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Guild Wars 3 vs Living World Season 5

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> >

> > 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> >


> Four down, actually. We killed Zhaitan and Mordy, and in LS3 we put Jormag and Primordus back to sleep until the next cycle. That leaves Kralkatorrik, whom we are apparently planning to kill and replace with Aurene, and "S" the ocean dragon, who isn't actually present in the game yet.



Sleep aint dead :P


Those two will very likely wake up again when Kralk falls as his death just like Zhaitan and Mordremoths will cause a massive burst of energy to be released upon the world again.. this particular burst will likely be even more potent considering Kralk has absorbed the magic of a fallen god, a bloodstone and 2 Elder dragons.

Even if Aurine is able to replace him I highly doubt she will be able to contain all the magic released when he's destroyed.. she couldn't manage it when Balthazar died either and he overall had less than what Kralk does now.


It was the death of Abaddon which originally started Primordus waking up.. and we only delayed that when we killed his Great Destroyer.

Kralkatorriks death will be more than enough to start waking the two sleeping dragons up again.. and should the Sea Dragon fall afterwards (which I suspect it will) there will be no chance at putting them back to sleep again.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > >

> > > 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> > >

> >

> > Four down, actually. We killed Zhaitan and Mordy, and in LS3 we put Jormag and Primordus back to sleep until the next cycle. That leaves Kralkatorrik, whom we are apparently planning to kill and replace with Aurene, and "S" the ocean dragon, who isn't actually present in the game yet.

> >


> Sleep aint dead :P


> Those two will very likely wake up again when Kralk falls as his death just like Zhaitan and Mordremoths will cause a massive burst of energy to be released upon the world again.. this particular burst will likely be even more potent considering Kralk has absorbed the magic of a fallen god, a bloodstone and 2 Elder dragons.

> Even if Aurine is able to replace him I highly doubt she will be able to contain all the magic released when he's destroyed.. she couldn't manage it when Balthazar died either and he overall had less than what Kralk does now.


> It was the death of Abaddon which originally started Primordus waking up.. and we only delayed that when we killed his Great Destroyer.

> Kralkatorriks death will be more than enough to start waking the two sleeping dragons up again.. and should the Sea Dragon fall afterwards (which I suspect it will) there will be no chance at putting them back to sleep again.


Yeah well dude, we should not kill dragons if you didn't get it by now. Killing them means destroying the World. And I doubt Anet will go with the cycle of waking up other 2 dragons again just so they can milk the story about dragons even more. But I am curious, after we calm the dragons, what will they bring into the story? Because our character already beat dragons, gods and all-powerful beings. Seems strange to go and fight lower power beings when we are already this OP. Probably will be something political.

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Agreed with Teratus.2859 that the death of Kralk is sure to have unforeseen consequences. That's part of how Anet keeps the plot going. But I don't think it will include waking up Primordus and Jormag. I think part of why Anet played out LS3 like so, was to take those two off the table. Kinda like how they basically just cut Joko out of the plot in LS4, even though he really was a great villain worthy of a full expansion. Anet is the Blood Legion of game development, always charging forward without much thought for the collateral damage or casualties. Like Mikali said, in a few years down the road, after the Elder Dragons are all dealt with, what then? I bet Anet might find themselves wishing they hadn't dealt so summarily with characters like Lazarus and Joko.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > >

> > > > 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Four down, actually. We killed Zhaitan and Mordy, and in LS3 we put Jormag and Primordus back to sleep until the next cycle. That leaves Kralkatorrik, whom we are apparently planning to kill and replace with Aurene, and "S" the ocean dragon, who isn't actually present in the game yet.

> > >

> >

> > Sleep aint dead :P

> >

> > Those two will very likely wake up again when Kralk falls as his death just like Zhaitan and Mordremoths will cause a massive burst of energy to be released upon the world again.. this particular burst will likely be even more potent considering Kralk has absorbed the magic of a fallen god, a bloodstone and 2 Elder dragons.

> > Even if Aurine is able to replace him I highly doubt she will be able to contain all the magic released when he's destroyed.. she couldn't manage it when Balthazar died either and he overall had less than what Kralk does now.

> >

> > It was the death of Abaddon which originally started Primordus waking up.. and we only delayed that when we killed his Great Destroyer.

