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Where will we go next?


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Hoping for Cantha/Seas/DSD expansion. It doesn't have to be as human-centric as people make it out to be, especially if it adds in Tengu. Not to mention the Kurzicks are more like vampiric elf-like humans at least in appearance than just a plain oriental human. I don't know why people are so caught up on it involving more humans.


But given the amount of map added to the east, and the map changes to some of those areas, it's entirely possible we wind up going there. I'm just not sure what the plot will be. It would seem odd if Kralk flew back up North, and I don't know how they can make an entire expansion around Charr conflict without people getting more burnt out on it than they apparently are on humans.


As to going North, unless something happens that awakens Jormag/Primordus yet again, I don't see what reason we would have to go there. Unless we need to learn more about the spirits of the wild or something? And I doubt either of those dragons would awaken again anytime soon.


So, it's looking like we're just going east and following the Kralk plot, or going south to Cantha or some islands somewhere.


I guess there is the possibility that we could go somewhere not even on Tyria but in the mists. But that would be weird with us having so much going on in Tyria still. Not to mention it would probably yet again be even more human focused than Cantha would be.


I don't know that we will have a solid clue as to where with the next episode given that we will probably just be working back into Kralk and dealing with Joko aftermath, but the episode after that may give us a much clearer indication.


There's always the possibility that Joko could be more than what we realized, and have ties to something that pulls us into a completely different direction against a completely different enemy.



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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I don't think the Cantha haters need worry.



I don’t “hate” Cantha. I “hate” retreading the same old stuff because for some reason people want GW1 nostalgia rather than original content, which is nonsense to me, and therefore I don’t want them to take the plot to Cantha.


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If for no other reason than the fact that ArenaNet went so far east with their internal world map rather than west (if they were thinking of doing Cantha next, they would have expanded it west and further south to include all of Istan, imo), I think our next direction will be either Dzalana or the charr lands east of Ascalon. Since ArenaNet has failed to meet my expectations thrice in a row with main villains and plot directions for the sake of "checking off lists" and "attempted nostalgia paychecks", I'll not really guess on what the plot will be.


I think they're going to wait a while for bringing back Jormag and Primordus, if only to keep it from being stale with "dragon, dragon, god, dragon, dragon" plots. Personally, I really think the game needs a another down-to-earth villain to be a main villain, like Scarlet was; one who's threatening not because they're an alIpowerful, but because they're capable of exploiting and manuevering in ways the stationary-in-their-lair-behind-hordes-of-minions Elder Dragons aren't. I had hoped Lazarus and Joko would fill such roles but we know how they went. Only established potential villain at this point would be Bangar Ruinbringer, who if turned villain as hinted, could provide perhaps a true civil war narrative that got abysmally lost with the sylvari in HoT, especially since these would be willing enemies rather than forced, as someone up above brought up.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > I don't think the Cantha haters need worry.



> I don’t “hate” Cantha. I “hate” retreading the same old stuff because for some reason people want GW1 nostalgia rather than original content, which is nonsense to me, and therefore I don’t want them to take the plot to Cantha.



Did you ever play GW? Of course people what to re-visit area's they once played or loved - I myself would love to see how Cantha would be 250 years on. I understand people either didn't like cantha or what new stuff.

My comment which you seemly took ownership of is *my* frustration that an area I would *love* to see probably won't happen. I generally don't care what race is involved, be it human, norm or quaggan. There are many people who don't want Cantha or at least 'another' human area .

I'm no longer wishing Cantha will be an expansion, because it is a moot point.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Did you ever play GW? Of course people what to re-visit area's they once played or loved.

Not to mention, no company would spend the time for all that GW1 Beyond content setting up how Cantha changed, only to totally ignore it in the next game.


If Anet just wanted Cantha not accessible in GW2, they would have simply made them isolationist in response to the dragon's risings, and have left them that way with some quip about how Cantha will be open again once the dragon situation is dealt with, or something of that nature.

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I heard somewhere that the next episode is about tying up loose ends. The big ones I see are:


1. What will happen to Elona now that Joko is dead?

2. Who was Joko really?


I think to answer both of these, we will move north. Maybe help the Sunspears rebuild their old sanctuary and visit the spot where Joko was defeated and then imprisoned.


