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1200 gems = 1 mount Skin (do you agree?)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It is interesting - I wonder if their metrics indicate that although players seem willing overall to pay higher prices for mounts (well for other items, they've not tested lower prices on mounts), is the increasing price structure is putting a lot of players off buying gems? I know I've dried up my monthly spend. Think I've bought gems twice in the last year. It could well be that players like myself aren't numerous enough to impact their strategy, but knowing from experience how most companies read only what they want from metrics, it does make me wonder.


My opinion is that this wouldn’t have an impact or not much of one.


If there’s something in the gemstore that they felt worth buying, chances are they’re going to buy it despite their opinion on mount pricing. I don’t see someone foregoing purchasing future hot fad cosmetics items that they like simply because of their dislike for mount pricing.


There are those that may attempt to boycott buying gems altogether. However, if they later buy everything they skipped out on at a later date, their boycott wasn’t really effective. Kind of like boycotting buying gas today only to buy it tomorrow. They may send a message if there’s enough of them but the actual impact will be neglible.


I see this as nothing more than a group of players venting about pricing they don’t like. It’ll subside just as quickly as every other time. Probably faster with the potential anniversary sales. They’ll then be back to complaining when the next set releases.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> > It is a little expensive but not as expensive as say a mount skin in WoW which are usually around 25 dollars.


> I don't play WvW but remember a colleague talking about mounts in WvW. So I have to ask: Aren't those 25 USD for _mounts_ and not just mere cosmetic skins?? Because that's a huge difference there.


WoW mounts are all functionally the same, so in essence, they are just skins. A rare few have additional functionality (multi-seaters, some that carry vendors), but I don't think I've ever seen them offered for purchase, as those have always (or at least last I played) been available via gold or faction grind.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:> > @"Rasta.2371" said:> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > > unlike other MMOs, GW2 offers the options to trading in your liquid gold into gems, and there is no restriction on what items you can spend your gems on; so it's lost revenue for anet.> > > > > > If you decide to spend real money, by all means use real money, you are supporting anet to continue to pay their employees to continue to bring out new contents.> > > I'm in support of anet to keep GW2 going and for the many years to come, so I dont mind forking out $100-$300 annually since there's no subscription fee to begin with.> > > > > >

> > > > > > at the end of the day, **Vote with your Wallet**> > > _if you do appreciate the work anet devs put into the game, show a bit of appreciation and support by buying something small off gem store with real money_> > > > How much of the money goes to nc-soft and how much to anet studio> > What difference would that make? Would you deny ArenaNet revenue just to spite NCSoft? Should NCSoft not have supported ArenaNet for those 5 years whilst creating GW2? Should NCSoft, which wholly owns ArenaNet, not share in their revenue?I dont have a problem with NC-soft being the parent company or w/e, but if i pay lets say 50 dollars for gems, how much goes back to anet? is it our business to know tbh so we just speculate? would your eagerness to purchase change if lets say only 10% went to the a-net studio?

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> >

> > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.



> "zero you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy"


> the gold -> gem transfer option says Hello


> because that options exists not sure why you're crying


> you want scummy business practices with ACTUAL ZERO ways to obtain amazing items THAT AFFECT GAMEPLAY (not cosmetic)


> Load up BDO and tell me how fast you uninstall it. For you to call GW2 scummy for a mount skin is shivering me triggers dude


Gold>gems is still involving real money and does not put any skins in the games as earnable.


"because that options exists not sure why you're crying" - really? Way to get people to not listen to you.


Y'all are welcome to keep saying this is fine and I will keep refusing to spend any more money with ArenaNet because I do NOT think it's fine.

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I don't understand how people think that exchanging gold for gems is lost revenue for ANet in any way. ANet does not lose any money when you exchange gold for gems.


* Gems available for exchange have been purchased with real money by someone in the community.

* You create gold by playing the game.

* You exchange that gold for bought gems.

* That gold is removed from the game.

* You spend those gems on a skin thus removing the gems from the game.

* At no point has ANet lost any money.


