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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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● Current story progress information on character select screen.

(Current mission title and overall completion percentage.)

It would fit in just nicely bellow the map completion.

This information is very useful when selecting a character.


● Dye Templates.

Able to save up to 5 templates on Dye screen, for both armour and Mounts.

Save current dye selection function, and tab change for quick load.


● Salvageable skins in exchange for transmutator charges.

Also make mount skins salvageable too.


● Henchmen, Heroes, and Mercs.

...for Private instances only; not open world.

I think it's time to introduce heroes into the game.

I personally would love to have a choice to select a partner or two, using my other characters as mercs. Being able to use their current build, weapons and armour.

I really want this please.

When we login, or when we enter a private instance, have the choice to select one or two characters from our roster to fight with us.

I really want to pair up my characters.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:


> ● Henchmen, Heroes, and Mercs.

> I personally would love to have a choice to select a partner or two, using my other characters as mercs. Being able to use their current build, weapons and armour.


I love your idea. I kind of think of my toons as a team who get sent on different missions and that's why they never actually meet up in the world. Yeah, they're all pact commanders too so that takes some mental gymnastics but maybe it's more like a multiverse thing. They're each in their own dimension. And who doesn't like an inter-dimensional cross-over? Also, being able to choose a team from your roster would give the game even more of an RPG feel, like Eye of the Beholder or Bard's Tale.

What would make this even more awesome... and admittedly impossible but I can dream, is if your partner toons played the way you play. I mean, the AI learned your style and re-enacted it. Then again.... if you saw your toon just going 1111111 it might be kind of embarrassing. XD


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CC Skills should have a thick outline of a specific color like blue, or greenish/turquoise to identify them. If fights require breakbar, in most cases it fails because either the players don't know which of their skills are for CC or because not enough of them are using the CC Skills simultaneously.

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**Visage of the Khan-Ur**

It's still almost unobtainable until now, hope there'll be more ways to work toward it, the khan-ur infusion as the jackpot prize is enough for the "recovered charr artifact" already. I hope devs can consider the following method(s) for obtaining the helmet:


1. Add it to the PvP/WvW Reward track and make it account bound

2. Change the reward of the "Bound by Blood Mastery" from the emote to the visage of the Khan-ur, move the emote reward to the achievement **"merchandise collector"** as the t-shirt thing is already avaliable in the chili vendor

3. Add a new achievement, something like "unlock the Secret of the Khan-ur vault for x(amount) times" and reward the helmet, yes it's time gated but at least we can have a way guaranteed to obtain it


As a charr user i really hope there'll be a better way to obtain the helmet, i sincerely hope you devs can consider the methods mentioned above, thanks.

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I'd like to see improvements to the combat log. At a bare minimum, I'd like another option (or an enhancement to the "Interrupts" selections) to show all CC. I can't count the number of times I've been poring through the log trying to figure out what and who yanked me halfway across the screen or permastunned me or whatever. General CC stopping me from being able to cast a skill at all is much more frequent (and serves the same purpose) as being interrupted mid-cast.


Beyond that, it would just be nice to fix the bugs. I know there are many scenarios where you take damage but it doesn't show in the log at all, and others where the damage shown is wrong. Further enhancements would be nice, but I'll leave that to other more min-maxey type users to suggest.

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My top issue with GW2 continues to be the same complaint since launch: the sheer number of utility skills that are unequivocally weaker than average that never receive any attention. eg: Ele glyphs, Ranger Spirits, Revenant Kalla legend, numerous specific skills in every class. Oh and virtually all ranger pets are fricking terrible.


Or why WVW is still basically the same set of 4 or so classes/specs that are useful to play, assuming you want to actually play with your friends in the zerg.


Traitlines in general have improved a lot since launch but there are numerous utility skills languishing in dis-use, even after reworks. It's frustrating.



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I have a suggestion, which sort of qualifies as QOL. I did a quick google but did not find any past discussion on this.


I was playing a recently released western game, and it also has a daily system. Their daily system has a reward for when you've completed at least one daily every day for a week. So my suggestion is for you to add some sort of daily streak rewards, just for some extra motivation for people who are like me, to log on and do the daily every day.