As far as next expansion, I suspect we are going to Cantha. If not Cantha now, then probably never Cantha. After that, I could see an expansion dealing with Jormag and Primordius that has areas such as far shiverpeaks and Deldrimor Front.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Only established potential villain at this point would be Bangar Ruinbringer, who if turned villain as hinted, could provide perhaps a true civil war narrative that got abysmally lost with the sylvari in HoT, especially since these would be willing enemies rather than forced, as someone up above brought up.


Anet should hear this, a massive war envolving various "factions" would be, by far, more interesting than a reedited HoT with purples crystals instead of plants. I would not mind if they kill kralkatorrik still in LS4. A evil charr emperor will be very epic.


The only thing that could make a plot to kill Kralkatorrik more interesting, is that something will involve a ancient, "lost magics" lore, like recover a dwarwen, seers artifacts, or even bring the gods/forgotten related stuff into the mix.


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I feel like you just took the last half of the map and put 5 everywhere. lol I definitely agree with 4 though. I'm not so sure about 6. I guess you did it because it's closer to the purple mountain, but I'm not sure what all is there really that would be worthy of story.


I guess it all depends on where we are going in the next expansion. I'm also not sure that we will actually deal with Kralk in the purple mountain. A partially suspect that Kralk will fly North again towards Scavenger's causeway passing west of the desolation. We may fight him on the purple mountain, but I dread to think what that map will consist of. A giant purple crater with floor of death and the same color scheme everywhere? I guess that's what bloodstone fen was and people didn't mind it too much, but I just worry that it might be a bit too much.


I don't see us getting more of Istan though, unless we find out something about Joko's origin that somehow involves that area and we have to visit it in an attempt to heal Aurene of whatever affliction she is dealing with due to eating him.


The 5 east of Gandara could be interesting as one of the final maps or the final map if we are indeed going to Cantha. Perhaps some corsair outpost there and some potential Cantha tie-in.


If we're going to the Charr lands and east, then I would wager that the area where Kralk first took flight will come in before we fight Kralk for some reason.



Who knows though. It's not jumping around like it was last season, but that could partially be because it was focused on Joko who is now out of the picture. Now that we're back to Elder Dragon focus potentially we could be jumping around in a much larger area due to Elder Dragons being more of a global threat even if Kralk is still only focused on that one area.


I'm definitely ready for the next episode though. Hope we get something on it soon!


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I feel like you just took the last half of the map and put 5 everywhere.

Yeah, I have a hard time placing 5 because it could literally be basically anywhere, and make sense. It is, in some ways, both the least important, and the most important, of the episodes. I would get rid of it entirely if it wasn't for That Shaman suggesting there would be 7 episodes, and thus, i need to think about where all 7 would be.


> I'm not so sure about 6. I guess you did it because it's closer to the purple mountain, but I'm not sure what all is there really that would be worthy of story.

Several things. One the old Sunspear Sanctuary in Kourna is located there, and, unless Joko collapsed the whole place in, it would make for a great central command for the forces we gather against Kralkatorik. Its a good spot near enough to Kralkatorik's lair that it would be a relatively short march to his lair, but still far enough away that you wouldn't get swarms of branded coming off the mountains because you are too close.


It would also be useful to the Sunspears themselves. We have already set up a base in Vabbi, as part of the Griffon collection, and they have one in Istan, under the Astralarium, it would make sense for them to turn the Old Sunspear Sanctuary in Kourna back into their base for the region. Helping them regain their foothold in Elona that much more. Not to mention the choice of letting the Sunspears into Amnoon which further helps their recovery.


That area is also where the Elonian Centaurs lived, and while Joko claims to have killed them all, I wouldn't be surprised if we find a living tribe to interact with. Would be great to see more non-hostile centaurs, and possibly get them on our side in the battle against Kralkatorik.


>If we're going to the Charr lands and east, then I would wager that the area where Kralk first took flight will come in before we fight Kralk for some reason.

I've suspected that as well, and the area around "Lake Kralkatorik" in the Charr Homeland got updates back when Episode 1 came out, the same update that also changed parts of the map around what would become Sandsweapt Isle, The Domain of Kourna, and the area around Jahai/the Waterworks.


If we do end up going there I would suspect it would be to find something of KRalkatorik's, be it a scale, or blood, or some magical tie, to use either to make a new weapon to use against him like the Dragonblood Spear was, or to help /empower Aurene in some way.