People are buying gems to get gold. This happens. We know this because people are exchanging in game gold for gems. Those gems were generated by real world $$. They are never generated (in any meaningful way) any*** other way.


***Gems given by promotions, contests, or free do not amount to enough gems to even factor into data, so just ignore it.


Please stop complaining about ANet losing money by people exchanging gold for gems or people "protesting" by only getting gems by the exchange. If you exchange gold for gems you are supporting ANet.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> >

> > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.


> Your fact is not factual. All of the skins can acquired without spending money. There are zero (0) that require real money to be spent.


Actually your factual facts are not factual. :) All gem skins are acquired by real $$. It might just happen to be someone else's money. If you exchange gold for gems, money was still spent for those gems.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > It does not matter at all if people agree or disagree.

> >

> > what good do these polls do? Is anyone actually looking at the tiny cross section of players that vote? Does ANET even bother looking? I know if it was me and I saw "POLL" I would normally skip it as a moderator. Is that how they are treating these?


> I guess, sparking up a discussion that heats up over its three-day-course, creates two wholly mutually exclusive oppinions and then finally confirms Godwin's law?



You know I had this great witty response here.


I deleted it.


Polls on this forum and in most areas of life total waste of time nothing more to say about it see if you can approach +1 on your own

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I feel like the price is fair since once you buy a skin it's likely going to be the skin you'll use forever unless a newer, cooler one comes around. I would like to see more options for mount skins as achievement reward incentives. Like prestige mount skins for raid CMs, high Fractals or some form of other challenging content; not entirely the cash grab that it currently is.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> > >

> > > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.

> >

> > Your fact is not factual. All of the skins can acquired without spending money. There are zero (0) that require real money to be spent.


> Actually your factual facts are not factual. :) All gem skins are acquired by real $$. It might just happen to be someone else's money. If you exchange gold for gems, money was still spent for those gems.


You are mistaken.


1) If I do not spend cash to get something then I acquired it without spending cash. Period.

2) Not all gems come from spending money or gold.

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I chose "Other" because I find myself in two places.


+ Yes; because I understand ANet's position -- that licenses, bundles or single higher-ticket cosmetic items work to fund game development, whereas lower ticket individual skins aren't doing enough. I also support a business' right to set prices at levels that work for them, just as I support the consumer's right to buy or not buy as they see fit.

+ No: because as a consumer, I am for the most part unwilling to pay that much for a cosmetic item.


What I realize is that that means there will be very few mount skins I will end up buying. To date, I only bought the 1600 gem sale version of the Branded Mounts. I'm OK with that.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > > > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> > > >

> > > > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.

> > >

> > > Your fact is not factual. All of the skins can acquired without spending money. There are zero (0) that require real money to be spent.

> >

> > Actually your factual facts are not factual. :) All gem skins are acquired by real $$. It might just happen to be someone else's money. If you exchange gold for gems, money was still spent for those gems.


> You are mistaken.


> 1) If I do not spend cash to get something then I acquired it without spending cash. Period.

> 2) Not all gems come from spending money or gold.


Where else do gems come from? Unless you're counting times when Anet provides gem codes to partner sites to use as prizes in contests, but that would be a tiny, tiny amount compared to the total amount of gems used in the game.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > > > > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> > > > >

> > > > > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.

> > > >

> > > > Your fact is not factual. All of the skins can acquired without spending money. There are zero (0) that require real money to be spent.

> > >

> > > Actually your factual facts are not factual. :) All gem skins are acquired by real $$. It might just happen to be someone else's money. If you exchange gold for gems, money was still spent for those gems.

> >

> > You are mistaken.

> >

> > 1) If I do not spend cash to get something then I acquired it without spending cash. Period.

> > 2) Not all gems come from spending money or gold.


> Where else do gems come from? Unless you're counting times when Anet provides gem codes to partner sites to use as prizes in contests, but that would be a tiny, tiny amount compared to the total amount of gems used in the game.


