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Why Lock new weapon quests behind crafting?


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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> You can go from 0-500 in about an hour and maybe some change,


> Only setback is the gold it will cost.


Leveling crafting disciplines is _very_ cheap these days (I remember how much I had to invest into it years ago) and also takes _less_ than an hour per disciplin (in fact, it goes extremely fast if you use XP boosts).


Of course, if one doesn't want to "waste" time in this game gathering materials during one's playtime just as one doesn't want to "waste" time leveling crafting, I guess that's a bummer. ;)

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > Be happy that they don't cost a fortune for these nice skins and don't complain! Really, some people are never satisfied...

> > However as someone else pointed out, you can buy the required items from TP.


> As everyone else *keeps pointing out*, You need 2 lesser vision crystals to even start the collections, the only guaranteed way of getting them is 500 crafting discipline, or two collections, so not applicable if those have already been obtained. Not that I think that’s a problem.


But here's the thing, the only way to _use up_ lesser vision crystals (aside from this quest) is to use them to craft ascended armor. They are needed for nothing else, not even guild upgrades. So if you completed the collections and got your two crystals, but never bothered to level a craft to 500, you should still have them. That is, unless you did something dumb like throw out materials you have no current way to replace (which would be your own fault).


If you don't have the collections done, go buy the missing stuff off the TP. Two crystals, problem solved, and you can still brag about never having touched crafting.

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I recently leveled crafting on an alt account to unlock the weapon collections. It wasn’t hard or that expensive.


I was annoyed I had to level an armor crafting skill to make a weapon (had 500 weaponsmith but hadn’t yet gotten around to doing tailoring). But I did it knowing I wanted to eventually unlock ascended armor crafting anyways. This is on a fresh account with playing 1 to 80 and doing about 85% map completion.


I went from 25 skill to 500 skill using roughly 40 gold and materials in my storage. It took a few hours to fully level up without crafting experience boosters but I took a break for dinner at 225 so it probably was less than an hour of actual time crafting. Most of the cost was discovering level 400 recipes. It took me less than 2 additional gold to get from 25 to 425 skill (crafting the refined materials at 400 through 425.


The biggest barrier was having enough dust/fragments/ore to complete two vision crystals. That required my saved up materials and two Silverwastes metas to finish.


Crafting an ascended Greatsword was much much harder than the skill gate for Eclipse.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

>That is, unless you did something dumb like throw out materials you have no current way to replace (which would be your own fault).


Agreed, but my guess is a lot of players threw them out if they completed those achievements if they thought they would have no use for them, because they don't craft.

Crafting might be tedius if you specifically want to craft a lot of things, like Ascended gear. But just to level it is unbelievable easy and now very cheap to do it's not even worth whinging about.



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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> If you don't have the collections done, go buy the missing stuff off the TP. Two crystals, problem solved, and you can still brag about never having touched crafting.


Uhm, I have crafted tons of them in the past (as I crafted quite a few ascended armor sets), but I can't recall vision crystals of any kind to be sellable at the TP (i.e., they are account-bound, AFAIK).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > If you don't have the collections done, go buy the missing stuff off the TP. Two crystals, problem solved, and you can still brag about never having touched crafting.


> Uhm, I have crafted tons of them in the past (as I crafted quite a few ascended armor sets), but I can't recall vision crystals of any kind to be sellable at the TP (i.e., they are account-bound, AFAIK).


I meant all the items to finish the two collections that reward lesser vision crystals can be bought on the TP. The armor you need for Exotic Attire and Rare Regalia don't drop from enemies, but a few parts are rewarded by the personal story, and all of them can be bought on the TP (for somewhere around 90s apiece).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > If you don't have the collections done, go buy the missing stuff off the TP. Two crystals, problem solved, and you can still brag about never having touched crafting.


> Uhm, I have crafted tons of them in the past (as I crafted quite a few ascended armor sets), but I can't recall vision crystals of any kind to be sellable at the TP (i.e., they are account-bound, AFAIK).


