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What did i buy?

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Good day,

I am an old player from GW1 and have GW2 orignal game bought. In GW1 you bought the game and nothing went free, original expansion was still something that had to be bought. Now I understand that with GW2 i bought an "early access" or something and that you have to rebuy the whole game. But why can't i get all the content buying the game again? I mean, old content goes free, I understand. But why hasn't HoT included when buying the new expansion PoF? Are you buying a temporary access or a game? Why was the original game just a temporary access while HoT is a "game" that never goes free?


Can someone explain me why i bough an early access and after that early access all new expansions are considered games appart and not just temporary access that will eventually go free like the original game?


It seems as if Anet did just put the original game for free just to attract more players downgrading the original game to just and early access while the expansions are whole games that you will always have to buy and are not going free by any means.


It is as if you buy microsoft 2007, and it goes free. Then 2010 is released and they gift you 2007. But if you buy Microsoft 2013 suddenly you don't get microsoft 2010 for free, just microsoft 2007. It still boggles my mind. So people who bought microsoft 2007 had to pay for 3 programs while people who paid for 2010 and for 2013 just paid for two. Shouldn't early support be rewarded? Am I wrong for assuming that Anet would mimic old model from original Guild wars or I deserve to be treated that way?

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Every version of GW2 you can buy is permanent, there has never been a temporary access version, but there has also never been a version which gives you free access to future expansions. If you bought GW2 any time before HoT was released then you had, and still have, full access to the entire base game.


What you won't have is the expansion packs. These work exactly like expansion packs for any other game - because they are released after the base game you have to buy them separately. They are also separate from each other. In other words it's just like the GW1 campaigns - if you bought Nightfall you did not get Factions for free, and if you buy PoF you don't get HoT free. But you can choose to buy both together for a slightly cheaper price if you want to.

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If you are referring to "Play for free" accounts, you might want to check the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts") to see what restrictions a free account actually has. There are a multitude of restrictions free accounts have that you as owner of the base game don't have. Buying the game is a lot more than just getting "early access" (even though those years you had the game prior to others getting a free account aren't exactly nothing either).

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The pay for free accounts are extended trial accounts. They let players get to 80 and play on the core maps but they have multiple restrictions on trade and chat. They also have no access to expansion contents or masteries such as gliding or mounts. Paid accounts don’t have these restrictions and have to buy the expansions but get the Living Story maps for free if they log in during the time they are new (between one Living Story release and the next release).

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Every expansion has to be bought separately, just like GW1. So you have to buy PoF and HoT separately. However, be advised that if you haven't played much, you also need to buy the Living Story chapters. These chapters contain new areas with the most lucrative dailies pretty much and a LOT of mastery points come from there also.


Since GW2 is B2P and has no sub model, this content has to be paid for as it's part of their standard income. Also, contrary to many complaints, the gem store is actually not that bad compared to other MMOs. So don't expect expansions to become free stuff just yet. In the end if you want certain masteries, you will need this content and you need to play in that content to get XP for them.

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ArenaNet's model has always been buy-to-play with a microtransaction store. This should explain having to pay for each expansion in both games.


As for the core game going free - others have pointed out that, as a player who purchased the original game, I have been able to enjoy this game since launch (however I did take a year out after not gelling with this game to begin with). The removal of that pay window to entice new players was a great move and has helped with population. Furthermore, in today's competitive market, it would not make sense to have old content stuck behind an initial pay wall when a lot of great MMORPGs are now free-to-play with restrictions. Guild Wars 2 also has this for free-to-play players.


I am sorry to hear that you feel put out. As a veteran, I feel that ArenaNet's decisions with this game has helped it remain an active, competitive IP despite being nearly six years old. ArenaNet will not change how they are running things to facilitate you and players like you. This means that you have two choices:


1. Accept it on the chin and enjoy this beautiful game.

2. Accept it on the chin and leave.


Blunt? Perhaps. But this is the reality you are going to have to come to terms with.

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It is really simple: Because they decided to do it this way.


Also, I don't know why this is still a thing after over half a decade of GW2: Whenever I see a post starting with "I am a long time GW1 player" it makes me cringe. How is that relevant? I am too. It almost seems people think that this would give their voice some special weight - it does not.

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> @"Cesar.3701" said:

> Am I wrong for assuming that Anet would mimic old model from original Guild wars or I deserve to be treated that way?


