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That Timekeeper outfit tho...

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > If it was an armor set tho...

> >

> > Armor Sets don't make that sweet sweet gemstore profit.

> > So you can look forward to getting 4 per expansion :trollface:


> I dont think it was sales which pushed them in making outfits, and well last armor set was added before hot id assume, i dont remember an armor set being added since i started playing, markets can change and evolve. I dont think anyone can say there isnt a market for armors.




They wont allocate time to making new armor sets with updates because it takes too much time/effort for the monitary gain. Thus its gemstore or nothing.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Yet another "almost bought but one critical flaw". This time, it's that ridiculous headpiece.

> ..I mean, it's not the Baby Face Pauldron, but it's equally an eyesore.


i hope one day we gonna discover the mistery why Anet hate the concept of complete, harmonious armorset and weapons.

I'm still in the fight to find a backpiece that matches the mistward armor.


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I purchased this outfit, although I rarely purchase outfits. I wish it were armor pieces as it does look great. However, I'm unlikely to maintain the same look for long or return to it often after that, which is why outfits are a bit of a letdown for me. Armor pieces could end up in a lot of different looks, which just makes them more fun! I would definitely have paid the extra 100 gems for an armor set like this.

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It's an amazing design! Went straight on to my guardian. I did hide the helmet though, as it's a very... extravagant. Though it (the helmet) is very well made, the specific style restricts it's use in fashion wars quite a bit.

The outfit itself is well customizable with dyes, making it easy to fit any profession or theme. :) Still hoping we could mix and match outfits with armor piece headgear though. ;)

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> @"Fundor.2098" said:

> It's an amazing design! Went straight on to my guardian. I did hide the helmet though, as it's a very... extravagant. Though it (the helmet) is very well made, the specific style restricts it's use in fashion wars quite a bit.


My Human Guardian (DH) wears it, but she kept the helmet. Pity, because she also wears the Dauntless backpiece, and the top of the helmet clips through the backpiece like [REDACTED] when you swim (surface or underwater).


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> I would definitely have paid the extra 100 gems for an armor set like this.


Tbh, at this point I would pay 2k Gems for new armor sets. Still better than one mount skin for 2k... They say mounts are 2k because it's a lot of work blah blah. But that's what they say about armor sets too. So make them 2k, problem solved.


And yeah we did get armor skins with PoF and some pieces are fine but most of them are unusable because of the huge buttcapes. When will we get some normal Light pants and Heavy pants without a metallic skirt? When will we get a normal Medium top without a buttcape/trenchcoat?

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surprisingly.. im surprised that no one took a peek at this outfit matched to asuran character. I think other than cultural, this is the only outfit/armor that I feel the designer put an effort on how to fit it for other races, not just human/norn as usual. This outfit complete with the helmet is great on asura model.


or it is just me...? lol


I'm "." that close on pulling the trigger on the bundle with onyx weapon set, so that I can make super flashy asura.. I wish that they allow us to choose 1 onyx weapon and 1 gold weapon. Not giving the same type. I would love the sword and the shield, but really dont want to double dip into the bundle.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Still waiting for a skin for my ranger, which would suit a ranger. I have Gems!


> On a human/norn/sylvari, the Krytan armour set works well. (Not surprising: it's essentially the GW1 Krytan Ranger armour.)



I found the medium heritage armour to be quite nice as well. I was tired of all those bones =)

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> @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> very impressive in detail. The glow has its own dye channel, so can theme with professions nicely, and it leaves a short trail when you move.


I'm happy for you and others who like it. To each their own. It's just sad that all the fancy stuff ends up as an outfit on the gemstore rather than being a set of armr earnable in game.


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Lot of effort put into it obviously. Impressive. A bit too tacky for me, personally. They practically couldn't fit any more little details and fancy glows and auras on it if they tried. And an asura's body height with that helmet is 50% connected to just the head bone, which is somewhat hilarious for me. Yay for charrs for the extra pair of horns...?


Meanwhile characters remain bald whenever they put on a helm (except for that single one on TP that has a dyeable pre-set hairstyle under it). I know its probably not the same department as making new armor, just still kind of an eye-sore.

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