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For staves with animations on the top, Royal Flame Staff and Bifrost, for instance, for necromancers the casting scythe animation interferes with the staff animation and looks kind of wonky. Could we have a means of disabling the scythe animation? Really, while it may be cool at lower levels, for higher level content, you put all the work in to getting something like Bifrost, and the scythe animation obscures the staff animation.


Considering it's necro-specific, it should be easy to do. There will already conditional code that says do this for a necro and no one else. It would be nice if we had a flag that disables it. The current code likely goes something like this.


If (necro==true) then

`display sycthe`

end if


It could easily be changed to something like this and all that would have to do is add a checkbox to necro character gear screens similar to the ones used to hide headgear and shoulders (Logic for hiding character specific items already exists). The change between the conditional statement and the form layout change for the checkbox, should be a very minimal code change.


If (necro==true) and (scythe_checkbox==true) then

`display sycthe`

end if

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My list of QoL improvements; (I'm sure most of these have been listed but just wanna make my list all together.):

**Disable Glider Option**

-(in agreement with Hesione.9412) please put a check box to disable gliding in the options menu. This would let the jumping Puzzle runners and fanatics like myself to have the challenge of all the jumping puzzles prior to Heart of thorns. and that dang glider has killed me more times than anything by accidental over sensitive deployments.


**Environmental Soulbound Item Skill Bar**

-_Shortcut availability_ so that we don't have to have our huge inventory taking up half the screen and then having to stop mid fight to then search through all my bags for the group of environmental weapons and items. (this would exclude the account bound items which are for the shared inventory slots)

-_More convenience slots that could be buyable with gems_. the slots would have to be unlocked account-wide but have the ability to store character soulbound items for each individual character. (i.e. my Mesmer could have slot 1 the experimental rifle and slot 2 the experimental teleport gun and my Ranger could have slot 1 as rock, and slot 2 as mortar seed turret.) this would alleviate all the soulbound items in the inventory and make them much more usable in the game for PvE Gameplay.

-_Make it a Menu_ where it populates all soulbound items in your inventory in a list on the left and the available slots on the right with the corresponding shortcut lingo.

-_Add a small Bar to the HuD_ with a button in which it can be maximized to show the bar and minimized to hide the bar


**Character Login screen**

-_Make a favorites list_ (I'm in agreement with others) on the pinning the main characters that we play to be at the front of the list. like make a favorite characters section above for the top 3 favorite characters. some of us have 15+ characters and scrolling through them all is a pain.

-_Scroll Over Selection_ give a quick snapshot of the main attributes for the character like Name, level of professions(i.e Cooking 453, Jeweler 24), Personal story level (i.e. name and level needed), World Map completion percentage, and i'm sure there is a few others ppl have thought of. I really hate having to log into every character with huntsman symbol to find out which one has the highest level for that profession to then have to re-log several times. yes if i just leveled them all up it would work too but a simple number next to the icon would fix this issue.

-_Zoom in/out feature_ My Asura are so small and my Charr take up the entire screen. Would be nice to zoom in/out and see the detail on all the characters current armor.

-_Picture Mode:_ have the ability to hide the surrounding HuD without having to wait the 15 secs, have more backgrounds from earlier character select screens, GW2 wallpaper art and/or fan art to where we can have our characters pose and take snapshots of them. (have ability to select emotes or poses for pictures)


**Account-wide gathering tool slots**

-Add buy-able account-wide gathering tool slots i agree with earlier post of 400 gems per slot. this would make me play my other characters more as having to keep swapping the unlimited tools between characters is a pain.


**Customizable Home Instances**

-_Pick up and place nodes_ (excluding the farm) the placement of those nodes are horrendous in every home instance to me. having the ability to organize my nodes and place them in my home where I want them to be would be sooooo much better.

-_Allow furniture unlocks_ in the home instances: it doesn't feel like a home at all as its not customizable like the guildhalls with placing "furniture" items anywhere you want. most of the home instance space is completely wasted. no one goes to their home to admire the story they chose or sit and listen to the 3 npcs standing around.

