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Do you ever feel like a scrub because you play an 'easy' profession? Are they really that easy?


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I actually pretty mich play all professions, only my main is a ranger that is played most often.

Ranger has high versatility and i love the theme too.

But its always a nice fresh breeze playing acrobatics thief /DD or sword&dagger weaver with all this mobility and fluidity .

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At Headstart I created a Mesmer (didn't play GW1) but deleted him soon after, because it seemed impossible to beat even the weakest mobs without going into downstate or die at least once every fight. After I got used to the basic mechanics though I created another one and it was my first character to reach the 100% exploration achievement (WvW maps included because they had to be explored too back in that days).


Today and personally I consider Mesmer to be one of the most "easy" professions. Easy because the Mesmer has a ton of possibilities to not even get in touch with dangerous mechanics and simply avoid them. It now is a pretty easy profession, but at the beginning and without being used to GW2 gameplay it was the hardest one for me along with Ele.

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Sorry buddy. People in pvp are like that. Doesn't matter what game you play.


I play necromancer and people say that's easy to play. Heh.... No it isn't... You need to be the aggressor all the time, have no form of evasion aside from dodge, one reliable scaling defense in corrosive poison cloud, very little stability, sub-par party support, low damage, a diminishing returns mechanic unless you're in wvw or open world pve, lack good access to hard cc, most our hard cc is fear which is the weakest hard cc in the game, requires us to damage ourselves to maximize our dps and if we do something wrong that's a good 50-100% of our health from damage we do to ourselves, we have a hard time cleansing ourselves from conditions without consume conditions or if there is nothing to transfer to, we can't escape from a fight because we are the slowest class in the game, we have long cool downs for most of our skills that are comparable to other professions' skills only at double or even triple the recharge rate, half our weapons don't do anything significant other than generate life force because without life force we would literally be defenseless and with all this in mind you as a player need to be hyper aware of it at all times. If someone knows the necromancer's weaknesses while fighting them you are a walking corpse.


And scourge is in The top 3 hardest specs to run in the game.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Warrior is the noob class. Sorry, but it's true. I had one some time ago (deleted it, because I alwas fell asleep after 5 minutes of playing it). Standard Core GS/Axe/Shield.


> 5 minutes of practise and you win 90% of your encounters. The other 10% are condi mesmers and warriors that play the class for more than 5 minutes.


> It's obvious. Warrior is still the dominant spec at duel spots because a one handed monkey wins duels on it.


> Side Note: Thx ANet for buffing peak performance! It's not that rampage wasn't already OP.


> For a Thief is easy to not die. The rest is tricky. It has faceroll encounters and impossible to win encounters. But it can always escape. So it's not nessessarily rewarding but a safe spec.


> Staff/Sword/X condi chrono/mirage. The same... 5 minutes of practise esp. noticing the brokeness of staff2 and general low cooldowns that let you mindlessly spam stuff and you only lose to better mesmer players.


Ah... peak performance from 33% damage boost to 10% is a buff? Please inform yourself before shooting nonsense.


And warrior is easy and simple to get into, but it's not that simple to master.


You can outplay a noob warrior and spellbreaker so easily, you can kite a warrior for days since is the only class with zero teleports, but only movement running gap closers which can be avoided by just getting distance, you don't even have to waste a dodge on those skills.

Dodging shield stun and bull's charge is the easiest thing in the world and if you get caught you just stunbreak and kite again, if you run with zero stunbreaks of course you will get rekt so hard by warriors.

In this meta you should at least have 2 stunbreaks on bar, 1 passive stunbreak. The best is full stunbreaks on bar because of all those thieves, warriors, mesmers, holos, rangers that you will encounter while roaming.


As a warrior you can't use your skills randomly like using shield dash off range or on someone with stability or use the burst skills random. You have to time all your skills to succeed.


Professions like condi mirage and scourge are the brainless braindeads one. They don't care of you have stability, resistance or anything, they just do their spammy rotation, flood you with 10 stacks of condis and goodbye, they dont even have to watch your boonbar since stab and resistance will get corrupted anyway in something advantageous for them, condi mirage just give you 20 stacks of confusion and he did his job.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


Everything is easy in GW2, if these people were genuinely bothered about skilled gameplay they wouldn't be playing a game that is relatively slow paced, has terrible compromised balance, has low skilled uncompetitive game modes like PvE/WvW and is basically a glorified tab targeted system that aims for you, which is topped off by the reality that what little competitive playerbase it once had, has mostly gone, instead they would be off playing a competitive PvP game.