> > Kralkatorriks death will be more than enough to start waking the two sleeping dragons up again.. and should the Sea Dragon fall afterwards (which I suspect it will) there will be no chance at putting them back to sleep again.


> Yeah well dude, we should not kill dragons if you didn't get it by now. Killing them means destroying the World. And I doubt Anet will go with the cycle of waking up other 2 dragons again just so they can milk the story about dragons even more. But I am curious, after we calm the dragons, what will they bring into the story? Because our character already beat dragons, gods and all-powerful beings. Seems strange to go and fight lower power beings when we are already this OP. Probably will be something political.


Yeah we've established that killing them is bad without some kind of replacement, problem is though putting them to sleep is a temporary solution, sooner or later they will wake again and the world will face the same destruction.

We need a more permanent solution and I think it was Glint who suggested replacing them with beings who would regulate the magic rather than horde it or something to that effect.

We can destroy the dragons.. and we need to in all honesty but we also need something to replace them when we do.

The real question is who or what will replace the other 3.. Kuunavang is a popular candidate for the Sea Dragon which will also give us that highly demanded Canthan expansion we're all hoping for after Season 5 but Jormag and Primordus.. who knows, perhaps the collective stone Dwarf race could stand in for Primordus which is a theory i've heard before but for Jormag I've got nothing..

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Agreed with Teratus.2859 that the death of Kralk is sure to have unforeseen consequences. That's part of how Anet keeps the plot going. But I don't think it will include waking up Primordus and Jormag. I think part of why Anet played out LS3 like so, was to take those two off the table. Kinda like how they basically just cut Joko out of the plot in LS4, even though he really was a great villain worthy of a full expansion. Anet is the Blood Legion of game development, always charging forward without much thought for the collateral damage or casualties. Like Mikali said, in a few years down the road, after the Elder Dragons are all dealt with, what then? I bet Anet might find themselves wishing they hadn't dealt so summarily with characters like Lazarus and Joko.


Oh yeah I think Anet is aware of that and likewise has put down 2 dragons for later use etc.

Another argument though could be that they want to tie up loose ends such as Lazarus and Joko in order to take the game in a new direction that we as fans have never seen before.

I'm pretty sold on the idea that living world 5 is going to lead to a large scale Canthan expansion finally forfilling that large demand for Cantha in Gw2 but after that.. There's not that much more Gw1 they can really bring to Gw2 anymore and from that point on we've an unexplored planet of new content potential the devs can take really get creative with.


So it's kind of a two way street.. yeah we're seeing some great villains being dealt with and their stories rounded up but that does leave the door open for all new villains from brand new lands and cultures that we've never seen in this franchise before.

Cantha and Elona pretty much give us that in Gw1 and it would be great if Gw2 added in brand new regions and villains etc in a similar way.

But I wanna go back to Cantha first :P then we can go somewhere else XD

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I think GW2 has life in it yet. However I wish they would bring in a bit more competition into it and I mean how *factions* was for example, two fractions at war. I'm not one to want to make GW a clone of anything, but I do miss the sieges I used to do, WvW just isn't the same.



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If I had to choose ArenaNet's next project, GW3 (or a new franchise fantasy MMO) would be the way to go, but there's other genres that could prove really successful.


For example, many of the people at ArenaNet (or at least the original GW1 crew) worked on Blizzard, during the times of Warcraft III. With how things are going with Activision, we will never get a decent sequel. A wise company would take this opportunity, and make their own W3-style RTS game, keeping the huge modding aspect intact. ArenaNet could use the GW franchise for this, or build a new one (since GW is pretty stale lore-wise anyway).


The cost for such a game would be far inferior to a new MMO, making it a safer endeavor, with lot of future opportunities if handled right.


Monetization could be a problem though, which can easily ruin everything else. Ideally, there would be none, but I don't think NCSOFT would be too easy to convince.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Id rather see gw3. Getting the while planet filled is fun i suppose for some but id rather start over with a new engine and lots of improvements.


Glad to see I'm not alone here.


> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).

> >

> > Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?


> Both. I want the LW transition as well as map expansion and continuation. I don't think GW 3 should or needs to go ahead so many years, but a new story focus could easily pave way for a new installment. Add new races, professions, features, and possibly make it truly open world instead of instanced.


