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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I have been complaining about this since the dawn of GW2 more or less...

Please, ANet, I implore you, tone down the effects with new releases! D:

Just watching the new Jormag Rising trailer makes my head spin and my eyes bleed.


Can we at least get an option to turn off/tone down skill effects? That would be a saver for so many of us.

There's way too much shine/vibrance/noise with the visual effects that it kills the aesthetics of the game for me.

I love having a clear image before me, as visuals + sound make 90% of game for me.

It could also fix FPS issues for so many as well when it comes to big meta events.


I hope this gets heard and thank you in advance. <3

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Made a thread about this without checking on this earlier.


I've been complaining about visual clutter/noise since the dawn of GW2.

We need an option to fiddle with the effect opacity. Not only will it spare our eyes, but it will also fix FPS mess during big meta events.


Visuals + Sound make the game for me, so naturally when the screen is cluttered with visual noise it kills any kind of joy for me.

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I have to agree, It can be hard to see whats going on in big groups.

It's especially noticeable on the new maps, Drizzlewood has a great landscape but In my opinion is very cluttered, I get that it's supposed to look war torn with the metal scraps, siege and walls everywhere and with constant explosions all of this is okay to an extent but what makes it so much worse in my opinion is the bright auras on every enemy - all of this combined with everyone's skills going off it's just a visual overload.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > @"LadyHawk.5319" said:

> > LOTRO has a setting where you can turn off the skill effects of other players. Not slightly lessen them like we have but turn them off. That would be awesome! Not just for skill effects but for character visual effects as well. Really tired of the eye cancer.


> If it could rid us of the Dreamer sound effect too


There is a separate option for that in the settings

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Unfortunately it is unlikely this issue will ever be resolved. If anything, in spite of the constant feedback of this issue, Anet have stacked more and more effects - especially through the game worlds - over the years. It's almost feels like the are trying to worsen the problem rather than solve it.


As much as I would like Anet to finally listen to the community on this one, they are deaf to it and I can't ever see the situation changing

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It might not really be a Quality of Life update, but I think it would be fantastic to see some Human and Norn face options with Down Syndrome. My daughter has Down Syndrome, and I know of numerous other people that play and have Down Syndrome. As far as I know there isn't an MMO, or even a game for that matter, that allow the player to make a Down Syndrome character. I understand there's going to be ignorant trolls about it, and those people will most likely be dealt with. More importantly, however, I think it would be a fantastic way to add just a little more inclusion for quite a few people. It may very well be a great way to bring more people with disabilities in to the game as well. I'm not asking for a plethora of Down Syndrome face options, but 2 or 3 would be fantastic. It's a small little thing that would mean a lot to a lot of people. I only asked for Human and Norn because they would be the easiest to achieve this with, but if you could swing it for the other races as well that would be even better.








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Guild Hall wide minigames that are available with earlier guild halls. Thinking a good example is along the lines of the Lunatic Inquisition's setup of a hide and seek sort of PvP that increases seekers with hiders that get killed. I figure would be an opt in function, and maybe rule change options like seeker can't respawn, and maybe the seeker has a longer range weapon, or seeker count changes. Then can do hunting style gamemodes in a guild hall with your own personal flavors of what the match actually is.

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code in a toggle for each gear slot, to hide and show shiny effects.

currently there's 2 distinct markets, 1 that likes shiny, 1 that hates, and you're selling skins that can only cater to one or the other - some of the more recent pcs come as paired versions (shiny/nonshiny), but IF its possible to modify your coding in the gear inventory window to toggle the effects on/off, i think it'd be more efficient in the long run to implement this, both on sales, skin management, development.


i think it is worth investing into this for a long term profit/benefit

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Okay its been awhile, played thousands more hours, time for some new / improved suggestions :

1. Please allow Mounting in Home Instance (and some other Instances where it wouldn't affect actual gameplay)

2. Boost Jeweler to 500 and allow us to craft, however expensively, Ascended Trinkets.

3. Legendary Weapons: When you have 2 in play, one in main hand, another in off hand, make the footfalls alternate instead of just having main hand footfalls visible.

4. Mouse Pointer Options: Please let us change the color or size of the mouse pointer. I am so tired of having to shake it like mad during a meta event to find it on screen.

5. For Guild Hall racing, please allow us to purchase via racing medallions things like Orb boosters, checkpoints, and such.