But they aren't, which tells you everything you need to know about how much they really care about skilled play.

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I run with a mirage roaming WvW but you know what - I dont feel guilty at all.


For one I am usually only one of maybe 5ish mirages on fully queued maps and at least half of them will be mediocre - and that number often includes all 3 sides.


Secondly, I've met and fought good players on every other class, both power and condi builds. Yes, even roaming heralds. All of them can fight even if people moan that they cant. I cant roam on all of them I know that very well - but if they can beat or at the very least come close to it while I'm on my mirage, I know they're good. There is so many fights I win where the answer is as simple as I wouldnt had a chance if they where 2. People posting videos of owning 1v3+ cherrypick fights against bad people, thats easy to do (and any class can do it).


So no. I dont feel like a scrub for killing others. I know what their class is capable of and if they cant fill those shoes by bringing the wrong build or insufficient skill I dont feel bad.

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Easy in what manner tho...


I feel bad if I play my Thief in PvE (Raids) w/ DPS-Meter on and hit 4 Buttons, dealing more damage than our weavers, playing piano.

However, I don't mind too much - it's called a game for a reason after all and I enjoy whatever class I play - and tbh. I don't enjoy classes which are "to easy". A little difficulty must be there, e.g. I main Mesmer/Engi.


Didn't play enough PvP-Content to say sth about that manner, what-so-ever...

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No. I don't.


Sometimes I want to play the piano, and play some upbeat tunes to the rhythm of the action.

Other times, I just want to hook up my gramophone with some sweet jazz and lean back while sipping my martini.


You shouldn't waste time worrying over how people perceive you. Life is simply too short for that...


Unless you're in politics where image is everything. You may want to care then.

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I don't care either way. I like to experiment with builds and try new things all the time. Last season I played only the same scrapper build that I was going to at to get the ruthless legend title, but now I'm messing around with a hybrid ranger build and couldn't care less about how hard or easy it is, as long as it's fun. :P

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> @"jan.7915" said:

> Any mesmer that tells you about your class being easier than his is a brainless form donkeys kitten.


> Tldr: hell no


But what happens when a mesmer own another mesmer?


By your logic a meeting of the two in combat should be like a brick wall trying to punch a brick wall.


In reality... People are brainless, not classes.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"jan.7915" said:

> > Any mesmer that tells you about your class being easier than his is a brainless form donkeys kitten.

> >

> > Tldr: hell no


> But what happens when a mesmer own another mesmer?


> By your logic a meeting of the two in combat should be like a brick wall trying to punch a brick wall.


> In reality... People are brainless, not classes.



the class being easy to get good results is not equal with the class is easy to master in a pvp envoirement, because mastering any class in a pvp envoirement first of all requires you to know all your opponents options or you cant know all your options to deal with them. so a mirror match of an easy class can be onesided like any other fight.

easy class just means in a fight bad player vs bad player the one with the easier class will win. so if anyone is telling you that your class is easy and that you won because of that, then they admit to be a bad player. if they say instead your class is stronger or has an advantage against their class, that might be the case but has nothing to do with your skill then.

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Let me give you an example as to why you should not care what others think, wow was not my first mmorpg it was like my 3rd after some years and it was not bad but way more streamlined and easy compared to other mmorpgs at the time, anyways one my favorite classes was hunter, they where stupid easy to play solo, however the community assumed you did not know how to play if you played that class, but here is the thing I loved hunter for its versatility at the time, I also loved druid and where very good at both of these classes, the question is can you master the so called easy class? In my first mmorpg I mained the hardest class which was bard. To me hunter was one of the most versatile classes and beastmaster talents where incredibly fun in pvp for me. My point here is if your having fun it should not matter, your going to run into ignorance everywhere you go why not make the best of it and prove them wrong?

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Warrior is the noob class. Sorry, but it's true. I had one some time ago (deleted it, because I alwas fell asleep after 5 minutes of playing it). Standard Core GS/Axe/Shield.

> >

> > 5 minutes of practise and you win 90% of your encounters. The other 10% are condi mesmers and warriors that play the class for more than 5 minutes.

> >

> > It's obvious. Warrior is still the dominant spec at duel spots because a one handed monkey wins duels on it.

