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To many Mounts

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> The griffon is fully optional. For further discusion I would like to point you to my signature. Have a nice day.


I can definitely want X without wanting Y. However as it is I will have to decided if I want X more than I don't want Y, or if I hate Y more than I want X.

Yes the result is the same, but I like semantics....


Anyway on topic. I don't think there is too many mounts... ok the beetle and griffon is kinda optional fluff, but its ok. What matters to me is that each mount has different purpose/ability that makes sense, which so far seems to be working out nicely.

No need to use creditcard for griffon. I didn't and no one in my guild (that I know of) did, yet many of us do indeed have the griffon. If it had been more than double what it is, I might have agreed that it was a bit harsh for the more casual players, but I think 250 is fairly balanced. That even casual players that don't do a lot of farming will be able to get there within reasonable time.

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I see a lot of griffons around. Personally, I had no trouble paying for it, and I've never farmed for gold. I simply had enough on hand (actually about 10x more than enough). Maybe you're one of those people who want to get all the stuff the first month you're playing. GW2 isn't like that. Goals are long-term. You can't have it all, now. But you can in time.

As for too many mounts, although I have no great desire to get a beetle, and almost never use the coyote, it's not like you have to get them all.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I see a lot of griffons around. Personally, I had no trouble paying for it, and I've never farmed for gold. I simply had enough on hand (actually about 10x more than enough). Maybe you're one of those people who want to get all the stuff the first month you're playing. GW2 isn't like that. Goals are long-term. You can't have it all, now. But you can in time.

> As for too many mounts, although I have no great desire to get a beetle, and almost never use the coyote, it's not like you have to get them all.


but how can you be the mount master if you dont CATCH EM ALL

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> @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

> >

> > It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> > And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.


> whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw


You basically find a map doing RIBA. You'll need keys but so long as you run between forts and participate it's nbd. Get keys follow the tag after the meta is done get loot. Open loot on a mid range character (35-50 range), salvage loot list materials. You'll make on average 15-20g/hr.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > The griffon is fully optional. For further discusion I would like to point you to my signature. Have a nice day.


> I can definitely want X without wanting Y. However as it is I will have to decided if I want X more than I don't want Y, or if I hate Y more than I want X.

Jup, that's the point, i.e. the question players have to ask themselves when confronted with a Y that is mandatory for an X.


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The 250g would take **at most** 4 months to save up, if you did nothing but log in every day and do the three easiest daily achievements, and then logged out. Without even counting your rewards for just logging in and any money you might make in the process of doing your dailies, which you could do in under 20 minutes. That's a total of 40 hours, or just 10 hours per month, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> You can press any of the mount shortcut keys to dismount. When I want to switch mounts I normally just find the button for the one I want to switch to and press it twice (with a pause between) - the first press dismounts you, the second one activates the relevant mount.


Yes, I know the mechanics, as mentioned before, and I don't like them. I am quite fast with using the skill icon instead, which is just one click to change mounts and not several differents key/buttons. Like I said, with time and increase of mounts it will end in chaos and the whole system will have to be reworked.


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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> That’s like saying there’s too many flavors of ice cream. Lolwut?


Or pies. Everyone loves pie of some kind. But seriously, the griffon is time consuming, but not really hard. The hardest part is the Corrupted Facet bounty. Everything else is just legwork and farming.

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Well it's good that it only costs 10 payments of 25g, which is far more realistic than having 250 at once. The Griffon already combines the Springer and Raptor mounts, though it isn't as strong in their respective aspects. It still allows you to climb up most ledges and cross most chassms. I'm glad we have as many mounts as we do, because they all serve a function. Even with the Griffon existing and tens of thousands of people already owning it there is still always enough reason to use a different mount. Maybe somebody likes a certain aesthetic or he prefers that the Raptor gives hm an instant burst of distance. Not one mount outclasses every other and that is wonderful.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > > > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

> > >

> > > It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> > > And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.

> >

> > whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw


> You basically find a map doing RIBA. You'll need keys but so long as you run between forts and participate it's nbd. Get keys follow the tag after the meta is done get loot. Open loot on a mid range character (35-50 range), salvage loot list materials. You'll make on average 15-20g/hr.


whats RIBA, NBD, what keys and what chests? And you transfer the loot to another character to salvage and sell it? so money is shared on all chars

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I am quite fast with using the skill icon instead,

Hard to imagine that with the same amount of practice that keys/buttons wouldn't be faster. But they are your hands.


> with time and increase of mounts it will end in chaos and the whole system will have to be reworked.

Not really. There are lots of possibilities other than 'chaos' or reworking the entire system. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they aren't already fleshing out 3-4 ideas for what to do when they end up with 10 mounts.


Among many possibilities: they could implement some sort of radial mount menu (similar to the one available now as a third party add-on) (and there are lots of ways to key-shortcut that to be relatively fewer memorizations).



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> @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > > > > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

> > > >

> > > > It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> > > > And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.