> I would like for everything we have achieved here to greatly effect and help our characters in GW 3, so that none of it is dismissed and so that new players that come into GW 3 want to go back to GW 2 to earn what we have achieved here. Make 3 and 2 far more connected than 1 and 2 were.


I would go further and pretty much throw away all the current lore. It's just bad, and there's no salvaging it.


My ideal GW3 would be as follows:


* GW2 ends with the destruction of Tyria. The survivors escape into the Mists.

* The regions of GW3 are bubbles, floating in the Mists. Every bubble represents a fragment of a dimension, free from the shackles of time and space.

* This bubble system allows us to visit different places in different moments of time, including events in the ancient past, in the far future, or alternate timelines. For example, we could get to play during the Searing of Ascalon in one bubble, and then go to another bubble and experience an alternate future Ascalon where the charr shamans were killed and the Searing never happened, turning Ascalon into a powerful evil empire.

* Bubbles have different sizes, and the largest can reach the size of 4-5 zones from GW2. No instances and no loading screens, technically speaking, everything inside a bubble is a single zone. Each bubble has its own masteries, which are leveled up apart from your character experience. These masteries are usually locked to their own bubble, you need to play and master each bubble separately. Mastery-training is non-linear and party-friendly, so if you're missing a mastery, you can get help from someone who has already trained it. For example, a mastery could let you activate jumping mushrooms, or open gates. Mounts, gliding, and those sort of things would no longer be masteries, and be trained separately.

* Our characters are pioneers, exploring the Mists and the bubbles. There is no big world-ending cliche threat, it's just good old exploration and adventure. There might be villains and wars now and then, but they will never be the central part of the experience.


Examples of bubbles:


* **New Tyria:** The starting area, it's a Mediterranean coast full of white cliffs and beaches. The towns are built vertically, and there's multiple flying islands as well. Farms are built in terraces, and there's a lot of life underwater as well. The capital of the bubble is Lion's Arch, built from the wreckage of the old world. It's a stable bubble, meaning it doesn't reset itself periodically. Multiple races live here together, the old hatreds more than washed away.

* **Doom of Ascalon:** An unstable bubble, representing the region of the old world. The events of the long war between charr and humans have fused together, and both the Searing and the Foefire have become recurrent events. Players can join the side of their choice, and wage war against each other. This is a PvP zone, representing an endless conflict, with the Citadel of Flame on one side, and Ebonhawke in the other.

* **Labyrinth of Sorrow:** A gigantic underground dwarven complex, pretty much an endless dungeon. Sections are divided and force players to split in small groups to progress. The whole zone uses semi-procedural algorithms, randomizing parts of the terrain (this tunnel is closed now, but might be open later) and enemy spawns. The experience will be different every time you play.

* **Ancient Maguuma:** Prehistoric version of the Maguuma Jungle, when the druids were still around. Gather parties and hunt legendary beasts, Monster Hunter style.


> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> LS5: Same stale game with no major changes on the horizon, 1-2h long story with poor writing and a zerg map.


> GW3: Fresh start and excitement of leveling and learning EVERYTHING.


> The choice is clear.


The staleness is a real problem. GW2 has improved a lot over the years, but the awful first impression many people got back in 2012 will never be erased.


A new game, carrying over all the improvements of GW2 would be a big hit. Something similar to what FFXIV did.


> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > New does not automatically mean better. I'd say improve on GW2 before starting something new. With MMOs there's also the fact that companies usually lose a big part of a very enthusiastic playerbase when the transition isn't done right.Sure, new players come in and start off, but you always have to weigh one against the other. I've sunken thousands of hours in this game and would probably not do so with a new one.


> This is why I think we're more likely to see a "GW2.5" revamp of this game than a whole new game. ANet may not have it in them to make a whole new engine for the game, but I'm sure they're at least keeping an eye on what's out there and considering the costs of replacing at least part of the game engine with something new. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would cost a lot less than making a whole new game and wouldn't lose them as much playerbase.


I think this is the best way to go. Salvage as much as possible from GW2, specially art assets, and then make a new game with a new engine that allows a real open world, among other things the current one can't do.


> @"Kas.3509" said:

> Sure, I'd love GW3 and new game from Anet without the mistakes they did in core GW2 -> many people left GW2 and dont want to come back after lack of roles, lack of endgame etc at the game launch - I honestly came back by some miracle and I love how it is now.


