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revenants are ruining pvp (along with cheese guard w/ judge's intervention)


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:


> at ;least make their tps not work without line of sight or nerf the dmg to compensate

When my reflects still worked i could dodge that "insta" teleport, now i'm a piñata. Basically the moment the guard disappear is not the same as the one he appear and yes it can be dodged.



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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Can't believe I am actually reading there is no skill needed for revenant and it is overpowered.


> There's not really any skill required for a game like GW2, but revenant is basically a 5-button class.


bro every class has 5 buttons idk what to tell you


> Everything revolves around a few meme skills which negate spacing, can nearly 1HKO players and which instantly save the rev without any timing required outside of a button press. The heavy mental work beyond that is just 2-3k autoattacks while facets give the user a passive 20+ might.


Just wrong lol. Congratulations, you played rev vs a test dummy. You can make any class sound simplified and brainless like that.


Inb4 he hits me with the "There's not really any skill required for a game like GW2" again like an edgelord

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  • 3 months later...

so glad the meta right now is 3 thieves/revenants/core guards (can probably work with 4) and zerg everyone


i've been crying about no cast time no line of sight teleports for as long as i remember playing this game but arena net refuse to listen to people that actually have brains (me) and instead go on catering to the mass whine and now all the garbage is catching up on how ludicrously broken the ganker classes in this game are and the meta has shifted from any point playing to running around with a class that has unfair mobility then teleporting through a wall with a pre-casted ability to finish someone who's fighting another person and who can't possibly fight back


the only reason this wasn't the meta a few years ago was because the average "pro" in this game is not very good or very influential/vocal so the only way you would get this to become meta sooner would be if you had a really good player who's also vocal and who influences people so that they would follow his whim and then they'd make a proper ganker team like that and well you can attribute all the condi nerfs to this as well cause condi was actually more viable in the past and it could potentially shut down such plays


imagine playing as jungler in league of legends and every 20 seconds you can get a near guaranteed kill on the map - how broken would that be? well that's gankers in gw2 and i've been saying this for ages but now everyone picked up on it and suddenly even your average streamers are saying how kills snowball games and why revenant is good cus it's ganks are broken (which isnt actually anything new lmao). It's been this way for years they just took forever to realize, if anything bunkers have more options now than they had before because protection and condi removal are more abundant


people kept trying to play revenant as some duelist or team fighter then cried about having no condi removal but 100 years later they realized you can just engage - disengage - engage - disengage and abuse its broken upfront uncounterable burst so that your sustain doesn't matter and we're living in the byproduct of that


i guess better nerf some more condi builds and buff power amirite xd



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> @"incisorr.9502" said:


> the only reason this wasn't the meta a few years ago was because the average "pro" in this game is not very good or very influential/vocal so the only way you would get this to become meta sooner would be if you had a really good player who's also vocal and who influences people so that they would follow his whim and then they'd make a proper ganker team like that and well you can attribute all the condi nerfs to this as well cause condi was actually more viable in the past and it could potentially shut down such plays


It wasn't because of those reasons, when team play was active, all of the yolo gank builds never worked due to communication and build synergy among players with dedicated roles.


> imagine playing as jungler in league of legends and every 20 seconds you can get a near guaranteed kill on the map - how broken would that be?

Good junglers do this, Blue > gank top > wolves > gank mid > red > gank bot and recycle. Before Shen rework, Shen was able to gank top, teleport bot and ult teleport again back to top, usually securing easy kills with Sona nudes (taunt).



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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> so glad the meta right now is 3 thieves/revenants/core guards (can probably work with 4) and zerg everyone


> i've been crying about no cast time no line of sight teleports for as long as i remember playing this game but arena net refuse to listen to people that actually have brains (me) and instead go on catering to the mass whine and now all the garbage is catching up on how ludicrously broken the ganker classes in this game are and the meta has shifted from any point playing to running around with a class that has unfair mobility then teleporting through a wall with a pre-casted ability to finish someone who's fighting another person and who can't possibly fight back


> the only reason this wasn't the meta a few years ago was because the average "pro" in this game is not very good or very influential/vocal so the only way you would get this to become meta sooner would be if you had a really good player who's also vocal and who influences people so that they would follow his whim and then they'd make a proper ganker team like that and well you can attribute all the condi nerfs to this as well cause condi was actually more viable in the past and it could potentially shut down such plays


> imagine playing as jungler in league of legends and every 20 seconds you can get a near guaranteed kill on the map - how broken would that be? well that's gankers in gw2 and i've been saying this for ages but now everyone picked up on it and suddenly even your average streamers are saying how kills snowball games and why revenant is good cus it's ganks are broken (which isnt actually anything new lmao). It's been this way for years they just took forever to realize, if anything bunkers have more options now than they had before because protection and condi removal are more abundant


> people kept trying to play revenant as some duelist or team fighter then cried about having no condi removal but 100 years later they realized you can just engage - disengage - engage - disengage and abuse its broken upfront uncounterable burst so that your sustain doesn't matter and we're living in the byproduct of that


> i guess better nerf some more condi builds and buff power amirite xd




This is actually the most accurate post i have seen on forum ....


in mid to high plat Eu .. it was all around Burst and move to next and next and next ......


the stupid part is when people don't switch their necro out to something else ....

