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The thing that ruined Ep 3 for me...(spoiler)


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The ending cinematic was some masterpiece- the facial expression, the drama, this dark and creepy place all around you, the scarab-y music on the background and Joko's very interesting but kinda untrue things about us.


It was really amazing, untill...


Untill Aurene jumped in out of nowhere and just ate him... Who the hell designed this?!


First of all she jumped from the right corner of Joko's room, so was Joko that blind that he couldn't see this- she didn't seem to enter the windows either- then we would be able to see her.

Joko would say: what are you looking at?

He would turn around and would be attacked by her.


Also the thing that we couldnt finish him like we did to Scarlet, Mordremoth etc etc.


It was absolutely disapointing- we should have our moment, the final word to him, and then Aurene just freaking ate him...


How did she even enter?


I expected more like the rest of DW to enter, Aurene coming out to strike Joko's back to stun him, and we that would finish him off.


The whole story was nice, the final moment was very disapointing to me...


We should have finished him... It always feels so epic to Finish some great enemy, and it was stolen from me...

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Whilst I agree entirely, didn't last week you say what an excellent ending this was?


To be honest, there has been enough discussion and enough threads on this now. Yes, I feel they destroyed so much potential, but what's done is done. They are well aware now of the feedback on the issue and have acknowledged it in the AMA. It is what it is and hopefully more respect to villains will be paid to in the future.

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I think we got a pretty epic battle with him at the end of the chapter. There were multiple stages to the fight, the arena was fairly well laid-out and none of the mechanics were too obscure. (Then again, I feel like ArenaNet has done a decent job in teaching all boss fight mechanics in the instances leading up to them.) It had been established long ago that Palawa Joko was unkillable, and simply attacking him a lot would not be enough to put him down for good. Plus, there's the shock and light humour as Aurene comes out of literally nowhere to gnaw on him midway through his speech. So please tell me you aren't complaining about a killsteal. We did our part to take him down, and we got the experience and loot drops he would have given.


Complain about Joko being taken too soon all you want, but don't tell me that we didn't get a good fight with him before he died, and don't tell me that eating him wasn't a creative way to ensure he doesn't come back. It might not have been a perfect end, but it covered all the bases it needed to.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> Guys, you do need to realize that, in an AMA, it was mentioned that they shortened Joko's story late in development in order to have the living story focus on Kralkatorrik earlier.


''Lets focus in another completely unidimensional dragon to kill instead of one of the most loved villains with charisma that this game ever had.''

Who thought that was a good idea?

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> @"MetalAssault.7906" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > Guys, you do need to realize that, in an AMA, it was mentioned that they shortened Joko's story late in development in order to have the living story focus on Kralkatorrik earlier.


> ''Lets focus in another completely unidimensional dragon to kill instead of one of the most loved villains with charisma that this game ever had.''

> Who thought that was a good idea?


Well.....i just want you to take a guess and remember the drama from a few days back.

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I kinda knew they will want to focus on Kralk now, but somewhere on the back of my head I hoped he won't be finished, I hoped he could kinda escape and create the bigger problem as to make Kralk fly towards Tyria or something.


I hoped your predictions, very well thought about not killing Joko in ep 3 would become real.


Also I had to process this episode and assure myself before writing this critique.


But when Aurene jumped in and ate him I did not laugh, I didnt smile, I was very sad about this ending.


If you look at Scarlet's finishing- it was so much better!


Lots of people were comparing him to Scarlet, but Scarlet had her deepness in her actions, while Joko was just a joke- some dry willing to take revange on us... No special 'in case of dying' scenario.


Thats why Scarlet will still be the best villain.



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Also imagine this final words of our PC while finishing him: I will save the world FROM YOU.


That was what I was hoping the end would look like. Something like in Mordremoth's mind: For the Pale Tree, For Tyria!


Even Lazarus got a proper finishing...


My favorite thing about this episode was the dramatic back story of the Primeval Dynasty, the Queens are very epic, I felt their determination in my bones.


Also this "Brothers and Sisters! This time WE wipe out the plague" was so amazing!


The whole deepness in few words.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Also imagine this final words of our PC while finishing him: I will save the world FROM YOU.


> That was what I was hoping the end would look like. Something like in Mordremoth's mind: For the Pale Tree, For Tyria!


> Even Lazarus got a proper finishing...


> My favorite thing about this episode was the dramatic back story of the Primeval Dynasty, the Queens are very epic, I felt their determination in my bones.


> Also this "Brothers and Sisters! This time WE wipe out the plague" was so amazing!


> The whole deepness in few words.


Thing is, even the devs advises that if they push Joko story it would have given us an extra half an episode, so like the second story instance.


It’s clear, they want us to fight Kralkatorrik, defeat him and lead into the next expansion.