> On the other hand GW2 is in the best state it ever was - or at least is at the best state for like a year now, it finally has almost everything it lacked (besides dungeons and no armor clipping -I hate they focused on outfits instead : <).

> I doubt theyll want to kill their own game when theres so much things still to do and to improve and when game is doing good. Lets not lie to ourselves -> release of GW3 would kill a solid population of GW2.


> I would love if they STARTED to work on gw3 somewhere around now, because we could use GW3 in 5-6 years.

> But anyway - if they suddenly went and announced gw3 is coming soon I would be ecstatic


If they do the transition well, no players would be lost in the process. If they recycle most of GW2 to build GW3 (the optimal decision, imo), they could let players keep everything they earned in GW2, specially unlockable stuff, or just make a need Hall of Monuments, with a better progression system.


The ideal scenario would be GW2 and GW3 being compatible, and characters being usable in both games.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > I would rather see GW2 continue with expansions, as they have. For one thing, not a single person (at last check) had earned enough achievement points to get a full set of radiant or hellfire armor. And, I really want to see a character in full radiant armor.

> >

> > I don't care what they call it, but I don't want to lose the progress I've attained. If they came out with a new game not directly connected to GW2, I probably would keep playing GW2, and ignore the new game.

> ... I bet many people playing GW1 thought that too. And it doesnt really matter, does it? It's OK to play an old game.



GW1 still has a lot of people, and could be doing fine if ArenaNet hadn't drop support altogether. I mean, old games like Diablo or Unreal Tournament are still kicking ass to this day.


> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Gw3 is not going to happen. With all the money people have sunk into gw2, there would be a massive outrage over suddenly having it made irrelevant.

> > >

> > > I do not think Anet agrees with your opinion. They didn't really care about their previous game, destroying the community, not giving any updates or any care about the customers they had nor they want to have any part in it. You really think Anet would care about GW2 community? They do not even care about veteran players, they are more interested in new players. Gw3 would just bring new players to them, players that are hungry for new western MMORPG.

> > >

> > > Do not worry, if they do it right, they can maybe still run GW2 servers, so have fun playing the game without any updates for next decade or so as Guild Wars 1 players do.

> > >

> > I think they do, it's getting harder and harder to launch new successful MMOs these days that are in the form of GW2, WoW, KOTOR(or whatever the star wars acronym is), and Elder Scrolls. People want games they can hop in and out of relatively quickly without having to invest much time in them.

> >

> > Also, why are you surprised that GW1 never got any updates after GW2 was announced? if Blizzard launched a WoW 2 do you think they would still update WoW? I don't think so, it would at the very least be left running if they even cared to keep the servers up.


> I am not surprised at all. I am just saying that Anet does not really care about their previous games. If there is GW3 coming, it is because of the things they want, they wouldn't bite an eye for what feelings GW2 players have. So people saying Anet wouldn't dare to make GW3 in a fear of losing customer base are kinda wrong. They can always get new players, you know, in 5 years there are millions of new players coming into gaming, those that are a bit too young to play at the moment. Veteran players are easily replaceable.


> And no, it is not harder and harder to launch new successful MMORPGs, as I said, people are hungry for new MMORPGs, just look how Early Access is abused because of that fact, people buying into unfinished games, bugged games, games like Bless, Atlas etc. There is a huge amount of players ready to get into new, fresh and polished MMORPG which is honest and not just a quick cash grab. Even players that do play big MMORPGs, like WoW, ESO, FFXIV are in a need of a fresh quality experience.


> GW2 needs an upgrade, dx9 is fast getting ancient at this point. GW2 is limited by it. I don't say GW3 will happen in the next 3 years, but looking 5 or 10 years into future, there is NO way GW2 will be profitable, old code, runs badly on new PCs.


> And store thing will fast get old. It is just a matter of time until players get fed up with the gem store. GW2 needs content that lasts. Anet is fine atm, but the way they structured their content is not good in the long run. IF LS5 do not give GOOD content that is NOT just 2 hours story play and grinds for achievements it will be not long enough until you see EVEN MORE threads on this forum asking when will new expansion or GW3 be released. Why do you think these threads are basically spammed atm? Because players are hungry for the content that lasts!


> GW2 is a good game to play casually, it is not to be played as the main game unless you are into achievements. Not for veteran players. New players have a blast! A lot of content for them!