He means buy the parts of the collection

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> >_Eventually_, they will get the required pair of lesser vision crystals.

> This isn't how randomness works... (Unless there's something in the game code to ensure that you definitely get a Lesser Vision Crystal after a certain number of random drops - is there?)


That is how statistics & randomness work: if the number of items dropped is sufficiently high compared to the rate, as a practical matter, eventually one or two will show up. How long "eventually" is will depend on those numbers.


Of course, if the drop rate is say 1:1000000, then sure, eventually won't be while the OP is playing the game. However, what data we have from most of the eaters is that the drop rate is high enough that _eventually_ would be while the OP is playing, as long as they are converting their empyreal, dragonite, and bloodstone (that last one... the glowing stone seems a better bet than Mawdrey II or the various 'sentience' eaters.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > >_Eventually_, they will get the required pair of lesser vision crystals.

> > This isn't how randomness works... (Unless there's something in the game code to ensure that you definitely get a Lesser Vision Crystal after a certain number of random drops - is there?)


> That is how statistics & randomness work: if the number of items dropped is sufficiently high compared to the rate, as a practical matter, eventually one or two will show up. How long "eventually" is will depend on those numbers.


> Of course, if the drop rate is say 1:1000000, then sure, eventually won't be while the OP is playing the game. However, what data we have from most of the eaters is that the drop rate is high enough that _eventually_ would be while the OP is playing, as long as they are converting their empyreal, dragonite, and bloodstone (that last one... the glowing stone seems a better bet than Mawdrey II or the various 'sentience' eaters.


I'm assuming that every "bag" of the same type (from the eaters) that you open has the same probability of dropping a Lesser Vision Crystal, and you seem to be assuming that too. If that's the case, then no matter how many bags you open, there's a non-zero probability of not getting a Lesser Vision Crystal from them.


Here's the maths: let _p_ be the probability of a Lesser Vision Crystal dropping from a bag. Then the probability of not getting one is (1 - _p_). After opening _n_ bags, the probability of not getting a Lesser Vision Crystal from any of them is (1 - _p_)^_n_, which is non-zero, regardless of how big n is. Of course, for large values of _n_, it's very small, but it's still possible that a Lesser Vision Crystal may never drop.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > The complaint doesn't make sense to me:

> > >

> > > _Why do I have to do something I might not like to get something I want?_

> > >

> > > I can't think of many times in an MMO where I did ONLY something I really liked doing to get something I want.

> >

> > It's one thing to suggest that people might have to do content they don't like to get a reward associated with that content. Crafting, on the other hand, is filler, not content. That you can't think of many times in an MMO where you only did something you really liked to get a reward says more about the nature of MMO's than anything else. Games are supposed to be fun, not time-wasting or laundry lists of things to do. It's a pity that consumers accept the busywork drivel that developers throw into MMO's. If they didn't, we might see better games. Oh, well. **Even the defenses of crafting are by and large that it's not hard, not that it's really engaging game play.** I guess players want time wasters and filler.


> I can't speak for everyone but in my case that's more about the 'objective' of the post than my actual opinion of crafting.


> The issue here is the OP does not like crafting and doesn't want to do it but feels forced to do it for something they want. What's more likely to help in that situation? Telling them they should like it? Trying to explain why I do as if they're going to suddenly go "Oh! I get it now, crafting is fun!"? Or explaining that it's a very minor barrier which is much easier to overcome than it might seem at first, especially if you've never touched crafting in GW2 because of not liking it in other games. Crafting is often much more tedious in other MMOs, especially ones where the results are randomised.


So, you enjoy having your character stand at a crafting station while you click on the interface? That and collecting the mats is the process. I can see enjoying the outcome. I also get that some people might like the crafting process. After all, Farmville is a thing (or was, at least, I haven't kept up). I also believe there are a lot of players who've leveled their crafting because it was a tiresome necessity to obtain a lot of the "rewards" that GW2 offers.


I've dabbled with several games which have had worse crafting systems than GW2's, in particular ones where the product was uncertain. There, that aspect was nothing but a blatant attempt to sell some sort of "guarantee" item for real money. In one (Grenado Espada, iirc), the guarantee items came with increments, and even the top increment left a small chance of a broken item.


