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Home Not So Sweet Home Instance

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I never managed to "bound" with my home instance... Some wilderness corners are more homely. I'm never tempted to go back... I have pirate chests, a troll, a quaggan, a belcher expert in it... But I'd rather have a bed, a wardrobe, an aquarium, you know, like in Mass Effect?


And you, do you like your home instance? If so, why???

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I like my Salma home instance because the layout is very easy for me to make a quick circuit and hit all of my gathering nodes.


Also, Vigil Crusader Dalloros lives under a bridge there.

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/35f976d84eff52d8b007b142a2ea5b69/tumblr_inline_p01sbrhH2l1scjk7a_400.jpg "")

I'm not sure what he does all day, but he's my favorite home instance cat. I'd like an option to feed him, but no one is sure what he's hungry for which makes it a difficult problem to solve.

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M home instance is where I farm the nodes I've put there. I see it for maybe 5min evry day then I'm done with it. Wouldn't bother with it if it were'n for the gathering. Maybe once everey year I show other players around when they ask, as a grand finale I let the bloodstone crazed cat wipe the party.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I get that some people like "housing" in MMO's. I can't wrap my head around why, though. In every game I've played where housing existed, my interest waned after the first couple of visits. I'd much rather have an instance that's mine where I can _do_ something other than look at it, even if that is "only" gathering.


What people like about housing is the ability to decorate and redecorate and re-re-re-re-redecorate it, and sometimes to get a group of friends in for RP purposes. SWTOR's latest "stronghold" also adds the ability to host ad-hoc team or individual PvP events without queuing for the toxic cess-pool that is Warzones. But there are also gathering-node decoration objects in SWTOR, and yes, that feature *is* unusual in my experience.


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The Home instance and "Bustling Cities where you can play up to 30 minigames" are two failed promises of GW2, imo. I am still waiting for that Shooting Gallery in Divinity's Reach to become operational. I would have preferred Everquest 2 approach to Housing: instanced, with entrances spread across the world. Some in cities, some across the Open World in villages and Hamlets. And customizable off course, with both crafted and store bought stuff. Next xpack maybe? :)

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I visit mine daily. Although my main is a human, it always the the Applied Development Lab in Rata Sum. It has the best view, awesome architecture, all is open and easy to access and there are random Asura around, even some golems and computers. In addition there are all the cats I collected so far and M.O.X. who welcomes me on every visit. Although I have not played GW1, I like his music. I can also meet a few characters from my personal story, long ago. It is really cool to have a Quaggan and a priory researcher around.


The gathering nodes are there, a nice collection by now. Friend of mine asked me just yesterday, why did I waste so much gold on all the LS nodes? I hear quite often, that the nodes are useless and I should save my money to complete my Juggernaut finally. I can understand that 50g per node is a lot and many players rather invest the money on other things, but the ones complaining are usually the ones bathing in gems & gold anyway, as they spend a lot of time farming. The other people like to join when I offer, so they can loot and benefit from my "stupid" decision ^^.


Another reason to have the nodes: I collect them daily, even if I have only 5 minutes to play. In the end I have several stacks of each currency in the long term, so I am able to buy every piece of gear I want instantly. I do not have to farm a certain map for a week or two to get what I want, I can mostly lean back and just do my dailies. If I ever feel the need of a certain gear-piece with some special stats, I just need to grab my currency-mule and go shopping ^^.


I really like the concept of the home instances. The game is designed for exploration, not for hiding in an personal house and decorating rooms all day long. Although I have to admit, that while decorating our guildhall, I can easily get lost for hours XD.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> yup home instances = Salma district / Dreamer's terrace / Hunter's hearth / Hero's canton or Applied development lab

> By the way, why no home instance in lion's arch?


Our characters being offered to buy a house in LA would be a sweet way to eventually introduce such a feature (as opposed to changing the home instance).


Edit: Or even being given one. Bear knows we’ve done more than enough for that city by now.


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Been playing this game for 6 years now, I've completed each racial and alternative storylines for many characters of mine. Though this was a few years ago. Haven't been in my "home" instance(s) since then....


Remove the home instance and re-add the Canthan district in Divinity's Reach! :) :+1:

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I have cats.

Lots of cats.

What else could anyone possibly ever need?


Other than a Black Lion upgrade that gives you an NPC that gathers the nodes for you with your equipped tools, that is.

Oh. And a book case.

And maybe some areas you can buy expanding the home instance so you can build stuff there with cheaper scribing recipes that do not have endlessly nested recipes over and over, and that do not need finishing kits.

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