> > >

> > > whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw

> >

> > You basically find a map doing RIBA. You'll need keys but so long as you run between forts and participate it's nbd. Get keys follow the tag after the meta is done get loot. Open loot on a mid range character (35-50 range), salvage loot list materials. You'll make on average 15-20g/hr.


> whats RIBA, NBD, what keys and what chests? And you transfer the loot to another character to salvage and sell it? so money is shared on all chars


RIBA is “red indigo blue amber” which is the rotation used for farming Silverwastes. It’s the most effective way to farm that map.


NBD likely stands for “no big deal” based on the context of their post.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > whats RIBA, NBD, what keys and what chests? And you transfer the loot to another character to salvage and sell it? so money is shared on all chars


> RIBA is “red indigo blue amber” which is the rotation used for farming Silverwastes. It’s the most effective way to farm that map.


> NBD likely stands for “no big deal” based on the context of their post.


Correct. Sorry, i don't usually use abbreviations i was just being lazy.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > > > > > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> > > > > And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.

> > > >

> > > > whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw

> > >

> > > You basically find a map doing RIBA. You'll need keys but so long as you run between forts and participate it's nbd. Get keys follow the tag after the meta is done get loot. Open loot on a mid range character (35-50 range), salvage loot list materials. You'll make on average 15-20g/hr.

> >

> > whats RIBA, NBD, what keys and what chests? And you transfer the loot to another character to salvage and sell it? so money is shared on all chars


> RIBA is “red indigo blue amber” which is the rotation used for farming Silverwastes. It’s the most effective way to farm that map.


> NBD likely stands for “no big deal” based on the context of their post.


thanks for the knowledge

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range.


> Melanie Griffith? XD


> On a serious note, what are you even talking about? You can get 250 Gold in a few days just by farming Istan, you don't have to spend real money, lol.


Andy. 250 isn't that much unless you want the mount in less than a day. I was late to the griffon game, but I got it, and I earned it. What are people saving their money for, that legendary they will never buy, because it costs too much? If you have it, why not spend it? This is a game meant for fun, not to save for the future. I have real life for that.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


> I am one of those that do not buy fake monies for real monies. I was able to get the 250 gold for the griffon no problem. Didn't even do the dailies. I sold the gear I got drowned in during the Tarir meta on the trader, along with mats and other items. So 250 is doable. Even 500 is doable. Now if they made it a 1k mount? Then that's pricing out most players that do not deal with the trader.


> Though this is coming from someone who played a game where mounts are 42,000 gold (unless you bought an upgrade of the game with real money) until they introduced level rewards and give you a free mount at level ten. So an optional mount at 250 gold? That's a steal right thar.


Do you mean Elder Scrolls Online?


If so then I'd like to add 2 important points. Firstly the plain brown horse was 10,000 gold, it was only the alternate colours (which originally started with 10 points in one of the mount stats) that cost 42,000g. Secondly and more importantly the smallest unit of currency in that game is 1 gold, so it's more like 42,000 copper, or 42g in GW2 money.

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@ the OP:


The griffon mount is the ONLY mount that requires gold to obtain. The rest are completely obtainable by doing events, collections, and hearts. Like Ascendeds or Legendaries, you are NOT required to get it. It is considered the "elite" mount and takes time, effort and gold to obtain, just like Ascended or Legendary "stuff." Just because you are unwilling doesn't mean everyone else is. While we appreciate your opinion, it literally doesn't have any bearing on whether or not there are too many mounts. So, it boils down to this: Want it? Spend the gold. Don't want to spend the gold? Don't get the mount. You can pretty much do everything you need to do except to grab a couple of Masteries without it.



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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> @ the OP:


> The griffon mount is the ONLY mount that requires gold to obtain.


Raptor was free, Springer is 1g, Skimmer is 4g, and Jackal is 20g. But yes, that is much cheaper than the cost for the griffon. Edit: Oh, and they all had a Trade Contracts cost, too, but that's also easy to get.



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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> > @ the OP:

> >

> > The griffon mount is the ONLY mount that requires gold to obtain.


> Raptor was free, Springer is 1g, Skimmer is 4g, and Jackal is 20g. But yes, that is much cheaper than the cost for the griffon.




Thank you for reminding me... I didn't remember paying for the first four... But, then again, I am old...lol

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> According to Chris Cleary, half of the people who unlocked the raptor have unlocked the griffon. That does seem to imply it's not beyond the majority's means.


Do you remember when he said this? I know Anet announced numbers early on (mainly when they announced that it was no longer secret) and I'm curious if it was around the same time - meaning it might have gone up since then - or if it was quite recent.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > According to Chris Cleary, half of the people who unlocked the raptor have unlocked the griffon. That does seem to imply it's not beyond the majority's means.


> Do you remember when he said this? I know Anet announced numbers early on (mainly when they announced that it was no longer secret) and I'm curious if it was around the same time - meaning it might have gone up since then - or if it was quite recent.


I haven't looked more closely at it frankly and I don't have the time right now to do so. The reddit thread was posted yesterday and mentions that these were recent tweets, so I'm guessing it wasn't long ago.

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