how it read to her. We don't know if this was the first time someone on the internet offered to help her with her job. Or was it the one hundredth. Again, if you don't like her response then think I don't like that and move on. Instead people are strolling through her Twitter feed for ammunition for what exactly? I mean exactly what are people doing and what purpose? To me it looks like just another internet "fan" pitchfork in hand party. This started on Twitter and moved to Reddit and is now here. What are people wanting exactly because I know what it looks like to me. I think there's a scene in Frankenstein that showcases it.


Keep in mind I don't know this woman and honestly don't care that much about if this affects her job or not. But fans on the internet... god, I'm so sick of this self righteous crap of mudslinging that goes on then crying about when someone says something to hurt their feelings. Its starting to get pathetic. Its gotten even more laughable with people talking about how it affects the game like you can feel the developer disgust of men through a quest to kill some centaurs. Its like the forums have been taken over by children even more than they have been.

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> @"Laivine.9308" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > She used sexism as a motivator for the streamers response. What can't you understand?


> Mansplaining is sexism. What can't you understand?


So now men cannot voice a (polite, benign) dissenting opinion without being told that it's "mansplaining" (what a ridiculous term!) and being sexists?

Wouldn't it be funny if a man responded in an obscene rant to a woman, profanely telling the woman off for voicing an equally polite, benign opinion, and claiming that the woman is trying to tell him how to do his job? That would be sexism. How is the reverse situation any different?

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> @"Laivine.9308" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > She used sexism as a motivator for the streamers response. What can't you understand?


> Mansplaining is sexism. What can't you understand?


Nice bait.


> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> The internet mob here is embarrassing.


> Get over it it's only text u cry babies want someone looses his job because he insults someone? ( u don't even know the full history just a twitter tweet )


> How many of u would keep their job if that standard would be applied to u?


> Hope ante keeps cool and ignores those kitten here.


Except that she has a history of these types of interaction and it happening once is still not an excuse. Only very few people are asking for her to lose her job and those people are wrong. You're missing the point of the thread. Don't create a strawman like that.

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OK, this was NOT good. In every job I have had in the past several decades something like that would get you in hot water with your employer. I currently work for the local government. I can basically say what I want (within reason) on my own social media accounts, as long as I do not come off representing my employer. If you post post something like "hey, I work for so and so and this is what we think" your in trouble, can be reprimanded up to and including termination. I am not advocating one way or the other, just stating that it is pretty foolish to do something like that because you can get in a lot of trouble depending on your employers policies.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Laivine.9308" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > She used sexism as a motivator for the streamers response. What can't you understand?

> >

> > Mansplaining is sexism. What can't you understand?


> Apparently accusing someone of sexism is sexist. Same as accusing someone of racism. This kind of shallow logic is unfortunately common these days.


> Also I love all the men trying to explain to a woman what sexism is. If you can’t understand why something is sexist you shouldn’t just assume it isn’t and then accuse her of being “crazy.” That automatic dismissal is sexist, actually.


> It’s like, take a step back and ask yourself “do I really know enough to comment intelligently on this?” If the answer is “not sure” then maybe you should be listening and not speaking.


What? I am a woman and I called those commenters on Jessica's feed mansplainers, that's why she was enraged. I was not sarcastic...Maybe something got lost in translation as english is not my native tongue.

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