My guess, is they want the remaining members of destiny’s edge involved to finish the fight they started. We also have to get Aurene powered up enough to take on Kralkatorrik’s power and whatever else we need to do Aurene in order to replace the purple menance.



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Aurene could have taken our path, with all the traps deactivated. The odd thing would be Joko not noticing several hundred pounds of dragon rapidly approaching him. Unless he's deaf (Is he's an elderly person? Do liches need ears to hear? Does he have tunnel vision like an old man?), or he gets really carried away with his monologues, he may have noticed the angry dragon. (How visible would Aurene have been? Is our commander so visual, that Joko gets completely distracted?)

Well, at least he can't say that he was unloved in the same way my chicken sandwich could say that it was highly appreciated.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> How did she even enter?


Probably the gigantic pateo and windows behind Joko as he fixes himself up and gives his speech.


I mean, Chekov's Gun and all that: The devs could've easily have made it a closed room with no exit to the outside.



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I totally agree. For a legendary figure that fought on par with Turai Ossa in an epic and tricky battle, not being able to kite a dragon's bite is absolutely absurd. That aside, while reading Joko's wiki history article, it seems he falsely claimed credits for defeating Abaddon, Ossa, and Zhaitan, also claim credits for bestowing gifts of magic to human race, creation of the gods. Given this unmatched audacity to claim credits for things he didn't do himself, and the tendency to boast, the dictator behaviors , especially his color tone, he actually reminds me of **_someone_** in the real world that we ALL know. But let's not go further than that.

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> @"quaniesan.8497" said:

> I totally agree. For a legendary figure that fought on par with Turai Ossa in an epic and tricky battle, not being able to kite a dragon's bite is absolutely absurd. That aside, while reading Joko's wiki history article, it seems he falsely claimed credits for defeating Abaddon, Ossa, and Zhaitan, also claim credits for bestowing gifts of magic to human race, creation of the gods. Given this unmatched audacity to claim credits for things he didn't do himself, and the tendency to boast, the dictator behaviors , especially his color tone, he actually reminds me of someone in the real world that we ALL know. But let's not go further than that.


You wait until we get the Palawa Joko gem costume and everyone dresses up as him for battles vs Zhaitan and Mordremoth. It wont be falsely claiming credit then!!


It's all one big scam involving Joko and Evon Gnashblade. And to think some of you voted for him...


Bet Glint's not really dead either. She's just in on it as well to make it all more believable...



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I kinda knew they will want to focus on Kralk now, but somewhere on the back of my head I hoped he won't be finished, I hoped he could kinda escape and create the bigger problem as to make Kralk fly towards Tyria or something.


> I hoped your predictions, very well thought about not killing Joko in ep 3 would become real.


> Also I had to process this episode and assure myself before writing this critique.


> But when Aurene jumped in and ate him I did not laugh, I didnt smile, I was very sad about this ending.


> If you look at Scarlet's finishing- it was so much better!


> Lots of people were comparing him to Scarlet, but Scarlet had her deepness in her actions, while Joko was just a joke- some dry willing to take revange on us... No special 'in case of dying' scenario.


> Thats why Scarlet will still be the best villain.




Because Joko was always like that, it's why people loved him so much. He was dumb, loved propaganda more than IRL governments do, but still had that underlining aura that told you immediately that if he said "i will kill you in the worse way possible", he WILL deliver and there's nothing you can do about it.


I hate how they killed him by just having Aurene jump in, especially when it was extremely clear that he knew far more about what was going on than we ever have. He taunted us, saying he would be saving the world FROM US because we were stupid enough to kill 2 Elder Dragons and a literal God.


And then he got eaten by Deus Ex Aurene, who apparently got a tummy ache from him [don't eat undead people]. Seriously, she's a Dragon, a very aggresive Dragon now that she absorbed Balthazar's power. How the heck does no one notice or hear the big, angry, blue crystal dragon?

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > How did she even enter?


> Probably the gigantic pateo and windows behind Joko as he fixes himself up and gives his speech.


> I mean, Chekov's Gun and all that: The devs could've easily have made it a closed room with no exit to the outside.


You mean the ones the cameras were facing the **entire time** for the cinematic? The ones that were in front of the Commander and behind Joko, despite Aurene popping in from Joko's left, where there was nothing but wall and tar?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > How did she even enter?

> >

> > Probably the gigantic pateo and windows behind Joko as he fixes himself up and gives his speech.

> >

> > I mean, Chekov's Gun and all that: The devs could've easily have made it a closed room with no exit to the outside.


> You mean the ones the cameras were facing the **entire time** for the cinematic? The ones that were in front of the Commander and behind Joko, despite Aurene popping in from Joko's left, where there was nothing but wall and tar?


I just figured she followed the Commander in the same route that he/she took and flew up and then over into Joko.


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