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Share your feelings on the current state of the game ?☕️

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Aesthetically it's always satisfying, in every game mode.


Story is always fun, I love the characters and am curious to find out what happens each episode.


In terms of gameplay - only wvw and fooling around with things like roller beetle racing across old pve maps/enjoying the open world scenery, I truly find fun at the moment.


Oh and snowball mayhem - if Anet made that a permanent game mode I'd probably spend a lot of my time in there! :D Hands down the best "minigame" in all of gw2 and better pvp experience than actual pvp.


PvP is unbelievably stale. Two things that would bring me back to pvp are:

- old 8v8 (or larger) casual hotjoin skirmishes.

- new objective based game modes (ie siege, or small wvw style skirmish maps).

- old raid on the capricorn for unranked or hotjoin only.


Aside from that I no longer find it enjoyable, and haven't for many a season. And this is coming from a mesmer main - so in terms of balance it has been favourable for me anyway, but this doesn't change the fact that the spvp conquest formula is tired and I can't be bothered with it anymore. Right now I wouldn't mind if I never played gw2 pvp ever again, if things stay as they are.


As for instanced pve - I don't touch raids because I hate the mmo pve "bullet sponge" rotation based gameplay and contrived mechanics that must be memorised and then executed in a set pattern - I don't understand or find this kind of gameplay fun at all. It's bad enough with bosses in fractals or even large health open world mobs. On the note of pve combat - I would so much love to see more unpredictable AI with __lower__ health pools, and __downed state__, so stomping was enabled on certain mobs (veterans/elites, bosses). I would like it to play more like a fast paced action rpg where you have to outwit the mobs and can be rewarded by bursting them down, and less like a rotation based mmo.

Due to what I said above, majority of pve combat I find boring. You're either mowing through trash mobs or repetitive rotations against bullet sponges with millions of hp, and none of which behave unpredictably or try to mimic the behaviour of real players. If pve combat was more like fighting real players (somehow smarter more unpredictable npcs with lower health pools), I would enjoy it.


And finally wvw - so this is the only gamemode where despite the flaws and community complaints I enjoy the combat properly, because:

- it's unpredictable - anything can happen at any time and every player reacts differently.

- the freedom - it's got more in common with open world pve, because you as an individual can choose how to participate, and can change your mind about what you're doing at any time - whether regarding an objective, enemy players, and so on.

- flexible combo based gameplay - lower health pools of players and nature of pvp combat necessitates the use of deception (mind games with human opponents), adaptability and rapid decision making. On this note I do play most of the time solo, roaming or loosely following a group, and occasionally in a small group, so my perspective is not that of organised large scale - I prefer self sufficient combat where it's just you and maybe one or two others and you have to rely on yourself to succeed.


However of course I would like to see a new third BL to replace one of the ABL for a change of scenery, so each BL is different. And once Alliances are implemented it should be hopefully a better experience.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in.

> Which I consider to be a good thing since Amala is one of the best boss fights OW has to offer.


I disagree. That fight could be nice, but the execution is quite unfun for me. Far too much visual clusterkitten and the melee-hate lately is just annoying. The fractal is even worse. Sometimes, staying alive is just pure luck instead of tied to something called skill.



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Game is still fun after many years, witch is nice. Plenty of new contents and different modes to play. However, i feel there is need for big overhaul. What id like to see is removal of leveling, so all characters and maps are same level, and insted replace it with horizontal progression witch is already in game. This would open more maps for high lvl content and gameplay, + i feel leveling in traditional way is history for games. It would also open space to get rid of all junky gear (blue, green...).

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > Istan is only popular 'cause it's a giant zergfest with a ridiculous amount of loot for the effort put in.

> > Which I consider to be a good thing since Amala is one of the best boss fights OW has to offer.


> I disagree. That fight could be nice, but the execution is quite unfun for me. Far too much visual clusterkitten and the melee-hate lately is just annoying. The fractal is even worse. Sometimes, staying alive is just pure luck instead of tied to something called skill.

I never said the fight is "good", it's just "one of the best" because it's not another pure "DPS golem" or a "collection of minigames" like the OW bosses usually are.