It would make sense narrative as well

-Episode 1 = Help the Sunspears, gain the Corsairs as allies, find out Joko is back and looking for something

-Episode 2 = Find the Olmakhan, defeat the Inquest in Elona, stop Joko's portals, and try(fail) to prevent him from getting the Scarab Plague

-Episode 3 = Stop Joko from releasing the plague, and end his threat of invasion

-Episode 4 = Deal with the Fallout of Joko's death, Order of Whispers/Shadows stuff, change gear to fighting Kralkatorik

-Episode 5 = Go to Charr Homelands are around Lake Kralaktorik to find mcguffin needed for anti-Kralkatorik weapon/help Aurene. Likely deal with some more Olmakhan/Charr stuff.

-Episode 6 = Go to Kournan Sunspear Sanctuary area to establish forward base where all of our allies/whatever Pact soldiers Logan can send can rally at before moving on the Dragon. Meet up with, and gain allies in some Centaur tribe.

-Episode 7 = allied army moves on Kralkatorik, we use anti-Kralkatorik weapon/Aurene to beat him, Aurene takes his place so planet wont die, insert hook to Expansion 4 here.


>I don't see us getting more of Istan though

I largely agree. I just put it as a possibility since the datamined map goes down further into Istan enough to where they could maybe squeeze another map in if they wanted, its on the really low possibly chart for me.


>I guess it all depends on where we are going in the next expansion. I'm also not sure that we will actually deal with Kralk in the purple mountain. A partially suspect that Kralk will fly North again towards Scavenger's causeway passing west of the desolation.

I would be really sprised if Anet had him fly off again, simply becuase it would be utterrly stupid idea to try to follow up a desert themed expansion with ANOTHER desert themed expansion, especially when Path of Fire already hit all the major Kralkatorik beats one would expect(Vlast, Glint, her lair, the spear, etc.) since Balthazar was going after Kralkatorik, and thus, we were going after Kralkatorik indriectly by going after Balthazar. I just don't see the narrative hooks needed to support what would amount to another Kralkatorik themed expansion.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > I feel like you just took the last half of the map and put 5 everywhere.

> Yeah, I have a hard time placing 5 because it could literally be basically anywhere, and make sense. It is, in some ways, both the least important, and the most important, of the episodes. I would get rid of it entirely if it wasn't for That Shaman suggesting there would be 7 episodes, and thus, i need to think about where all 7 would be.


> > I'm not so sure about 6. I guess you did it because it's closer to the purple mountain, but I'm not sure what all is there really that would be worthy of story.

> Several things. One the old Sunspear Sanctuary in Kourna is located there, and, unless Joko collapsed the whole place in, it would make for a great central command for the forces we gather against Kralkatorik. Its a good spot near enough to Kralkatorik's lair that it would be a relatively short march to his lair, but still far enough away that you wouldn't get swarms of branded coming off the mountains because you are too close.


> It would also be useful to the Sunspears themselves. We have already set up a base in Vabbi, as part of the Griffon collection, and they have one in Istan, under the Astralarium, it would make sense for them to turn the Old Sunspear Sanctuary in Kourna back into their base for the region. Helping them regain their foothold in Elona that much more. Not to mention the choice of letting the Sunspears into Amnoon which further helps their recovery.


> That area is also where the Elonian Centaurs lived, and while Joko claims to have killed them all, I wouldn't be surprised if we find a living tribe to interact with. Would be great to see more non-hostile centaurs, and possibly get them on our side in the battle against Kralkatorik.


> >If we're going to the Charr lands and east, then I would wager that the area where Kralk first took flight will come in before we fight Kralk for some reason.

> I've suspected that as well, and the area around "Lake Kralkatorik" in the Charr Homeland got updates back when Episode 1 came out, the same update that also changed parts of the map around what would become Sandsweapt Isle, The Domain of Kourna, and the area around Jahai/the Waterworks.


> If we do end up going there I would suspect it would be to find something of KRalkatorik's, be it a scale, or blood, or some magical tie, to use either to make a new weapon to use against him like the Dragonblood Spear was, or to help /empower Aurene in some way.


> It would make sense narrative as well

> -Episode 1 = Help the Sunspears, gain the Corsairs as allies, find out Joko is back and looking for something

> -Episode 2 = Find the Olmakhan, defeat the Inquest in Elona, stop Joko's portals, and try(fail) to prevent him from getting the Scarab Plague

> -Episode 3 = Stop Joko from releasing the plague, and end his threat of invasion

> -Episode 4 = Deal with the Fallout of Joko's death, Order of Whispers/Shadows stuff, change gear to fighting Kralkatorik

> -Episode 5 = Go to Charr Homelands are around Lake Kralaktorik to find mcguffin needed for anti-Kralkatorik weapon/help Aurene. Likely deal with some more Olmakhan/Charr stuff.

