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How about new Guild Hall upgrades?

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I don't think it's wise to lock LWS1 content behind access to a large guild hall, if the content were to return. I'm also fairly sure you need to have a HoT account in order to start the claiming of guild halls to _then_ access the aforementioned content, though I'd love to hear that this has changed for at least the one PoF hall.

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The PoF music upgrade should have been here a long time ago now.

I would like to see more upgrades that give permanent boosts to players. Like the 15% waypoint discount (which also needs more upgrades to get this number higher)

Think of a +5% gold from mobs. So i is worth to represent guilds and joining one. There already is the enhancements. But it isnt enough and its locked behind HoT purchase.


More content also that will bring people to guildhalls. The bank is a good idea. Because the scribing station already offers this possibility.


Decorations upgrade limit. More decorations that can be place. And also more then 20 items in range 500. Most systems these days will be able to handle it.

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> I don't think it's wise to lock LWS1 content behind access to a large guild hall, if the content were to return. I'm also fairly sure you need to have a HoT account in order to start the claiming of guild halls to _then_ access the aforementioned content, though I'd love to hear that this has changed for at least the one PoF hall.


Yeah, to claim GHs you need HoT account, but that maybe would be changed by Arena.net in future? (for example, can enter GH, but cannot use NPCs and structures as long as HoT isn't purchased, exception here would be 'portal' to these maps).


The idea was to bring 'attention and activity' to guilds. To get bosses, you'd have to work progress on instanced map (for example: Besieged LA -> Battle on the Breachmaker) or just boss event (Marionette in that case). LFG would be used to 'share' info with other players, group of 50 can enter map (and GH, because being in party/raid group allows you to visit other GHs) - so here would go promotion of guilds hosting events -> new members, community growth benefits etc.

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> The PoF music upgrade should have been here a long time ago now.

> I would like to see more upgrades that give permanent boosts to players. Like the 15% waypoint discount (which also needs more upgrades to get this number higher)

> Think of a +5% gold from mobs. So i is worth to represent guilds and joining one. There already is the enhancements. But it isnt enough and its locked behind HoT purchase.


> More content also that will bring people to guildhalls. The bank is a good idea. Because the scribing station already offers this possibility.


> Decorations upgrade limit. More decorations that can be place. And also more then 20 items in range 500. Most systems these days will be able to handle it.


Yep, same for HoT sounds. ;)

Well increasing Waypoint Discounts I guess would be possible, but hmmm, I guess other 'benefits' would be more desired, like mentioned bonus gold.


Yep, that was mostly idea to increase 'benefits' of being in guild (discounts, new activities, social etc.).


Yeah, I agree about decoration limit upgrade (or remove it, instead in Settings option like "Decoration Visibility Limit: Lowest <-> Highest" maybe?).

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I admire the detail you put in there, although ofcourse feel i have to point out it would be upto Anet what the actual features would be. But yeah, I definitely wouldnt mind more guild features like that.


I still would consider all the world bosses (maybe more) eligible for the guild event starter consumable. Some more control guilds get over certain events on a relatively cheap cost would definitely improve a great deal, not just for rewards, but also achievements for example. Waiting for some schedule to run the event is imo very cumbersome.


Ofcourse limits would be needed to be in place, so that instance or map stability isnt at risk. Although I have obviously no clue how that exactly works, we know they only have certain resources per map instance... At least, we know what happened to the Kourna release when the map suddenly was bigger.

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> @"Makarow.3028" said:

> Hello!


> I've recently been thinking, Guild Halls need some more love from our game developers. So, decided to share my ideas and thoughts.

> Also, if you have questions or ideas about improvements/changes - feel free to discus about them here in topic. =)


> Have a good day!




I don't have a firm opinion on most of the subject, although I'd tend to agree that the LS1 battles thing isn't a good idea. It then raises big huge enormous guilds to the status of "Gatekeepers of Access to LS1 Battle Simulations", and I don't think that's a good thing.


Secondary observation: It would have been better to put all the text that describes the change as actual text, not a bunch of pixels. It's hard to quote pixels.

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I would like to see more GH upgrades, but I fear that the comments on the OP's suggestion will sound kind of discouraging:

- Notary: Capital city Teleport - Won't happen, because Anet wants to keep cities busy. Sounds useful to me, though.

- Notary: World Event Hub - Is this really something the majority of guilds would use?

- Marionette / Breachmaker - Will be a Gemstore thing IF the Anet Dev's will ever work on LS1 stuff and make it an instance

- Tavern Music stuff: It is a good idea for completionists and I kind of like it

- Merchants & Crafting Stations in general: Won't happen, because it would keep people out of cities.