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Well I would say that the state of the game is quite good. Not great but still good. The low point of the game, PvE wise, was reached in vanilla. Balancing was non-existent, playing as a condi was just impossible and every PvP change in a class was carried over to PvE ( Balancing back then was purely PvP inspired ). A part from the stats were bound to the traits for quite a while and the trait system also was a mess ( I think they changed it 3 times before settling for the spec system we have now ). Dungeons were bugged as hell and the Dungeon balancing was ( and is ) quite all over the place. Then we had LS1 which was just awful despite having some good open world events.


LS2 was much better, with 2 good maps added to the game, non temporary content and much better storytelling. Then we had the content drought between LS2 and HoT and between HoT and LS3, which despite HoT and its systems makin the game better was hurting the game. Still, PvE got some needed balancing ( skill splits and more and more PvE inspired changes ), Elite Specs were a great plus and the trait system was made better. Fractals got some attention and Raids were added for the more hardcore players and it was ( still is ) good content, even if the class balance there was crap for a long time ( mirror comp anyone ? ) . The maps were better than given credit since they are always played and the metas are still fun. ( Well I would say HoT lacked one or 2 more casual style maps to balance it out )


After the long content drought we got LS3 which released content quite fast. And this way of content delivery stays even today. Its been pretty good right now. Story writing and dialogues also improved a LOT.


There are still problems in GW2 PvE-wise. I really hope that the Zhaitan of maps, was just a one time screw up, also with the massive delay. PvE balance still needs some work, most things are quite good now with nearly every class having a build in a healthy DPS-Range, but they need to adress the two outliers. DE and the other class that got kicked so often by Anet that further nerfing it would be pissing on its corpse. ( Hint: Its not Ele ;) ).


Support balance is.... tricky. Every boon should hit 10 man in a raid and have no real range limit to its application, which would allow for more playstyles and boss designs in raids. Spirits and banners should be changed to do the same thing so we eliminate the need of banners AND spirits.

Chrono is seen as OP but right now, just nerfing it, would replace chrono with 2 classes. Would be ok if boon application would be 10 man otherwise it could lock up more spaces. Or Anet could give another class the ability the put out both quickness and alacrity.


Raid release cadence.... well, if the raid does not consist of at least 4 really good bosses ( 4 bosses, not1 boss and 3 events, or 2 bosses and 2 events ) then the release cadence right now is completely unacceptable. Its too slow to get the hardcore players interested for a longer period. The wait between Bastion and Hall of chains already eroded some of the hardcore playerbase and if that new wing isn't good...

6 months should be the maximum between raid releases or one raid every two episodes ( like what they plan with fractals now ) otherwise the hardcore playerbase will erode away and the game needs both casuals and hardcore players to thrive.


Basically the state of the game is fine. Much better than at vanilla but there are still quite a few problems that need fixing for the game to really shine. I hope that the next releases are better open world wise, while also keeping or improving the story quality. Support balance needs some work and raid release pacing needs to be faster. If this happens I would say that the game would be in a really great state.

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Well, here is my take.


The game feels "Lost in Direction"


It feels like they are just trying to throw out a huge net to catch as many players as possible, and in doing so, they really don't have a direction.


As such, Like many others from Raiders to Casuals, I've taken a break from the game.


What I find sad however, is they are trying to retain players by putting out content to entertain them, but, they are not doing it fast enough, making it rewarding enough, and alienating other groups in the process.


I suppose I'll be back when they get their next expansion going to see if they sorted that out or not.. if not.. oh well.

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I'm just bored and unfocused now, but I still come back, either to do some wandering or gathering, or against my better judgement, try to go into PvP/WvW either for dailies or the reward tracks, then remember why I hate doing that. Sad thing is, this is as good as it gets. The other games I know of are far worse off, even if I sometimes play them more often now.


The story just doesn't keep me anymore, I'll play it once and move on. The last episode was an underwhelming end to what seemed like an okay buildup to the conflict with Joko, and PvP and WvW are only good for the reward/pip tracks and nothing else.


Maybe I'm just super burned out though.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> Raid release cadence.... well, if the raid does not consist of at least 4 really good bosses ( 4 bosses, not1 boss and 3 events, or 2 bosses and 2 events ) then the release cadence right now is completely unacceptable. Its too slow to get the hardcore players interested for a longer period. The wait between Bastion and Hall of chains already eroded some of the hardcore playerbase and if that new wing isn't good...