Yeah, there are worse systems out there. That doesn't mean that GW2's is good, though.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > How would you feel if Anet locked them behind some kind of aspect of the game you really didn't care to do.


> There are a lot of things locked behind game aspects I don't care to do, PvP rewards, WvW rewards and so forth. So I shrug it off and don't worry about it. Perhaps if you are so adamant against crafting then these most recent rewards are not for you. Much like the PvP and WvW rewards are not for me. Or should I complain that if I want something only available via PvP or WvW it isn't fair because it is an aspect of the game I really don't care to do? :)




Exactly. Anet keeps locking content behind having to do some of the worst JPs (Chalice of Tears comes to mind). I don't mind the faster jps, but many of them I just hate doing and/or simply cannot do without portals (and CoT is hard to coordinate portals and even if you do, there is one area that is simply not portaleable regardless). Also I'd love some of the PvP backpacks but I cannot with PvP (largely because of the salt and unpleasantness).


I could cry at Anet for "locking" content behind something I either hate to do or simply cannot do, but instead I just grit my teeth and do them, or I find a way to live without them (in the case of PvP stuff). Crafting to 500 isn't even something that is extraordinarily difficult, just takes a bit of time and money. Unlike CoT or certain other content, it is by no means difficult for any person to do.

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> @"Aerronix.9752" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > I feel you, op! I hate crafting. Here is why anet likes it: It is a huge gold and materials sink. It's all about the economy and I don't see them changing it.

> >

> > Pretty much this.

> >

> > When something that I like is added to the game, gated behind crafting, I take a break from spending money on the game and encourage the same of others.


> Ashen, I can understand your statement that you hate crafting (not me personally) but not everyone likes professions. However the statement of it being a huge gold and material sink is kind of negative and toxic. These kind of statements could turn new plays off to trying out crafting. The game provides amazing amounts of opportunity for crafting materials in the open world, drops from mobs, drops from events, drops from personal story. You can easily make money while leveling your crafting by leveraging the market as you go too. I am not trying to start anything but only pointing this out as this game and its developers have worked hard to listen to the community and I feel we can listen and provide feed back to them and each other as well with out being negative or impacting others with our own input.



Crafting is a sink. Stating a fact is not necessarily negative or toxic. If a new player would be put off by having knowledge of the facts then the problem is not with the new player or the factual knowledge.


Keep in mind that sinks are not necessarily a negative thing. They can be necessary aspects of a game's economy. In my opinion such sinks are an indispensable part of GW2.


So, referring to someone as being negative and toxic for describing something factually, and as something that is potentially necessary (or even good) for the game a bit off in my opinion.


As mentioned in subsequent posts by the OP, a sentiment shared by me, if these items were tradable then those who like crafting and those who do not could both have their preferences served.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Aerronix.9752" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > > > I feel you, op! I hate crafting. Here is why anet likes it: It is a huge gold and materials sink. It's all about the economy and I don't see them changing it.

> > >

> > > Pretty much this.

> > >

> > > When something that I like is added to the game, gated behind crafting, I take a break from spending money on the game and encourage the same of others.

> >

> > Ashen, I can understand your statement that you hate crafting (not me personally) but not everyone likes professions. However the statement of it being a huge gold and material sink is kind of negative and toxic. These kind of statements could turn new plays off to trying out crafting. The game provides amazing amounts of opportunity for crafting materials in the open world, drops from mobs, drops from events, drops from personal story. You can easily make money while leveling your crafting by leveraging the market as you go too. I am not trying to start anything but only pointing this out as this game and its developers have worked hard to listen to the community and I feel we can listen and provide feed back to them and each other as well with out being negative or impacting others with our own input.

> >


> Crafting is a sink. Stating a fact is not necessarily negative or toxic. If a new player would be put off by having knowledge of the facts then the problem is not with the new player or the factual knowledge.


