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Invulns not fun


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There are so many in the game now, allowing for stupid play in WvW.


Get rid of them or change how they work. Example: prevent all skill/item usage while active... put all skills on cool-down after expiration. That way they are limited in use, and using has significant consequence (like taking you out of a fight for a while).


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> @"juno.1840" said:

> There are so many in the game now, allowing for stupid play in WvW.


> Get rid of them or change how they work. Example: prevent all skill/item usage while active... put all skills on cool-down after expiration. That way they are limited in use, and using has significant consequence (like taking you out of a fight for a while).



what do you mean? invul structures?

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ah invuls mean -


professions synergizing and rotating skills.


hehe, gut feel is op is not familiar with this.


for my team, we do have a basic rotation lasting around 15 s of casting different skills that link and repeat. there are many combinations like these also resulting to making you feel the enemy is invul. but on our side, we are panick surviving. and every after each win, after 5 to 15 minutes of shouting in ts, requiring a moment of peace and rest.




it may be a l2play with a guild issue.


why all damages increased


all mitagation decreased.


compared to last patch, our setup is less effective by far.


p.s. you can mail me ingame for my guild's basic rotation. you'd be surprised how it relies on the rev. hehe

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It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...



**Warrior in 60 seconds:**


6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation


34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds


**57% Uptime**


**Mirage in 60 seconds:**


1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis


25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)


**~42% Uptime**


**Holosmith in 60 seconds:**


2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation


31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis


**~50% Uptime**



Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this shit. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.









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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...



> **Warrior in 60 seconds:**


> 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds


> **57% Uptime**


> **Mirage in 60 seconds:**


> 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> __________

> 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)


> **~42% Uptime**


> **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**


> 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis


> **~50% Uptime**



> Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.










I doubt most people leave the game because of this. Source?


I disagree completely. Id say it makes combat even more interactive. You actually have to THINK during combat. Instead of mindlessly spamming your skills, you count their usage of skills and wait for opportune moments. It makes combat last longer than just a blink of an eye.


Every profession has either damage mitigation, whether its invulns, aegis, stealth, etc. its the beauty of GW2 combat system. The variety is awesome.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...



> **Warrior in 60 seconds:**


> 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds


> **57% Uptime**


> **Mirage in 60 seconds:**


> 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> __________

> 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)


> **~42% Uptime**


> **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**


> 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis


> **~50% Uptime**



> Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.










Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and say almost no one is going to leave WvW over 1v1 balance.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...



> **Warrior in 60 seconds:**


> 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds


> **57% Uptime**




> Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.






Can't even begin to explain how stupid this hypothetical scenario is. Nobody is running Endure Pain on their bar or Endurance regen food, condis still absolutely demolish you.


A single passive Endure Pain is the only skill you're not activating. The rest needs an input from you with perfect timing through weapon swaps and hoping you never get any chill or weakness on you to ruin cooldowns/endurance regen.


Half the time you don't even use GS3 to dodge something, you're likely not even on GS when the CD is up again because swapping weapons is important


So to debunk you:


Those uptimes aren't real in the slightest and there is a single passive skill in there. You can't just button mash and get this high uptime. If you just mash you blow all of your invulns and blocks and get shat on 2 seconds later. Chaining them properly and not wasting them like an idiot is the skill expression and keep in mind that these people still need to somehow kill you. Warrior especially needs this, because they just fall over and die. If anybody leaves the game because of that then good riddance, it was certainly not the only reason.



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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.


They powercreeped defence, because they powercreeeped offence, now of course that has made the combat worse, but only in that it made the issues that already existed with GW2 combat more apparent.


The reality is combat in GW2 has always been spammy and low skilled, that is what you get in a supposed "action" combat game that aims for you, has limited animation cancellation, is relatively slow paced, has lots of passive elements, lacks real resource management and is heavily cooldown based so a lot of skills virtually get spammed off cooldown (even by "good" players).


If you want good skilled combat then you are playing the wrong game and generally the wrong genre.



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> @"juno.1840" said:

> There are so many in the game now, allowing for stupid play in WvW.


> Get rid of them or change how they work. Example: prevent all skill/item usage while active... put all skills on cool-down after expiration. That way they are limited in use, and using has significant consequence (like taking you out of a fight for a while).


What new invuls have been added since game launch?


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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...