> 6 months should be the maximum between raid releases or one raid every two episodes ( like what they plan with fractals now ) otherwise the hardcore playerbase will erode away and the game needs both casuals and hardcore players to thrive.


The problem is that this game doesn't really support sophisticated instanced PvE anyway. The balance in PvE is horrible - especially concerning Support-Builds - and the game is far too un- if not asocial to cause a natural party-building-process; the reward-structures make it even worse. Raid-content is hardly accessible. ArenaNet needs to improve that to justify an increased focus on raids and fractals; especially since new episodes are just additional AP if ArenaNet sticks to its current design-philosophy. In that regard, any new raid-wing has a higher longevity than any new episode, making the raid-wing much more valuable than new maps. The problem is, that most people won't be able to enjoy that content due to accessibility-problems. People are already complaining that they can't enjoy the rich lore locked behind raids. An increased focus on raids would just split the already split community further.



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i returned recently after not having played much since the year the game was released. i enjoyed doing the world completion again, but after that i just went downhill, the story is pretty boring and i just can't get into it, so i ended up skipping most of the dialog so i could get to the end.


Also did some WvW, but blob aoe battles isn't really my thing.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > Raid release cadence.... well, if the raid does not consist of at least 4 really good bosses ( 4 bosses, not1 boss and 3 events, or 2 bosses and 2 events ) then the release cadence right now is completely unacceptable. Its too slow to get the hardcore players interested for a longer period. The wait between Bastion and Hall of chains already eroded some of the hardcore playerbase and if that new wing isn't good...

> > 6 months should be the maximum between raid releases or one raid every two episodes ( like what they plan with fractals now ) otherwise the hardcore playerbase will erode away and the game needs both casuals and hardcore players to thrive.


> The problem is that this game doesn't really support sophisticated instanced PvE anyway. The balance in PvE is horrible - especially concerning Support-Builds - and the game is far too un- if not asocial to cause a natural party-building-process; the reward-structures make it even worse. Raid-content is hardly accessible. ArenaNet needs to improve that to justify an increased focus on raids and fractals; especially since new episodes are just additional AP if ArenaNet sticks to its current design-philosophy. In that regard, any new raid-wing has a higher longevity than any new episode, making the raid-wing much more valuable than new maps. The problem is, that most people won't be able to enjoy that content due to accessibility-problems. People are already complaining that they can't enjoy the rich lore locked behind raids. An increased focus on raids would just split the already split community further.




This is really a direction issue.


At some point they really need to grab the helm and direct this flagship in some fixed direction, If they want raiders and want that demographic then they should focus on it, and make that the point of the game, and everyone else can either get involved or go find something else to play.


But right now they do not have that kind of deftness of direction or are willing to make that kind of decision, as such they are trying to too hard to placate _everyone_ but this just ends up with a very fractured community, with all of them feeling neglected to some degree or another.


Couple that with the fact they will have to make concessions on who should get the best rewards, and in doing so they will alienate the other demographics that either do not enjoy the content or lack the capacity in one way or another to do that content.


There is no win for them in the way they are currently going about things.. IMHO.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > > Raid release cadence.... well, if the raid does not consist of at least 4 really good bosses ( 4 bosses, not1 boss and 3 events, or 2 bosses and 2 events ) then the release cadence right now is completely unacceptable. Its too slow to get the hardcore players interested for a longer period. The wait between Bastion and Hall of chains already eroded some of the hardcore playerbase and if that new wing isn't good...

> > > 6 months should be the maximum between raid releases or one raid every two episodes ( like what they plan with fractals now ) otherwise the hardcore playerbase will erode away and the game needs both casuals and hardcore players to thrive.

> >

> > The problem is that this game doesn't really support sophisticated instanced PvE anyway. The balance in PvE is horrible - especially concerning Support-Builds - and the game is far too un- if not asocial to cause a natural party-building-process; the reward-structures make it even worse. Raid-content is hardly accessible. ArenaNet needs to improve that to justify an increased focus on raids and fractals; especially since new episodes are just additional AP if ArenaNet sticks to its current design-philosophy. In that regard, any new raid-wing has a higher longevity than any new episode, making the raid-wing much more valuable than new maps. The problem is, that most people won't be able to enjoy that content due to accessibility-problems. People are already complaining that they can't enjoy the rich lore locked behind raids. An increased focus on raids would just split the already split community further.

