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Is PvP getting less fun?


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We all know the game's in a clown fiesta fuckfest of balance lately, but unlike HoT this meta seems alot less fun to play no matter what you main. The majority of builds are either complete slogs to fight through, or memey 1shots that either feel super cheap or super underwhelming. Games are less and less about outskilling your opponent and more about which team can actually read the map. I miss the days where a dodge roll mattered, and reading your opponents cds gave you an edge in combat. That type of play isn't completely dead, but the huge powercreep with HoT and PoF, more "spammy" specializations, and the abundance of passive defenses, every fight is more irritating then the last.

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Yes. The power creep is probably beyond repair at this point, but I'm hopeful at least for a new game mode or two that would make it less noticeable. Something like stronghold has a lot of potential for more viable builds to emerge and for tactics and timing to override keyboard smashing.

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I haven't played pvp since season 5 so I thought to myself let's give it a try again.


Oh boy what a mess. I don't see how people are enjoying this.


I also don't understand why there is still only one game mode. Conquest has become mind-numbingly boring for a lot of players. People need diversion.





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yeah i just came back from HoT hiatus and damn... what a mess. honestly i don't think it can even be fixed at this point. way too many manhours needed and anet has shown over n over again that they dont have those manhours.

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> @"Endorphin.9147" said:

> yeah, this balance patch actually made me sad. on a side note, if the pathing of ports doesn't get fixed soon. I think I will take a break from this game, this is just too much


How is it that this breaks every time there's a balance patch? It's a bit ridiculous.

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> @"Caysadia.7405" said:

> We all know the game's in a **clown fiesta fuckfest **of balance lately, but unlike HoT this meta seems alot less fun to play no matter what you main. The majority of builds are either complete slogs to fight through, or memey 1shots that either feel super cheap or super underwhelming. Games are less and less about outskilling your opponent and more about which team can actually read the map. I miss the days where a dodge roll mattered, and reading your opponents cds gave you an edge in combat. That type of play isn't completely dead, but the huge powercreep with HoT and PoF, more "spammy" specializations, and the abundance of passive defenses, every fight is more irritating then the last.


LMAO and I get in trouble for being to critical of the game...lol

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It's nice to know I'm not the only one getting increasingly triggered at what pvp has become. As it stands right now, you have specs that are strong and a slog to fight (scourge mirage), specs that aren't necessarily strong but are just irritating to battle (deadeye soulbeast/druid firebrand), and then you have the specs that are in a good state and fun to fight (reaper spellbreaker daredevil revenant holosmith). Honestly if scourge and mirage get reworked completely, while also making sure to tune bajillion damage power bursters like rev, holo, and glacial heart guard, pvp would be in a much better spot. It feels tiring to have balance patches put forward where it appears that none of the community's concerns are recognized. Sure we all have our different biases and opinions, but scourge and mirage have been completely aids even after all the changes from Path of Fire's launch, and that's something the majority of players can agree on. It's time to have some sort of open discussion on balance Anet, even if it is a short write-up on the thoughts and insights behind changes. I love gw2s pvp, its the only one I can stomach and I'm sure many other players feel the same, but the endless onslaught of blood wells and confusion spins is starting to take its toll.

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I came back at the tail end of last season and played a bit of ranked, I had zero fun and every match was frustrating for various reasons. AFK's, mirage, leavers, and other unbalanced specs just make the game no fun. Most of the time you get blown up in half a second or do the same to your target. AoE dmg and CC is out of control further sucking the fun/skill out of PvP.


I haven't touched ranked or PvP for that matter in the past month, and on top of that this last LS patch was pretty poor. I guess I'm just a sucker for watching people pile up the complaints on the forums lately, it's very hard to understand how and why anet decides to make choices when the community offers plenty of feedback that rarely gets implemented unless it's something trivial like sitting in chairs.


Not to fear though, MHW will be out in less than a month and I'll pretty much never have a point to login in to GW2 again. So many squandered opportunities with this game and studio, it's really a pity to see how far the game has fallen since release. I guess you can say there were some interesting development points over time such as raids or improved fractals, but like all other game modes they will be abandoned as it seems raids are reaching that point at this time.

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To be fair, keep in mind the game is 6 years old and many players do come from GW1 too, which could be put to over 12 years. The game isn't so bad if you consider playing it casually, you have different builds, matchmaking isn"t the best but is ok, rewards are fine too..


The issue actually is more likely concerning the fact that there lacks important features. Swiss round tournaments take forever to be implemented ( though they existed in GW1). Right now this isn't fun getting stomped 500-50 on 1st round when i'm joining pug group. I also believe it's way too hard to balance the game due to PoF specializations. All in all, this doesn't help players get better at the game..

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I find it pretty good now that Mirage condi burst got nerfed and Scourges are not so common, they are too toxic for PvP, not because they are 'op' but because of their abilities literally choking the screen. Remove the easy access of quickness from Holos now and I think the balance will be better than ever before, not perfect (no such thing as perfection) but definitely better.

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