6. Window Memory. Item and Vendor windows stay where we put them last, but crafting stations and bank windows do not. Please make them all stay where we put them.

7. Infusions: Some of them would be more desirable if they didn't affect Hair. I have had some I sold that might have been cool and usable had they not made the character's hair indistinguishable from their flesh. Ember Infusion in particular looks stupid covering hair as well as skin.

8. While on Hair, please adapt hats so they don't erase hair. I would love some Outfits and headgear that went ON TOP of hair, not INSTEAD of hair.

9. Make Barrel Toss an Event in next Dragon Bash festival. It's Right There, taunting us with a fun mini-game we can't play!! It's the one time of the year we should be able to choose that activity instead of just having it a random activity.

10. Chuka & Champawat sound effect is not as loud as The Dreamer. I want louder roars please! :)

11. Please make a single player Story Mode for Raids and Dungeons. I would love to explore the lore without being in a group that wants to skip as fast past content as possible. I should not have to Youtube to see a story from a game I own!

12. Please provide a Guaranteed Recipe for Mystic Clovers. It can be super costly, just Please!! Anything would be better than the super-low drop rate of the current formula. I know some people get better than 33% but some of us (me) are lucky to get close to even that!

13. Mounting Rules: They suck. Srsly. I should NOT be prevented from mounting up because some rando I can't see or find has Targeted me. IRL if you get targeted or mobbed and need to flee, your car or bike doesn't just stop working for your enemy's convenience. Perhaps we should only be prevented from mounting if we are under a condition that prevents it? That seems so much more fair. Might still be annoying against certain foes, but not all of them like now.

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Can we have a communal aura item storage area thats on the hero panel, and then for each hero you can enable and disable which auras you want visible for each character on your account. And then if you want to sell an aura youd just take it out of your aura storage and sell it. You could make money buy starting everyone with a definite amount of aura slots and sell more slots for gems. This would help with quality of life and may even reduce visual clutter.

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In one of the next or ongoing living world episodes or even in a playable episode in the eye of the north, could we please get another source of [Crystalline Ore](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Ore) . Defeating Mordramoth is all fine and dandy but its a LONG slog from beginning to end. Now this source doesn't have to rain it down like candy to us but just a alternate place since its used in guilds and in crafting and as currency.

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Suggesting once again for "Collapse All" "Expand All" options for crafting recipes. To scroll thru them is wearing out my mouse scroll wheel and my patience. To use the name search, I have to remember the name of the item and then, when I hop to my next crafting char, I have to remove or change the name, as it shows the name permanently from the previous char until removed. To open the search filters, filter out my choices, then hop to my next crafting character and wonder why the recipe isn't there, realizing I filtered, resetting the filters, is way to much and unnecessarily complicated when a simple click of "Collapse All" will lead me to my desired section a hell of a lot faster. For example:


Present Scroll Method:

Step 1: Scroll

Step 2-x: Repeat Step 1 until desired recipe.

Step y: Click on desired recipe


Present Filter Method:

Step 1: Click filter

Step 2: Uncheck unwanted filter parameters

Step 3: Check wanted filter parameters

Step 4: Scroll thru the remaining recipes

Step 5: Click on desired recipe.


Present Name Search Method:

Step 1: Type in the name of the desired item if you know it

Step 2a: If name is remembered, click on desired recipe

Step 2b: If name is not remembered, wiki it or go to scroll method.

Step 3: Repeat Step 1

Step 4: Click on desired recipe


Suggested Collapse All (and Expand All) Method:

Step 1: Click Collapse All

Step 2: Scroll thru shortened list of Subsections to the desired Subsection

Step 3: Expand desired subsection

Step 4: Click on desired item


'Collapse All' is less stressful, quicker, and nothing impeding will carry over to the next crafting character you go to.

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QOL improvement:


Please move the map layer UI somewhere else, since we cant change layers if we just sold or acquired items, for example if we sold a bunch of junk while we're in the mistlock sanctuary and we need to waypoint somewhere, we need to wait for all the items/copper to clear out before switching to Main Tyria map.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Give us a way to abort a race adventure. If you make a bad turn going for gold, you shouldn't have to wait 12 minutes (or re-zone) just to start over.


there is the X above the quest objective of the race ( should be on the top right side of your screen)

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