- Deco Merchant - I don't get that. recipes are available as an auto unlock, when new deco parts from festivals (like Zephyrite Lanterns) became available.

- Workshop - Plant Synth 4 is a good idea

- Mine - I don't think faster Aetherium is needed and a higher capacity is only needed if the need for more then 25k is newly created


New ideas:

- War Room: War Supply Armory: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all armour professions again

- War Room: War Supply Weapons: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all weapon professions again

- War Room: War Supply Logistics: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all Cook, Jeweller and Scribe

- War Room: Increase Plunder: Gain an additional 5% extra track gain on WvW Reward Tracks, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

- War Room: Increase Fame: Gain an additional 5% extra WxP, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

- War Room: Soldier's Share: Double the coin rewards from doing WvW guild missions and gain one additional Guild Commendation for each mission

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> - Deco Merchant - I don't get that. recipes are available as an auto unlock, when new deco parts from festivals (like Zephyrite Lanterns) became available.


> - Mine - I don't think faster Aetherium is needed and a higher capacity is only needed if the need for more then 25k is newly created


> - War Room: Increase Plunder: Gain an additional 5% extra track gain on WvW Reward Tracks, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

> - War Room: Increase Fame: Gain an additional 5% extra WxP, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

> - War Room: Soldier's Share: Double the coin rewards from doing WvW guild missions and gain one additional Guild Commendation for each mission


I agree on your mine and war room suggestion. No more speed is necessary and the leyline tools are really stupid.


Your increase in plunder and fame. Should not be locked behind de enhancements from the tavern.


For the deco merchant. They only bring out decos with festivals and expansions. Would be nice to see more basic stuff. Like stairs, bigger crates and a bed for example. We also have the raid floor tile. But it would be nice to have some simple wooden floor tiles. Stuff like that. Most of this stuff is already somewhere ingame.

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> Your increase in plunder and fame. Should not be locked behind de enhancements from the tavern.


The Tavern buffs are only at guild level 7 and 14, so a lot easier to get. I am following the OP's idea of adding stuff "on top" of existing upgrades, so the Plunder & Fame ideas will be added and will be no extra buffs.

From a tech point of view, I think only one guild buff can be active, so you will still have to decide whether to go for track or WxP. Last year (?), when they made the WvW infusions for WxP and Reward track, I think that came up when I asked a Dev here on the forum, why they can't combine them.


PS: I don't think they are working on extra GH decorations outside of the Festival (and Raid) decorations - and wouldn't that be a Scribe update... and not a GH update?

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I would also want to see some upgrades:


* Guild Arena Rule Manager. Allows switching between PvE, PvP and WvW skill rules. Someone with permissions can talk with the NPC and change from the current rule set to one of the other two rule sets. After changing the set of rules the Guild hall reloads to a version of the same guild map with the newly selected rules.

* Mission Slots: Heart of Thorns and Mission Slots: Path of Fire. 3 upgrades per expansion that unlock 1 easy, 1 medium and 1 hard mission in each expansion region, with missions like:

* Guild Adventure: Complete the indicated adventure. A bronze completion gives 1 point, a silver completion earns 2 points, a gold completion earns 4 points. Requires reaching bronze to earn personal rewards.

* Easy: Earn 20 points in 25 minutes.

* Medium: Earn 25 points in 20 minutes.

* Hard : Earn 30 points in 15 minutes.

* Guild World Challenge: Complete the indicated Meta-event. Requires completing the meta-event with 100% participation to earn personal rewards.

* Guild Mount Race: Complete the indicated mount race. Requires reaching the end for personal participation.

* Guild Bounty Tour: Complete a number of bounties in the indicated map within 30 min personal rewards require earning gold participation in one of the events.

* Easy: 2 champions.

* Medium: 4 champions.

* Hard: 5 champions and 1 legendary.

* Guild Stables: Allows guild members to 10 silver to rent a mount for 15 minutes.3 upgrades, one per mount: Raptor, Skimmer or Springer.

* Scribing: Capture orb. Unlocks a SCribing recipe to craft an asuran device that can be used on champion enemies to give the user and the champion an effect with a timer. If defeated before the timer ends, the enemy gets the "Cage" effect seen on bounty targets in guild bounties, and on top of its usual drops, players who also had the capture orb effect get an item that they can give to the Menagerie NPC to add the creature to the guild menagerie. If the targeted champion can't be captured, the orb has no effect and it is refunded. While all capturable enemies are champions, when placed on the guild hall as decorations they will have a normal appearance.

* Guild Menagerie: Unlocks an NPCs that can keep track of captured creatures. Players can check this in a panel it opens by talking to this NPC. Captured creatures are placed like decorations by placing a 'spawning' object only visible in decoration mode, which is placed just like any decoration or arena obstacle.

