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A Martial arts(Monk) Elite Spec, and what Profession should get it?

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> @"LadyGal.8365" said:

> Main hand AND offhand focus for warrior is the best bet for a fisticuffs class, thats IF they dont introduce new weapons but new weapons are inevetible after 1 or 2 more years of elite specs


GW1 did "fist" weapons via dagger skins. You could get a brass knuckle skin from a certain questline involving a certain dwarf, which is why I think a Revenant channeling Kilroy Stonekin is the perfect solution here. This would also allow for "punching dagger" style skins in the future, and would make Daredevil better as a side result.

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Getting a proper martial arts character is highly unlikely. Not only would they have to do completely new "weapon" animations, a thing that probably kept them from doing new weapons (beside the fact that, unlike many other games, in GW2 weapons are placeholders for skills, so it is way more work than "does damage type x, 2d10). For kicks, they would have to go back and completely change how their character models work with robes, skirts, "trenchcoats" and the like. Note: I am not against bringing in such characters, just saying really don´t hold your breath.

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How about instead of an elite spec, we get new professions in the next expansion? One for each type of armor, to maintain, ya know, profession balance. Monks in light armor, with some new monk-y weapon(s), like, say, oh, I dunno, nunchaku, dry land spears, hook swords, stuff that's more or less kung fu-y, and an elite spec that foregoes the use of weapons altogether for some iron fists, elbows, heels, and/or kneecaps of fury action. Some sort of ninja derivative in medium armor, being all the GW2 thief can't be, using attack chains and maybe even hexes, with an elite spec built around the use of weird vocalizations or other sounds (whip out a chalk board and apply fingernails), that confuse and irritate enemies. Just think how much fun the voice actors would have with that. As for heavy armor, something vaguely resembling a samurai, but generic enough to not ruffle any of the feathers the ruffling of which allegedly kept us from having a nice Cantha district in Divinity's Reach, with lots of lovely peach trees and other cool vegetation. Hey! Divinity's Peach! But I digress. With an elite spec that makes use of dual-wielded fans and/or gargoyle summoning. I dunno. The possibilities aren't endless, but there are mass quantities of them.


Of course, this would only work if the next expansion features a Wild West setting. So, right. Carry on!

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There is a buddhistic cult that worships the dead and they eat the corpses of the dead. So I vote for Necromancer.



The Soulless collects the souls of his slain enemies to make his abillities stronger. He can release them using his body to focus on one point or through his entire body. The Soulless does not use any weapons as the soul energy can only possess a body, though can be devestating to anything once released.



Death's Punch (elite skill) - Release the soul energy of enemies collected (up to X) and release it through a deathly punch. Causes X damage to the enemy and X to all surrounding enemies. Your damage is increased by X% for each enemy that died up to XX%.


Soul Drain (healing skill) - link your soul to an enemy to drain their life force for X seconds. If further than 15 m away from the enemy the link is broken and the enemy is dazed for X seconds.


Spinning Kick - Spin your body and kick all enemies around you and do X damage and knockback enemies a distance.


Iron Skull - Leap a distance to headbutt your enemy for X damage and stun for X seconds. Ignores armor.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> is monk/guardian relation something from GW1? because without playing the game, as far as class archetypes go, I don't see what a guardian (heavy armor, heavy weapons, tank, slow movements) has to do with a monk ( medium/light armor, no weapons, usually DPS, very fast and agile class.)



Yeah all the Guardian suggestions confuse me too. Monks aren't known for heavy armor/metal weapons. Guardian does have heals though so maybe that's why people are suggesting it? Thief->Daredevil seems closer to traditional Monk to me. Not a perfect match, but closer than any others.


edit: I just watched a few GW1 youtube videos to get a better understanding and yeah, it seems like Monks in GW1 were kind of like traditional Clerics in other games from what I could tell. So it's understandable why people coming from GW1 would suggest Guardian as a Monk alternative.

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> @"supa suop.8026" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Guardian but it won't happen because there's no such thing as "bare fists" in GW2 (unless they introduce new "weapons" in the future) but I really wouldn't mind dual wielding Touch of Madness... ;P

> >



> I think the easiest thing for them them to do as to not waste too much resources is to just make focus into a melee weapon


This makes the most sense.

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I think Warrior makes the most sense. You could implement by adding F2, F3, and F4 as "fighting styles". Each style would trigger an effect on activation like a stance, and would also act like a weapon kit. Each would have its own F1 burst as well.


