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Who is your favourite villain/evil organization? (1/2)

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From all the villains we have seen so far surely Zaitan.


I truly do not understand joko or Balthazar as interesting villains. The first was egomaniac moronic ruler, that had zero control over his territory and thinks he some how going to take over entire Tyria. surprise surprise, he failed miserably. The latter is just fucking dumb. There was no reason for Balthazar to attack anything but kratorrick. In fact, he could have enlisted both the awakened and the pact for his objective and both would have helped. And also lame megalomaniac.

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For me, it's the Inquest, simply because... opinions.


It really just comes down to my personal distaste (or weariness) of Dragons (any of them) and Zombies (Risen, Mordrem, Awakened). Just feel a bit overdone at this point for me. And I only mean those who you fight primarily as the bigger wickeds of the game. I enjoyed Balthazar and Joko, but it seems like any time there's any deviation away from said dragons or zombies, they get killed off quickly, and the default scheme continues. Sure, the Inquest are one of the many token oppose-your-race factions, but it feels like they have a much more significant impact than the rest. And being primarily researchers who will achieve their results by any means, as it relates to whatever the story might throw at you, it feels like they have endless potential.

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All the villain-y sylvari are the best!


Scarlet, Faolain, Aerin.


Zhaitan was just something like: Go and get him- no special personality.


Mordremoth was very nice- destruction of the pact, creating evil clones from our allies, turning sylvari against us- that was our most serious villain, that as Scarlet, made some very serious destruction.


Aerin had also some very nice story- a soundless sylvari that wants to know the truth about the mysterious Mastet of Peace and find out what he was hiding- giving him a face of madman but still he was aware of everything around him.


Faolain was always an amazing character- since the very first drafts of her- her personality is so well-designed. She wanted to know the truth, she wanted to break free from the Pale Tree's call. She wasn't evil, as it would seems to be, but she was lost, she had a very good heart, but her own curiosity led her astray.


Now Balthazar- it was the worst villain in this game: he had no personality, just: kill kill kill!

When he was revealed everyone gasped- the god is on Tyria!


Then it turned out he just wanted to eat magic.


Very dry story about him, but it was worth playing POF story anyway.



Joko... My biggest disappointment...


While Scarlet had everything what Joko had, Joko had nothing what Scarlet had.


The villain- what in my opinion says somebody is a good villain?- the villain should have a plan B in case he/she dies to even after his/her death, create some problems- they did it with Scarlet- waking up Mordremoth, when you have to play episode 3 to find out if Joko had his plan B.




The best villain was Scarlet. She had the biggest deepness in her actions as anybody ever. I assume she had a dream to wake up the greatest figure that Tyria had ever seen-and the Omadd's machine's vision just assured her of that-, but her road to this aim was full of very dramatic situations.


Scarlet really attacked Tyria, really put a spear in Tyria's Heart.


She was the Igniter of every following situation after her death, I think she knew so many things that we had to find out 5 years after her death with some help of Taimi.


She had plan B, C, D, ....


What Joko has??? Well you have to play episode 3 first.

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I want to see an episode or two where something happens to you, and you find yourself playing for the bad guys, destroying so much shit, and nearlly killing your friends.

Only to be snapped out of it and brought back, and have to make everything right again.

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I feel like story telling in this game hit its peak during the scarlet era and some of the LS events going on during that time. She may be a cliche villain but still better than the steaming turds the ED are.


Joko could've been great if they had fleshed things out and given him a stronger presence at the beginning of LS4.


Seriously, EVERYTHING/ANYONE is infinitely more interesting than the Elder Dragons. Ever since the terrible conclusion in the original storyline with Zhaitain and awful final instance, it's been a snooze-fest with the occasional highlights being Scarlet, Balth, and Joko.

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Balthazar because:


A. He has a clear goal and he's working towards achieving it.

B. He's a reflection of the protagonist.


And the other characters either don't have a clear goal, or aren't related to the protagonist. Closest thing is Caudecus.

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Scarlett may as well not exist for players who never played LS1, and most of the core rival factions are one dimensional he-man woman haters. There's nothing to debate there, nothing to mull over. Everything they do is just flat out wrong.


Joko was the first character to recognise the threat we posed (before it was too late), and took steps to deal with us accordingly. Balthazar was a step in the right direction when it came to creating a boss we could hate, but I feel we were just a diversion kept for his amusement. Both held viewpoints to which we were ideologically opposed, but there was enough grey area to stop these conflicts from being the classic “good vs evil” stories we see in core tyria.

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the true evil ones are the gods, they first take the planet for themselves, kill a whole life-cycle for there own gain, create their own creatures and leave when they can't win a fight they asked for.

the dragons are (to me) not the villains at all, they are the ones protecting this planet but since we're created by the "gods" all we know is that they are evil and need to be killed.

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