> We can already see that even Anet has problems with the way they made some decisions about GW2. Balancing this kind of a skill system is, I would say, a nightmare, a nightmare that is far worse than GW1 was. Balancing GW1 is a piece of cake compared to GW2. Not having holy trinity or at least soft trinity is also a problem they are encountering all the time. Just look at HoT and PoF having support/tanks/healers heavily introduced into the game. They know, and they feel, that people really need structure into group-based content.


> I could go on and on about many things, but all the group content, PvP, WvW, all suffer because of many decisions Anet did at the start. They were a good idea, different, great for solo content, but problematic at the end where people do want to play MMORPG to play with other players, and not just as a bystander.


> GW1 was a great learning experience for the new company, GW2 was/is a huge learning experience, GW3 can only be a game we all should look for with enthusiasm because I do not doubt in Anet and their talent.


I agree with most of this. Sometimes, it's better to start from scratch than to try to fix what cannot be fixed.


Reminder that elite specializations were never the plan, and that they were shoved into core professions without making them adaptable enough first, thus many of today's problems.


> @"Warobaz.9543" said:

> I'd like to see a revamped GW2. Same game, with added tools for the devs to push the game a bit further, graphical upgrades, using the same assets and 3D models, so they don't redo everything. Other upgrades to other game systems to cater to some of players' needs/expectations.


> Not unlike what Funcom did with Secret World Legends, even if I'm not really convinced by SWL (they modified the skill and combat system so much that they killed it, imo)


That's the right approach, but it might be too late now. There's way too many things to revamp, and many of the problems come straight from the design table.


For example, the mounts we have today should have been there since the very beginning of the game. You can't go now and upgrade every zone of the game so that mounts make sense, it would be hell in so many ways, to the point it's better if you just remake everything from scratch, which leads to the question, why not make something new altogether?


It's the same with the "make GW2 open world" thing, you can't just paste the zones together that easily, and even if you did, those awful square-ish mountain ranges would still be there. You can just delete them, because there's dozens of towns and locations built inside them. The whole design layout of many zones would be completely ruined.


The way to go is GW2.5, or GW3 recycling GW2 assets.


> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Agreed with Teratus.2859 that the death of Kralk is sure to have unforeseen consequences. That's part of how Anet keeps the plot going. But I don't think it will include waking up Primordus and Jormag. I think part of why Anet played out LS3 like so, was to take those two off the table. Kinda like how they basically just cut Joko out of the plot in LS4, even though he really was a great villain worthy of a full expansion. Anet is the Blood Legion of game development, always charging forward without much thought for the collateral damage or casualties. Like Mikali said, in a few years down the road, after the Elder Dragons are all dealt with, what then? I bet Anet might find themselves wishing they hadn't dealt so summarily with characters like Lazarus and Joko.


The Elder Dragon plot was a huge mistake. It doesn't help that in general, GW2 has a very poor character development, with villains getting the worst of it. These leads to most of GW2 relying on GW1 stuff, which they waste away superfast anyway.


The tone of the story does more harm than good too, we're lying at Marvel-tier superhero-esque stuff, instead of the more down to earth Lord of the Rings style plots of GW1.

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GW3, if it ever occurs, is a long way away. Pros and cons of a new game aside, the GW2 plot won't end until at least we ~~kill~~ deal with Kralkatorrik and the Deep Sea Dragon - Primordus and Jormag can remain asleep and GW2 can end. We're looking at least at LS5 and Expansion 3, IMO. Maybe a LS6 to act as a closing arc. We're looking at GW2 ending in 2021 at the *very* earliest. And as such, Anet's next game would likely launch 2023, again at the *very* earliest.


That said, I think Tyria's run its course once GW2 ends, barring a revamp (which it'd be too soon for, imo), and I would like to see ArenaNet start a new IP, since it's pretty clear their ideals for plot and narration have changed dramatically since GW1's days.


This goes double since ArenaNet has a habit of making the next foe a 'bigger fish'. It's what started GW2 with the rather poor plot decision to off an Elder Dragon from the get go, it "had" to one-up Nightfall's plot. It makes me feel like if they did a GW3, the very first campaign would involve killing some supreme being that created The Rift (or even The Mists itself) or something, and spiral into silliness of trying to top things from there.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> They pretty much stated that there was no plans for a 3. That if things go (sell) well, they will make additional living world stories and expansions. The picture that was out before PoF had at least 2 more living seasons and expansions as the goal. And, they said they would just add more if everyone still liked the game.