> -Episode 6 = Go to Kournan Sunspear Sanctuary area to establish forward base where all of our allies/whatever Pact soldiers Logan can send can rally at before moving on the Dragon. Meet up with, and gain allies in some Centaur tribe.

> -Episode 7 = allied army moves on Kralkatorik, we use anti-Kralkatorik weapon/Aurene to beat him, Aurene takes his place so planet wont die, insert hook to Expansion 4 here.


> >I don't see us getting more of Istan though

> I largely agree. I just put it as a possibility since the datamined map goes down further into Istan enough to where they could maybe squeeze another map in if they wanted, its on the really low possibly chart for me.


> >I guess it all depends on where we are going in the next expansion. I'm also not sure that we will actually deal with Kralk in the purple mountain. A partially suspect that Kralk will fly North again towards Scavenger's causeway passing west of the desolation.

> I would be really sprised if Anet had him fly off again, simply becuase it would be utterrly stupid idea to try to follow up a desert themed expansion with ANOTHER desert themed expansion, especially when Path of Fire already hit all the major Kralkatorik beats one would expect(Vlast, Glint, her lair, the spear, etc.) since Balthazar was going after Kralkatorik, and thus, we were going after Kralkatorik indriectly by going after Balthazar. I just don't see the narrative hooks needed to support what would amount to another Kralkatorik themed expansion.


Strong logic.

Aurene is getting bigger and slowly evolving, accenting enough in the gameplay.

I can see how it will take a big place in the lore and maybe show some unique abilities which allow us to kill more dragons.

Since I don't think, too, ANET will put kralky in next expansion, nor there will be another desert themed one, I think we will finish kralky story here, in this living season (unless he moves north).

After this Aurene will absorb its powers BUT at the same time, this will awake all other dragons.

Or at least Jormag+Primordus as I think their only known weakness should bound them in one story.

These things will solve the problem with eventual duplicate themed expansion, by introducing different villains and different map layouts.

And here begins the 3rd expansion :)

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I'm wondering if we will need to deal with Menzies at some point, either in LS or a raid wing. It didn't really seem like that situation was resolved, and with the balance being disrupted due to so many eternals becoming forged, he might be able to make a play for Tyria or power in the Mists.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Or at least Jormag+Primordus as I think their only known weakness should bound them in one story.

Yes, Jormag and Primordus being each other's weakness does make killing them at the same time seem pretty mandatory. Unless they do each in their own expansion, and just have us take some element of whichever one we kill first to forge a weapon to kill the other.


Though, if they do have us deal with both in one expansion, I would presume it would be the last one, as a final "we kill the last two Elder Dragons and saved the world", way to end the game. Which wound necessitate us going to Cantha or w/e to fight Bubbles first.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Or at least Jormag+Primordus as I think their only known weakness should bound them in one story.

> Yes, Jormag and Primordus being each other's weakness does make killing them at the same time seem pretty mandatory. Unless they do each in their own expansion, and just have us take some element of whichever one we kill first to forge a weapon to kill the other.


> Though, if they do have us deal with both in one expansion, I would presume it would be the last one, as a final "we kill the last two Elder Dragons and saved the world", way to end the game. Which wound necessitate us going to Cantha or w/e to fight Bubbles first.


Bubbles is the strongest of them all :)

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> @"LUST.7241" said:

> There's a lot going on the Surface World...but we still have lots Underground, Underwater, and...space, the final frontier. Honestly, there is still so much they can sell us on.

I suspect a Primordus expansion will be the big "underground" expansion, likely taking us to some dwarven ruins, and the ruins of one of the 6 big asuran cities from before they were forced to the surface.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"LUST.7241" said:

> > There's a lot going on the Surface World...but we still have lots Underground, Underwater, and...space, the final frontier. Honestly, there is still so much they can sell us on.

> I suspect a Primordus expansion will be the big "underground" expansion, likely taking us to some dwarven ruins, and the ruins of one of the 6 big asuran cities from before they were forced to the surface.