> Keep in mind that sinks are not necessarily a negative thing. They can be necessary aspects of a game's economy. In my opinion such sinks are an indispensable part of GW2.


> So, referring to someone as being negative and toxic for describing something factually, and as something that is potentially necessary (or even good) for the game a bit off in my opinion.


> As mentioned in subsequent posts by the OP, a sentiment shared by me, if these items were tradable then those who like crafting and those who do not could both have their preferences served.


Ah the beauty of opinion, syntax and difference right? All good in my book, potato potato… if you catch my drift.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > I don't get how I'm being lazy, and honestly, getting sick of it because that's not the case at all. Just because I don't want to do something I don't enjoy doing. Is not getting the collections good enough, I have to go and level up crafting, something that has no use to me other than to get these weapons? Frankly, crafting in this game is poorly implemented, anything that can be crafted, should be able to be sold. That is the primary reason for crafting, the people who enjoy it get to make money off of the things they can make. If they wanted to lock these new weapons behind crafting, make them so people can craft and sell them to people who don't enjoy that part of the game.

> >

> > **Could you imagine the outrage of PvE players had these been locked behind endless hours of PvP**. Even if these weapons were raid only, at least they would be obtainable by anybody who would care to try and get them.


> You mean like these weapons?

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero%27s_weapons

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Hero%27s_weapons

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_weapons

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Obsidian_weapons


> I just don't understand how locking skins behind another type of content is ok, even one a lot of people find extremely difficult to complete and intimidating to even attempt like raids or PvP, but locking it behind crafting, something where it's literally impossible to fail or lose progress - it's just a matter of time and money to progress, nothing else - is so objectionable just because it's something you personally do not enjoy doing.


Oddly enough your example is exactly why gating behind crafting is worse (for me). No actual challenge to overcome, no adventure, nothing but spending my limited game time standing around in a city instead of adventuring.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > You know

> > > > This reasoning can be a damper on any content

> > > > "Why do i have to put in effort to get just about anything?"

> > >

> > > Straw man argument. The complaint is not about effort, it's about a type of effort.

> >

> > Straw counter argument.

> > “Warcry, what if I dont play WvW?”

> > “Ad Infinitum, what about people without AR?”

> > “Caladbolg, what about people who dont wanna fight a shadow clone, AND, level crafting”

> >

> > See, every special weapon or equipment has requirements.

> > These skins requirements are cafting and exploration.

> > Dont wine about the requirements, fulfill them if you want the item, or let it go.

> > I’ve had to let Warcry go because I can’t make the WvW hours.

> >

> > And honestly, I dont see what youre crying about at all.

> > Levelling crafting is THE easiest thing to do in this game, just scrounge up some gold, buy literal tons of materials, and craft plus discover your way to 500


> I'm not "crying" at all. I don't give a rat's behind about the items. I do get sick of the usual bull-gravy spewed on the forums about "want reward with no effort" every time someone states they don't like doing requirement X. Had you led by pointing out that the game is full of items with specific requirements instead of trying to invalidate the OP's position by putting words in his mouth he did not say, I'd have had no reason to respond.


> And crafting in GW2 is less interesting than watching paint peel or a football match where neither side can complete a pass in the attacking third. It's a pity that crafting is most of what props up the game's economy so that the lackluster "rewards" have at least some value. It is what it is. I don't blame the OP for not wanting to do it, but I recognize why it's the way it is.


I can't agree, I especially like the discovery portion of crafting. No crafting is going to live up to Everquest 2's design of literally doing battle with the crafting table to make something, but GW2's crafting is hardly dull, even if you've already maxed them all out. Had you led by pointing out this is just how you feel about the subject instead of trying to present opinions as facts, I'd have had no reason to respond.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> >Why Lock new weapon quests behind crafting?


> Because the alternative options are as follows:

> -Sell them in the Gem Store

> -Sell them in the Gem Store via Chests

> -Make them a very rare drop from some zerg rush "event"

> -Make them part of a long, involved collection

> -Just mail them to you instantly


> 1-3 are worse options that get used far too much and divorce reward content from gameplay.