As much as i would like to see GW3 and adding playable races like dwarves and tengu, I know making such a game is impossible at this stage, especially considering the Anet/NCSoft merger that happened recently. Still hope that they actually add dwarves or tengu in the near future though.


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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I'm hoping that there isn't another multiyear jump between GW2 and GW3. I believe the last chapter of GW2 should be part of the transition story into GW3. I know I want to keep my same characters (we have spent enough time and money on them).


> Or would you rather just see a continuation of map expansion in GW2?


Why would we need a GW3 if its just a continuation makes no sense unless there is some funds.ental shift/rift or completely alternative direction.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Gw2 is still growing and expanding both in lore and potential with each new release..


> I'm not even remotely thinking of a Guildwars 3 at this point, Hell i'm hoping we're not even half way through the story yet.


> 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> So far we've got 1 ally who can supplant 1 dragon and she's too young to pull it off yet.


> Anet has gotten a lot better at building bigger and better living world releases as well as getting them out faster..

> Just look at the quality increase since living world 1..


> In my opinion Guildwars 2 has at least another 4-5 years in it before Anet will probably start looking into a new game.. and to be completely honest with you i'm not entirely sure their next game will be Guildwars 3..

> Surely after 2 decades Anet would want to move on to a new IP and do something different.. as much as I love Gw2 I honestly wouldn't blame them for wanting that.

> Besides it's not like Gw1 or Gw2 are going anywhere so long as Anet remains in business and the games have an active player base.


Wel quality... subjective imo.

If you mean the story writing... I say up and down as I really enjoyed s1 more than some of the other seasons.

If you mean delivery... hmmm that's an interesting one cos each update sees many issues, which one could say brings down the quality and it's not got any better since s1 imo, perhaps maybe worse.

If you mean the quality of the content.. again up and down imo, some of which I feel hurts or at best spoils the the quality of the story update


I guess at the end of the day we're all a bit different... eye of the beholder kind of thing imo.

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How about both. The only way to the future is gw LS (or maybe one more paid expac), and working on a new game, Guildwars Universe or something else. A developer needs a new title to keep making revenue. Don't forget guildwars 2 is here since 2012, and cant bring in revenue for another 7 years. Wow is one of very few games, who got away with that, but not the norm. There needs to be a game for the future with a new engine to support new systems and their capabilities. Its unfortunate that many resources where used to now cancelled projects which where one way or the other not the golden egg, but they (Arenanet) needs to reinvent themselves and get things on the rails.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Gw2 is still growing and expanding both in lore and potential with each new release..

> >

> > I'm not even remotely thinking of a Guildwars 3 at this point, Hell i'm hoping we're not even half way through the story yet.

> >

> > 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> > So far we've got 1 ally who can supplant 1 dragon and she's too young to pull it off yet.

> >

> > Anet has gotten a lot better at building bigger and better living world releases as well as getting them out faster..

> > Just look at the quality increase since living world 1..

> >

> > In my opinion Guildwars 2 has at least another 4-5 years in it before Anet will probably start looking into a new game.. and to be completely honest with you i'm not entirely sure their next game will be Guildwars 3..

> > Surely after 2 decades Anet would want to move on to a new IP and do something different.. as much as I love Gw2 I honestly wouldn't blame them for wanting that.

> > Besides it's not like Gw1 or Gw2 are going anywhere so long as Anet remains in business and the games have an active player base.


> Wel quality... subjective imo.

> If you mean the story writing... I say up and down as I really enjoyed s1 more than some of the other seasons.

> If you mean delivery... hmmm that's an interesting one cos each update sees many issues, which one could say brings down the quality and it's not got any better so .ca s1 imo, perhaps maybe worse.

> If you mean the quality of the content.. again up and down imo, some of which I feel hurts or at best spoils the the quality of the story update


> I guess at the end of the day we're all a bit different... eye of the beholder kind of thing imo.


I meant that post in a general overall kinda way..


Break it down into parts and yea, there are a lot of up and down moments.. but overall as one big lump they are generally getting better imo even if some aspects are weaker every now and again.

