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Taking damage while stealthed


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Considering the fact that they just changed how invulnerability works last patch (It no longer pulses condition damage while in the channeled skill),


Why not fix another equally annoying problem?


That being the fact that stealthed players do not get revealed upon taking damage, why is it that people who are predictable in stealth don't get punished for their playstyle?


I feel like I don't need to go in depth with this question as it's not that complicated.


Ignore any crying from thief mains on this thread.

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Most classes have an auto that you can just spam where you think the thief is. Do you have some sort of reasoning behind this - beyond that it's 'annoying'?


Reveal should definitely be scattered about a bit more, but in a way that doesn't just immediately add it/make it available to all classes with no sacrifice. But revealing on damage would make stealth useless - AoE auto in your general direction, unstealthed...One stack of bleed tick, unstealth.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Most classes have an auto that you can just spam where you think the thief is.


Yeah, a melee attack that has a max range of about 150-250. I'd love to see you use a range weapon auto attack against a class that has so much get out of jail free cards.



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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Most classes have an auto that you can just spam where you think the thief is. Do you have some sort of reasoning behind this - beyond that it's 'annoying'?


> Reveal should definitely be scattered about a bit more, but in a way that doesn't just immediately add it/make it available to all classes with no sacrifice. But revealing on damage would make stealth useless - AoE auto in your general direction, unstealthed...One stack of bleed tick, unstealth.


Not internally true, reveal and stealth that could be easilly balanced if game was trully about having a decent exp and decent combat mechanics rather than be a game where the looks and artwork are 80% why game looks decent, damage actually could pop up class out of stealth, one way to actually fix it is to give 1-2sec of evasion to some of the thief skills and tune if needed the stealth arround that probably 1 sec would be fine, maybe thief would be ending with decent stealth if not hitted and with small stealths when being hitted with IMO kinda makes sense, that could balance out and make time for thief change place or move w/o being or having is stealth ended.

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Because there so much random, channeled and AoE dmg flying around that this would completely remove Stealth from any gameplay.

I can take out 70% of Thieves HP just by randomly swirling around with Warrior GS, Guard GS, Weaver pulsing Lava armor or Primordial Stance, etc. etc. ..... a whole lot more etcs.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> Because there so much random, channeled and AoE dmg flying around that this would completely remove Stealth from any gameplay.

> I can take out 70% of Thieves HP just by randomly swirling around with Warrior GS, Guard GS, Weaver pulsing Lava armor or Primordial Stance, etc. etc. ..... a whole lot more etcs.


There's so much wrong with this statement, and I've never even seen you on the NA or EU plat 2 queues.

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At first l wanted to engage seriously, but rereading the OP's comment made me realise I missed this:


> @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> That being the fact that stealthed players do not get revealed upon TAKING DAMAGE, why is it that....


LoL. #RemoveStealth2k18


Good luck with your crusade, I'm sure this will be patched in by next tuesday!




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As I lack object permanence and cannot anticipate when a thief engaged with me will generally be, I too would like stealth to be broken upon taking damage.

That way, instead of bothering myself with anticipation and strafing, I can just put an AOE down where the thief was last and not have to bother with learning the mechanic or dealing with their stealth attacks.

How dare thieves be sneaky. Play a real class.



We absolutely must #RemoveStealth2k18



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> @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> Considering the fact that they just changed how invulnerability works last patch (It no longer pulses condition damage while in the channeled skill),


> Why not fix another equally annoying problem?


> That being the fact that stealthed players do not get revealed upon taking damage, why is it that people who are predictable in stealth don't get punished for their playstyle?


> I feel like I don't need to go in depth with this question as it's not that complicated.


> Ignore any crying from thief mains on this thread.


I would support this if skills like Rapid Fire didn't track the target once they enter stealth.

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> @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > Because there so much random, channeled and AoE dmg flying around that this would completely remove Stealth from any gameplay.

> > I can take out 70% of Thieves HP just by randomly swirling around with Warrior GS, Guard GS, Weaver pulsing Lava armor or Primordial Stance, etc. etc. ..... a whole lot more etcs.