The game you bought has added a Play for Free option. You still have access to all the content you bought back when, with none of the restrictions free accounts have. Would you deserve a partial refund if you bought a game at a $50 price years ago and the game was now selling for $5 on Steam?


ANet sold all of the original Guild Wars boxes as separate games. Buying Factions did not get you Prophecies, nor did buying Nightfall get you either of the earlier campaigns. Buying Eye of the North did not get you free access to any of the three campaigns, even though you had to own one of the three to be _able_ to run Eye of the North. They didn't start bundling the original GW campaigns until after they stopped developing that game to work on GW2.


With GW2, ANet has bundled Heart of Thorns with Path of Fire (you save $10 US if you buy both together). So, yes, ANet is treating GW2 somewhat differently. Price-wise, that is to your advantage. So, yes, you are wrong to think of yourself as being treated poorly.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Didnt you have to buy every bit of content in gw1 too?


Yeah, you did, you had to buy all three campaigns and Eye of the North separately, they didn't give you any of them free.


I can only assume the OP bought some kind of (edit: GW1) bundle.

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Anet's business model is incredibly smart. F2P offers you the full base game with some restrictions, and core accounts get the same thing restriction-free.


The expansions offer a literal metric ton of content, you take one glance and you can tell they weren't cheap to make. Still the expansions are ridiculously cheap, especially when you consider how much bang you'll get for your buck.


On top of all that, the living world seasons offer two expansions' worth of stuff to do (9 maps so far excluding LS2) and are completely free (given you already own the expansions and log in when each episode is active to unlock it).


The gem store prices are high, but they only sell QoL and cosmetic items that you won't really need to be competent in this game. Also remember there's the gold->gems exchange, meaning if you work hard enough in-game you'll never need to pay a single cent.


I honestly wouldn't complain. There are tons of overpriced pay-to-win games out there with outrageous paywalls, expensive expansions and high monthly fees, with much less content than Guild Wars 2.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Didnt you have to buy every bit of content in gw1 too?


> Yeah, you did, you had to buy all three campaigns and Eye of the North separately, they didn't give you any of them free.


> I can only assume the OP bought some kind of bundle.


I guess he's a bit confused. He probably got the base game with PoF and is surprised he still has to buy HoT as well even though that's also older content. In GW1 the expansions for Elona and Cantha were stand-alone and didn't require the base game. For EotN you did as it was an add-on.


I reckon he's confused cause GW2 doesn't actually quite work the same way and he then assumed that since the core game is given free with the current expansion, HoT should be too.

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> @"KGS.9842" said:

> I remember when people were mad that the original GW2 went free to play because of HOT, and they told us "but guys with every new expansion the previous content will go free". Looks like it was just lies and damage control..


ArenaNet never said expansions will get included in future releases. It was a lie spread by players in the assumption that the base game got included in HoT and all previous content will get included in future releases like WoW.

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> @"KGS.9842" said:

> I remember when people were mad that the original GW2 went free to play because of HOT, and they told us "but guys with every new expansion the previous content will go free". Looks like it was just lies and damage control..


[What they specifically said](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pre-purchase-community-address/) was that there would be an option to buy all (core, new expansion, old expansions) bundled together as one package. That was read by some as previous expansions being free.


> June 22, 2015


>We want to be clear about our business model for future expansions now that we are approaching our first paid expansion for Guild Wars 2. We believe that to keep the game dynamic and vibrant with a constantly growing community, it should be as easy as possible for new players to get into Guild Wars 2. For Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, we didn’t want the core game’s price to be a factor in a new player’s decision to begin playing Guild Wars 2. **In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price.**

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"KGS.9842" said:

> > I remember when people were mad that the original GW2 went free to play because of HOT, and they told us "but guys with every new expansion the previous content will go free". Looks like it was just lies and damage control..


> [What they specifically said](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pre-purchase-community-address/) was that there would be an option to buy all (core, new expansion, old expansions) bundled together as one package. That was read by some as previous expansions being free.


> > June 22, 2015


> >We want to be clear about our business model for future expansions now that we are approaching our first paid expansion for Guild Wars 2. We believe that to keep the game dynamic and vibrant with a constantly growing community, it should be as easy as possible for new players to get into Guild Wars 2. For Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, we didn’t want the core game’s price to be a factor in a new player’s decision to begin playing Guild Wars 2. **In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price.**


They (I believe it was Gaile) also expanded on this statement, clarifying that that meant bundles offered at one single purchase price.

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