> 4 Involves more work than they are probably willing to put into weapons they crowd sourced in the first place. People will complain about it requiring long timer events to complete


> 5 is a trash option that will lead to them being treated like the free armor outfit or zenith skins. People will complain that literally everyone has them and no one will use them.


Legitimately speaking, they could have just not use lesser vision crystals, they could have used the recipe book itself as the 4th item in the recipe. They could have just given you the ecto whosit goggles, which they have done for previous things, like the Halloween quest. There are any number of ways to not include Lesser Vision Crystals that don't invalidate the rest of the event. They wouldn't have been as thematically interesting, but whatever.

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> @"Kal Spiro.3291" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> >

> > I'm not "crying" at all. I don't give a rat's behind about the items. I do get sick of the usual bull-gravy spewed on the forums about "want reward with no effort" every time someone states they don't like doing requirement X. Had you led by pointing out that the game is full of items with specific requirements instead of trying to invalidate the OP's position by putting words in his mouth he did not say, I'd have had no reason to respond.

> >

> > And crafting in GW2 is less interesting than watching paint peel or a football match where neither side can complete a pass in the attacking third. It's a pity that crafting is most of what props up the game's economy so that the lackluster "rewards" have at least some value. It is what it is. I don't blame the OP for not wanting to do it, but I recognize why it's the way it is.


> I can't agree, I especially like the discovery portion of crafting. No crafting is going to live up to Everquest 2's design of literally doing battle with the crafting table to make something, but GW2's crafting is hardly dull, even if you've already maxed them all out. Had you led by pointing out this is just how you feel about the subject instead of trying to present opinions as facts, I'd have had no reason to respond.


I'm sorry. I thought that people would be able to recognize that as soon as someone uses the word, "interesting," the discussion had entered the realm of opinion. Perhaps my mistake was in thinking that it would be self-evident that what interests one person may not interest another, and vice versa. You won't for instance, see me disputing your opinion that crafting in GW2 is hardly dull, even though I don't agree.


At this point in my forum "career," I tend to reserve my challenges to others' statements for opinions that conflate one thing for another -- like equating, "I'd rather there were another type of effort to get X" with, "Want something for no effort." I see this particular straw man a lot, and I'll confess it gets my goat. Missing the point in an effort to invalidate criticism of GW2 is a disservice to everyone (imo). Criticism of the game can provide an opportunity for the game to get better. If the poster does not think the suggestion would improve the game, surely there is a better way to say that than to use a phrase that invokes disdain (wants with no effort) and is not accurate.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The complaint doesn't make sense to me:


> _Why do I have to do something I might not like to get something I want?_


> I can't think of many times in an MMO where I did ONLY something I really liked doing to get something I want.


For some reason this statement reminds me of all I went through to get the cat collection for my home instance, lol. Granted there were some bits I did that I really liked to get a cat and some were quite the trial to do (thinking mostly of the SAB cat...) and I have never gotten Simon the Celestial Cat from the fractal. (VERY expensive!) I still might try for that one some day....


I did some things I didn't usually do or care to do but in the end I was glad I did because it took me outside my usual paths and I am less hesitant now when something new comes along. It led to new adventures and experiences which is not a bad thing at all.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > The complaint doesn't make sense to me:

> > > >

> > > > _Why do I have to do something I might not like to get something I want?_

> > > >

> > > > I can't think of many times in an MMO where I did ONLY something I really liked doing to get something I want.

> > >

> > > It's one thing to suggest that people might have to do content they don't like to get a reward associated with that content. Crafting, on the other hand, is filler, not content.

> >

> > I'm not sure you understand players enough to be able to make that statement.


> Perhaps you might want to reconsider that statement, after you (re)read the parts of the post you cropped.


> > I know people that make it a POINT to do content JUST so they can craft things and sell them. Crafting IS their game, it IS their content.


> To avoid a lengthy discussion about what constitutes game content, suffice it to say that the definition I'm using does not include standing before a crafting station, clicking a button and waiting. Ommv.