> There's so much wrong with this statement, and I've never even seen you on the NA or EU plat 2 queues.


Please specify what exactly is wrong in my post and then specify how exactly is low plat que an argument to anything, let alone in this case in which it makes absolutely no sense.

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Stealth in the massive amounts that it's available in this game is disgusting. People complain about stealth classes in every game since the beginning of time and for some reason game companies continue to think it's a good idea to include as skills. Now all a thief has to do is dodge roll and they gain stealth.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Stealth in the massive amounts that it's available in this game is disgusting. People complain about stealth classes in every game since the beginning of time and for some reason game companies continue to think it's a good idea to include as skills. Now all a thief has to do is dodge roll and they gain stealth.


For anyone who doesn't know what Rufo is talking about, [this is the trait in question](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silent_Scope "this is the trait in question"). And yeah you're right, it's pretty inconceivable Anet thought tying beneficial effects into evade frames was a good idea. But what do they know anyways, Dragonhunter was a monster at release too.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > That would make skills like Shadow Refuge (teef), Veil (Mesmer), Smoke cloud (Smokescale - Ranger), Stealth Gyro (Engi) and others useless and irrevelent. AA round them and Poof....they are now useless.


> Yeah but, to be fair, stealth is no fair and people who use it should be punished.



People who use stealth should not be punished, stealth is meant to be used has an advantage over targets, not a punishment to who casts it......


The issue with gw2 stealth system is that is made towards gimmick and skilless gamers, reason they cant be that much punished over bad usage of stealth system since they are already punished due the bad working skills to hit thief's trough stealth aka part of gimmick based gameplay.


Stealth is bad in this game, but so are the other skills.... it is easy to fix.. Anet wont do it.

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Is not really a punishment, it's a drawback, like every skill should have, ANet knew this on GW1 that's why it was so sucessfull balancewise, somehow ANet decided to take a metricton of steps back.


Stealth: on some games you move slower while on stealth, on others, like the OP proposed, you get out of stealth as soon as you take damage, on others you have limited access to stealth on huge CD's.

In this game? Zero. You even get a ton of benefits for using stealth!

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Is not really a punishment, it's a drawback, like every skill should have, ANet knew this on GW1 that's why it was so sucessfull balancewise, somehow ANet decided to take a metricton of steps back.


> Stealth: on some games you move slower while on stealth, on others, like the OP proposed, you get out of stealth as soon as you take damage, on others you have limited access to stealth on huge CD's.

> In this game? Zero. You even get a ton of benefits for using stealth!


In all of those other games, the classes are designed around that version of stealth. WoW rogues are significantly tankier out of stealth than GW2 thieves are, for example.


In GW2, classes are designed around how stealth works in the game. It's like saying warrior sucks compared to thief because thief has stealth and warrior doesn't - it's totally ignoring...pretty much the rest of the game. You don't seem to be aware of how thief works and what they DON'T have - all you see (or don't see, since...stealth xD) is just their access to stealth.


Perhaps strive to achieve a more knowledgeable perspective and then make an informed suggestion on how it might be changed.

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Honestly in my opinion Stealth should get a rework...to me, once you get in combat, you cant enter Stealth again, i mean, like in MGS, once you get detected you cant hide again...they should rework the whole thing, like you could have invisibility, that would be manly a Mesmer thing, that could break target and turn your character transparent(still targetable if you manage to click on him), Ranger could get Camouflage or something, that could give Stealth once he standed still for "X" secs(only out of combat)...i dont know, do something that could be fun and give more counterplay then just spam shit like a retard at random and hope for the best, something that dosent even work these days since DE will destroy you from range anyway.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Is not really a punishment, it's a drawback, like every skill should have, ANet knew this on GW1 that's why it was so sucessfull balancewise, somehow ANet decided to take a metricton of steps back.

> >

> > Stealth: on some games you move slower while on stealth, on others, like the OP proposed, you get out of stealth as soon as you take damage, on others you have limited access to stealth on huge CD's.

> > In this game? Zero. You even get a ton of benefits for using stealth!


> In all of those other games, the classes are designed around that version of stealth. WoW rogues are significantly tankier out of stealth than GW2 thieves are, for example.