Id rather cover the entire map we have now instead of more layers - and they move Primordus on purpose, for a ring of fire/ sea of sorrows expansion

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Id rather cover the entire map we have now instead of more layers - and they move Primordus on purpose, for a ring of fire/ sea of sorrows expansion

There's not enough room in the Ring of Fire for an expansion. The Ring of Fire only has one island left unexplored, and its only the size of Ember Bay. The Sea of Sorrows is just water. Not to mention, going underwater to reach Primordus would be pointless since Primordus is underground, not underwater. So if we went into the water, it would just to be to find a place to dig into underground where Primordus is.


Primordus only went to the Ring of Fire so he could absorb Mordremoth's power, but that's already over, so he has no reason to stay there. It makes more sense for Primordus to wake up, move back under the Shiverpeaks where hes safer, and then use that to give us an expansion that begins in the Deldrimor front area, then has us go underground via ancient dwarven/asuran tunnels, to find one of the old Asuran cities, and then reach Pridmordus.


While the dragons aren't racially coded or anything, each one of them has been used to explore, or gain new information on, a new area of the world.

-Zhaitan was Orr/humans/gods lore

-Mordremoth was Maguuma/Sylvari/Forgotten lore

-Kralkatorik was Elona/Crystal desert lore

-Bubbles will likely be Cantha lore

-Jormag will be Far Shiverpeaks/Norn lore

-Primrodus will be Southern Shierpeaks/Dawrven/Asuran lore

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Id rather cover the entire map we have now instead of more layers - and they move Primordus on purpose, for a ring of fire/ sea of sorrows expansion

> There's not enough room in the Ring of Fire for an expansion. The Ring of Fire only has one island left unexplored, and its only the size of Ember Bay. The Sea of Sorrows is just water. Not to mention, going underwater to reach Primordus would be pointless since Primordus is underground, not underwater. So if we went into the water, it would just to be to find a place to dig into underground where Primordus is.


> Primordus only went to the Ring of Fire so he could absorb Mordremoth's power, but that's already over, so he has no reason to stay there. It makes more sense for Primordus to wake up, move back under the Shiverpeaks where hes safer, and then use that to give us an expansion that begins in the Deldrimor front area, then has us go underground via ancient dwarven/asuran tunnels, to find one of the old Asuran cities, and then reach Pridmordus.


> While the dragons aren't racially coded or anything, each one of them has been used to explore, or gain new information on, a new area of the world.

> -Zhaitan was Orr/humans/gods lore

> -Mordremoth was Maguuma/Sylvari/Forgotten lore

> -Kralkatorik was Elona/Crystal desert lore

> -Bubbles will likely be Cantha lore

> -Jormag will be Far Shiverpeaks/Norn lore

> -Primrodus will be Southern Shierpeaks/Dawrven/Asuran lore



Maybe, but I see clearly an expansion around the Tengu emerging (which is why sea of sorrows), and exploring RoF - remember the draconis mons mountain has lots of shorelines on all sides that are unmapped. Could maybe include tarnished coast gap too, idk...


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> -Zhaitan was Orr/humans/gods lore




What part of the personal story explored humanity or the gods? It was more focused on sylvari and asura than humans or gods. From temple metas which has a major over-reliance on asura magitech (Balth, Lyssa, Melandru; Grenth is rather race-neutral, while Dwayna is indeed human orientated), to the PS itself (from giant asuran megalasers to golem suits unleashing megalasers, to sylvari rituals and special sylvari units, with the oddball charr tech tossed in and one human priestess who had to be aided by asura tech to do anything).

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Maybe, but I see clearly an expansion around the Tengu emerging (which is why sea of sorrows), and exploring RoF - remember the draconis mons mountain has lots of shorelines on all sides that are unmapped. Could maybe include tarnished coast gap too, idk...

Tengu emergence would be tied into a Cantha expansion, since many of the Tengu tribes come from Cantha. While I could see a singular map in the Dominion of Winds, any Tengu related content would have nothing to do with the Sea of Sorrows, or the Ring of fire.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> What part of the personal story explored humanity or the gods? It was more focused on sylvari and asura than humans or gods. From temple metas which has a major over-reliance on asura magitech (Balth, Lyssa, Melandru; Grenth is rather race-neutral, while Dwayna is indeed human orientated), to the PS itself (from giant asuran megalasers to golem suits unleashing megalasers, to sylvari rituals and special sylvari units, with the oddball charr tech tossed in and one human priestess who had to be aided by asura tech to do anything).

I never said anything about the personal story Konig. Lore is not just contained in the story missions.

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