This doesn't bother me much though as I can't expect each release to be significantly better in every way every time.

But yeah eye of the beholder kind of thing is definitely true in this case.


For example I was in complete awe of the Kralkatorrik mists mission because of the sheer scale of that mission and the way it was done.

Others broke it down into it's simplistic elements and were left unimpressed at how basic the gameplay aspect was.


The gameplay there wasn't important to me so the fact that it was very simple didn't take anything away from the sheer epicness of watching Kralkatorrik's entire model perform all those sweet actions ^^

It was very well done imo even though others would disagree due to the rail shooter like mechanics.

It's not always a bad thing when mechanics take a backseat so you can enjoy something awesome going on in front of you.

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I think the smart thing is to keep their existing content no matter what engine they use in the future. I think the engine is in need of an overhaul to load more work onto the graphic systems and be more portable across systems. Sure the content could use some polish but if they rolled GW1, GW2 and any future GW content under the same engine it would make it more sustainable for the long haul.

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > They pretty much stated that there was no plans for a 3. That if things go (sell) well, they will make additional living world stories and expansions. The picture that was out before PoF had at least 2 more living seasons and expansions as the goal. And, they said they would just add more if everyone still liked the game.

> As much as i would like to see GW3 and adding playable races like dwarves and tengu, I know making such a game is impossible at this stage, especially considering the Anet/NCSoft merger that happened recently. Still hope that they actually add dwarves or tengu in the near future though.



It's not a merger; ANet has been owned by NCSoft for over 15 years. The recent events were layoffs, which happened 7 months after the post you quoted was written.

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Yea so the devs can just not listen to us again like they are doing here?


Nice try, you're gonna get the same crap, same silence, same lack of PvP or WvW content all over again. You seem to forget the same people are here that will probably do the stuff people rant about every hour on the hour in gw3.


Gw2 can stay until they can actually clean up their act.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > 2 Dragons down, 4 to go and still no solution to how we're going to finally achieve this goal.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Four down, actually. We killed Zhaitan and Mordy, and in LS3 we put Jormag and Primordus back to sleep until the next cycle. That leaves Kralkatorrik, whom we are apparently planning to kill and replace with Aurene, and "S" the ocean dragon, who isn't actually present in the game yet.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sleep aint dead :P

> > >

> > > Those two will very likely wake up again when Kralk falls as his death just like Zhaitan and Mordremoths will cause a massive burst of energy to be released upon the world again.. this particular burst will likely be even more potent considering Kralk has absorbed the magic of a fallen god, a bloodstone and 2 Elder dragons.

> > > Even if Aurine is able to replace him I highly doubt she will be able to contain all the magic released when he's destroyed.. she couldn't manage it when Balthazar died either and he overall had less than what Kralk does now.

> > >

> > > It was the death of Abaddon which originally started Primordus waking up.. and we only delayed that when we killed his Great Destroyer.

> > > Kralkatorriks death will be more than enough to start waking the two sleeping dragons up again.. and should the Sea Dragon fall afterwards (which I suspect it will) there will be no chance at putting them back to sleep again.

> >

> > Yeah well dude, we should not kill dragons if you didn't get it by now. Killing them means destroying the World. And I doubt Anet will go with the cycle of waking up other 2 dragons again just so they can milk the story about dragons even more. But I am curious, after we calm the dragons, what will they bring into the story? Because our character already beat dragons, gods and all-powerful beings. Seems strange to go and fight lower power beings when we are already this OP. Probably will be something political.


> Yeah we've established that killing them is bad without some kind of replacement, problem is though putting them to sleep is a temporary solution, sooner or later they will wake again and the world will face the same destruction.

> We need a more permanent solution and I think it was Glint who suggested replacing them with beings who would regulate the magic rather than horde it or something to that effect.

> We can destroy the dragons.. and we need to in all honesty but we also need something to replace them when we do.

> The real question is who or what will replace the other 3.. Kuunavang is a popular candidate for the Sea Dragon which will also give us that highly demanded Canthan expansion we're all hoping for after Season 5 but Jormag and Primordus.. who knows, perhaps the collective stone Dwarf race could stand in for Primordus which is a theory i've heard before but for Jormag I've got nothing..


i have an for jormag mabey just maby they figure out how to magicly create a dragon like jourmag but also with the abillity to handle the amount of magic like areuane

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