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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Personally I like the favorites idea. But there is a second option that could be done concurrently that would be great for things you have unlocked but will NEVER want to use. Give us a "hide" option as well as a favorite. Them we can hide everything we hate (like the starter gear skins!) So it doesn't clutter up our options. If you want to see what you've hidden just toggle the show hidden option(that they could add). Great for collection enthusiasts who don't actually want to use everything they collect for achievements.


Note this should be per character. That way you can customize it based on who you play. Maybe your necromancer despises white so you could hide all the white dyes. Or maybe your sylvari won't use anything technological, so you could remove machine based novelties, pets, skins etc from your options to keep in line with your characters backstory more easily. Or maybe to just hate anything brown. Etc.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"kratan.4619" said:

> > At this point in the game I pretty much just salvage anything because there would be nothing that I can get to improve my gear from drops. The loss from not getting the extra couple yellows, or maybe an exotic, for salvaging really is not much of a loss overall.


> You're missing the chence to get a pee then tho.


You mean the .00001% chance that a Pre will drop from unId'd gear, and almost certainly not a blue, and it probably being even barely registering for greens? As for the OP's problem, if you accidently do this when auto-salvaging...how about just not auto-salvage anymore, problem solved(yes, it takes more work, but if you don't want to auto-salvage un-ID'd gear, then just don't auto-salvage...or don't do so many events and lose track of your drops that the items start ending up in your regular bag. Is it that hard to stop what you're doing and take 10 seconds to salvage a few items(yes, the amount of time is exaggerated, I exaggerated it for a reason...stopping to salvage isn't going to kill you or break the game, just think of it as your character being exhausted from all the work[events] and needing a break to catch their breath).

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Well, yeah. Deletion is drastic and brings probable issues. That's exactly why I suggested it. I'm trying to get ANet to understand that a huge, unsortable collection is a **P.R.O.B.L.E.M.** (Painful, Really Objectionable, Beyond Laughable, Extreme Mess) for anyone who dares to try and keep things organized. A big enough problem that people begin to suggest stupid things in the hope that ANY action is finally taken.


We've asked for and suggested TONS of options in threads dating way back (some quite simple to implement). This is just one of the many Quality-Of-Life things that they seem content to completely ignore. A QoL update is way overdue. So yeah, it only gets more frustrating and I'm more hesitant all the time to buy new minis.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> >I don't believe a fix is coming anytime soon.


> Because there is nothing to fix. This is working as designed.


If they are working as designed then the design is flawed.


You can check the thread I've linked for detailed explanation why that's the case.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Start using an invisible bag as the last bag in your inventory like the rest of us and you'll be fine.

> And always leave 1 piece of unidentified gear in your invisible bag so all new drops stack there.


I find 3 shared slots is better then 1 whole bag slot wasted on invisible bag myself.

Since that work for all my alts at the same time.

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I also think that identified gear should not be as easily salvageable as it is now. Shared inventory slots and invisible bags are band-aids and not a solution. A true solution must be automatic to avoid human error as much as possible.


I am not sure I agree that unidentified gear should be changed into another unsalvageable container: There are plenty of people who do not want to bother with identification but want to salvage for mats. I think a compromise such as an automatic deposition into an invisible bag would be better.


> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> Seems to be working fine. Don't you look at your items before you salvage? The unidentified gear is all pretty much junk anyway, so salvaging it before or after opening is pretty much the same.


I do not know the latest research data for unidentified gear, but the data posted after the unidentified gear changes (identification was made to be no longer affected by MF) indicated about 20% higher yields after identification. It might not look like a big deal if we are talking about 2-3 pieces, but it becomes a significant sum when you salvage a couple of stacks.

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I only bother to open the yellow ones, the others are not worth it. I either salvage them, or sell them on the trading post.

But... don't people look before they salvage? Accidental salvage is a very rare occurrence for me. How many times have you accidentally done it? There is nothing wrong with them now, just slow down a second and look before you salvage - which is common sense anyway.

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> I only bother to open the yellow ones, the others are not worth it. I either salvage them, or sell them on the trading post.

> But... don't people look before they salvage? Accidental salvage is a very rare occurrence for me. How many times have you accidentally done it? There is nothing wrong with them now, just slow down a second and look before you salvage - which is common sense anyway.

One accidental salvage is already one too much. Moreover, it should not be hard to add a marker to unidentified gear so it automatically sorts into an invisible bag. We do know that similar sorting is not only possible but already implemented in the game (crafter bags, consumables bags, gear bags, etc.)

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A. On the home instance node items, please include a message showing whether or not you have unlocked that particular node for your home instance.