-_Purchasable merchants/bank/trade post/ other useful npcs_ : this would be a way to add some of the basic useful npcs found in cities for the players that want to make use of their home. could even monetize it with gems like (i.e. Home Instance Merchant 400 gems) also makes the home instance portal that much more valuable.

-_Unlockable Special Collections Merchants_ : these would be like the Special Food merchant where you have to go collect every buyable food item from merchants around the different maps. these would then unlock that food item in your home instance for the same prices int the world whether karma, coin, or other currency. Add the racial weapon and armor merchants to be unlockable in the racial appropriate home instance. they could be unlocked just by leveling up to proper level or by doing another collection.


**Hall of Monuments Personal Lounge**

-_Make it into a personal lounge_ for those that took the time to link their GW1 accounts. Could even retrofit it to have the npcs dress in GW1 outfits for bank merchant and trade post. Doesn't have to have all the perks in the paid lounges but just the basic 3 or so npcs for quick trips. like crafting npcs are not necessary. also making it customizable with furniture, plants, decorations, etc... would be nice too.


Greatly increase the amount of available unlockable storage vaults please i would buy so many more if you had more available to unlock.


That's all i can think of i may come back and add to this later. but those would all be a great QoL in this game after playing GW2 for the past 2653 days since launch. i know this is long but wanted it to be readable and organized.

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Here a thing I thought about recently, can't know if it will be useful:


~When one of the players within your group/guild leave, it shows a message in chat telling they are disconnected, same when they connect themselves.

Ex: X is disconnected. Y joined the game.


Why concretely?

1~You are doing a fractal/raid/strike or whatever and the person crashs.

There is no way for the person to tell you I'm crashing, it's a random event.


2~You're having a nice discussion. Let's say here between X and Y. At a moment, Y crashs. X continue to ask questions and speaking until noticing 4mins later that Y isn't here anymore.


It would be faster than seeking the name and checking the status, especially if you have a big group or guild. It could be toggled off. That's it.

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PvP build be segregated from the PvE build so for less mishaps and messups of changing stuff in PvP accidentally. (major)


(minor) "time limit" in rolling beetle achievements text could be specified to be the "silver" time limit. (this is minor, though). LOOOVe the fact that eles and engis can change weapons now!! whooo!

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Add Fractal of the Mists as possible game mode for Templates auto-changes and savings.


FotM maybe PVE content, but it has certain elements that can make player to change build.

For example, Thief's Signet of Shadow, give 25% movement speed. Good for Open World. But in FotM there is a Mobility Potion, 5 stacks of which gives same 25% movement speed. Signet of Shadows should be changed. Automatic build change in this situation is not bad thing.

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A simple request: Once the [black Lion Delivery Box](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Delivery_Box_(disambiguation) "Black Lion Delivery Box") has been accepted using the 'Take All' option within the in-game mail system, the mail is automatically deleted from the inbox. This would work for all variants that exist such as LW3 only, LW4 only, the combined version, etc.

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There is little use in hiding the menu strip in/out off combat dynamically.

I would prefer a "**Show on mouse hover**" option for those tiny UI elements and / or chat.


It may be worth artifically adding to the element boundaries in the calculation so that it actually begins to fade in when the cursor is approaching. Dunno, might need testing.



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Please make capes visible in the Character Selection screen. That is, make back items visible in that screen. It's always been a glaring omission that neither back items nor weapons are displayed on that screen. If you want to do it properly, include check boxes on that screen to toggle the visibility of back items and weapons, and even toggle weapon sets. I know others have asked for this and now, with capes, it's even more noticeable more glaring.

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Can elementalists change weapon whilst in combat too please?

Might aswell.

The advantage, if any at all, won't be significant.

All other classes have their own F Skills, so why was this made as it was to begin with?




Here's something fresh and unique.

Also, please add land spears for Guardians already.

Pretty please.

Instead of doing the usual way that requires an Elite Spec; it now requires you to complete a quick collection to learn the way of the Paragon, etc, according to each unique class.


You could do the same for Necro/Dervish > Scythe... and why not do a unique weapon for all other classes too?


Mesmer > Whip



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