> > I mean, if people didn't want timewasters and filler, why would they play MMO's at all? Playing MMO's, while entertaining, is a COMPLETE waste of my time and unless you are somehow making money from it, it's a waste of time for everyone.


> Thank you. I'm glad we agree. Obviously, people play because they are entertained. Getting some pixel gewgaw as a "reward" is part of that enjoyment for many.


> The thing is, if you're fighting a boss and get a drop, the fight -- if challenging or enlivening -- has the potential to change your body chemistry in ways that people experience as fun. That's why we see so many complaints about GW2 encounters lacking fun -- because for those players the fights aren't generating that experience.


> If the fight has that element, though, it adds something to game-play. Add in the anticipation of reward and the excitement of getting a reward, and encounter content has the potential that both the process and outcome generate entertainment. Crafting, on the other hand, lacks on the process side -- unless one finds the guesswork in discovery sufficiently challenging to stimulate the brain. I'd argue that it doesn't, but, again, ommv. It certainly doesn't if one follows a guide.


> > Categorizing some element of the game as 'filler' to justify why something shouldn't be locked behind that element just doesn't make any sense. Everything in this game is filler; it's simply a matter of what someone enjoys doing.


> So, we agree that playing an MMO is time wasting, and thus everything in one is filler. However, there's filler that can generate enjoyment on multiple levels, and there's filler that exists (in the case of crafting) (1) to waste time ; and (2) to fuel the materials economy. The bottom line, for me, it that I prefer my time-wasting activities to be more engaging than crafting provides to me. If the best I can say about a game activity like crafting is, "It's over quickly and reasonably cheaply." then I'm not interested. Now, I don't turn around and demand the fruits of crafting, I just don't engage with it or those rewards. However, I can see why someone would complain.


> > Clearly OP doesn't like crafting, so of course he's going to QQ that something he wants is locked behind it ... but I'm sure he don't complain when something else he wants is locked behind HIS favourite content ... it's a little selfserving that argument.


> Most of the arguments in this (and most other) thread(s) are self-serving. That includes the perennial arguments in favor of maintaining the status quo. The vast majority of posters have an investment in outcomes.


I think there is nothing to reconsider ... it's ridiculous to complain if something you want is behind content you don't like. I mean, that's almost TYPICAL in most cases.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> You know

> This reasoning can be a damper on any content

> "Why do i have to put in effort to get just about anything?"


The problem to me is that I do wish to play GuildWars2, not MineCraft or Harvest Moon.

That's like saying in real life: If you want a house, you need to master all the different professions that requires them. You better start your plumber career today, becasuse you need to be architect later...


I am also strongly against crafting as a gating feature in every MMO.


In FF14 for example, to get my Stardust upgraded, I did not learn to craft. I needed to fight. The reason why I play this instead of a collecting/farming simulation.



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> @"Kal Spiro.3291" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > >Why Lock new weapon quests behind crafting?

> >

> > Because the alternative options are as follows:

> > -Sell them in the Gem Store

> > -Sell them in the Gem Store via Chests

> > -Make them a very rare drop from some zerg rush "event"

> > -Make them part of a long, involved collection

> > -Just mail them to you instantly

> >

> > 1-3 are worse options that get used far too much and divorce reward content from gameplay.

> >

> > 4 Involves more work than they are probably willing to put into weapons they crowd sourced in the first place. People will complain about it requiring long timer events to complete

> >

> > 5 is a trash option that will lead to them being treated like the free armor outfit or zenith skins. People will complain that literally everyone has them and no one will use them.


> Legitimately speaking, they could have just not use lesser vision crystals, they could have used the recipe book itself as the 4th item in the recipe. They could have just given you the ecto whosit goggles, which they have done for previous things, like the Halloween quest. There are any number of ways to not include Lesser Vision Crystals that don't invalidate the rest of the event. They wouldn't have been as thematically interesting, but whatever.


They could, but this is a good way to get people to level up crafting and eat up some of the mat bloat from Istan.


I'd prefer they nuke the whole meta from orbit, but this is at least something.

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