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What happened to mesmer being imba and ruining PvP?


As nice of a change of pace this is, and as much as I too dislike instant teleports that ignore line of sight, and have pointed out how strong such a thing is since the early days I really think this community is far to quick to jump to "X IS RUINING THE GAME!"


I don't disagree that there could be shaves; more so for guard than rev and thief, and same with how I agreed that Condi Mirage needed an output shave (perhaps via less blind synergy with damage). However a lot of these builds are designed to pressure certain matchups. These builds are meant to deny escape and be sticky. Sure such builds, again in particular guard, may be a bit to safe for the interaction.

However it fulfills it's role and in turn suffers against other specs, I don't think it makes sense to kill off what it can do well when having the other weaknesses.


Granted, the meta; from the current selection of maps, and conquest as a whole make this an issue. The context of conquest can empower some builds given the game type and how players have to rotate. Maybe something that can pressure the thing you don't like isn't meta, but to me that is a more a failing of Conquest than it is "P v P" itself.


We could and should have more accessible anti-teleport spots, some out in the open and some behind LoS.

We could re-work how cap points works so there are more options to duck out of ranged attacks and avoid this type of thing while keeping contest.

We could change cap point size to allow some builds the option to kite a little and keep contest.

We could scrap conquest all together and get a game mode that the entire installed userbase from pro to casuals can actually keep up with visually and hopefully work our way back up to e-sports.


Odds are none of that type of thing is going to happen, and I don't blame anyone who stops playing for those reasons; but given the design we have I don't think it's fair to suggest an individual class or archetype is ruining the game. (at least not compared to the days of like... petting zoo.)


Most of what is complained about one way or the other has counters, or can be outplayed head to head, and I don't want to see it "nerfed to oblivion" out of all this.


If the issue is teleports through walls, a 1/4 cast time and a marker so you know you're being targeted is all it needs. (or perhaps only interacts this way when cast on a target out of LoS)


Or if something does it's combos to fast because of pre-casting, or quickness, or maybe just how the skills come out can be made to retain their damage, but be slowed down in various ways that don't make it useless.

examples: having skills interupt casts despite being instant, reducing quickness, adding a minor cast time, etc.

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Personally I dont mind thieves (none rifle-variants) that much tbh.

Sword/X does chipdamage that relies on "hit and run"-tactics. Dagger/pistol variants do burst dmg, that rely on a good opener and can struggle with finishing their targets.


The problem with Rev / core guard (and rifle deadeye in some cases) is, that they can 100-0 their target on their lonesome with next-to-no setup.

Its not so much about their ability to stick to / engage their target as they please, but the ludicrous followup spikes imo.

Cause - as said- sword thief prolly has the best ganking-toolkit but is still somewhat fine imo.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jalal.6783" said:

> > > > > > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > Bro you know PvP have certain elite that can kill you with only 3 skills may be 4 if you see them coming no one cares not even ANET that why they keep buffing them

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > If somebody solo killed you in 3-4 skills then you don't know how to use your kit properly. There's no other way to put it, that's a possibility until you learn how to use your defenses, then retaliate.

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > i mean do anyone even bother himself to learn how to counter certain elites with all the passive healing and all that damage modifiers and the condi vomit

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > You're right, certainly easier to not bother to learn how to counter certain elites and then just blame the design and ArenaNet

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > I mean, deadeye can legit nuke someone in <1s. From stealth, mark, binding shadow, dj, 3rb until they respawn

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > According to chaith you don't know how to use your kit properly.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I have a video of this exact phenomenon!

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Learn 2 play

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I'm such a kitten noob.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > seriously though, that's with a demolisher ammy on. what i should have done is hit plague signet in the .2s between getting knocked down and downed, then dodged behind the wall on the side and somehow kited away from him while he's in stealth

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > My original comment was geared more towards the revenant and guardian complaints

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > About the video, horrible positioning, of course you'll get picked off 1v1 on a side node on a GS reaper. You shouldn't be in that situation to begin with especially if you're aware there's a glass signet thief around.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No really, what could you have done vs that? balanced

> > > > > >

> > > > > > judging from the video a few things...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > you were really slow to hit the stun break for 1 and had life force available to use to soak up some damage but more importantly your team is spread to far with a guardian and memeser heading mid, guard then followed you because he obviously knows his role... as the necro I would have gone mid with the guard and let the mes who has mobility handle those side points for ya especially knowing that the necro direct counter is bouncing around on the map.... Ontop of that, necro GS is flavour of the month so Im betting you havent played reaper much until this season which becomes apparent when looking over your reaction timing as it didn't appear you had any muscle memory reactions but more so "wheres that stun break button" sort of reaction...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To top it all off, you got caught with your pants down casting a flesh worm in the corner completely unaware of your surroundings...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > im a bad player though but just my 2 cents.