B. Please place a revive-o-tron in each of the lounges (ie. Lily of the Elon in Crystal Oasis) entry point locations so I won't need to rely on the 'kindness of strangers' for a revive haha.

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# Versatility Update for Outfits


When I first started playing, Outfits/Costumes had multiple pieces for the purposes of tighter contained dye-ing, and you could also choose whether to display the outfit's headgear or a different one. This led to really nice combinations, like the [Phantom Hood and Witch's Outfit](https://gfycat.com/shorttermmildcottonmouth "Phantom Hood and Witch's Outfit"), and greatly contributed to early Aesthetic Pursuits.


I imagine many of the more recent outfits come in one piece for a reason, but it's clear that the head-slots are still separate, since they can be hidden while the rest of the outfit is worn.


A toggle for both the outfit and the outfit headpiece, to allow either the player's normal armor or headpiece to be mixed and matched with the outfit's main armor or headpiece would do great things for Fashion Wars, and (hopefully?) not require an incredible amount of coding.


A longer term goal that would be *amazing* would be to break individual outfits into areas again, at least for the purpose of dye-ability.

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I'm sure this has been suggested many times, and it doesn't affect that many, but I believe its simple and should be fairly easy to do.


Please make Eternity lockable in one form or the other, so that rather than rotating between day and night we can pick which form we want showing all the time.

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If the Living world magazine is going to be a continued method of content release information (and it should). Send players in game mail with a link to the magazine so that more of the player base actually knows it exists. You could even spice up the mail with some lore or allow us to "subscribe" to the magazine by talking to an NPC crier similar to the brew of the month club.

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> @"Doctor.5068" said:

> If the Living world magazine is going to be a continued method of content release information (and it should). Send players in game mail with a link to the magazine so that more of the player base actually knows it exists. You could even spice up the mail with some lore or allow us to "subscribe" to the magazine by talking to an NPC crier similar to the brew of the month club.


Living world magazine? What is this? And where?

Okay, I googled it and found a pdf on the GW2 site. Looks kind of cool, but also looks like a paper mag scanned in. A bit blurry, and pixelated. Is there a clean digital version somewhere?

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# There are so many pages of comments here already that I don't have the time to read through all to see if these things have been said yet or not, but here I go!

I am a leader of a big guild on the EU side and we host guild events and missions every week on multiple days. We have ran into many problems when it comes to the actual built-in guild content, especially Guild Missions and Guild Hall.




## The Guild Missions

The Guild Missions are fun and there are quite a few of them, but I don't remember when was the last time that those saw an update?

The RNG that decides the missions for each week on Monday reset can be really pain in the butt when you get the same missions over and over again. You might get 3x Bounty and 3x Trek missions for a week for example, which seems ridiculous..

So my QOL suggestion for guild missions is to perhaps get new missions or make the current ones more meaningful and feel less like a chore.

* New Trek Locations

* New bounty targets / update current target skills or route

* New races

* New challenges or tweak the challenges to provide more action and less idle time

* New puzzle mechanics (it is easy to trap guild members behind in previous rooms/areas currently with big group)

* Maybe a new level of guild missions for even harder one (extreme missions)




## The Guild Hall

The guild halls we currently have are super, great, absolutely fantastic... Especially when you can decorate them how ever you want (with few restrictions).

But there are problems with the instances. When a big group enters the guild hall at the same time (during missions for example, to use portal), we sometimes end up in 2 different guild hall instances and it't not even the "new instance" click yes or stay thing, but actually on 2 different sub servers. This is annoying if the mission leaders with portal access get into the other instance where the other members are not in...

My own suggestions for Guild Hall QOL changes are these

* Increase the instance size, so bigger guilds don't have to click YES 100 times before starting content together

* Add separate Banker NPC instead of having to use the Scribe station for Bank and Materials

* Add new level(s) for big guilds to have reason to complete missions and gather materials for the guild for new upgrades

with new guild levels, we could perhaps unlock mystic forge, trading post npc, practice dummies etc. into the guild hall

* Increase the Decoration limit per space to allow more freedom on creating even more beautiful Guild Halls




There are probably more things that I was about to write about and say, but I am currently down with a flu and it is quite early in the morning.. so I am sure I missed something.

Final notes:

I would love to see more updates towards Guilds, Guild Missions, Guild Halls and perhaps bring back the GW1 Guild vs Guild ?

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Balance wvw classes from individual extremely overpowered game broken builds and mass group plays will be even more balance. EX: mesmers thiefs rangers all have stupid builds that can survive outlast escape full partys chasing them on foot due to mechanichs not given any thought to it. No class should be able to do that.

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