* Only up to 100 creatures can be placed around the guild hall as decorations. They will be neutral and will roam around without moving too farm from their spawning object.

* Some of these creatures can be placed in the Arena to fight. Only up to 10 creatures can be placed in the arena. Each unlocked creature usable as an arena enemy will have 5 versions, one per rank: Normal, Veteran, Elite, Champion and Legendary.

* Scribing: Schematic: Forged Warbeast. Allows to craft a terrifying forged warbeast in WvW. It requires 500 supply to craft and has 250000 health. It can only be built within Keeps and Stonemist while controlled. The warbeast only lasts 2h once built. It s attacks are similar to Superior catapult and flame ram attacks, and deals increased damage to gates, walls and NPCs, takes reduced damage from siege and NPCs, but takes increased damage from enemy players. Each WvW team can only control one warbeast at a time per map.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> I doubt they would put all the merchants, banker, crafting stations and such into guild hall and made all the major cities almost empty. New players would think game is dead.


i disagree on this. Guild halls are empty for the most part. a little more activity would be a nice thing. And if they were upgrades not everyone would bother to do them as they can save the gold and just go to a cap city.

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I mainly hope they expand the mission system, ideally with some that are friendlier to smaller guilds. E.g., a PvE mission slot that requires you to beat a certain HoT meta 5 times in a week (either one person completing 5 times, or 5 people running it once), but that doesn't need to be "activated", it's just always there. Or, similarly, an always active mission to beat 5 PoF bounties. Or a raid slot that has you beat a certain boss, maybe with some special modifiers to add challenge.


Another thing that would be a nice upgrade is adding a personal daily for guild members, in one of the game modes (three separate upgrades for each mode, but only one can be done per day per account). It could be completed solo, and reward some favor (20-40 or thereabouts) and a writ representing 1/5 of a commendation.


More complicated to implement, but maybe better for the guild, would be another daily that basically assigns a member to supply random mats that are needed by the treasurer.

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We definitely hang out in our guild(two actually) but it's because a couple folks took the time to REALLY decorate. One gh has a super cool roller beetle track with ramps and jumps while the other had a really intricate jump puzzle. The second is currently dismantled as they are changing it with the new decos but it'll be back. I've also seen pics of other guilds with jump puzzles.


Anyway yes guys yes more stuff for guilds.

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Guildhalls are actually used quite a lot, perhaps not for group content as much as they did when HoT just came out and they were fresh and new and shiny, but they are still used for multiple things

- Boosts in waypoint cost, city speed, that vendor in the tavern sells boosts to wvw, xp, magic find, gathering, etc etc.

- Gathering nodes

- Merchants with guild exclusive stuff

- People still build jumping puzzles in their guildhalls every now and then

- There's a portal that teleports guild players to a location for guild missions and its a very nifty tool

- When people go dungeoning or raiding together they usually meet up in the guildhall

- RP guilds use their guildhalls a LOT for RP.

- There are roller beetle guilds who make racetracks and hold races in their guildhalls

- The pvp arena! PvPers probably go take on eachother every now and then?


I would absolutely love new upgrades to come to the guildhalls. Especially since PoF had a new guildhall, but as time goes on, we really need more content to do in terms of helping out a guild. There are so many max lvled guilds out there that may want new upgrades.

Perhaps in the far future. But so far, i am all in for new guildhall upgrades and content and perhaps even other little bits of content like collections, Perhaps there could be a worldboss meta event that can take place in guildhalls, because you capture your guildhall from enemies, But what if the crystal hecks up and you have to defend? And you can trigger it yourself? You can make it a mini raid! You could customize settings and make your own difficulty and build your own dungeon type thing. in your own guildhall!! I would be all in for that.

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Sorry for not responding for long time, but been a bit busy. I'll try respond to others soon, don't wanna make a wall of text again. :P


> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> I doubt they would put all the merchants, banker, crafting stations and such into guild hall and made all the major cities almost empty. New players would think game is dead.


Well, we have 'Mistlock / Airship / Lava Lounge / Lily of Elon / and more' passes, I doubt it would make a bigger harm.

> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> I don't have a firm opinion on most of the subject, although I'd tend to agree that the LS1 battles thing isn't a good idea. It then raises big huge enormous guilds to the status of "Gatekeepers of Access to LS1 Battle Simulations", and I don't think that's a good thing.


> Secondary observation: It would have been better to put all the text that describes the change as actual text, not a bunch of pixels. It's hard to quote pixels.

Yes and no. These events requires cooperation in group => no single player content. So anyway you would use LFG to keep up and group up (which I mentioned, guild host entry pass and anyone can join from LFG).


Well, was thinking about text wall but... people 'read' with eyes.


> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> I would like to see more GH upgrades, but I fear that the comments on the OP's suggestion will sound kind of discouraging:

> - Notary: Capital city Teleport - Won't happen, because Anet wants to keep cities busy. Sounds useful to me, though.

> - Notary: World Event Hub - Is this really something the majority of guilds would use?

> - Marionette / Breachmaker - Will be a Gemstore thing IF the Anet Dev's will ever work on LS1 stuff and make it an instance

> - Tavern Music stuff: It is a good idea for completionists and I kind of like it

> - Merchants & Crafting Stations in general: Won't happen, because it would keep people out of cities.

> - Deco Merchant - I don't get that. recipes are available as an auto unlock, when new deco parts from festivals (like Zephyrite Lanterns) became available.

> - Workshop - Plant Synth 4 is a good idea

> - Mine - I don't think faster Aetherium is needed and a higher capacity is only needed if the need for more then 25k is newly created


> New ideas:

> - War Room: War Supply Armory: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all armour professions again

> - War Room: War Supply Weapons: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all weapon professions again

> - War Room: War Supply Logistics: Unlocks the deactivated Crafting Station in the home borderlands for all Cook, Jeweller and Scribe

> - War Room: Increase Plunder: Gain an additional 5% extra track gain on WvW Reward Tracks, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

> - War Room: Increase Fame: Gain an additional 5% extra WxP, if you have chosen the Guild buff from the Tavern

> - War Room: Soldier's Share: Double the coin rewards from doing WvW guild missions and gain one additional Guild Commendation for each mission

1. If TP, Banker and crafting stations would be 'separated enough away, I guess it wouldn't be that harming much. :P

2. Teleport to City would be useful to keep cities busy (because people would teleport to them, no?).

3. Or they always can turn it to instanced World Boss.

4. Like most of people said, no new music themes is disappointing.

5. Same does already permanent passes.

6. Well, here I wanted to change it a bit. You'd have to buy recipe with Karma to unlock recipe. Or, can trade Living World currencies for decorations maybe. That can be done in really various ways.

7. Was thinking about more ideas for Workshop, but at this moment lack of them. :P

8. Well, would create some gold sink + progression for new content.


With these War Supply would appear the same problem like with Guild Hall crafting stations, people would camp WvW instead of play there. Altrough idea is nice. :D

Three last ideas I like, would be useful!



> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> For the deco merchant. They only bring out decos with festivals and expansions. Would be nice to see more basic stuff. Like stairs, bigger crates and a bed for example. We also have the raid floor tile. But it would be nice to have some simple wooden floor tiles. Stuff like that. Most of this stuff is already somewhere ingame.


>To be honest anything guildrelated. Would be fine by me at this point.. please devs take a look at the many topics out there.. so much awesome ideas.


Well, that's why I mentioned about Living Story decorations. Kinda shame they confirmed no new expansion after Living World Story Season 4. :( So not much new decorations incoming... meh.


They don't want to look at any of these topics, because they're too busy counting money. ;) Otherwise after long time here would appear at least one single Dev response



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I think that the personal instance they introduced recently will bury GHs for good. Nothing was done since their release. I doubt that it will happen now that a more profitable item has entered the scene.

Beside that, I'd love to see them offer more to do in our GH and more upgrades. Add more vendors and bring the GH closer to the lobbies, Add more options for the portal, more destinations like dungeons, major cities or the WPs next to world bosses. I'd love to get an upgrade where I could spawn test golems in the arena like in fractals or the training area. An upgrade, where a guild could place markers and checkpoints for races or JPs would be neat too.

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> @"Makarow.3028" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > I don't have a firm opinion on most of the subject, although I'd tend to agree that the LS1 battles thing isn't a good idea. It then raises big huge enormous guilds to the status of "Gatekeepers of Access to LS1 Battle Simulations", and I don't think that's a good thing.

> >

> > Secondary observation: It would have been better to put all the text that describes the change as actual text, not a bunch of pixels. It's hard to quote pixels.

> Yes and no. These events requires cooperation in group => no single player content. So anyway you would use LFG to keep up and group up (which I mentioned, guild host entry pass and anyone can join from LFG).


Of course, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to lock it behind access to a guild hall. Events like Tequatl and especially Triple Trouble require coordination and cooperation, but they aren't locked inside guild halls. So it's not the idea of LS1 battles themselves that's problematic so much as the "via guild hall" aspect.


> Well, was thinking about text wall but... people 'read' with eyes.


Sure, but people read text that's text with eyes just the same as they read text in a picture with eyes(1), but text that's text is easier for responders to manipulate with the forum page.


(1) Ultimately the browser renders it all as a picture, after all, unless you're trying to use lynx...

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