> >

> > Side Note: Thx ANet for buffing peak performance! It's not that rampage wasn't already OP.

> >

> > For a Thief is easy to not die. The rest is tricky. It has faceroll encounters and impossible to win encounters. But it can always escape. So it's not nessessarily rewarding but a safe spec.

> >

> > Staff/Sword/X condi chrono/mirage. The same... 5 minutes of practise esp. noticing the brokeness of staff2 and general low cooldowns that let you mindlessly spam stuff and you only lose to better mesmer players.


> Ah... peak performance from 33% damage boost to 10% is a buff? Please inform yourself before shooting nonsense.


> And warrior is easy and simple to get into, but it's not that simple to master.


> You can outplay a noob warrior and spellbreaker so easily, you can kite a warrior for days since is the only class with zero teleports, but only movement running gap closers which can be avoided by just getting distance, you don't even have to waste a dodge on those skills.

> Dodging shield stun and bull's charge is the easiest thing in the world and if you get caught you just stunbreak and kite again, if you run with zero stunbreaks of course you will get rekt so hard by warriors.

> In this meta you should at least have 2 stunbreaks on bar, 1 passive stunbreak. The best is full stunbreaks on bar because of all those thieves, warriors, mesmers, holos, rangers that you will encounter while roaming.


> As a warrior you can't use your skills randomly like using shield dash off range or on someone with stability or use the burst skills random. You have to time all your skills to succeed.


> Professions like condi mirage and scourge are the brainless braindeads one. They don't care of you have stability, resistance or anything, they just do their spammy rotation, flood you with 10 stacks of condis and goodbye, they dont even have to watch your boonbar since stab and resistance will get corrupted anyway in something advantageous for them, condi mirage just give you 20 stacks of confusion and he did his job.


Thanks for the info ive been thinking of rolling a warrior for a while this confirms some things for me.

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Honestly, and just throwing myself out there, I do at times.


While I do enjoy my Engineer a lot more than my Reaper when it comes to PvP, I get much better results and win a lot more often as a Reaper. If I make a mistake on my Engineer I'm dead. If I make one on my Reaper it's no big deal, I can usually recover from it in a few seconds. Winning a fight as my Engineer feels like I've earned it. Winning a fight on my Reaper however (at least for me) feels...expected. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying my Reaper is amazingly good in PvP. It's just a lot more forgiving than my Engineer. Which at times is needed as I'm still learning the game and new to the PvP scene. (Have only played about 12 or 13 sPvP games so far)


As time goes on and I learn more with my Engineer I'm certain I'll stop relying on my Reaper if I need to win a fight. "Easy" professions have their advantages, one of which is teaching newer players such as myself the basics to prepare us for more complex professions/builds later on.

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Play whats fun, that's what it comes down too. There's a few classes that definitely have a low skill floor, but across the board, the ceiling is quite high across most (if not all), classes.


A few examples come to mind:


Warrior might be the "easiest" class of the game due to its absurd passive uptime and ability to disengage while regening 50+% of its hp, but you can play around this type of play style, and a good warrior certainly knows how to time his/her cooldowns and ability to disengage. A condi rev in PvE may be theoretically the highest dps in the game right now, but due to it's absurd rotation, requirement to disable cast confirmation, and the abuse of UI hovering, it is an incredibly unfun class to play in an actual scenario.




tl;dr, reread first 2 sentences. Play what YOU enjoy, ignore the haters.




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Anything FoTM I definitely feel like a scrub, and there are definitely easier/more effective builds out there than others which may affect fulfillment. I gain no pleasure from simply playing what's strongest. Even fighting in the real world, I like the odds not being in my favor, because it makes you get better.


When I swap to my pewpew longbow ranger because I need a kill or want to win, I rarely feel like I win matchups because of skill. When I kill a warrior on my reaper or D/D thief, I know it means I just styled all over them, which feels much more satisfying.


Everyone also has different intuitions, too. I find thief, even with a bad build, easier than guardian, for example, because I always suck at playing absorption tanks in every game.



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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> When I swap to my pewpew longbow ranger because I need a kill or want to win, I rarely feel like I win matchups because of skill. When I kill a warrior on my reaper or D/D thief, I know it means I just styled all over them, which feels much more satisfying.

strange in the latter case i would feel like i didnt win because of skill, just because of my opponents lack of it.

it comes down to how you look at it i suppose :3



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