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Thoughts on displayed titles

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**First things first: Thanks to ArenaNet and the GW2 team for providing a game that has literally given me years of enjoyment (and, yes, some frustration, but's that part of life). Again, THANK YOU for your efforts - past, present, and future!**


Now on to the meat of this topic - some food for thought, as it were.


My main character was traveling through the Tangled Depths and he encountered a Mordrem Sharpshooter who had the title "Deadly to Fliers". So, after landing and dispatching the aforementioned "Sharpshooter", the Mordrem stated, "Mordremoth! I have failed you!"


"Again." I stated - finishing the phrase that the Mordrem was in the midst of saying when it expired.


Then it occurred to me that my character (as well as those of many other people) should be able to display the following title: "Deadly to Mordrem" - just a friendly warning for those about to perish.


Does anyone else have a title to recommend? If so, please do so with as much or as little explanation as you feel is needed. However, as I am posting this with the intent to entertain, please feel free to do likewise.


Thanks for your time and consideration!

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I would love to have a "Boy-/Girlscout" title for reaching the daily/monthly AP cap.

An upgrade to the fashion collector achi would be nice, adding the titles "Fashion Addict" and "Fashion Victim".

Some Racial titles like "Warden of the Grove" or "Skald of Hoelbrak" would be neat.

Along with the racial titles, it would be nice i we had the titles that are given to us in the story("Hero of Shaemor", "Savant Prize Winner", order titles etc.) as titles we can display.

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I'd like the titles we're given in the story. like Snaff Savant, Slayer of Issormir, Champion of Orr and the various Order ranks. Oh and Commander of course.


There's already achievements for completing the story steps (including separate ones for each race) so it should be relatively simple to add titles to them. Of course now it would be retroactive for a lot of people, but I think it would be really nice to unlock them as you go through the story.

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When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.

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I miss the little gold star icon next to the name of my toon if it has 100% map completion. It should work with the expansions too. Two stars if you have 100% in core Tyria and an expansion too and three if you have all of them 100% with your toon.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.


I'd love the title of "Tarnished Coast Degenerate".

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> @"Invisible Pete.7290" said:

> My main character was traveling through the Tangled Depths and he encountered a Mordrem Sharpshooter who had the title "Deadly to Fliers". So, after landing and dispatching the aforementioned "Sharpshooter", the Mordrem stated, "Mordremoth! I have failed you!"


I think it's wrong to call that notation a title. It's more an informative element, a hint about its strengths (or weaknesses) in combat. I remember the Mordrem Thrashers (?name? the floaty flowers that zoom along spewing a trail of poison) and their "title" / combat-characteristic-notation _Vulnerable from behind_, which doesn't sound like much of a title.


While I liked being "Knight of the Thorn" on my closest-thing-I-have-to-a-main, I must say that "Dauntless" beats it.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.


I really like this Idea. It would be a great reminder for many loyal WvW players that feel that server pride. As much as I like more flavorful titles, taking into account what player of the actual servers call themselves or are called by other servers. I'd love to be a Blobaddonian or Seafarer's Best or something along those lines, but I doubt that the community could settle for a single title per server so it would be something more generic like Veteran/Knight/Hero/Champion/etc of [server].It would be a good way to bid farewell to this system done without much effort(I guess. I'd assumee they added an achievement to the WvW tab that gives the title based on the last server your account was on, AP would be nice but not necessary).

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> I miss the little gold star icon next to the name of my toon if it has 100% map completion. It should work with the expansions too. Two stars if you have 100% in core Tyria and an expansion too and three if you have all of them 100% with your toon.


I have 3 characters with full map completion (expansions + living world included) so I support this idea. :D

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Invisible Pete.7290" said:

> > My main character was traveling through the Tangled Depths and he encountered a Mordrem Sharpshooter who had the title "Deadly to Fliers". So, after landing and dispatching the aforementioned "Sharpshooter", the Mordrem stated, "Mordremoth! I have failed you!"


> I think it's wrong to call that notation a title. It's more an informative element, a hint about its strengths (or weaknesses) in combat. I remember the Mordrem Thrashers (?name? the floaty flowers that zoom along spewing a trail of poison) and their "title" / combat-characteristic-notation _Vulnerable from behind_, which doesn't sound like much of a title.


