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> @"Thifire.7209" said:

> Striking a foe breaks stealth, however if the attack was evaded or blocked stealth does not break. I think it would be better if stealth breaks even if the attack was evaded or blocked. What are your guys thoughts on this?


Blocked makes sense. Bur evading? No


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Stealth should break on any action and there should be no way of getting it back until out of combat. That's how every other game works. Stealth right now is way to OP, but even worse in the hands of thief. All they do is port around and stealth making them basically the ultimate meme.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Stealth should break on any action and there should be no way of getting it back until out of combat. That's how every other game works. Stealth right now is way to OP, but even worse in the hands of thief. All they do is port around and stealth making them basically the ultimate meme.


The class is paper anyway, waiting for out of combat...might as well delete the class from the game.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"Thifire.7209" said:

> > Striking a foe breaks stealth, however if the attack was evaded or blocked stealth does not break. I think it would be better if stealth breaks even if the attack was evaded or blocked. What are your guys thoughts on this?


> Blocked makes sense. Bur evading? No



Having only a blocked stealth attack reveal would make little sense from a balance perspective. It would give block heavy classes like guardian a large advantage over stealth classes while many other classes that have little to no block access would gain nothing at all. The fact that guardian of all classes would benefit the most from this is particularly a joke given that Guardian is already the most resilient class to being stealth ganked. Such a change would do nothing for the classes that get destroyed the hardest by stealth classes, while making the few classes resilient to stealth attacks even more resilient.


Honestly using a stealth attack should break stealth regardless of if it hits or not. If a stealthier misjudges his stealth attack then he should live with the consequences.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Stealth should break on any action and there should be no way of getting it back until out of combat. That's how every other game works. Stealth right now is way to OP, but even worse in the hands of thief. All they do is port around and stealth making them basically the ultimate meme.


Oh man... I had to stare at this for like 2 minutes to realise you're trolling. Nice.




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Missing an attack because of blind, blocks or invulnerable makes sense, but just using the skill and hitting the air should not trigger revealed.


Ideally, we'd have an intermediate "Suspicion" effect that reveals when reaching a certain number of stacks, that is earned with certain actions. And have different actions give different amounts of Suspicion.

This way:

* When you get stealth while you have projectiles mid-flight, those projectiles fired before getting stealth would cause less suspicion when they hit. Making allied stealth more useful since allies would not be constantly losing stealth accidentally from projectiles that were fired before they got stealth and they can no longer control.

* Attacks that are blocked, that miss because of blind or that hit invulnerable enemies could cause suspicion instead revealing right away. So enemies with heavy block or blind spam do not get too much of an advantage, but spamming attacks while cloaked can be still punished if you let suspicion build up.

* Weak attacks for very little damage like a trap trigger or caltrops could cause suspicion instead revealing right away, making them more useful along stealth and control builds.

* Condition ticks could build up suspicion, making it harder to stay constantly in stealth while conditions deal damage.


Backstabbing someone would still reveal you right away, but there would be more control between the things that should always reveal right away and the things that should reveal if spammed or stacked, but not used sparingly.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Stealth should break on any action and there should be no way of getting it back until out of combat. That's how every other game works. Stealth right now is way to OP, but even worse in the hands of thief. All they do is port around and stealth making them basically the ultimate meme.


Most other games only have 1 class/build for stealth. Everyone/thing can get stealthed in gw2.

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for most builds thief builds this isn't relevant. you attack window is so slim you can't try backstab twice without a longer stealth, as stealth attacks have a one second CD if missed, and most stealth is 3 seconds. besides this would be an insult on top of failure, like if a warrior misses a arcing slice or eviscerate you give them 3 seconds of weakness just because you dodged their spike.

further my burst as a thief hits with 3 attacks almost instantly. first one rips boons, so aegis isnt that relevant on trickery thief builds. second basi venom is unblockable. and I believe the mesmer hits many times so aegis isn't that relevant either. and last of all deadeyes Death judgement is unblockable.

I don't believe any other classes have stealth in abundance or non-gimmicky ways(trapper runes) to really be an issue during a fight.


> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"Thifire.7209" said:

> > > Striking a foe breaks stealth, however if the attack was evaded or blocked stealth does not break. I think it would be better if stealth breaks even if the attack was evaded or blocked. What are your guys thoughts on this?