AP rewards, but the point you made still stands for that one too. Also collectors editions, but I would count that as buying with cash

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I said Yes, reason being is I won't buy one skin for 1200 gems. I will get 3 at 400 gems each and why is simple Fashion wars. I have no problem tossing 400 gems here an there for a random skin. May not be the one I want the most but with numerous alts, I am sure it will match one of my characters current look.


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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> I don't understand how people think that exchanging gold for gems is lost revenue for ANet in any way. ANet does not lose any money when you exchange gold for gems.


> * Gems available for exchange have been purchased with real money by someone in the community.

> * You create gold by playing the game.

> * You exchange that gold for bought gems.

> * That gold is removed from the game.

> * You spend those gems on a skin thus removing the gems from the game.

> * At no point has ANet lost any money.


> People are buying gems to get gold. This happens. We know this because people are exchanging in game gold for gems. Those gems were generated by real world $$. They are never generated (in any meaningful way) any*** other way.


> ***Gems given by promotions, contests, or free do not amount to enough gems to even factor into data, so just ignore it.


> Please stop complaining about ANet losing money by people exchanging gold for gems or people "protesting" by only getting gems by the exchange. If you exchange gold for gems you are supporting ANet.


They’re not making money. You’re essentially trying to double count the money that they made on the gem sale.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> I don't know if it is fine price, or not. But one thing that bothers me. [Original adoptation license](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mount_Adoption_License "Original adoptation license") not present in gemstore. And it has no 'Select' version of it. It's not fair for those people whos looking to unlock original mount skins. First: you can't, Second: you won't be able to select one of originals, only random unlock.


> I am myself looking to buy one of Original skins for each mount. Except for raptor and beetle.


Don't worry, that licence pack is now on cash shop rotation, they will be back at some point. Just keep checking the promotions pages.

As selection.. yeah that first pack is random selection, but you can't get the same skin twice so your odds improve each time you buy a licence.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > > > If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.

> > > >

> > > > People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.

> > >

> > > Your fact is not factual. All of the skins can acquired without spending money. There are zero (0) that require real money to be spent.

> >

> > Actually your factual facts are not factual. :) All gem skins are acquired by real $$. It might just happen to be someone else's money. If you exchange gold for gems, money was still spent for those gems.


> You are mistaken.


> 1) If I do not spend cash to get something then I acquired it without spending cash. Period.

> 2) Not all gems come from spending money or gold.


It doesn't matter if you paid for the gems or not. They didn't materialize for you to buy them. Someone else is selling them, who bought them with real money.


Gems are not part of gameplay. They're real money obscured as an arbitrary cash token.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > I don't understand how people think that exchanging gold for gems is lost revenue for ANet in any way. ANet does not lose any money when you exchange gold for gems.

> >

> > * Gems available for exchange have been purchased with real money by someone in the community.

> > * You create gold by playing the game.

> > * You exchange that gold for bought gems.

> > * That gold is removed from the game.

> > * You spend those gems on a skin thus removing the gems from the game.

> > * At no point has ANet lost any money.

> >

> > People are buying gems to get gold. This happens. We know this because people are exchanging in game gold for gems. Those gems were generated by real world $$. They are never generated (in any meaningful way) any*** other way.

> >

> > ***Gems given by promotions, contests, or free do not amount to enough gems to even factor into data, so just ignore it.

> >

> > Please stop complaining about ANet losing money by people exchanging gold for gems or people "protesting" by only getting gems by the exchange. If you exchange gold for gems you are supporting ANet.


> They’re not making money. You’re essentially trying to double count the money that they made on the gem sale.


Yes, they're making money. They do not custom fabricate gem store items when you buy them. They're an instance of a digital item that only had to be created once.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> In my opinion no skin should cost more than 300 gems. If they want more money they should make more stuff.


Chicken and egg.

They need to generate sufficient revenue in order to fund developing of more stuff... they need more stuff to acquire funds.

What you, me or anyone else don't know is how much profit a 300gem skin makes (if any) and how many they need to sell for it to be a viable revenue source. To offset that they place a higher priced "choice" alternative and therefore hope to cover all bases in order to generate enough from the skins.


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