> **Warrior in 60 seconds:**


> 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds


> **57% Uptime**


> **Mirage in 60 seconds:**


> 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> __________

> 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)


> **~42% Uptime**


> **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**


> 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> __________

> 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis


> **~50% Uptime**



> Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.










Whoever plays these classes ans does whats mentioned, is literally the noobish player I have ever met. No intelligent player blows everything like that, leaving them extremely vulnerable to get rekt. They would learn pretty darn quick. While i understand you are working in a hypothetical sense, its super ultra rare that someone is dumb enough to do it.


For mirage, the stealth aspect, one can also attempt to "cleave" invis opponent. 6s of stealth in 60s is nothing.


I also noticed you didnt mention Deadeye, whom is the worst offender. 100% stealth uptime (seeing how you are including stealth in your argument)


Warriors endure pain only negates physical damage (not condi) so that doesn't really fully count either.


Scrapper also stealths more than Holosmith


If you want to make a valid argument, please include everything. Stealth is not an invuln, thus making those in your argument moot. Only abilities that require a target are affected. Also please include scenarios that actually happen.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...

> >

> >

> > **Warrior in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> > 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> > 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> > 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > __________

> > 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds

> >

> > **57% Uptime**

> >

> > **Mirage in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> > 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> > 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> > __________

> > 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)

> >

> > **~42% Uptime**

> >

> > **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> > 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> > 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > __________

> > 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis

> >

> > **~50% Uptime**

> >

> >

> > Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Whoever plays these classes ans does whats mentioned, is literally the noobish player I have ever met. No intelligent player blows everything like that, leaving them extremely vulnerable to get rekt. They would learn pretty darn quick. While i understand you are working in a hypothetical sense, its super ultra rare that someone is dumb enough to do it.


> For mirage, the stealth aspect, one can also attempt to "cleave" invis opponent. 6s of stealth in 60s is nothing.


> I also noticed you didnt mention Deadeye, whom is the worst offender. 100% stealth uptime (seeing how you are including stealth in your argument)


> Warriors endure pain only negates physical damage (not condi) so that doesn't really fully count either.


> Scrapper also stealths more than Holosmith


> If you want to make a valid argument, please include everything. Stealth is not an invuln, thus making those in your argument moot. Only abilities that require a target are affected. Also please include scenarios that actually happen.


Deadeye is 100% invulnerable. I KNEW IT!

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...

> > >

> > >

> > > **Warrior in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> > > 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> > > 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> > > 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > > __________

> > > 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds

> > >

> > > **57% Uptime**

> > >

> > > **Mirage in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> > > 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> > > 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> > > __________

> > > 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)

> > >

> > > **~42% Uptime**

> > >

> > > **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> > > 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> > > 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > > __________

> > > 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis

> > >

> > > **~50% Uptime**

> > >

> > >

> > > Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Whoever plays these classes ans does whats mentioned, is literally the noobish player I have ever met. No intelligent player blows everything like that, leaving them extremely vulnerable to get rekt. They would learn pretty darn quick. While i understand you are working in a hypothetical sense, its super ultra rare that someone is dumb enough to do it.

> >

> > For mirage, the stealth aspect, one can also attempt to "cleave" invis opponent. 6s of stealth in 60s is nothing.

> >

> > I also noticed you didnt mention Deadeye, whom is the worst offender. 100% stealth uptime (seeing how you are including stealth in your argument)

> >

> > Warriors endure pain only negates physical damage (not condi) so that doesn't really fully count either.

> >

> > Scrapper also stealths more than Holosmith

> >

> > If you want to make a valid argument, please include everything. Stealth is not an invuln, thus making those in your argument moot. Only abilities that require a target are affected. Also please include scenarios that actually happen.


> Deadeye is 100% invulnerable. I KNEW IT!


Lets all run ghost snipers...NO ONE CAN DIE BWAHAHAHAHA

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> There are so many in the game now, allowing for stupid play in WvW.


> Get rid of them or change how they work. Example: prevent all skill/item usage while active... put all skills on cool-down after expiration. That way they are limited in use, and using has significant consequence (like taking you out of a fight for a while).



Well, both mist form and elixir s change your appearance while they're active. That makes it easy to burst them when they come out. They also lockout your skills. Warrior has endure pain which makes you immune to damage, but they can still attack and apply something like 10 stacks of stability.

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