I didn't really care about titles before, but now you've said that, I wish I _could_ get "Vulnerable From Behind" as a title.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'd like the titles we're given in the story. like Snaff Savant, Slayer of Issormir, Champion of Orr and the various Order ranks. Oh and Commander of course.


> There's already achievements for completing the story steps (including separate ones for each race) so it should be relatively simple to add titles to them. Of course now it would be retroactive for a lot of people, but I think it would be really nice to unlock them as you go through the story.


I've always wanted to use the Grand High Sovereign title.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.


I like this idea! I don't play WvW much but I have been on Desolation since day 1 and it would be nice to have a title to commemorate that.


If they did it I hope they'd give us plenty of notice of the change and/or give us a week when transfers are free and all servers open so people who want to can make sure they're on their favourite/main server when the titles are issued.


> @"lokh.2695" said:

> One of the guild bounties has "Throws Bears" as its "title". I'd take that if it was available. Also I'd like to be able to throw bears.


Agreed, to both parts. I love that description, even more for how much it freaks some people out when they find out it's meant literally. (I don't know how else you'd interpret 'throws bears' but more than once I've seen someone doing that bounty for the first time getting very surprised when he throws bears at them.)


I also like the idea of being able to have other monster skill descriptions as titles. Maybe not all of them, but some would be fun. I mainly use titles which fit the character (like my revenant using Veteran of the Mists), ones which describe things I like doing like Honors in Applied Jumping or ones which just sound fun and a lot of monster descriptions would fit all 3.

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Champion Rabbit

"Thing Slayer" - Completing all core Tyrian slayer achievements

"Master of Arms" - Completing all Weapon mastery achievements


Thirst Slayer - Completing Thirst Slayer achievement

Cocktail Chaser - Completing Brew Master and Fine Wining- Unlocks "Drunk" effect when consuming alcohol, which now causes you to speak random lines and a chat bubble, and activates random emotes while idle.

Drunkard - Completing all Core drinking related achievements (Thirst Slayer, Festive Imbiber, Brew Master, Fine Wining, Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Club), - Unlocks new lines for Drunk effect, including a short story whose parts are told in random order. Also unlocks new Side story quest to find a fabled Dwarven Brewery.


Incorrigible Ale-Hound - Completing Dwarven Brewery side story achievement.


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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.


Very nice idea something saying where you're from.

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> I miss the little gold star icon next to the name of my toon if it has 100% map completion. It should work with the expansions too. Two stars if you have 100% in core Tyria and an expansion too and three if you have all of them 100% with your toon.


This is a great idea.

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> @"Invisible Pete.7290" said:


> Does anyone else have a title to recommend? If so, please do so with as much or as little explanation as you feel is needed. However, as I am posting this with the intent to entertain, please feel free to do likewise.


I would like a "Toxic to Casuals" title. Since i kick all bad players from my group.

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NPC descriptions are rarely titles. They tell you about their behavior.


Some NPCs do have player titles, but it's usually as a joke.



As for titles themselves, all I want is two things:


1. Character-based story titles.

* Titles that appear only for each character separately based on their story progress. So "Hero of Shaemoor" would only appear for human characters, "Lightbringer" only to those who completed the whispers story, and "Commander of the Pact" only to those who have completed Retribution.

* Titles from an exclusive progression would replace each other. So "Lightbringer" would replace "Agent" and that would replace "Initiate", since one can't be both at the same time like one can be both Commander and Lightbringer.

2. Color coding:

* Red: Competitive titles

* Orange: Story, side stories and character progress titles.

* Yellow: Economy, fashion, crafting and collection titles.

* Green: Open world, exploration and puzzle titles.

* Blue: Instanced titles like fractals and dungeons.

* Purple: Raid titles.

* Magenta: Special titles like the one for defeating an ANet employee or the ones from pre-orders.

* White: All other titles, usually general account titles, like birthdays, community, and unlock progress.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > One of the guild bounties has "Throws Bears" as its "title". I'd take that if it was available. Also I'd like to be able to throw bears.


> My Lotro dwarf main has had “bear wrestler” as his title for 8 years


Sadly that's unlikely to be an option in GW2 since we specifically promise not to do it every time we repair our armour.


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Some NPCs do have player titles, but it's usually as a joke.


Does Faren have the "I'm rich you know" title? If not he really should.

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