> >

> >


> This is really a direction issue.


> At some point they really need to grab the helm and direct this flagship in some fixed direction, If they want raiders and want that demographic then they should focus on it, and make that the point of the game, and everyone else can either get involved or go find something else to play.


> But right now they do not have that kind of deftness of direction or are willing to make that kind of decision, as such they are trying to too hard to placate _everyone_ but this just ends up with a very fractured community, with all of them feeling neglected to some degree or another.


> Couple that with the fact they will have to make concessions on who should get the best rewards, and in doing so they will alienate the other demographics that either do not enjoy the content or lack the capacity in one way or another to do that content.


> There is no win for them in the way they are currently going about things.. IMHO.


Problem is that this game CLEARLY never had a focus on raids. They're forcing it in a game that simply cannot really support it, same with the traditional role trinity.


There's no direction and i'm starting to think that there hasn't BEEN any direction for a while now, the main focus is just throwing as much stuff as possible into the gem store.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > > > Raid release cadence.... well, if the raid does not consist of at least 4 really good bosses ( 4 bosses, not1 boss and 3 events, or 2 bosses and 2 events ) then the release cadence right now is completely unacceptable. Its too slow to get the hardcore players interested for a longer period. The wait between Bastion and Hall of chains already eroded some of the hardcore playerbase and if that new wing isn't good...

> > > > 6 months should be the maximum between raid releases or one raid every two episodes ( like what they plan with fractals now ) otherwise the hardcore playerbase will erode away and the game needs both casuals and hardcore players to thrive.

> > >

> > > The problem is that this game doesn't really support sophisticated instanced PvE anyway. The balance in PvE is horrible - especially concerning Support-Builds - and the game is far too un- if not asocial to cause a natural party-building-process; the reward-structures make it even worse. Raid-content is hardly accessible. ArenaNet needs to improve that to justify an increased focus on raids and fractals; especially since new episodes are just additional AP if ArenaNet sticks to its current design-philosophy. In that regard, any new raid-wing has a higher longevity than any new episode, making the raid-wing much more valuable than new maps. The problem is, that most people won't be able to enjoy that content due to accessibility-problems. People are already complaining that they can't enjoy the rich lore locked behind raids. An increased focus on raids would just split the already split community further.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > This is really a direction issue.

> >

> > At some point they really need to grab the helm and direct this flagship in some fixed direction, If they want raiders and want that demographic then they should focus on it, and make that the point of the game, and everyone else can either get involved or go find something else to play.

> >

> > But right now they do not have that kind of deftness of direction or are willing to make that kind of decision, as such they are trying to too hard to placate _everyone_ but this just ends up with a very fractured community, with all of them feeling neglected to some degree or another.

> >

> > Couple that with the fact they will have to make concessions on who should get the best rewards, and in doing so they will alienate the other demographics that either do not enjoy the content or lack the capacity in one way or another to do that content.

> >

> > There is no win for them in the way they are currently going about things.. IMHO.


> Problem is that this game CLEARLY never had a focus on raids. They're forcing it in a game that simply cannot really support it, same with the traditional role trinity.


> There's no direction and i'm starting to think that there hasn't BEEN any direction for a while now, the main focus is just throwing as much stuff as possible into the gem store.




The game right now feels very _reactionary_ in it's development where they just try to _shove-in_ whatever is being made the most noise about regardless of how it will affect the game or the current population demographics.


But this might be brought about because they are funding the game though the store, which is unrelated to the game content itself, as such, their game development has a disconnect with their income source, so they really have no idea what content will bring in more income outside just more things in the store., so as far as the game itself goes, they are just tossing out anything they think will keep people around, which, IMHO, is having the exact opposite effect.


When they figure out what they are trying to do and where they want to go with this game.. hopefully by their next expansion... I'll come back and check them out.

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I enjoyed the game for nearly 3 years on and off but I'm very tied to the game and I know my Guild core member out of RL


Recently I'm really annoyed about the direction things are going the item shop has a much more aggressive management and random events which feel like made from Gameforge staff. Then there a bugs and crashes every time when its counts which isn't this important(so far they are fixed at least later) in compare to the amount of exploits and hacks I see everyday with random groups in PvE and PvP GW 2 starts to feel like the f2p MMOs I left so many years ago.