> In GW2, classes are designed around how stealth works in the game. It's like saying warrior sucks compared to thief because thief has stealth and warrior doesn't - it's totally ignoring...pretty much the rest of the game. You don't seem to be aware of how thief works and what they DON'T have - all you see (or don't see, since...stealth xD) is just their access to stealth.


> Perhaps strive to achieve a more knowledgeable perspective and then make an informed suggestion on how it might be changed.


Actually I've a thief and my main is a mesmer, so i'm pretty sure I know about how stealth works, even if I despise it deeply, and not only in this game but in every game.

Already said in other thread, stealth let's you get away with bad positioning, same with shadowsteps, the second one was the beginning of gw1 downfall.


That "thief without stealth" is squishy is just a meme at this point. With core d/p or d/d? Sure, with DD or with other weaponsets? Not by a mile.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > That would make skills like Shadow Refuge (teef), Veil (Mesmer), Smoke cloud (Smokescale - Ranger), Stealth Gyro (Engi) and others useless and irrevelent. AA round them and Poof....they are now useless.

> >

> > Yeah but, to be fair, stealth is no fair and people who use it should be punished.

> >


> People who use stealth should not be punished, stealth is meant to be used has an advantage over targets, not a punishment to who casts it......


> The issue with gw2 stealth system is that is made towards gimmick and skilless gamers, reason they cant be that much punished over bad usage of stealth system since they are already punished due the bad working skills to hit thief's trough stealth aka part of gimmick based gameplay.


> Stealth is bad in this game, but so are the other skills.... it is easy to fix.. Anet wont do it.


people who use stealth are bad, people who die to stealth are bad....


come on guys, time we face the facts that were all bad here.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Is not really a punishment, it's a drawback, like every skill should have, ANet knew this on GW1 that's why it was so sucessfull balancewise, somehow ANet decided to take a metricton of steps back.

> > >

> > > Stealth: on some games you move slower while on stealth, on others, like the OP proposed, you get out of stealth as soon as you take damage, on others you have limited access to stealth on huge CD's.

> > > In this game? Zero. You even get a ton of benefits for using stealth!

> >

> > In all of those other games, the classes are designed around that version of stealth. WoW rogues are significantly tankier out of stealth than GW2 thieves are, for example.

> >

> > In GW2, classes are designed around how stealth works in the game. It's like saying warrior sucks compared to thief because thief has stealth and warrior doesn't - it's totally ignoring...pretty much the rest of the game. You don't seem to be aware of how thief works and what they DON'T have - all you see (or don't see, since...stealth xD) is just their access to stealth.

> >

> > Perhaps strive to achieve a more knowledgeable perspective and then make an informed suggestion on how it might be changed.


> Actually I've a thief and my main is a mesmer, so i'm pretty sure I know about how stealth works, even if I despise it deeply, and not only in this game but in every game.

> Already said in other thread, stealth let's you get away with bad positioning, same with shadowsteps, the second one was the beginning of gw1 downfall.


> That "thief without stealth" is squishy is just a meme at this point. With core d/p or d/d? Sure, with DD or with other weaponsets? Not by a mile.


I main a thief and have a mesmer. Doesn't mean I'm suddenly 100% accurate and can accurately foresee how changing a primary class mechanic will influence all other aspects of the class. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying something like you haven't even bothered to read the tooltips of stealth, what skills have it, etc. I mean more in-depth. Thief is - whether badly or well - balanced around stealth.


Stealth most certainly does not let you get away with bad positioning, nor do shadowsteps. Your average thief has, what...some combination of shortbow 5, standing rifle 4, and the utility skill (which only condi cleanses if you use the teleport back...you can can either escape or cleanse, not both). I do think that dealing with stealth could use a bit more interaction from the person not in stealth, and then sit back and see how it plays out a bit.


Mind, I'm mostly referring to DE here, as that seems to be the most recent 'flavor of the forums' lately.


So yes, this is definitely the sort of thing you need to go in depth for to make suggestions about (as you stated in your OP saying you didn't feel the need to since it was simple...and it's not).

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