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How you all feel about Charr getting a model update?

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I have no problem with the posture, though I wish armor and helms didn't stretch so bizarrely on the posture in some cases. However I'd love the faces and horns to get a treatment similar to what Elona brought for humans. Heck, all the races that aren't human could do with something similar.


Would I want that enough to shunt resources away from Living Story? I'm not so sure. I enjoyed making a pair of Elonans, sure, but I've barely played them so far. I probably get a lot more playtime out of LS chapters than out of new looks for characters. So if that is the choice you're suggesting, no. And certainly I wouldn't give up LS content to have Charr stand upright, if that's the "posture improvement" you want, nor want them to even if it were totally free -- part of what makes them amazing is they *aren't* fully bipedal.

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Eh no, I hope they will leave the models as they are. If time is invested in this, then design more armor models specifically for charr. Maybe another tier of cultural armor for each race could be awesome. But I love them the way they are.

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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> They should be remade with human body. So we can have armor skin again.


> https://i.imgur.com/91ufKig.jpg


Don't ever again say anything close about them being made into your 0815 Human Clone Races like Khajiit or alike in ESO or in other 'popular' MMOs *cough* WoW *cough* popular *cough*

Charr are fine and good as they are, and if ever to give them a 'remaster' , then it be textures and polycount, and more of the several talking/standing/loop emotes unlocked to use, and for the Posture, i'd kinda like if one could swap between hunched over (you know, their ACTUAL natural Posture) and maybe straight (Mostly what flame Legion forced to show 'dominance and power' ) and on all fours for the normal walk.

And ofc taking care of all the clipping issues and making Armor in general Fit them better.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I wanted to know how you all feel about Anet spending a good amount of their typical time and money that would normally go to new Living Story content, to update the Charr model in some way to improve the posture of the player models?


Where did you find that? Is there a dev quote iplying they're doing this?

I think the charr are fine the way they are, so no update needed imho.

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I'd be thrilled if they just went back and added tail consideration for all the old armors. A lot of them look they they already have a place for the tail, it's just not utilized. Like it wasn't finished or something.


Kodan medium chest and Marauder medium chest come to mind. If those flaps simply went around the tail as opposed to clear through, we'd be golden. Nothings wrong with the base model.


It's just a lot of the earlier armors didn't care anything for the charr tail and a few of them stretch badly. Newer armors have been much better about it and the outfits of recent have been stellar.

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I'm not concerned about the whole 'taking away time from x' thing. I'm more concerned about whether it turns into a slippery slope scenario. "Well that Charr update went great! Let's do the other races!". And then they break more than they fix. I've already lost a few things over the past (nearly) 6 years that have pushed me towards less excited. I don't really need any more. Especially since one of the two already targeted my favorite race specifically.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> I'm not concerned about the whole 'taking away time from x' thing. I'm more concerned about whether it turns into a slippery slope scenario. "Well that Charr update went great! Let's do the other races!". And then they break more than they fix. I've already lost a few things over the past (nearly) 6 years that have pushed me towards less excited. I don't really need any more. Especially since one of the two already targeted my favorite race specifically.


I mean, it could also be seen as setting a precedent for continue to improve graphical assets. And with regards to Charr and Asura, there's a fair bit of love needed.


Not attempting to improve them due to a fear of failure? We'd never get anything improved.


Tbh, if they could sort out the hovering Asura backpacks, I'd be as happy as a pig in.. stuff.

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If tengu were to ever be added as a playable race, but their addition to being made playable required slight alterations to the charr skeleton/rigging (due to the two sharing them) in order for tengu to animate and display properly (skill animations, emotes, riding mounts, etc.), I would be ok with it. Even if I found the changes to charr undesirable, I feel it would be worth it for tengu, which I feel I would enjoy more than playing charr.


However, a change to them just to change them? No, I would not welcome such a change as I am fine with how they animate/appear currently (armor neglect aside).


They altered the human female running animation long ago and it caused me to make all of my human female characters into mules as I couldn't stand playing them any longer. I only have 3 charr characters. If I found the change to be negative, that could be 3 _more_ mules and yet another species I would no longer be playing.


Beyond that, their altering charr would open them up to also altering even more of the playable species (the 'slope' others noted). As I have 15 female sylvari, and due to my love for how they move in all of their animations, if they were to ever alter them as well then I would essentially have an account of mostly mules (characters I would no longer play). I already dislike norn animations (I only have 1; a mule), so I am not sure that asura being the only species left that I could stand playing would be enough to keep my interest until a point when they were also altered (potentially negatively).

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I'm pretty happy with how Charr look currently but I wouldn't be against an update, as long as it doesn't stray too far from the original design. Although I do wish female Charr could have some of the same markings male have and vice versa. They've already did this with the horns. Now give their markings the same treatment so both males and females can have the same options.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I wanted to know how you all feel about Anet spending a good amount of their typical time and money that would normally go to new Living Story content, to update the Charr model in some way to improve the posture of the player models?


The Charr model is okay in my opinion, what they should do is rework some helmets and leg armor parts so they dont remover your horns or give insane clipping with the tail, after that Charr will be good....one model that actually needs help is male Norn...legs to small and arms to big lol female looks normal but male just look to weird.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > I wanted to know how you all feel about Anet spending a good amount of their typical time and money that would normally go to new Living Story content, to update the Charr model in some way to improve the posture of the player models?


> The Charr model is okay in my opinion, what they should do is rework some helmets and leg armor parts so they dont remover your horns or give insane clipping with the tail, after that Charr will be good....one model that actually needs help is male Norn...legs to small and arms to big lol female looks normal but male just look to weird.


I disagree. That's the point of the not. They Giants but on a human level.


Try Reaper's hood on a Charr. My necromancer is a Charr and that looks terrible. Me personally don't do race changes. So I rather the head armors get improved by having better Charr models.

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