The new balance for the Ele doesn't help much in this situation I will wait how things turn out and how the community will react to it but so far it falls under some limits I know Ele makes no sense in the meta because the class is suicidal. I have other chars but so I have other games.


The tendency to use small exploits even when they spare you only 5-10 seconds is really annoying because all others await from you to use it too. Problem is sometimes you have no idea what they want from you especially when you come from T3 up to T4 you basically don't come out of screaming WTF when running T4 with randoms.


There are also cases where seemingly every thing was legit by only using a mesmer and GG but in the end you haven't walk a meter in the whole fractal without delay. I'm a developer and I was as a hobby a level designer myself at a time . If those would be my creation I would properly get a red head and start to troll them by throwing back them to the start every time they try to use them.


I helped to built up our guild the since the start of this year . Big problem is we have no fix fractal group but since we start to been a lot of players things I hope will change.

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the game is boring, anet wants to go for the crappy skin releases every update and not focusing on story. i believe they will probably make a marriage system for these lovely role players in the gamw. just look at these 3d models! arent they irresistible? marjory and kasmeer are in a relationship, why cant anet make it more interesting?!

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* A nearly inconceivable (as in how did this even manage to occur within reality) amount of useless bloat in classes (including entire respective classes being outright bloat on their own) and gear.

* No direction or cohesive fundamentals which even remotely attempt to guide the game's design on a holistic level.

* Cooldowns are an uncreative and ultimately inhibiting means by which to balance skills. Designing a game with multiple, unique classes and then attempting to balance every skill by cooldown alone is perhaps the dumbest thing that anyone could attempt to do.

* Despicable amounts of time-gating to trick unwitting people into thinking that there is a lot to do in GW2; the majority of character """progression""" is comprised exclusively of anti-videogames (i.e. waiting and/or pressing a button only to watch the game do something for you).

* The only truly satisfying manual movement in the game is trapped on a slap-dash, PvE-only, tacked-on mechanic which was engineered to milk the gem store: mounts. If the game had ditched its extensive reliance on direct-to-target teleports and made all of the game's movement skills feel more like mount movement, then this game would have probably had a decent enough base to be potentially good, but since GW2's development was far too corrupted by flavor-based design by 2010 (realistic estimate), mounts and their movement mechanics came far, far, far too late to salvage anything from the game's core.


The game's a hot brick of 5-year-old bread.

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I LOVE THIS GAME! I am bored more often than I used to be but I am also a die hard loyal type. It will take a lot to make me leave.


That being said, playing this game with my young children has made it far more interesting and, at times, hilarious. If you are finding that the game is getting stale I recommend you get yourself some kids (preferably through non criminal means) and game with them. They make it soooooo much more fun.

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That is to say, 6 years ago when Guild Wars 2 released, it was **flawed, but had tons and tons of potential**. And that's not something to be disappointed by either, for a MMORPG it actually came out surprisingly complete. So the "flawed" part is actually not true in relation to other MMOs, they all realize a lot of their potential slowly post-release, as classes get changed entirely, whole systems get ripped out, etc etc.


Nowadays, so far down the line, the game is **better**, but **not enough**. It feels like 1 year of development and 5 years squandered not caring about the underlying flaws still left from launch. And by now *so many* things are stapled on top, it'll be hell to change anything. I'd question the avalidity of stats on items for example, I bet the class-design would work out better without them. I also think we got slightly too many knobs to turn in character customization, some classes need more or less a re-implementation of the same idea (but leaving virtually no brick standing), the graphics system needs a fair few overhauls, sPvP vs WvW vs PvE as a whole needs rethinking, and, and, and.


All things which should have been done one by one in the past 6 years. Really. Or at least we should have seen the constant upheaval of the changes which progress one or more of the many issues.


Instead, the balance patches we get are comparatively minor in effect and scope, and come out way too rarely for how little they do. Past few months have been better, but by now it feels way too little, way too late.


To put my money where my mouth is, other than sometimes logging in to log off again, and now to run through the two zones in nostalgia, I don't really play any more since about LS4ep2. Meeeeeeh. The core game is too flawed for a game this aged to enjoy the new content, IMO.

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