> > > > >

> > > > > ![]([imgur](https://i.imgur.com/1P2XTky.jpg) "")

> > > > >

> > > > > I mean, clearly a new necro player with no experience. See above for why none of these bright ideas would've helped

> > > >

> > > > New or not doesn't invalidate what I said... That was extremely slow reaction timing on the stun break, didn't bother to soak up damage with Life force and you got caught with your pants down casting a flesh wurm during a bad rotation. There's plenty of threads about that roaming Necro and why they're useless... Not saying you're useless either but that video shows you wondering off to solo a node and the guardian that was going to head mid expecting you to follow quickly changed his path to follow his Nec because he knows his role... Things get messy when the team plays for 3 nodes at the same time too.

> > > >

> > > > Can't even say if this is higher tiers either... Just about all of my Higher tier games involved regroups on Wipes and protecting the DPS onto a point... Your game just looks like the average gold level game I'm used too with people all over the place playing 3 points

> > >

> > > Read above on why it didn't matter if I had broken the stun or not. Still immobilized, he still has shadowstep and meld up. Difference is dying on point or off point.

> >

> > Youre acting as if youre the only one to get hit by this build. I can counterplay on my Tempest and just watched a reaper counterplay the build all game

> >

> > Thief got me once but after that if I couldn't see thief on minimap I started using dodge everytime endurance got 3/4 full... screwed him up everytime.

> >

> > reaction timing in the video is super slow... plenty of room to counterplay just off that factor alone and again, he was caught with his pants down casting flesh wurm into the corner.

> > That's the adequate of saying "I wasn't paying attention and I died, nerf that other player!" which fits into the rest of the PvP subforum perfectly.

> >

> > Not sure if he is known or not, but this player got me:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/CNdNNq0.jpg "")

> >

> > I was just finished on Mid and noticed my team was all at far so decided to go home but he caught me with my pants down but hey, that's what happens. I died, I adapted and I got over it...


> Wow, playing tempest. Way to drag your team down with you man! No kidding though, the big difference being you have a giant antiprojectile dome and invuln in several flavors on tempest, you know those things necros can't have.


> You don't seem to understand, regardless of what I did in that scenario it was going to be me who died. I only got to pick whether to die on or off point. No one should be able to global you with full cds, 2.5k armor, and 21k hp from stealth. Even if I had played that perfectly it would have made 0 difference.


> This phenomenon has a name, it's called kitten design


' **The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself** '

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Man when will nurf cries stop? The ji pre load casting has been a trick used for how long? Compared to other thing in this game that’s one of the things that triggers u? Reminds me when dh was released and nurf cries came in about the traps, the kitten traps that the dh has to lay AT ITS FEET AND triggered haha so a skill that requires set up and is laid at the players feet was op damage wise? Lol course cuz seems silly arenet nurfed them cuz why not. And revs are finally doing well and ur complaining? I don’t play rev but I’m glad people who do are doing well with the class,in the past they were always said to be the worst so I think they deserve a good spot these days

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Imagine playing scepter Mirage and still dying to core guard. Let the memes continue Sir.

Imagine playing scepter Mirage and have the stomach to actually complain about any other class in the game. Also, iAmbush is a straight better JI with less CD and an evade tied to it. But hey, that's a mesmer ability.

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imagine thinking that SCEPTER mirage is supposed to not die to core guard


staff = chaos armor/storm

chaos armor/storm = protection(and aegis)

protection = counter to burst dmg/classes like guard-thief-revenant


scepter = none of that


kids all over this game non-stop talking about how scepter is a duelist weapon when it is not because you have no boons unless you run chaos and even then it's still worse than staff - chaos and you lose a ton of damage to run chaos which is the exact opposite of what you want to do with scepter


imagine thinking you know anything about gw2 or classes you don't play and going around to talk about it when you don't know what you're saying


imagine using illusory ambush and taking yourself seriously lmao. RNG teleport dodge ( means you have no control over where it puts you ) that does nothing but give you a half a second iframe and an infinite horizon proc, which by the way only became meta because of me in the first place. The difference between mirage ambush( infinite horizon proc) is that the projectiles of the illusions and yourself are not instant and can be easily reacted to and the damage is not power damage so it can be cleansed before it even does damage

illusory ambush is only good on greatsword mesmer and i'm not talking about gs mesmer cus its just another power build which is almost as braindead and as overpowered as the three here in question but it's still worse cause it needs to be melee range for shatters and illusory ambush doesn't put you in shatter range to your enemy and is a garbage ability in comparison


imagine making a statement like

> Imagine playing scepter Mirage and have the stomach to actually complain about any other class in the game.