Probably wouldn't need an actual specialization weapon (and if any profession is going to run out of e-spec weapon options it's warrior), but maybe they could get more armor pieces by way of compensation. Staff would work thematically, though.


If it was a more mystical sort of martial artist, then a "monk" e-spec for guardian might make more sense. Thief already has something close in the Daredevil, so it would overlap too much thematically.

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How about each profession a new elite spec, bare hands (and feet), as a martial artist?


Guardian: Kick boxing?

Warrior: Wrestling

Revenant: some very ancient fighting style







Mesmer: capoeira?



There must be other people that can add or change this list and think of fighting styles matching the profession.



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> @"coso.9173" said:

> is monk/guardian relation something from GW1? because without playing the game, as far as class archetypes go, I don't see what a guardian (heavy armor, heavy weapons, tank, slow movements) has to do with a monk ( medium/light armor, no weapons, usually DPS, very fast and agile class.)



Its because their school of Disciplines. At first glance people just assume their Paladins; but because their power can no longer be divine in nature (for story reasons), and now draw their power from person conviction and a desire to protect things they care about. This enables them to run the whole spectrum of alignments, and their abilities are a magical manifestation of their Will Power. The use of heavy armor is side effect of their original design intent to include a Bunker build (which is something they still exceed at in PvP, despite Scourge overshadowing it with stronger Area denial). Despite the Warrior being more tankish in nature, the Guardian has unmatched sustain and group support of the Core Specs, and has been crucial to every meta up until POF with its ability to run an extremely wide variety of builds that all sport some form of group support.


Monk's in GW1 were mechanically clerics, and had the clerical archtype skills. The reason for being called Monks was their attempt as decodify them from classic RPG/MMO "Church magic" Clerics, as the Monks themselves are Canthan (aka Asian) in origin, and have more Eastern styles of religious practice; Meditation, Introspection and Spiritual balance, over the Western approach of Worship and Dogma. While there is conceptual cross over due to the 5 Gods being a Pantheon that is worshiped, and there being organized Priesthoods; in practice the Organizations are more like European Monasteries, often using similar terminology and routine practices. NPC Monks in GW1 were largely seen in various Caretaker roles or as Missionaries, with the temples of a particular god being a reflection of their role in nature. Together this makes for an amalgamate of both major eastern and western belief systems, and is one of the reasons it fits so perfectly in the high fantasy "end of the world" plots this games uses in every major campaign.


The pop culture idea of Monks being Fighters is almost entirely based on portrayals in Martial Arts movies (which China produced enmass starting from around the 60s). Which is ironic, because only a hand full of Monasteries practice Martial Arts; and the most well known, Shaolin Buddhists, are actually outliers.


When you look at Guardians, they are the concept of a conviction driven fighter taken to its logical conclusion. The absence of a deity didn't stop them from pursuing their goals, and replaced divine power with personal spirituality and conviction to form a new magical discipline. The heavy armor being both symbolic and practical in combat, and an inspiration to those they fight along side of.

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Any class can fit an unarmed fighter archetype.

Elementalist: Bending style (Avatar: the Last Airbender)

Engineer: Machine style (MegaloBox)

Guardian: Spirit Blast style (Goku from Dragonball)

Mesmer: Mindgames style (Tenshinhan/Krillin from Dragonball, Great Tiger from Punch Out!)

Necromancer: Pressure Point style (Fist of the North Star, Naruto)

Ranger: Pure Instinct style (Tarzan, Spider-Man)

Revenant: Hidden Ally style (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Thief: High Flying style (Bruce Lee, ninjitsu)

Warrior: Brawler style (pretty much any generic fighter or pro wrestler)


If it's a question of who gets it _first_, then it's either Warrior or Thief.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Someone might had said this allready, but Daredevil is a martial art fighter...so yeah, this role allready belong to thief


Its all good. Fortunately there is more then one type of martial arts fighting style so any of other a professions still has a chance of getting one. And even though it is unlikely who is to say that that thief cant get another martial art-like elite specialization.

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Missing Option - "It should be its own new class"


So one of the things that concerns me a bit with elite specs is this idea that any new concept can and should be packaged into an elite spec for an existing profession. Some concepts warrant having their own class. I hope we see new ones at some point.


I actually think Monks deserve to be their own class with its own set of elite specs - a healer monk, a brawler monk, a dodge tank monk, etc.

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