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Eye's of Kormir are becoming a pestilence

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They are too common. My 1000 capacity bank is full and each of my 18 characters has multiple stacks of them (or did till I overcame my OCD and just deleted them by the thousands). There is nothing to do with them because they are worthless due to how common they are. None of the items that need them for crafting are things you make in huge quantities, so even though you need 50 or 100 per, you aren't going to use up that many of them that way. And getting 3 wishes a day isn't worth much more than the eyes themselves. We need some kind of sink for these.

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What is funny is that’s the item they didn’t let us send to material storage back at launch because the didn’t want the prices to skyrocket from people depositing and forgetting. Yet as you said they have very little [crafting use](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eye_of_Kormir) and the [Wish](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunspear_Redemption_Wish) isn’t enough to make an impact either as most those minis are selling for coppers.


There are a large number of crafting items that are at vendor or sinking in value. I doubt they’ll revisit this one unless they go back and look at all crafting mats.

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Eyes of Kormir are the PoF version of HoT Barbed thorns, they added new materials to the game but without enough sinks to keep them at a reasonable value.



> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Fortunately, they have vendor value, so they can easily be sold.


They can not be sold to vendors, they can only be sold on the TP.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Eyes of Kormir are the PoF version of HoT Barbed thorns, they added new materials to the game but without enough sinks to keep them at a reasonable value.



> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Fortunately, they have vendor value, so they can easily be sold.


> They can not be sold to vendors, they can only be sold on the TP.


Oops, right. I was listing them at 3 copper (they eventually sell).

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> @"Cyanchiv.2583" said:

> You can use them in the item Spearmarshal's Plea that you obtain while getting the griffon. You can use up to 75 of them per day for a container with some rewards such as gear and other resources.


> For more info see:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spearmarshal%27s_Plea


The problem is the "reward" usually comes in the form of multiple mini's of sunspear characters that you can only use, sell on the tp, or trash.


You obviously can't consume the same one twice, they have virtually no tp value, and they are all rare so you have to type out each one's name to delete them.


It's like the mini Balthazar priest x1000.

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  • 7 months later...

I would think updating the loot table of spearmarshal's plea would at least help some. Could add new mini's, tonics, or even ultra rare items as a gambling mechanic like someone above mentioned. Maybe keep it at three wishes, but give you the option to deposit a higher amount of eyes to increase your chances of getting better loot.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:


> The problem is the "reward" usually comes in the form of multiple mini's of sunspear characters that you can only use, sell on the tp, or trash.


> You obviously can't consume the same one twice, they have virtually no tp value, and they are all rare so you have to type out each one's name to delete them.

I never use the thing, so I don't know, but can you put them in the mystic forge?

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Eyes of Kormir, along with Congealed Putrescence and Slivers of Forgemetal all badly need new sinks. I propose that we get a new muncher similar to the Ley-Energy muncher that just takes 250 of each item and spits out random loot at you.


Fast forward 3 years -> GW2 Forums: "Converter Gizmos are becoming a Pestilence!"



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > Eyes of Kormir, along with Congealed Putrescence and Slivers of Forgemetal all badly need new sinks. I propose that we get a new muncher similar to the Ley-Energy muncher that just takes 250 of each item and spits out random loot at you.


> Fast forward 3 years -> GW2 Forums: "Converter Gizmos are becoming a Pestilence!"

> B)



Indeed. No more muncher items.

Just let us trade them in at vendors for RNG loot or let us sell them for the copper or two that they're worth.

That includes all the HoT zone items that never get used fast enough...

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Fast forward 3 years -> GW2 Forums: "Converter Gizmos are becoming a Pestilence!"

> B)


Heh, I could see that happening, yes. That's why we also need to consolidate the other munchers. Like, ANet should have just merged the Volatile Magic muncher with Gleam of Sentience (or whatever the LS3 combined muncher was).



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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> >

> > The problem is the "reward" usually comes in the form of multiple mini's of sunspear characters that you can only use, sell on the tp, or trash.

> >

> > You obviously can't consume the same one twice, they have virtually no tp value, and they are all rare so you have to type out each one's name to delete them.

> I never use the thing, so I don't know, but can you put them in the mystic forge?


no,but i keep mine just in case one day you can :)

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