which mentions scepter which means that you're implying that scepter mirage is somehow better than other mirage else you would just say mirage so since you specified scepter your point revolves around the scepter itself

imagine trying to imply that SCEPTER mirage (boon-less class) is "op" and can't complain about other classes, that just goes to show how clueless you are but then again what do you expect from a core guard main player who isn't even legendary


i managed to get grandmaster in another game which took me a few hundred hours to grind while also maintaining my legendary status in gw2 while barely playing the last few weeks cus i simply didn't care much but i did it anyway cus i actually know how to play the game unlike people who write biased stuff and defend garbage mechanics cause its the only thing keeping them semi-relevant


if you had to beat Connor McGregor in a boxing match it would be harder than if you just had to toss a coin and have a 50% chance of winning so you can see how unskilled players want the game to be more simplified and reduced to require no skill cus when it requires no skill it drags down the better players and what they can do

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Right, scepter is so bad. 6s CD block, 4ish seconds traited. Blocks for 2s, has damage and 0.5s evade tied to it. Creates two clones when blocked. Scepter sucks against bursts! Buff ploxx!


Sarcasm aside, also mirage mesmers are kind of okay now in my view, because they lack other things. I'd still like to see all meta builds toned down.


Core guard and rev can be changed to more DPS instead of burst, but it is far from the most concerning issue right now.

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I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.

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> @"Patrick.2987" said:

> I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.


To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.


I don‘t get the argument that they shouldn‘t exist tho. Yes it‘s hard to counterplay it because you can‘t see the animation but the same goes for stealth (offensive used). It doesn‘t matter if you stealth -> walk to your target and hit him or port to him through something. In both cases you can‘t do anything against it except trying to get a lucky evade if you‘re aware there‘s someone around.


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> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.


> To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.


> I don‘t get the argument that they shouldn‘t exist tho. Yes it‘s hard to counterplay it because you can‘t see the animation but the same goes for stealth (offensive used). It doesn‘t matter if you stealth -> walk to your target and hit him or port to him through something. In both cases you can‘t do anything against it except trying to get a lucky evade if you‘re aware there‘s someone around.



> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.


> To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.


> I don‘t get the argument that they shouldn‘t exist tho. Yes it‘s hard to counterplay it because you can‘t see the animation but the same goes for stealth (offensive used). It doesn‘t matter if you stealth -> walk to your target and hit him or port to him through something. In both cases you can‘t do anything against it except trying to get a lucky evade if you‘re aware there‘s someone around.


If you want to remove offensive ports you have to remove the defensive ones aswell otherwise with no gapclosers you will never be able to hit something. Remove intervention and remove blink, faceretreat, jaunt and portal aswell so you can actually walk to the mesmer to punch his face.

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> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.


> To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.


> (...)


Funny enough, with axe 3, IA and MA, mirage has 3 of those gap closers up ledges and through walls. And while two of these have cast times, all of them have lower CD than JI and additional functionalities. :tongue:

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.

> >

> > To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.

> >

> > (...)


> Funny enough, with axe 3, IA and MA, mirage has 3 of those gap closers up ledges and through walls. And while two of these have cast times, all of them have lower CD than JI and additional functionalities. :tongue:


Welp didn‘t know that..

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> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.

> > >

> > > To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.

> > >

> > > (...)

> >

> > Funny enough, with axe 3, IA and MA, mirage has 3 of those gap closers up ledges and through walls. And while two of these have cast times, all of them have lower CD than JI and additional functionalities. :tongue:


> Welp didn‘t know that..


And OP would never mention or acknowledge it because he's too busy complaining about stuff he already hard counters.

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> @"Ario.8964" said:

> > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > > > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.

> > > >

> > > > To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.

> > > >

> > > > (...)

> > >

> > > Funny enough, with axe 3, IA and MA, mirage has 3 of those gap closers up ledges and through walls. And while two of these have cast times, all of them have lower CD than JI and additional functionalities. :tongue:

> >

> > Welp didn‘t know that..


> And OP would never mention or acknowledge it because he's too busy complaining about stuff he already hard counters.


Well in a 1-1 yes, but which Rev in his right mind would take a 1-1 against a condi mesmer xD He just doesn‘t like a +1 from a Rev ot Thief since you can‘t see him coming if he uses Phase Traverse and thus can‘t really do anything against it. On the other hand you shouldn‘t be able to outsustain a 2-1 anyway.

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