> >

> > Blocked makes sense. Bur evading? No

> >


> Having only a blocked stealth attack reveal would make little sense from a balance perspective. It would give block heavy classes like guardian a large advantage over stealth classes while many other classes that have little to no block access would gain nothing at all. The fact that guardian of all classes would benefit the most from this is particularly a joke given that Guardian is already the most resilient class to being stealth ganked. Such a change would do nothing for the classes that get destroyed the hardest by stealth classes, while making the few classes resilient to stealth attacks even more resilient.


> Honestly using a stealth attack should break stealth regardless of if it hits or not. If a stealthier misjudges his stealth attack then he should live with the consequences.


also this change would benefit guardian, and warrior far more than any other classes, which a thief would take nearly any other target than them. and lastly why would this change be needed? are thief and mesmers constantly missing attacks are restealthing? and if they are, why is this an issue? if they are messing up like that, by no means are they playing well, and should be pretty easily countered.

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> @"James.9071" said:

> besides this would be an insult on top of failure, like if a warrior misses a arcing slice or eviscerate you give them 3 seconds of weakness just because you dodged their spike.

They spent all their adrenaline ? How its not punishment?????

On topic : imo reveal could be longer for 1s . Not sure about anything else


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"James.9071" said:

> > besides this would be an insult on top of failure, like if a warrior misses a arcing slice or eviscerate you give them 3 seconds of weakness just because you dodged their spike.

> They spent all their adrenaline ? How its not punishment?????

> On topic : imo reveal could be longer for 1s . Not sure about anything else



yes that is what I meant gaining stealth on thief takes a 30-40 second CD, or 33% of our int in my melee range(offhand dagger) or 60% of our int on Dagger pistol, so wasting that can be punishing, and also in PvP, reveal is an extra second

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> Id like to see a 20%-50% damage reduction in stealth...u should give something up to gain a massive advantage with sneak attacks like invisability.


a huge reduction in damage for non stealth attacks, when used from stealth would be fine. because stealth attacks are designed to hit from stealth, but as any class and build can recieve stealth by itself or outer sources, their attacks might not be balanced about being cast from stealth.

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> @"James.9071" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"James.9071" said:

> > > besides this would be an insult on top of failure, like if a warrior misses a arcing slice or eviscerate you give them 3 seconds of weakness just because you dodged their spike.

> > They spent all their adrenaline ? How its not punishment?????

> > On topic : imo reveal could be longer for 1s . Not sure about anything else

> >


> yes that is what I meant gaining stealth on thief takes a 30-40 second CD, or 33% of our int in my melee range(offhand dagger) or 60% of our int on Dagger pistol, so wasting that can be punishing, and also in PvP, reveal is an extra second

Also depends on elite spec thief have. DE is free stealth with rifle ,drd with bound could dodge through BP too .

Its just my opinion that reveal could be 1s longer than its now ,thats all xd

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Also depends on elite spec thief have. DE is free stealth with rifle ,drd with bound could dodge through BP too .

> Its just my opinion that reveal could be 1s longer than its now ,thats all xd


its still takes something that is limited, Daredevil bounding through black powder is the least resource heavy way. but deadeyes still have to burn a dodge to stealth which I wouldn't exactly call free.

> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > Id like to see a 20%-50% damage reduction in stealth...u should give something up to gain a massive advantage with sneak attacks like invisability.


> a huge reduction in damage for non stealth attacks, when used from stealth would be fine. because stealth attacks are designed to hit from stealth, but as any class and build can recieve stealth by itself or outer sources, their attacks might not be balanced about being cast from stealth.


yeah, this wouldn't really hurt anything, except maybe that one-shot world impact build. but yeah i pretty much agree with MUDse


to play devil's advocate. if we are talking about giving up stuff for massive advantages. how about rooting guardians with they renewed focus, or warriors when they use shield stance, distortion can be really strong too, I think it needs a cast time that will interrupt attacks, channels, and stomps, along with firebrand mantras, they reading chapters right? so it should take the amount of time it takes to read out a chapter in a book. oh AND, they should give photon forge a cast time, since its really strong, and it should take a little bit of time to build up that much energy. oh and protection, it reduces a lot of damage so it should lower your speed, make you feel more like a tank with you have it!

...I should stop before I come up with an obscene nerf for every class in the game.

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